Suburban Girl (2007) Poster


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Romantic comedy without romance or comedy
tan_pandit31 May 2008
Take your average brainless romantic comedy, that is fluffy but entertaining enough, that gives a few laughs. Formula food for movie goers. Remove the comedy, and then remove any believable romance. What do you have remaining? Not even drama. It is nice to see Sarah Michelle Gellar in something, and she is a fine enough actress. Alec Baldwin, stock rising after 30 Rock, was not the right choice for this 'story', and between them they cannot save a weak script or inject anything of interest. They are not convincing of love, nor even interact in any interesting way. Nor are there any compensatory laughs. The plot is a straight forward slice-of-life of a girl who meets an older man, and shacks up with him. What happens in the end? Nothing to care about.
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a rich 50 year old man dating a 25 year old woman.....
MLDinTN1 December 2010
how inventive...Not! This movie was so stereotypical. Alec Baldwin plays rich publishing editor, Archie Knox, whom has lots of exs, a daughter that won't talk to him and he's an alcoholic. Brett is an upcoming editor and so is awe struck with Archie. She meets him at a book signing of one of his authors. She realizes her boyfriend is too childish for her, so dumps him and takes up with Archie, whom's twice her age. The age difference is very creepy. And of course Archie has his problems, mainly with drinking and you know how that will end. A side plot involves Brett's father whom is sick. There really wasn't much too it.

FINAL VERDICT: Not worth seeing.
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Not bad, but not good either.
vidman-88 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
SMG is supposed to play a 24 year old. Well, I have news for you.... she doesn't look like a 24 year old. She really looks her age and that is 30. SMG turned 30 last year and it shows. And also, she's way too skinny. I don't know about Hollywood stars these days, but it seems they want to look like they haven't been eating for quite some time. Very, very sad. The movie is okay. It's possible SMG would fall for a guy like Alec Baldwin, but it's still a bit weird. And the character of SMG seems to have little problems forgiving him. He had sex with another woman and both of them never speak about it again. Weird. Anyway, I give this movie 6 out of 10 stars.
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Kind of bad
jakslev26 April 2009
This movie could have been good if it hadn't already been made so many times before. The concept of a young girl who feels lost and finds a connection with an older man is hardly new.

The actors play well - as one would expect from professionals - and if one is a fan of either Alec Baldwin or Sarah Michella Gellar; one might consider watching the movie just for that.

Where it all goes wrong is in the narrative. The movie tries delivering something that it just can't deliver. While the actors as such play their roles fine, the viewer is never really caught by them. The roles are flat and one is left with a feeling of "who cares". There are a few elements in the movie that obviously entertains, but they all seem stereotypical in a way that gets boring very quickly.

This is a movie that you can watch if you are having some friends over and needs some background noise, or if you are baking bread and do not want to bother with pausing the movie every time you have to go to the kitchen.
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Surprisingly intelligent
ruhi-yaman10 February 2008
Unlike the Europeans, Hollywood has never been comfortable with May-December romances. One film after another they throw the 50-something Daniel Auteuil into the arms of a 20-something babe without explanation or apology and we sit in the cinema never questioning the logic of it. When it comes to Hollywood, it is either a tragedy or a morality tale. Jack Nicholson can only be redeemed by settling for a woman near his age at the end of Something Has to Give.

Suburban Girl has an intelligent script that manages to sidestep such apologia. It also doesn't try to dilute the issue or make the motives of its main characters nobler than what they are. The December character (Alec Baldwin in excellent self-parodying mode) is a diabetic and recovering alcoholic. He is also a self-confessed womanizer and an absentee father with serious daughter issues. The May of the film (Sarah Michelle Gellar acting as if she is using the film as personal therapy) is a father-worshiper and has no qualms about allowing the older man to use his influence to better her career. It is all too real. It is a pity that Mark Klein directs the film like an afternoon romance for Hallmark channel – without flair or imagination, and that Alec Baldwin's personal life interfered unnecessarily with the screening. The unevenness of the directorial treatment might alienate the mainstream audience that seem to prefer their comedies separate from their dramas. The script skilfully avoids the known clichés without taking too many risks. The sweet-sour ending will also add to the audience confusion.

Supporting roles are cleverly underplayed by a competent ensemble. Maggie Grace, one of the early casualties of the TV hit Lost, is surprisingly effective in a role that seems to have been written for her.
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Film completely lacked focus...
juliemiller3621 January 2008
This movie completely lacked focus. Was it about her career? Her relationships (both family & romantic)? Her own personal issues? It was just a complete mess- all over the place! There was not enough development in any of these areas for any of them to strike home and come across as important. Things would happen, then change in the drop of a hat, so much so that you'll find yourself thinking "what just happened here?" There was absolutely no true chemistry between Sarah Michelle Gellar and Alec Baldwin, and their relationship just came out creepy and awkward on screen.

The whole film was full of completely unrealistic happenings right down to the decor in her hideous apartment.

I suppose if you're looking for something light and slightly sloppy you'll enjoy yourself. Otherwise skip it.
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Attention, all suburban or city dwelling girls, of all ages, you will like this one!
inkblot1117 April 2008
Brett (Sarah Michelle Gellar) has come from New Jersey to take a bite out of the Big Apple. As an associate editor for a book publishing company, she is hoping to advance her career and stay in New York permanently. However, when she stops at a book store and tries to substitute some of her company's books for ones on display, the manager gives her a tongue lashing. Not long after that, however, she stumbles upon a legend in the publishing business. That would be Archie Knox (Alec Baldwin), a middle aged man who is still very attractive and charming. As Brett is young and beautiful, Archie makes a big play for her, even though she already has a boyfriend and he has a long list of past girlfriends and wives. With a powerful connection growing between the two of them, Brett agrees to begin a relationship with Archie. He even arranges for her to score some points at work. But, then a new boss arrives, Brett's father becomes ill and Archie confesses that he is a recovering alcoholic. Will Brett be able to weather the rough seas of love? This story of an autumn-spring romance starts off with much humor and cleverness and then grows more serious as the film continues. Most viewers will probably realize that the relationship between Archie and Brett won't be able to endure but that a sweet tale of love is still welcome, even when there is no happy ending. Gellar is charming as the young editor and Baldwin is excellent as the complex, world-weary publishing giant. The rest of the cast, including James Naughton, is quite nice, too. Naturally, the scenery in and around NYC is lovely and the costuming is also fetching, as Gellar is a perfect model for most fashions. Production values are high and the script has some notable lines, tenderness, and humor. Are you always on the lookout for any romantic comedy that becomes available? You will like this one so find the nearest video store, city, suburban, or rural, and snap this one up!
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Awful is being kind
semper0325 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie rates a whopping 3 stars because I like SMG. In addition to that no one fell down and I could understand all of the dialogue. Besides that, it was easily the worst movie I have seen in a long, long time. The acting compared to a bad high school play and the music was poorly selected. Music is supposed to add to the movie and bring everything together. However, it was loud and never seemed to blend into the story. Perhaps that was because there was no story.

The "story" is about a 24 year old woman (yeah right, try 30+) with daddy issues who can't get ahead in the novel editing business, who meets an overpaid legend in the field. He is only 26 years older than her and is possibly the most boring man in the history of books (and that says a lot). For some reason, that is never explained, she falls in love with him. Then it goes into the classic, boy screws up and loses girl, girl questions judgment, boy wins back girl, blah, blah, blah. We've seen this before in every other romantic comedy ever made. Oh, but I almost forgot; there is no comedy. The only difference in the story are his grandpa like qualities. Frankly, it was more disturbing that it was romantic.

For having such large actors, it was extremely disappointing. It was filled with forced humor, fake crying and bad "Frasier" style white words on a black background scene transitions. The difference was that it worked in "Frasier."

This movie was about as exciting as watching an intense game of pong. Stay away at all costs. Do something more productive with your time like having a deep conversation with your mother in law.
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Interesting dramatic comedy! 7!
manusanchez9022 May 2013
This is not the most common type of romantic comedies because its dramatic load is quite heavy, but surely I laughed with the movie. The story seemed interesting to me because it was centered in the editorial business, so I, as an aspirant to novelist and writer, was interested in it and decided to watch "Suburban girl". Alec Baldwin is very correct. This is not the best movie he has acted in nor his best performance, but he is always believable and nice to watch. Sarah Michelle Gellar, a very pretty actress with less experience and category, delivers a more than correct performance in this movie. She played the part of young girl who wants to be an editor and falls in love with a veteran editor portrayed by Baldwin. This love relationship has some problems because she had a young boyfriend who she leaves for the older editor and many do not like the fact that he is that old. There are some good jokes about this in the movie. The movie is correctly directed and paced by Marc Klein, specially taken into account he has directed no more movies because he has worked principally as a screenwriter. The pace and duration are both very adequate for the movie itself, which is rather short. There is nothing else to highlight about "Suburban girl", but a few songs and New York as the place where it is set. It is just a simple movie that those who like dramatic commercial comedies will enjoy watching, specially the followers and any of the two head actors. The idea of being set in the editorial business is a strong point to me personally. 7.
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Possibly Worst Movie Ever Made?
ab99310 May 2010
Wow. I turned this movie off so many times, but I kept coming back to it, like a bad accident on the highway that you can't turn away from!

Where to begin?

As others have pointed out, the leads have NO chemistry, to the point where it actually turned my stomach to see them together, and not even because of the age difference (Sarah Michelle Gellar actually looks about 40 here...)

SMG is supposed to be playing a bright, vivacious, preternaturally smart young woman. She comes across as a sullen sorority girl. Her acting was terrible, especially during a scene where she is supposed to be drunk. The movie gives you no indication as to why a legendary editor would be interested in her, other than issues with his daughter (which the movie hints at).

She and her family are supposed to be Jewish. Those were the WASP-iest Jews I've ever seen...

The dialogue... oh boy. A bunch of seventh grader references to major literary texts doesn't make the script sound smart.
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Entertaining enough
aqua02beat11 January 2008
It was a pretty good movie. Before i watched it, i thought it was a romantic comedy but it's really not. There isn't much comedy here, and it doesn't try to be funny. It was entertaining though. It basically revolves around Bret (SMG's character) and her budding relationship with Archie (Alec Baldwin), her relationship with her family (particularly her father) and her aspiration to be an editor. Throughout the course of the movie, you can kinda see SMG turn from a self conscious girl to a more self assured woman.

Anyways, i thought it was a good movie. Its target audience is probably women in their early twenties (Me!), as they have someone to relate to in Bret. The dialogue can be quite pretentious though and you probably wouldn't get many of the jokes if you aren't well read.

The scenes with Alec Baldwin and SMG weren't as uncomfortable or awkward as i thought. I thought their relationship was realistic enough and it was portrayed well. They had sufficient chemistry together.

Also, i thought SMG did a great job acting in this movie. She breathed life into the character and not once did i think Buffy while watching her. Someone mentioned on the board that she was too old to play a 24 year old (she's 30) but i disagree. I thought she was totally believable as a 24 year old and she portrayed the insecurities that comes with it very well. Also, i LOVE all the clothing she wore in this movie.

Overall i would recommend this movie. It's nothing mind blowing but it's a cute movie. I give it a 7.5/10 (incidentally that's what its IMDb rating is currently).
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this is intelligent romance - whether it follows the book or not
jforgizmo21 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
why did this movie NOT make it big? Because it bumped along like real lives do, without smarmy adolescent humor or action to depend upon. A real acting job from Sarah Michelle Gellar, with real filming instead of for the boob tube. Don't watch this movie if you want to guffaw or ooh and awwh - this one is sweet with a bit of sadness, like life really lived. It's never going to be appreciated as the kind of homage to Michele Gellar that Broken Embraces was for Penelope Cruz, but I hope that people realize that Gellar's acting chops are good enough for her to deserve such a vehicle. If not, this will do, so long as you don't compare it to the book or to the misogynist frat boy stuff out there...and Alec Baldwin is as amazingly believable as Gellar when he pops an important question and their faces register real human emotions as the import of their words sinks in. These two professionals have learned how to let deepening feelings flicker, one after the other, over their faces, portraying an internal life that is the essence of inhabiting a character. Otherwise, the movie is just lovely cinematography and music, and not much else. But the acting elevates the script. A movie for thoughtful people - probably why it went straight to video. Need more grown up Sarah Michelle Gellar like Suburban Girl gives us!
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Boring Mess
rsternesq5 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just for starters, this is a very, very boring movie. Not even the clothes or the icky implied sex plus dirty words said with a smile reduces the overwhelming ennui. Her dad is played by a 70 year old man saying he is 57. She says she has been legal for three years. Does that mean 21 or 24? When you look thirty, who cares? If Mr. Doughboy is the love interest who is suave and a skateboarding infant is the love interest who went to Europe to "find himself," my advice is recast, recast, recast. By the way, the complaints about the blonds all looking the same is correct. they were too similar and I think it was intended as a joke but it was flat. Too flat to help lift the proceedings. Boring. Boring. Boring. Is that 10 line minimum satisfied yet?
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WOW was this a complete waste of time
indieusa25 January 2008
If you could include every formulaic scene between an older man and a young women it would surely be Suburban Girl. Quirky advice giving best friend--check Super smart girl climbing up the job ladder=check Older millionaire bachelor=check family with conflict=check hip NYC parties=check montage of couple having fun to shortcut developing relationship =check

If you have tried Ambien and it didn't help you sleep..just watch this movie guaranteed to put you to sleep and wake up refreshed knowing you didn't waste 120 minutes watching this completely banal piece of twice baked digital film. There weren't enough montages ...we need more montages of Alec Baldwin and Sarah to drive the point home that they are having sooo much fun. Oh wait..include a hip soundtrack to help substitute good writing and acceptable acting ....yeah thanks ...I'm buying it now. Hey Alec you're 49, lose weight porky.. You have millions..can't you pay someone to eat for you??
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Very Casual Review
khalid_al_masry3 December 2011
A smart Rom Drama ( wont really count it as a Rom Com ) Movie. As a viewer I liked it, and loved the smart dialogue.

The movie basically talking about the young Sarah Michelle Gellar, with a dream of becoming a successful editor and publisher in New york. Get in love with a whale in that business, an old man, double her age. An attractive smart one.

The character of Archie Knox ( 50 years old lover ) is a very successful one. Well written character, a man with loads of previous relationships, a very successful man in the editing business, and therefore has his own way of talking, because of his culture, and education, and all the reading that made him be the best in his field.

The script was well written that shows the changes that occurs on Sarah Michelle Gellar after getting in a relation with this sober, smart, intellectual 50 years old successful man.

But it wasn't really a fair relationship, as was said it was a teacher student relationship.

Directing 6.5/10 Acting 7/10 Script 7/10

I would give the script less than that, but the dialogue was well written, although the script it self wasn't perfect because it didn't has the right dramatic ups and downs.

To some up ... watch the movie.
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Bland and OK but a little creepy.
barbecuedbanana6 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I like Alec Baldwin. I am a woman of a 'certain age' so for me he is extremely attractive and I would happily sit and watch him for an hour or so no matter what he was doing. Just as well in this film.

Poor SMG was unbelievable. Who chose her wardrobe? They must have really really hated her. One fun game to play is to observe how each outfit gets more and more frumpy and unflattering as the movie continues. Completely unflattering colours, wrong shapes for her body, necklines that made her look fat. How did they do that? She is frighteningly thin and they still made her look plump and dowdy with fussy necklines and clothes which had waistlines giving her the appearance of a dumpy old middle aged lady. I watched this on a girl's night in with a friend and we were convulsed with laughter as the horrific 'unfashion' parade unfolded.

The character was so insensitive and bratty - I can't understand why the suave older man would have been attracted to her other than for a one night stand. She whinged and tantrummed constantly. I thought it was going to turn into a psychological drama and we would find out he had been molesting his daughter and had 'issues' in a Lolita type way.

That might have given the film more depth. There was certainly that kind of vibe about the piece.
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A Gorgeous-Looking, Straight to Video Romantic Drama
tabuno21 January 2019
3 May 2008. The oddly named movie about a book editor is lavishly portrayed in this brilliantly colorful movie that has splashes of dazzling array of photographic hues and tones that make many scenes picture-book snapshots. Overall, this romantic drama is a coming of age movie about a young lady who falls for the older man. Along the way Sarah Michelle's character must confront her own family issues as well as the complications of relationships as professional office politics. This is sort of a Devil's Wears Prada (2006) junior version of the book world. A predictable, but entertaining movie, nice to look at, with a few improvements on the older stuff. Seven out of Ten Stars.
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Was it Bad Casting?
RobinCook7017 January 2008
Another bad one I rented and watched today. Miss Buffy should have blonded her hair again to at least attempt to look younger for the part portrayed. While on the subject of hair, what was the story with Baldwin's hair toupee stylist? How many toupees were used in this movie? They weren't toupees? Omigawd ... egads if they weren't.

Sarah didn't come across very well in this movie, which made the "romance" unbelievable. It was if she was forcing her lines and forcing herself to tolerate being in this role and even being around Baldwin. As a result, to me the romance relationship just didn't have heart or even lust. It had no click.

Scenes like where the old rich gal tells Baldwin to marry the hussy after Sarah got drunk at the elite high-societal gathering and made a twit of herself in front of everyone ... really rankled my chain. This kind of behavior is now acceptable? If the old woman was being facetious, the delivery of lines did not carry that element.

I don't believe this movie would be good even for the teenage group. I think this movie had a decent story, but the poor casting, dreadful and inappropriate music scores, forced lines (and forced acting), horrid clothing no teenager would be caught dead in, bad makeup (sorry Sarah, but au natural neckline without makeup made you look again too old for this part), and a bad hair stylist took away from anything redeemable in this movie.

Once again, the one good thing going for this movie was the art done on the DVD jacket cover. I recommend that it be taken off the shelves.
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Fun and Fluffy
DominiqueAinsley9 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Was this movie a cinematic revolution? No. But how many really are, anyway? Was this movie cute and fun? Absolutely. Was it any worse than any other romantic comedy out there? No. Maybe it was a little bit formulaic, but the formula it followed has resulted in success for a number of other films, so what's so offensive? It wasn't racist, it wasn't intolerant, it wasn't discriminatory or anything else that should cause people to condemn it. It was fluff, with some moments that were very genuine (ie, the scene on the swings between Brett and her brother). The acting, while maybe not Oscar-worthy, was sincere and likable, especially Sarah Michelle Gellar. I liked this movie, judge me all you want. It was cute, it was fun and it wasn't as cliché as most romantic comedies (ie, they don't end up together). The characters are slightly more self- reflexive than you see in most romantic comedies, and the self-reflexivity of a character leads the viewers to be self-reflexive. Maybe we all need to grow up, and seeing Brett navigate the waters of young adulthood in pair of leather pants and some fabulous Louboutins was enough to make this film worthwhile. So again, will it be one day considered a milestone in cinema? No. Did it make me smile? Yes. Isn't that what film is about?
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This review will be biased as I am a HUGE Sarah Michelle Gellar fanatic!
LoneWolfAndCub19 April 2008
Honestly, I am a firm hater of chick-flicks. However, Sarah Michelle Gellar is my favourite actress and I will see anything she is in. So, upon seeing that she was in a movie that looked very much like a typical chick-flick I was hesitant...but not hesitant enough. I was pleasantly surprised to find a rather enjoyable and charming little movie in 'Suburban Girl' and not the clichéd mess you might expect. SMG and Alec Baldwin have amazing chemistry and the story is interesting and switches around many aspects of our main characters life rather than focusing on her relationship.

Brett Eisenberg (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is an assistant book editor living in New York. Her life is changed when she catches the attention of Archie Knox (Alec Baldwin), an elderly editor-in-chief for a major publisher. They are soon dating and Brett soon moves in with Archie. However, when the new boss arrives, Brett's father becomes sick and Archie admits to a few problems, her life begins to change.

This movie is basically your light, fluffy little world to escape to for around 90 minutes. It isn't in-depth and little concentration is required but this is a funny and touching movie aiding by some great performances and competent directing.

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Not what it said on the tin
trigmg15 November 2008
OK, so I will admit that I did a thing with this movie that I absolutely hate to do...I turned it off halfway through.

The storyline definitely seemed appealing, especially to me as a woman as there have been a great deal of movies about older women with younger guys, but finally here was a film where the opposite was true. But, the greatest problem with the film was the lack of chemistry between the two main characters. When they acted like they were together it wasn't believable, Baldwin particularly seeming the most uncomfortable out of the two.

Another thing that seemed to confuse me about the film was...well to be confusing it was!! One minute she was angry at him, a pure anger that would leave any female audience member chanting her on in a supportive manner. But then suddenly...the anger was gone and 'Archie' was able to act in the same (slightly patronising in my opinion) manner as before.

OK, so final thought on this film is if you really like the actors and storyline give a go, certainly as this comment is only based on half of the film. For me personally, it lacked the potential that the storyline possessed and I hope that somebody else takes a shot at it.
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Not your same old romantic comedy
BillMyers1-119 January 2008
I am generally not a fan of romantic comedies, they tend to be rather brainless, you see one and you seen them all sort of thing. How ever I was pleasantly surprised with Suburban Girl, it doesn't take you to the same old plot that seemingly all romantic comedies go to. I am sure you know what I mean, boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy looses girl, boy gets girl in the end. Instead we are introduced to a young woman, unsure of herself, looking to her relationship with an older man to give her the answers she can't seem to find. This is not your usual fare, and is a funny, well acted look at a May December romance. I think Alec Baldwin and Sarah Michelle Gellar, worked well with each other, giving a very good perfromances. I would go see this again.
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Nice twist on the older man-younger woman tale
brian_r_wright16 June 2008
"My Great Aunt Hilda once told me never take a job whose sole purpose is to make people feel imperfect."

Which is some advice for an editor, who's job is to root out imperfections or more positively, make a manuscript the best it can be. But you know, I love this quote because it expresses how we should all find work that not only elevates ourselves, but sends positive vibes to the ones who work with us. The sentiment also would seem to apply to personal relationships... and may even be good sense for the relationship between Brett and Archie.


For my complete review of this movie and for other movie and book reviews, please visit my site

Brian Wright Copyright 2008
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I'm seeing nothing come out of the tin here! (suggestive spoilers)
karl_with-1221 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I wouldn't bother spelling the title because for 1 thing I don't actually know how to spell it; "Surburben Girl?" and for another I haven't got the faintest idea of what is actually means!? So anyway I got the chance to watch this film last night and after seeing the trailer I basically presumed that it was going to be another one of those rom-coms. On the mix of plus/down sides it wasn't, it wasn't even funny either, to be honest this film has no genre at all which is quite weird. On the down side I'm seeing absolutely nothing come out of tin. Nothing. The performances, the energy, the figure of this movie, nothing. And not to mention there was no doubt that is film is abysmally boring and dull. Even the plot was quite confusing let me say the pace at the start of this movie is very fast. After 2-5 minutes onwards the film the girl already met the guy and became close friends and after 10 minutes or so they kissed and slept with each other?! Talk about fast! And throughout the movie I was bored, yawning and just wanted stop watching this bore! But I figured I take a chance on this film but that still didn't work. So yeah that isn't a good sign. But overall this film has it moments but that does not change everything like I said there was NO DOUBT that this film is boring dull confusing and delivers no energy. A disappointment.


(4/10 stars)

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The girl from Cherry Hill
jotix10022 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Melissa Blank, the author of "The Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing", and the other stories in which this film was based, deserved much better. In fact, the incident about the father is taken from the above mentioned work, which was one of the most satisfying books by Ms. Blank. The screenplay by director Marc Klein bases his scenario on the Brett Eisenberg character in the novel, but what comes out does not represent what she really was in the written page, at all.

In our humble opinion, the role of Brett required a different tone than the one Sarah Michelle Gellar gives to the character. The mere idea of casting her opposite Alec Baldwin, was not exactly a match made in heaven. Ms. Gellar, who has proved she can be effective in other types of comedy really does her best to get under Brett's skin, but be it because of the direction, or her own take, does not make her likable.

Alec Baldwin sports a hideous hair style. In the film he is supposed to be fifty. He was closer in age to Brett's own father, making it a bit hard to imagine the attraction. Mr. Baldwin's Archie Cox fares much better because he is a much better actor than this occasion required of him to do.

While the film is not horrible, it never rises to capture the essence of the spunky Brett Eisenberg. The New York locales are shown in a good light by the cinematographer, Steven Fierberg. He takes the viewer to a magical tour of the city. The original music is by Heitor Pereira.
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