Mork & Mindy (TV Series)
Gunfight at the Mor-Kay Corral (1980)
Ralph James: Orson
Orson : Are there many heroes on Earth?
Mork : Oh, yes sir, there are. But it seems like only the ones with pizazz seem to get the spotlight. How many times, sir, have you seen Albert Schweitzer's picture on a bubblegum card? Think about that one, Sir. Oh I mean, it's because he can't throw a good curve-ball, but isn't that being a little picky?
Orson : Are there many heroes on Earth?
Mork : Oh, yes Sir, there are. But it seems like only the ones with pizazz seem to get the spotlight. How many times, sir, have you seen Albert Schweitzer's picture on a bubblegum card? Think about that one, Sir. Oh, I mean, it's because he can't throw a good curve-ball, but isn't that being a little picky?