James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing (Video Game 2003) Poster

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Awesome James bond game.
kyle-mcdonald14 July 2007
This is one of the best bond games i have ever played because:

The missions are very very fun to play they have lots of action in them they can be really hard sometimes that makes it even more fun the weapons that you use are really good. The cars in this game are really good the driving missions are fun to do. This James bond game has a good story to it. The voice over actors in this game are really good and it is cool that pierce brosnan is in this game and the way the characters look is really good because they look like what they look like in real life which is really cool. Also the graphics in this game pretty good.

Overall score ********* out of **********
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Awesome, Completely Awesome
martymoves30 January 2009
Goldeneye will always go down as one of thee most legendary games in VG history. Their is no doubt about that. But this game, although quite different, could quite possibly be the modern-day Bond champ, of its time.

This was not a bond game based on material from another medium. This was a completely new; scripted game. Which even had its own theme song! (wouldnt be bond without it, haha!) Gameplay was excellent, and if you're a fan of the bond games or films alike, you'll enjoy it.

Unlike some/most games, these cast members portrayed their characters themselves, as opposed to fictional creations for the game. Which gives it that more cinematic feel. With a very 'bond'-able storyline, you feel like you're in the game as much as you get lost in a movie.

Enjoyable in all aspects, from start to finish. Even after beating the game there's still plenty more to be done. With the ranking system and unlockables to be achieved, as well as its multi-player missions, this is a stand-out game. Despite being quite old now, in video game years. It's still a good game that you can pick up & play whenever you feel the need to get a little more Bond in your life. Even now just thinking about it, I've got the theme song stuck in my head. Such a great cast and well-written storyline.

The story comes to life on the screen, almost as if the actors were their in front of you, and is every bit as entertaining as the game itself. Superbly done, in true bond fashion. Which can only be named Awesome, Completely Awesome.

I've gotta go throw this game on now. If you haven't played it yet, you're missing out!
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This game gave us everything, we wanted. It was a lot of fun.
ironhorse_iv23 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Everybody thinks that the Nintendo 64 game 'Goldeneye' was the greatest James Bond video game ever. In my opinion, this game is better than Goldeneye. This game had nearly everything, as a gamer, you can want. Still, there were a few faults. I don't mind, playing third-person shooter video game, but I have always love the first person perspective, more. Having this game, in a third person shooter, was a bit disappointing. Third-person sections in the game suffer under the backings of a severely dodgy camera. The auto-targeting system is too choosy about its prey, further hamstrung by a fine-tuning control for headshots that needs a better fine-tuning control. I always love the idea that you have the P.O.V of James Bond rather than looking down on a video game copy of James Bond, but this game's targeting system is too crazy erratic. Stick to first-shooter, EA Games. In this version, Bond is modeled after and voiced by the former James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan, making it his final performance for the character in game or in film. This was also the last James Bond game to have an original story and title until the release of Blood Stone in 2010. Written by Bruce Feirstein, Danny Bilson and Paul Demeo, Everything or Nothing centers around; Bond dealing with an ex-KGB agent/terrorist named Nikolai Diavolo (Voiced by William Dafoe), whom wants over control Russia with a new unstable dangerous nanotechnology weapon, with help from a fellow Russian scientist, Katya Nadanova (Voiced by Heidi Klum). I love the fact that a lot of establish actors did their voice overs here; because it makes it seem more like a movie than a game. Very cinematic. Still, it kinda puts a lot of good voice actors out of a paying job. I have to say, most of the establish actors were pretty good in their roles with passionate dialogue. I have to say, a few disappointment, do stand out. Like Denise Richards as Christmas Jones in James Bond's 1999's The World is not Enough, Shannon Elizabeth as Serena St. Germaine, a geologist is so unrealistic in her voice acting. Shannon's voice couldn't read a science book, well, if it wanted to. Another is Mya, whom singing for the game theme song was alright, but her voice acting pretty awful. Everything or Nothing is a good song, but not a Bond song in my opinion. I kinda like my James Bond music to brash lounge singers, than a Rhythm and blues modern pop song. I do like the lounge version of 'Everything or Nothing', they have in the background in one of the levels in the game. Still, Mya couldn't hit the high notes if she could. A person overused was John Cleese as Q, who talks hours on end, how to work the controls. I really doubt, we need a long drawn out user guide for even for the easy of tasks. I don't like how Misaki Ito stars in the game as Q's (Voiced by John Cleese) assistant. She's barely use in the film, only serving as marketing tool to get Japanese to buy the game. I do like that a lot of returning characters came back for this game, such in the case of the villain, Jaws (Voiced by Richard Kiel) and M (Voiced by Judi Dench). The game also gives previous film mentions like 1974's The Man with the Golden Gun, and 1997's Tomorrow Never Dies, but my favorite reference is 1985's A View to a Kill with the video game character Nikolai Diavolo being mentor by film villain, Max Zorin (Christopher Walken). I also love how they fit in a classic computer generated title sequence - complete with its own theme song, sexual female silhouette of silk veils and phallic gun symbols all over it. So James Bond like. The gameplay is pretty fun, as there is so much, you can do, besides shooting. Rappelling is probably the biggest and coolest new addition. I love scaling walls and watching enemies do the same, and have shootouts on side of buildings. My favorite is jumping off a cliff to try and rescue a plummeting heroine. Great action scene. Hardly see that in a video game at the time. There are plenty of gadgets to help you on your quest. Since you are rated on how much ammo you preserve and your accuracy, using these gadgets are commanding. The Q Spider is a treat when there are a number of ventilation paths. It's nice to blow the villains up. Enough high scores on missions will unlock gold and platinum awards and effect features such as vehicle upgrades and the outfits Bond and the girls can wear. The driving sections were based on the game engine from Need for Speed, video game and its shows. You really could go fast on the motorbikes or the Aston Martin V12 Vanquish from Brosnan's final Bond film, 2002's Die Another Day. There is also a few flying levels such as flying helicopter shooting bad guys or using a jet plane to get place to place. The only part that sucks about the game is the two-player cooperative feature and lack death-match multiplayer mode. How can the makers mess that up, it's a popular staple in the series. There are 3 available difficulty levels: Operative, Agent, and Double Oh. The game is challenging, even on easiest mode. The game has a lot alternate ways to play, so there is a lot of replay value. The graphics and sound are breath-taking. Overall: It's a beautiful well-made game. So give it a try.
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The Best Bond Game Yet
BinaryCode100128 April 2004
I was finally able to rent this game out yesterday, and I have to say, this game is breathtaking. I haven't beaten it as of this moment, but I've seen enough to say just how incredible this game is.

GRAPHICS The graphics are nothing short of spectacular. Lighting is geniusly done, and having to use the Thermal Vision every time you walk into a dark area is a nice touch. Particle effects have also been perfectly integrated, from bright flashes to EXPLOSIONS (and believe me, there will be a LOT).

SOUND If you've played the Max Payne games, you already know of the ear-splitting gunshots and explosions (which is a good thing), but if you haven't played the Max Payne games, you're in for a surprise. From the sound of your P99 going off, to the sound of a huge BOOM from inside a building, the sound is monstrously integrated. Also, for those who have played the previous James Bond games, you will get a twist here: the actual cast from the live-action films have signed on to voice the characters in this game (that's right, no more Pierce Brosnan sound-alikes). The star-studded cast will give you the feeling that something has finally been done right. The introductory theme song is highly addictive, too.

GAMEPLAY I'll say this right now...there's a lot of cover shooting going on. Unlike in the other James Bond games, you can't just run into a huge gunfight and expect to walk out without a scratch. You must use the environment to your advantage, and fire. It is sometimes safe to run out with guns a-blazing, but only do that if you're absolutely sure you'll win. Stealth is an important factor, too. You must keep yourself well-concealed on most missions in order to at least have a dying chance at completing a level. There are also vehicle levels here. These levels are so fast-paced and exciting, I immediately became obsessed with the "Train" mission. Try and play that mission with your finger on the "X" button as long as possible...I assure you, you'll be in for a wild ride. Unlike all the other James Bond games, this game includes a Training Level that allows you to get the feel of the game before actually playing through it. The gadgets are also well-done...the Q-Spider is probably THE most useful and most fun gadget to use. There's even a level where you have to fall down the side of a mountain to catch your partner in mid-air...they did the same thing in Operation: Surma, but that way sucked badly. Leave it to this game to show them the RIGHT way to do it. The Multiplayer game is also here with a vengeance...not only can you battle others, you can also team up with a second player and play story missions. If you're a hardcore gamer, you WILL find yourself returning to previously-completed levels to obtain Platinum ranks and unlock cheats and rewards.

BOTTOM LINE: This game is worth your money, whether rented or bought. If you're a huge Bond fan, you'll definitely want to pick this up.

Final Score: 10/10
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The Best James Bond Game Ever (Yeah, Even Better Than "GoldenEye"!)
SylvesterFox00730 January 2008
Don't get me wrong. "GoldenEye" was revolutionary and is definitely the best FPS game to be based on the 007 franchise. But the series had fallen into a FPS rut. Enter "Everything or Nothing", which puts Bond in third-person. When I wrote my earlier review for "From Russia With Love", I had finished FRWL and just started EON and judged EON a bit harshly. Even though FRWL definitely has the edge in nostalgia and capturing the essence of the movie franchise, EON definitely is superior in terms of in-depth controls and gameplay variety. Missions range from standard running-and-gunning to driving an SUV, driving an Aston Martin, driving a limousine that is wired to explode, commandeering two different types of tanks a la "GoldenEye", riding a motorcycle, flying a helicopter, repelling down a shaft guarded by laser tripwires, and free falling after a plummeting damsel. Sure, vehicle controls are a little clumsy, but the issue here is the variety.

As movie adaptations, "GoldenEye" and FRWL were all that I could have hoped for. But EON's original storyline adds to the feeling of controlling a James Bond adventure. This is helped by the impressive cast list of Willem DeFoe, Shannon Elizabeth, Heidi Klum, and Misaki Ito. Judi Dench and John Cleese reprise their movie roles of M and Q, respectively, and Pierce Brosnan, while no Sean Connery, adds credibility to the game's proceedings. All characters resemble the stars, with the disappointing exception of Heidi Klum, who's in-game model doesn't do the real-life model justice. Mya's theme song is on par with at least some of the big screen Bond title tunes.

The game also plays tribute to some of the older Bond movies. Willem DeFoe's character is a former colleague of Christopher Walken's baddie from "A View to a Kill". Richard Kiel appears as Jaws, the hulking henchman from "The Spy Who Loved Me" and "Moonraker" in three fight scenes, the first and best of which proceeds in the same fashion a fight in the movies would have.

Single-player gameplay mainly consists of standard on-foot missions as Bond. Like Bond, you will be able to choose whether to use stealth or go out with guns blazing. The game provides plenty of opportunities to utilize stealth, with plenty of wall and object cover. Unfortunately, unlike FRWL, only one button in EON controls both crouching and wall clinging, so Bond may end up crouching low when he's supposed to be peeking around a corner, and vice-versa. The game also allows players to go into "Bond reflex" mode. While you browse your inventory, everything around you will go into super slo-mo, allowing you to analyze objects around you that can be interacted with. While this takes some getting used to, eventually this mode will allow you to perform many spectacular "Bond moments", such as shooting down a chandelier to take out four goons underneath, and greatly add to the Bond movie feeling.

There are 3 available difficulty levels: Operative, Agent, and Double Oh. On Operative, you can breeze through in a few hours. On Agent, a few weeks. On Double Oh, a few months. The difficulty level can be changed for each individual mission. Garnering high scores on missions will unlock gold and platinum awards and effect features such as vehicle upgrades and the skimpy outfits the Bond girls wear. Some missions can be extremely frustrating due to a scarcity of checkpoints, but when all is said and done, no mission is any longer than a single action scene in a Bond movie.

Multi-player, unfortunately, is not as thrilling. "GoldenEye" still has the best multi-player mode of any Bond game. EON's main multi-player is a co-op campaign mode that puts players in charge of lesser MI6 agents on a less important mission than Bond's. A more standard third-person death match can be unlocked from this mode. But the single-player mode is the most complete Bond experience to date. The ending, as with most Bond games, is anticlimactic. While the final mission is one of the most aggravating of the game, the final confrontation with the villain is disappointing. Also, levels that require Bond to be speedy become largely a matter of trial and error. Still, for any serious Bond fan, not playing this game is tantamount to missing one of the Bond films.
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Now this is a James Bond video game
moviefreak201014 July 2006
This game is the bomb and this is the 007 game of the year and should be on greatest hits. When I got Agent Under Fire, I thought that was a good game but then Nightfire came around and that was better, but now there is a new type of James Bond game. This time it a 3rd person shooter and there is more than 12 missions, the graphics of the game are out of this house. It even has all of the great actors and actresses in this game like Pierce Bronsan as once again James Bond, William Dafoe as the villain Nikolai Diavolo, and Judi Dench as M (forgive me all if I spell it wrong). This game would be own as the greatest James Bond game around.

I give this a 10/10
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Favorite Actor's!
zach-6931 May 2004
I have always been a huge James Bond fanatic! I have seen almost all of the films except for Die Another Day, and The World Is Not Enough. The graphic's for Everything Or Nothing are breathtaking! The voice talents......... WOW! I LOVE PIERCE BROSNAN! He is finally Bond in a video game! HE IS BOND! I enjoyed the past Bond games: Goldeneye, The World Is Not Enough, Agent Under Fire, and Nightfire. This one is definitely the best! Finally, Mr. Brosnan, (may I call him Mr. Brosnan as a sign of respect? Yes I can!) He was phenomenally exciting to hear in a video game....... AT LONG LAST! DUH! I've seen him perform with Robin Williams, and let me tell you, they make a great team. Pierce Brosnan is funny, wickedly handsome ( I mean to say wickedly in a good way,) and just one of those actor's who you would want to walk up to and wrap your arms around and hug, saying: "Pierce Brosnan, thank you for being James Bond," "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't know who James Bond is." He's a great actor! I am a huge fan of Willem Dafoe even though I've seen him in a couple of movies. His role as Nikolai Diavalo was brilliant. (Did I spell the character's name right?) LOL!!!! He does a great job with an accent. Sometimes I can't even hear an accent. I have seen Willem, I mean Mr. Dafoe, perform in two movies: Finding Nemo, and Spider-Man with my favorite actress: KIRSTEN DUNST! SHE ROCKS! Anyway, He never ceases to amaze. And Richard Kiel, wow, he's definitely got the part of Jaw's nailed. I've seen him in the movie's and he's awesome! As a matter of fact, my Grandparent's have met Mr. Kiel, and I was jealous when they told me. But, Kirsten Dunst is at the top of my list of Celebritie's that I want to meet. John Cleese was breathtaking. I have never seen a better person play as the wisecracking, and gadget creating Q! Mr. Cleese was hilarious! I've seen him work with Pierce Brosnan in Goldeneye and Tommorow Never Dies. He's awesome! John Cleese's most recent project is Shrek 2 starring Mike Myer's, Cameron Diaz, Julie Andrew's and Eddie Murphy. ( Shrek 2 is now in theatre's!) GOOD LUCK 007! Oh, yeah, and as Q alway's says: "Grow up 007!"
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Absolute Peak of Bond Gaming
bigbodynobaccin23 April 2022
I've played through most of the major Bond games in the past few weeks and I have to say this one is neck and neck with Goldeneye for being my absolute favorite. It has everything you could want in a Bond game: Gadgets, chases, good story, stealth, BROSNAN!! It feels like youre playing a James Bond movie. All of the chase scenes and gun fights mesh together so well it feels scripted. Add in the fact that most of the characters are voiced by the people who play them in the movies and its a magical experience all the way through. If you have the opportunity to play this game on original hardware or even through Emulator (which is what I did) I think every Bond fan should experience this masterpiece.
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One of the best games I have played in years.
xj131 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
** Warning - this post may contain spoilers **

I only got a Gamecube in September 2005, and the first two games I bought were James Bond games, the decent Agent Under Fire and the dull Goldeneye Rogue Agent. The next game I planned to get was Everything or Nothing, because my friend told me that it was better than the two games I already had. I have to say, he was right.

I bought this for a tenner in HMV, and when I got home, I slammed it in to my Cube and played it for hours on end. It was much better than my other two games, and there was a much better and more interesting storyline. Graphics were some of the best I have seen (but now that the XBOX 360 has come out, Farcry Instincts Predator has some of the best graphics known to man). The storyline was clever; mad man (Willem Dafoe, named as Nikolai Diavolo) and beautiful henchwoman (Heidi Klum, named as Katya Nadanova), try to destroy the world with tiny nanobots, which at the start of the game, you, James Bond, have to destroy on a train. The bad thing is that one of them is hidden in Katya's boobs. You then have to thwart their plans and save the world.

The great thing about this game is that it actually has actors voicing the characters, such as Cleese voicing Q. There are 27 levels, some of them short and some of them pretty long and tricky.

Gameplay - 10/10 Graphics - 9/10 Sound - 9/10 Replay value - 7/10 Multiplayer - 8/10

I give this game a grand total of 90%
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Finally a good Bond game
mOVIemAN5628 November 2005
After the release of Goldeneye for the N64, I hoped for a good sequel of sorts. The World Is Not Enough came out and it passed the time but wasn't anywhere close to Goldeneye. Then games like Agent Under Fire and Night Fire came out and I lost hope all together. But now with the release of Everything or Nothing, my love for Bond games has returned.

Like always you are 007 (voiced by Pierce Brosnan) and you are on another dangerous mission to save the world. The mission take you from Brazil, to the US, to Russia, all the while trying to stop Nikolai Diavolo (voiced by Willem Dafoe). The game is not a first person shooter, but there is still plenty of action. From the first to the last, every mission is exceptionally difficult in its own way.

What caught my eye the most was the way the producers were able to bring in real actors to portray characters: Willem Dafoe, Pierce Brosnan, Heidi Klum, etc. The characters bring the game together with their great personalities, their actions, and simply their presence.

The game presents you with an arsenal of weapons and from Q, your trusty gadgets to help stop the enemy. The graphics are some of the best I've seen. Every character looks how they should. The story is any other Bond story, stop the bad guys, save the world, and get the girl but it works well as it should.

Everything or Nothing is not as good as Goldeneye which I don't believe will be matched but it's probably the second best Bond game to come out. It's a worth while adventure that passes the time and may get you a bit angry when you keep dying on the same mission.

James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing. Starring the voices of: Pierce Brosnan, Willem Dafoe, Heidi Klum, John Cleese, and Shannon Elizabeth.

4 1/2 out of 5 Stars.
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The return of 007.
SSJAniFan23 May 2004
James Bond is back! His first game since 2002's Nightfire provides a fantastic change of pace to the FPS Bond Formula. Instead, Bond has gone back to a 3rd-person shooter, but don't worry-- this isn't anything like the abysmal Tomorrow Never Dies. The story is a typical Bond-must-save-the-earth-from evil-diabolical-villain story. Nothing you really haven't seen before. If you like those kind, you'll like it, if you don't like those kind, you won't. It is as simple as that.

The gameplay is where Everything or Nothing shines. Although on the surface, it seems like a typical action adventure, what's best is the open-ended way you can tackle each mission one-by-one. Will you charge straight into a firefight or take out your enemies one by one from some cover? Will you use your gadgets to scout ahead or just keep your trigger finger ready when danger arises? Will you take out an enemy sniper from afar or use your grapple to get up to the ledge he's on and take him out with your fists? This kind of excellent gameplay allows the player to weave their own strategies on how to deal with each level. And like Nightfire, when you perform a move that's exactly like Bond would do, you'll get a higher score. And to add some variety, EA added in some awesome driving missions that rival some of the best chase scenes from the Bond flicks.

The graphics and sound are also excellent. The voice acting uses some top Hollywood talent, from the regulars like Pierce Brosnan, Judi Dench, and John Cleese, to newcomers like Shannon Elizabeth and Willem Dafoe, fresh off his stint from 2002's Spider-man video game. There's also the opening tune by Mya, one of the better James Bond songs in recent years. Plus, the graphics are amazing. They've been rendered to look EXACTLY like the voice talent, so much in fact that at times you'll actually believe at times that you're not looking at a video game, but the latest Bond movie on your TV set. The high production values just increase EON's movie-like quality.

There's only one small flaw in the film: The camera stinks! Like nearly every 3rd person action game in existence, the camera is just awful, it will often pan to obscure angles, often screwing your field of vision up. This is especially annoying when an enemy taking potshots at you, as by the time you adjust the screen to see them your health may be nearly wiped out. This annoying tidbit can get increasingly frustrating. However, that minor complaint aside, the game is another excellent addition to any gamer's library. I recommend this to any person who is a fan of action games, and eagerly await EA's next Bond title. 9.5/10.
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Great Game!!
LG200429 July 2004
This is probably the best Bond game ever! It's almost perfect! Pierce Brosnan, Judi Dench, Richard Kiel, John Cleese, Willem Defoe, Shannen Elizabeth, and Heidi Klum make up the cast of this spectacular game. I liked the idea of (Defoe's character) Nikolai Diavolo being a student of Max Zorin (the villain from the Bond movie "A View To A Kill"). Continuity is another movie feature that the game displays. The gameplay is excellent, as are the graphics, sound effects, and controls. From the first level to the last, there isn't a thing out of place. The only flaw is the end of the final level, which I won't reveal. The game feels like your watching a Bond movie. 10/10
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The Best Bond Ever Made
redfoxagent10 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard of the fact that everything or nothing was going to be based in third person I thought, huh. but then I saw the images and read the article and boy was I ready. and it was worth it all. the best part of this game is definitely the motorcycle riding, the level on the highway is amazing. starting you right into the action before for the opening sequence of the game is an awesome idea. then the opening credits gets you in the mood to play this game. they blended this game into a movie likeness was done so well you'd think this was actually based off a movie. the weapons are awesome and the targeting system is pure genius. all it needs is a little tweaking of the driving for the car an it would be flawless.

10 out of 10
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Best Bond Game. EVER!!!
conspirazsrtrue23 September 2004
This game is beyond comparison simply due to all the unique features and graphics. The graphics are simply the best. It has laser scanned images of top notch actors, including Pierce Brosnan, Willem Dafoe, Shannon Elizabeth and best of all John Cleese. They also supplied the voices unlike the previous two Bond games, which used other voice over actors doing terrible impressions. If thats not enough, the cars use real time reflections. For example, in one racing mission, your car will display reflections as they would be seen in real life and actually gathers dirt on the rear bumper as you drive. Anyway, onto game play. This is completely redesigned due to the game being in third person. It even has a mission in which you free fall off a cliff while having to shoot enemies and dodge outcroppings. It also introduces a new smart aiming reticule. This allows for easy head shots or targeting specific areas of ones body. It can also be confusing as it makes it difficult to free aim due to the fact that the reticule only appears upon pressing the lock on button. Great game nonetheless. 10/10
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Exciting High Value Video Game Experience
shizknight24 February 2004
After the last few games from EA based on the 007 franchise, I was not looking forward to another release. I was pleasantly surprised with this game.

First of all, it features the actual actors and actresses we know from the recent Bond movies. Pierce Brosnan appears as our favorite 00 agent, as well as others from the movie cast including Dame Judi Dench and John Cleese. We get three Bond girls in this outing with Heidi Klum, Shannon Elizabeth and Mya. Willem Dafoe and Richard Kiel(JAWS!) round out the cast as our main enemies for Bond. The all star cast and high production values make this Bond game feel like a movie.

As for story, this is all typical Bond. As a game, that's a very good thing. We see 007 start out in a short mission to lead you into the credi t sequence(complete with a song by Mya). Then we get to the main plot of the movie. I won't give much away there, but I will say that Willem Dafoe's character was the student of Max Zorin, the 007 enemy from A View to a Kill(played by Christopher Walken).

Gameplay is incredibly varied and exciting. While the main meat of the gameplay is based around a 3rd person view system much like Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell, there are also many other types of gameplay that include driving the 007 cars, flying a helicopter and rapelling off a cliff. While there are some minor issues such as the auto targeting system and camera issues, you'll probably not be bothered by it enough to let it get in the way of the game.

Replay value with this game is also very high. Difficulty levels are presented to the player(ranging from Operative to 00 Agent). Beating a level on 00 Agent difficulty unlocks a platinum goal, which unlocks hidden codes and other cool stuff when completed. You can even unlock the golden gun from The Man With The Golden Gun.

If you're looking for a way to experience a Bond movie and don't feel like dusting off your N64 to play Goldeneye(if you even still have it), you can't go wrong with Everything or Nothing.
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A playable movie (and a bad one, at that)
pianogyrl20 August 2004
My boyfriend and I rented this when we were able to spend some time together. I had to leave, so I couldn't play as much as I wanted to; even if I had the time, however, I don't think I would have played much. The graphics and voices are astounding; I assume it has a good storyline as well. The beginning is great; you're thrown right into the action, it has a Bond beginning that beats some of the movies, and the training is comprehensive. One problem: even the training counts for nothing. My boyfriend and I played co-op(two players playing together on the same screen) and it seemed like the creators couldn't decide between a stealth game or a third-person shooter, so they did both. There are plenty of objects to hide behind, but often enemies would jump out from behind you (sometimes at a spawn point) and could shoot through walls, literally. The AI is omnipotent, knowing where you are before they can see you, and has perfect aim. The computer gives you an aiming system and teaches you how to use it in training, but this does not work in the actual game. Often, we found ourselves targeting the wrong enemies, or unable to target the single enemy standing right next to us. The best approach is to go in guns blazing, though this often results in a "Butch Cassidy..." ending thanks to the fact that you are quickly outnumbered. Also, the convenient "Bond-sense", which enables you to pause the game to find targets, does not work in co-op. You can't pause for anything, even to switch weapons. My boyfriend played a little in single-player mode after I left, but told me that he was experiencing many of the same problems. This is not Time-Splitters(first-person shooter) or Tenchu(stealth-based), but the worst of both. It sounds as if it would have made a better movie than a game. If you want to spend hours trying to get through one or two missions and probably end up very frustrated by the end, then the storyline and the acting sounds like it might be worth it. Otherwise, don't waste your time.
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A great game
nightfirechampion29 March 2005
A must-have for all 007 fans. The weapons and gadgets are good. Graphics look like real life. Driving levels are the BEST.

The only weapons I never liked and coulda bin improved were the MP5K(accuracy), Frag Grenade(hard to aim), and P99(clip size).

I loved ALL the gadgets, especially Q-spiders, and i enjoyed shooting with the SIG 552.

The Dragunov sniper rifle scope also keeps wobbling up and down when I try to snipe from afar. That is retarded! eg the enemy is moving real fast and keeps taking cover and just when i get a shot the scope wobbles upwards! no fair! i dunno if it is just my game or if it is a glitch or if it is deliberate.

but overall the game is good, despite the sniper scope flaw. Do not rent it, BUY it!
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