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Oh so awful
damntheirlies26 August 2005
Oh Christ, I had to register just to point out how terrible this is. Anyone that doesn't know what Silent Hill is, PLEASE don't take this as any indication.

Silent Hill is an extremely deep, psychological and artistic work that manages to meld several contrasting elements together to penetrate the mind of the player/watcher, all based around the two base human subjects: Sex, and Death (as mentioned in the DVD extra in Silent Hill 2). This drivel on the other hand, is soulless, void of atmosphere and overall, shallow trash. How it is they mustered the pretension and undeserved courage to label this under the Silent Hill banner is beyond me, but whatever the reason, they're not worthy.

Of the countless words I could (or couldn't as regulations dictate) use to describe this sin against art, I think the most appropriate is:

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sklad24719 December 2005
What the hell is this. As a huge Silent Hill fan, I find myself with the urge to find the retards responsible for this and beat them senseless. Do yourself a favor, and just take the 3 minutes of your life it takes to watch this and drive to your local game store and buy the game instead. And if you own the game, then go get the UFO ending. Seriously, because for how silly that ending is, it is ten thousand times better than this "Unauthorized trailer". Honestly, this guy is such a dumbass, he could have at least found some real actors because these guys seem to occupied by the coke they are probably gonna buy after they are dumb filming this thing. So basically, don't even look at this, at all, EVER. Unless you want a good laugh or feel like being totally appalled. Then by all means, please watch it. Disregard everything I just wrote.
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If these guys would have directed the real movie I'd killed myself.
arken8826 January 2006
This is a warning. Maybe it's a glimpse of the future, a small insight into how bad the movie could get. Even if you ignore the shaky camera there's the corny dialog, the horrible acting and the tiny idiotic details like that someone would have spray-painted "Silent Hill" inside a small cabin just outside town. The directing is dangerously near the qualities of Uwe Boll and most of the music is way to hip-hop:ich for "Silent Hill". I'm sure these amateurs meant well, and they did do me a favor: I laughed like crazy. When the lame actors delivered one horrifically lousy line after another I almost fell of the chair in laughter, I tell 'ya. I rarely do this watching regular comedies, so if this was a joke, I'd love it! But it isn't. And it shall be judged that way. Just pray that the real movie won't look anything like this.
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My comments are totally great...really, read them!
rfeprod30 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This trailer is really incredible! You really are a fool for wasting your time on "recommendations" after reading a list of credits that include "Tough Guy Poet" (T.S. Elliot meets Robert Blake, for the Atkins diet generation!), "Lost Girl" (it's like you already know exactly what her dilemma is!), and "Mr. Innocent" (More like Mr. IRONY! HA! Oopps... Um, spoiler alert...). Among the cryptic orgy of excellence laid out to us in this trailer are snippets of religious imagery, a man with a broken radio yelling about the "Demon-beasts" (patent pending) and a black man who says "Hell Yeah.". "Hell Yeah.".... it works on so many levels!! The only concern I really have now is... WHEN IS THIS BAD BOY COMING OUT?!!

No, but seriously, this short sucks. These kids need to have their camera taken away. And no dinner for a week. Getting blood all over the toilet like that...

MY SCORE: -70/1,000,000,000
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I loved it! even though it gets a one!
sunilmungur29 September 2005
At first I was hoping for the real movie trailer, but after seeing this i almost cried laughing so hard! I would love the same people to do some other spoofs. While the resident evil movie was practically a spoof of itself (to me at least) , these guys could do a kick ass job! my favorite part of the trailer is when the black guy with the hat finds the bloody bathroom. Also i think everyone's favorite is "hell yeah!" Hopefully the new movie will not suck. In this day and age Hollywood is great at making sucky movies with kickass trailers unfortunately. I would actually love it if the people that made this trailer actually made a short movie out of it, just for laughs. Wouldn't surprise me if they used people wearing little kid halloween masks (ya know with the rubber bands in the back) as monsters! I can't wait for the real movie though!
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This trailer is just a warning...
minusfront2 January 2005
Yes, everyone should get a message from this 'trailer': such (or similar) s*** could happen with the movie, probably just wrapped nicely. My opinion is, if half-serious kids would try and make half-decent trailer, it would be probably better than original final movie - I think it would be a miracle if this movie came out watchable, esp. for SH fans.

I still wonder, why the heck Team Silent haven't tried to do this project with Japanese people ?!? Everyone knows what are they capable, and don't all good horror come from there? They have excellent team, they could spend 10x or 100x less money for the project, and it just couldn't fail. THEN, they could do a 'remake' or American version or whatever. Much safer.

And that's not all: HOWEVER good movie, it will not satisfy fans. Because such movies are full of heroes, action, long boring unnecessary scenes, too much explanations, forced story, and finally, as a rule, f***ed-up ending. All of this is Silent Hill NOT.

I'll just say one more thing: SILENT HILL 2. It's genius story, extremely adaptable, and it's LOVE story. Psychological, weird, confusing, horror beautiful love story. Yes, they could add elements from other installments, everything can be connected. A new dimension would be added to all SH story, too.

Let's Just Pray.
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Shitty depiction of what Silent Hill is all about
zombieslayer8730 April 2006
I agree with the above comment completely. These idiots have absolutely no idea what Silent Hill is about. The whole clip was totally distasteful and talentless. Some people just do not understand the depth of Silent Hill and can't appreciate the art and emotional involvement of it. To me it looked like they were trying to disgrace the game with their crap. And they call themselves fans of Silent Hill?.....I DON'T THINK SO! If they truly understood the depth of it they wouldn't have made such a garbage video. Silent Hill has such a huge fan base of people all over the world that understand what the story behind the game is all about and would be VERY upset when they see this group of untalented airhead's so called "trailer". Please do the rest of us a favor before you even think about making another video, make sure you understand the story behind what you are trying to make a video for; then you wouldn't have so many bitchy fans ranting at you like this.
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It's a JOKE. Get it? A JOKE. When things are FUNNY and NOT SERIOUS.
WynneL29 March 2005
"Do you wanna jump down this hole?" "Hell yeah!"

Any Silent Hill fan who has intelligence above the level of a freaking EMBRYO will not have believed for one moment that this was meant to be taken as a serious short. Doesn't anyone remember how ridiculous it was in Silent Hill 2 when James jumped down all these holes that he couldn't see the bottom of? The above quote is an IN-JOKE. This entire fake trailer is obviously a campy fan-made PARODY of Silent Hill. A loving poke in the ribs. And frankly, it's hilarious.

I can't believe how many people took this seriously. Here I thought the average Silent Hill fan had a brain and a sense of humor... too bad to be so disappointed.

Well, at least Zombie D2 has those things. Cheers to the nut-jobs who made this little short; we get it, if no one else.
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Unintentionally comical, or is it?
goathy26 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
So this little trailer isn't as bad as a lot of people made it out to be. Granted it's not Silent Hill, and it doesn't look like Silent Hill, but this really wasn't that bad. It did give me a few chuckles though which isn't something I'd expect from anything with Silent Hill on it. The aesthetics are not there and everything looks way too clean, and dare I say happy? There's not any fog in this short film/trailer and many of the scenes are shown in broad daylight with the sun shining and birds chirping. Not once have I seen the sun shining in the Silent Hill game.

What they should have done was edit the script, and then add a black and white, or a monotone color and grain filter during the editing process.

As it is now just be glad this is not the official trailer for Silent Hill.
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Nice for a bunch of junior high school kids... oh wait, they say they are pros... jeeezzzz....
Erzengel10 October 2004
A bunch of grown ups who think they are filmmakers, took a lantern, a radio, some could-b-worst actors, somebody's dv cam,a and made what they call a Silent Hill Preview. First of all... kids, don't try this at home. Silent Hill, is one of the most terrifyng video game sagas ever. Its not just a hack and slash game, no matter what some people may think, it has nothing to do with the killemall style of Resident Evil. Silent hill its a game about yourself, your own deep fears, you most intimate pain. And this people, not only made a crap of it, they also think God gave them the rite to decide who can or cant be a filmmaker. I also took the quiz on their page... i found it stupid and very irritating, eve insulting. But i guess thats why they call themselves "mean-times"... it was very mean from them, just daring to make this trailer. As i said in the title... if you give me this, and tell me a bunch of junior high kids made it, then its fine. But a bunch of "professionals"? i don't think so.
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You 'tards, fan-films rock!
bellasmoonbeam18 September 2005
Anyone who watches this "preview" and can review it seriously needs to stop struggling so hard with LIVING and learn to enjoy a good laugh. Obviously this wasn't a serious attempt to portray the Silent Hill series. Some of the best parts about Silent Hill (1 - 4) were the weird little things on which gamers can mock so easily. Including hole-jumping and paranoid flashlight-waving (body-turning). Any REAL fan would also remember the many UFO endings, in which the creators THEMSELVES mock many of the aspects of the game. People, stop being so uptight, and enjoy the insider humor for what it is: Cheesy Horror Game Fun. This was a great, hilarious "trailer," loaded with inside jokes. Kudos to the creators, and the rest of you, choke on a steel pipe!
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no offense but this movie was the opposite of what silent hill is.
ifallasleepinclass229 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
First off I would like to state that I put contains a spoiler just in case I say a spoiler for on of these great video game series. OK on to the comment. Like I put in the summary this isn't silent hill. Silent hill isn't about visual effects. It uses a technique that scares you mentally and keeps you thinking. For example, the movie the thing by john carpenter established the paranoia that exists in the human mind in everyone. But even that movie is not even on the same scale as to Suguru Murakoshi's silent hill series. In the newest edition silent hill 4: the room. You play as Henry Townshed and the scenario is

WARNING Spoiler:

you wake up from a horrible nightmare and you go to your front door and surprised to see it chained up with locks and hooks. Ever since that dream for the last 4 days you cant get out of your house and when you try to bang on the door no one can hear you or feel you pounding. So imagine this your walking down the block and you see a house looks normal but on the inside there is a man trapped between two worlds. Of ours and one of paranormal horror filled with monsters that not even the deepest darkest part of the mind could ever imagine. This person also seems helpless to the events surrounding him. The world around him seems to be disappearing and everyone he ever knew or any knowledge he thought about his life is as well. Also even in these game series the protagonist of the game has one or beaten who ever was in charge of the characters dilemma it always leaves the audience and the character with the question what have I accomplished. Like in Silent Hill 3 the girl Alessa loses her father and is forced to fight herself really or (Cheryl) as some would put it. Hard to explain that part with Cheryl and Alessa as one.


But the point is if your gonna make a trailer about silent hill make it good and I'm not trying to bash on the makers. This trailer was really horrible and no offense but I hope to God the real movie in (2006) is nothing like this. In fact, I hope the makers of this movie go to see it so they realize what I am and the people on this site are talking about. Also one last thing I would like to add that should not go uncredited is Akira Yamaoka the sound director of the game series that has scared the hell out of people with his brilliant talent of everything from sound effects to the themes of the game.

So with all that being said this trailer I would not waste my time with this trailer and would not even bother. Just wait till the real movie comes out it should be good.
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I Can't Believe You Guys Took This Seriously! It's Awesome!!!
dark_dude8730 September 2005
This is the funniest thing! The acting is terrible, the lines are SUPER CORNY, it's just the funniest "Spoof Movie Trailer" I've seen for a long time, and I can't believe people took this seriously!

I almost find it funnier that people thought this was a serious trailer! Ha!

I wish they would make a feature length movie of this! Really!!! IF the makers of this spoof trailer are reading this, make a feature length movie! I'd watch it!

You guys had some good freaky ideas in there too. Like in the beginning when you're just transitioning between different cuts, and you show this white thing between the bars of a gate. IF done right, you could make that freaky.

Well, I liked the preview, and I think you guys that thought it was serious should get a life. And get a sense of humor. Later, dark
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If you're a die-hard SH fan with a sense of humor, watch this trailer!
dusk_whisper9 August 2005
I really enjoyed this. I thought it was fun, clever and amusing to no end( Especially if you're a die-hard SH fan).

One thing that really stuck out to me while watching this(Which I have now done many a time) was how enthusiastic the people who made it seem to be about what they were doing. Whether they intended the trailer to be funny or not, their love of the games comes through, something which I respect far more than fancy special effects.

I think people who take the things they enjoy too seriously are pretty stunned, they miss out on a whole lot.

For SH players who can see the humor in the references to the games, this is a lot of fun, something I'd recommend taking a look at.
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This is an innovative take on the SIlent Hill Franchise
zombie_d218 September 2004
This was actually an innovative take on the Silent Hill Franchise. I've been an avid fan since the first game and found this trailer entertaining, humorous, and indicative of the series. There are many direct references to SH2, and the use of the SH3 music added that feeling of authenticity. With a big budget this crew could probably do something amazing...

I see that some people didn't enjoy this film as much as I did, and to them I extend a big "lighten up". This piece is meant to be tongue in cheek while still adhering to the spirit of the SH world. I absolutely love the franchise that is SH, but if you can't find humor in it, and in yourself just a little bit, then you're taking life as a whole way to seriously. After all, even Konami has jokes running throughout the games (*cough* UFO ending *cough*)

This is a quick and entertaining piece, and while may not be as enjoyable to non SH fans, any one who likes the series should check it out. And whether you love it or hate it, anything that evokes some sort of emotion is good...right?

check this out.
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