One Dead Indian (TV Movie 2006) Poster

(2006 TV Movie)

Pierre Leblanc: Marcel Beaubien


  • Ian Scott : Twenty-eight blunt trauma wounds. A man is beaten so severely that his heart stopped. With all these highly trained police officers present, no one in the crowd management unit is able to recall striking Slippery George?

    Marcel Beaubien : I may have swung by baton, but I'm not certain I made contact.

    Ian Scott : Did you see any other offices strike out and hit him?

    Marcel Beaubien : No sir.

    Ian Scott : Can you help us out at all, as to why Slippery George had to be hospitalized after his arrest?

    Marcel Beaubien : I have no information on that.

  • Marcel Beaubien : We were definitely under attack. A Molotov cocktail landed right beside me. I saw about an inch of amber liquid in the bottom, the rag sticking out of the top.

    Ian Scott : You saw that the liquid was amber, in the dark?

    Marcel Beaubien : Yes.

    Ian Scott : I take it there was no explosion?

    Marcel Beaubien : No.

    Ian Scott : You didn't mention any of this in your notes. No one on either side recalls seeing something like this.

    Marcel Beaubien : I had an independent recollection.

    [courtroom laughs] 

See also

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