Rick and Morty (TV Series)
Mort Dinner Rick Andre (2021)
Justin Roiland: Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith
Rick Sanchez : Ok, Nimbus only drinks the good shit, so just toss this whale-ass ocean wine in here and age it up a few centuries.
Morty Smith : So time moves faster in there? It's like a Narnia thing?
Rick Sanchez : I'm not a beaver who believes in Jesus Christ, Morty! But yeah, it's pretty much a Narnia thing.
Mr. Nimbus : Say goodbye to your precious dry land, for soon it will be wet! WET!
Rick Sanchez : Yeah, global warming's already doing that, asshole!
Mr. Nimbus : I used to fear you, respect you! Now all that's left is pity for a sad, drunk shell of a man too afraid to see how alone he truly is. If Diane were alive today, what would she...
Rick Sanchez : Don't fucking establish canonical backstory with me, you Red Lobster motherfucker!
Mr. Nimbus : I'm going to make the land wet!
Rick Sanchez : DO IT! God, do ANYTHING! Just don't use me as an excuse anymore!
Rick : There are suicide capsules in all of your teeth! Do what you want with that.
Morty Smith : Wow. Phew. You still got time for that movie?
Jessica : Yes... time. I had nothing but time. Endless time. At first, it was madness. Then enlightenment. Then madness again. But perhaps it was a gift. I could see the life of time. And as I watched the life of time in all its fleeting, terrible light, I wondered, had I lived? Was I just the object in another's story? Was that all I ever was? Could I be more? I had nothing but time and still no answer. Time without purpose is a prison. I have glimpsed into the mind of eternity. Perhaps the mind of God. And found nothing but silence.
Jessica : I think we should just be friends.