Lost (TV Series)
Pilot: Part 2 (2004)
Jorge Garcia: Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes
Hurley : [watches Sayid trying to repair the transceiver] How do you know how to do all that?
Sayid Jarrah : I was a military communications officer.
Hurley : Oh yeah? You ever see battle?
Sayid Jarrah : I fought in the Gulf War.
Hurley : No way! I got a buddy who fought over there. He was in the 104th Airborne. What were you, Air Force... Army...?
Sayid Jarrah : The Republican Guard.
Hurley : [just before passing out] I'm not so good around blood.
[of Jin's first culinary attempt on the island, he approaches Hurley and offers him food speaking Korean]
Hurley : What, that?
[Jin responds in Korean]
Hurley : What, eat that?
[Jin responds in Korean]
Hurley : [chuckling] Dude. Dude, I'm starving... but I'm nowhere near that hungry. No. No thank you.
[Jin walks away, Hurley continues to chuckle]