314 of 573 found this to have none
A few people kiss throughout the movie
Aquaman doesn't wear a shirt throughout the first half of the movie.
Mera wears a low-cut outfit throughout the movie.
179 of 297 found this moderate
Multiple people are impaled and drowned either with or without dying
People are shot with machine gun, we only see the gun spraying the room and then all the recently killed bodies laying there or slumping over.
Numerous people are stabbed or slashed. blood is shown in only one scene. Some die from their wounds.
Sea monsters bite and chomp other soldiers, some swallowed whole, others bit in half (not in a gory manner though)
A person is sacrificed to the creatures of the deep.
People are injured in explosions, one man's face is injured in an explosion, others are crushed by large rocks and falling debris.
A man almost drowns to death.
A man dies really brutally offscreen.
Near the beginning of movie, man gets stabbed with large sword in submarine. Quite confronting as it happens very quickly.
A woman eats a small live fish at the beginning of the movie.
222 of 330 found this mild
Not too much swearing, some uses of ass, only a few occurrences of shit, hell, and dick was said once.
210 of 294 found this mild
One scene has some heavy drinking - drunken crazy fun ensues, a drunk person is passed out and helped to a car and driven home.
Mera is in a room full of wine bottles and uses her hydrokinetic powers to turn them into weapons.
162 of 306 found this mild
The Trench scene involves some jump scares.
Scary creatures with a lot of teeth attack the heroes.