After Llane starts charging towards Blackhand, one orc that passes in front of Blackhand suddenly pops out of existence and fades back in.
(at around 45 mins) When Anduin Lothar and other soldiers are spying on orcs from the forest, one soldier is leaning on a sword knocked in the ground. When standing up and pulling the sword from the ground, it shakes, making it clear that the sword is a prop made of softer material, rather than of strong metal.
Shortly before facing off with Blackhand, two spotlights can be seen in Anduins eyes while he is shown in close-up.
At the beginning of the film Garona is shown as smaller than an orc but larger than a human. However throughout the film she constantly changes sizes.
At 40 minutes, Lothur is putting armor on Garona and they are of similar height. It had already been seen that Garona is bigger than the humans in an earlier scenes where she interacts with the King and Queen.
Taria Wrynn, formerly Taria Lothar, occasionally refers to her brother by his surname, rather than his given name 'Anduin'.