Story revolving around a gaggle of girls who are individually heading to Trinidad, Argentina. They all end up missing the train and are stuck in this little, weirdo, ultra religious town called San Ramon. Luck be true, a nice guy comes along and offers them a place to stay for the night until the next morning's train. And this is where sh!t hits the fan.
I was told that Rooms for Tourists was a very scary film. One of the scariest in the past couple years. Not sure that's the case, because human villains don't scare me in the slightest, but I would agree to it being one of the best independent horror flicks in the past couple years.
The film delivers some really nice gore effects, some nice atmosphere and camera-work. The camera-work especially when in the house is very well-done. They like to use lighting to only capture the girls, but everything around them is pitch black. It gives the film a nice feeling of that an unknown presence could be anywhere.
The film didn't begin so hot, it was pretty amateurish with it's acting, but fortunately when the action began the girls became somewhat believable. My only problem with the girls later on was the screaming, sometimes too much is too much. Nevertheless the movie became pretty damn good in the final act and I really enjoyed the ending. One other minor fault is the predictability of the death order of girls. I had it all pegged out from the very beginning.
Minus any faults, this film was a nice little (independent) treat of horror and I suggest any fan of foreign horror/slashers to give Rooms for Tourists a go.