"Angel" To Shanshu in L.A. (TV Episode 2000) Poster

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The first season finale is a can't miss episode
katierose29520 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It took me about four viewing to really get the title of this episode. "To Shanshu in LA" or "To Live and Die in LA." (Duh. Sometimes, I wonder where my brain's at.) Anyway, this is Angel's first season finale and it's really a good one. It establishes a lot of stuff that will come into play in the seasons to come, especially Lindey's missing hand, the real meaning of the Shanshu Prophesy and, of course, Darla's resurrection. If you're planning to watch any of seasons two, three or five of "Angel," you really need to see this episode.

"To Shanshu in LA" revolves around the Shanshu Prophesy. (That's the prophesy about the vampire with a soul written on the mystical Scroll of Abergian that Angel stole from Wolfram and Hart back in "Blind Date.") Wes has been translating the scroll and he thinks that it says that Angel will die. Angel takes the news surprisingly well and Cordy becomes worried that he is disconnected from the world. She thinks that he needs something to care about. Or maybe a hobby. She decides to buy him some art supplies so he can take up drawing again. While she's out, though, a demon casts a spell on her. He opens her mind to all the people calling for help and Cordy collapses into a screaming ball. She's rushed to the hospital and the doctors can't help her. Angel is frantic... and things only get worse.

It seems that Wolfram and Hart is performing a ritual and they need the scroll of Abergian back to make it work. The demon in charge of the ritual is out to steal the scroll back from Angel and to keep him distracted by going after Angel's friends. The demon gets the scroll and blows up Angel's house, injuring Wes. After an argument with Kate, Angel goes to the hospital to watch over Wes and Cordy. While he's there, he see a strange mark on Cordy's hand and realizes that she's under a spell. He goes to the Oracles for help, but the demon has already been there too. The Oracles are dead. Well, dead-ish. The female Oracle does manage to tell Angel that he must get the scroll to save Cordy. Angel heads off to fight the demon.

The demon is busily preforming the ritual, raising something from hell. Angel shows up and kills the demon, but the ritual is completed. Angel chops off Lindsey's hand in order to get the scroll back and cures Cordy. Little does he know, that the ritual has resurrected Darla. She's back and she's human and Wolfram and Hart has her. Meanwhile, Wes finishes his translation of the Shanshu Prophesy and realizes that it doesn't say that Angel will die. "Shanshu" means both live AND die, so the prophesy really says that Angel will be reborn. That one day he will become human and have his past sins wiped away.

There are some cool parts to this episode. I think it's really sweet of Cordy to go shopping for art supplies for Angel. She's right, he really does need a hobby besides brooding. And I really like Angel wondering helplessly from Wes's hospital room to Cordy's bedside when they're hurt. Suddenly, it's obvious that Angel doesn't need a puppy to feel connected to the world. Wes and Cordy are his links to humanity. They're what he cares about and what keeps him going. I feel so sorry for Angel as he begs Cordelia to wake up. She and Wes are Angel's family, he needs them, and the thought of losing them is just breaking his heart. Also, it's cool that he goes to Gunn for help watching over them. Gunn is being drawn deeper and deeper into Angel's life. It's pretty clear that Angel trusts Gunn, since he asks him to protect Wes and Cordy. "To Shanshu in LA" really sets up Gunn joining the Angel Inc. team full time in the episodes to come. Also, the dragon drawn on the Shanshu Prophesy scroll ties in nicely with season five's, "Not Fade Away." (Personally, I'm convinced that Angel gets to be a real boy again and nobody's gonna talk me out of it.) And I like scene where Cordy puts cinnamon in Angel's blood. It's so quirky. Also, the whole "raising" ritual is fun. Holland is bored with all the chanting at the ceremony, which is pretty funny. And Darla comes back. Anything that resurrects Darla gets extra points in my book.

On the down side, I'm sorry that the Oracles died. I like them. Also, I'm still not sure it's the "becoming human" part of the Shanshu Prophesy that Angel's excited about. He was human just a few episodes ago in "I Will Remember You" and he gave it up to keep fighting. I think he's really after the "redemption" part of the prophesy. He wants his past washed away and to atone for his past. Maybe it's just semantics, but I really think he's after more than just his humanity, not matter what Cordy and Wes seem to believe. Angel's mostly hoping that the prophesy will tell him that he's finally forgiven.

My favorite part of the episode: Angel finally telling Kate to get over herself. Her attitude has been bugging me for ages now and I glad that Angel's finally standing up to her self righteous bigotry. "You want an enemy? Try me."
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It's the City of Angels and constant danger, South Central LA, can't get no stranger.
bombersflyup19 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
To Shanshu in L.A. is about Wolfram and Hart attempting to sever Angel's connections to The Powers That Be.

At first it was about Angel making a connection to the world he was fighting for. Now those who he cares for, his connections, are being severed, along with Lindsey's hand as he stands in Angel's way. Cordy's traumatic experience, traumatic for the viewer as well. Angel's encounter with Kate outside the building after the explosion, a highlight and encapsulating. The effects of the ritual excellent and Angel's maggoty demon foe as well. Exceptional season finale.

Angel: This isn't about the law, this is about a little thing called life. Now I'm sorry about your father. But I didn't kill your father. And I'm sick and tired of you blaming me for everything you can't handle! You want to be enemies? Try me.
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Typical. I hook up with the only person in history who ever came to LA to get older
SleepTight6664 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Typical. I hook up with the only person in history who ever came to LA to get older - An excellent first season finale. I do think it started off rather slow, but once Vocah went to visit the Oracles it got hardcore. Vocah is probably the first demon who knew how to hurt 'Angel' - by eliminating his friends, first he gave 'Cordy' the ultimate round of killer visions, and then he made 'Angel's office explode with 'Wesley' in it. Vocah's death scene was also awesome, as 'Angel' took off his mask and saw a huge pile of maggots. Yummy. 'Lindsey' was also a big part of the greatness, when he was going to burn the scroll that would save 'Cordy' - it's when he got his hand cut off. I loved the end of the episode with our three heroes, and the Shanshu prophecy, it's a shame 'Angel' never Shanshu'd. And then of course they what W&H brought back in that box. Darla. WESLEY: What connects us to life? CORDELIA: Right now? I'm going with dough nuts. WESLEY: What connects us to life is the simple truth that we are part of it. We live, we grow, we change. But Angel... CORDELIA: Can't do any of those things. Well, what are you saying that Angel has nothing to look forward to? That he going to go on forever, in the world, but always cut off from it? WESLEY: Yes. CORDELIA: Well, that sucks! We've got to do something. We've got to help him. WESLEY: I'm not sure we can. CORDELIA: What is your deal? You go around boring everyone with your musty scrolls and then you say there is nothing we can do? WESLEY: He is what he is. CORDELIA: He's Angel. He's good. And he helps the helpless and now he's one of them. Well, he's gonna have to start wanting things from life, whether he wants to or not! (10 out of 10)
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Season One
ametaphysicalshark15 April 2008
Season One of Angel can be considered uneven in comparison to its successors, which is what makes the fact that it is an excellent season of television all the more surprising.

One of the most impressive things about "Angel" is that despite including main characters AND guest characters from its parent series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", it manages to be completely unique and not only different to its parent series, but to most if not all series on TV. There's just a small hint of "Forever Knight", enough to show respect to the only former 'Vampire Detective' television series, but nothing obvious. The biggest compliment I can pay to this series is that it's a supernatural investigation series that captures the humorous team dynamic of "The X-Files" while allowing itself its own identity and unique, complex mythology.

Season One of "Angel" has numerous excellent episodes but I would have to say that the absolute standouts were "I Will Remember You", "Five by Five", and "Sanctuary". I realize it seems odd that I just praised this show for being unique and now am saying that its best episodes from this season were the crossover episodes. Here's the great thing about this- they don't seem like Buffy crossovers, they seem like "Angel" episodes.

This show may not have found its feet yet, but that doesn't mean season one isn't full of brilliantly-written episodes with a fabulous core group dynamic, especially in the latter episodes.

Average rating based on all episodes: 7.68/10
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Terrific season closer
Joxerlives19 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers

The Good; My all time favourite moment in Angel is when he walks up to Lindsey clutching his stump, the music swells and Angel looks on him with ******all sympathy. Such a powerful scene, you realise how much Angel loves Cordy in that moment and would fight his way to hell on her behalf. CCs acting as stricken Cordy is also great and love the doughnut scene. And THAT ending!

The Bad; Gunn's presence seems a bit shoe-horned in, they're obviously thinking about making him a regular. Same for David Nabbit. Kate seems to want to make Angel hang around to make a statement which is weird as she's prepared to let him just walk away the rest of the time.

Best line: "Don't believe everything your foretold, Lindsey" (why doesn't he just kick him in the head whilst he's at it?)

Jeez, how did they get away with that? Severed hands. Voca's mask. Angel is also quite brutal with Kate. Lilah mentions a past WR&H employee who was made to eat his own liver as penance for failing the senior partners.

Apocalypses: 4

Angel Clichés Damsel in distress; 15,

In disguise; 4

DB get's his shirt off; 7

Cordy's tattoo;3

Cheap Angel; 4

Fang Gang in bondage: Cordy: 5 Angel: 8 Wes: 2

Fang gang knocked out: Wes by the explosion Cordy: 9 Angel: 10 Wes: 5 Doyle; 1

Kills: Cordy: 3 vamps, 1½ demons Angel; 2 demons so 16 vamps, 12 and 1/2 demons, 3 humans Doyle; 1 vamp Wes; 1/2 a demon Kate; 3 vamps Faith; 16 vamps, 6 demons, 3 humans.

Fang Gang go evil: Cordy: 2 Angel: 2

Alternate Fang Gang: Cordy: 2 Angel: 6

Characters killed: 25

Recurring characters killed; bye-bye the Oracles which is a shame as I liked them, I didn't think they COULD be killed 4;

Total number of Angel Investigations: 3, Angel and Cordy and Wes

Angel Investigations shot: Angel: 8, Packing heat; Wes; 2 Doyle; 1 Angel; 1

Notches on Fang Gang bedpost: Cordy: 2 ?+Wilson/Hacksaw Beast Angel: 1;Buffy

Kinky dinky: Naked Darla in a box, bet you can't order that on Amazon!

Know the face, different character; 2

Parking garages; 4,

Buffy characters on Angel; 11 Wetherby, Collins and Smith. Angel, Cordy, Oz, Spike, Buffy, Wes, Faith, Darla

Questions and observations; Wes once again makes a biblical reference which Watcher's are wont to do. The promise of great things to come, Darla in the box. Interestingly you can bring a vamp back from the dead as they attempted to do in 'When she was bad', a technique often used in fanfic for bringing back Angel and souled-Spike if they've been killed in a story. Cordy refers to 'The old me' indicating personal growth. Of course we assume the 'Vamp with a soul' is Angel but it could just as easily be season 5 Spike? Marks out of 10; 9/10, very good ep with my all time favourite Angel scene.
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The end of the first season.
m-478269 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is very spectacular, the first time around. From Cordelia's public meltdown, to the explosion of Angel investigation, and the last minute twist. Season one ends in a way, that implied the rest of the series won't follow the same pattern. And I was looking forward to that. The countless Darla/Angelus flashbacks, were clearly foreshadowing upcoming storylines. Season two, is by far my favorite. I love everything about it, even the silly journey to Pylea. And season four always gets me with all its twist and turns. But the thing I love about season one, is that it stands on its own. I enjoyed its simplicity, the cop show aspect, and it had the best crossover episodes of the whole series. As well as surprising monsters of the week. Yet it remains the first draft, of a storyline that becomes more complex over the years. So as good as this season finale is, it is nothing compared to what writers had in store for us.
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Pretty good first season
Red_Identity20 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I certainly took a long time before watching Angel. I've loved Buffy for years and only now am I watching it. The first season is pretty good. It sets the foundations for the characters, and sort of makes it own universe. There's definitely not confusing it for Buffy, which is a good thing. It also has a lot of trademark Whedon humor, which I didn't expect. I'm really sad that Doyle died, he managed to become my favorite, and was absolutely shocked when he died. There's not a lot of arcs in this season, although the law firm is one. Overall, probably a better first season than Buffy, and cannot wait to see what the show does from now on.
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