Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat (2002) Poster

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everything you can eat
trashgang3 February 2010
The so called follow up of the first slasher/gore attempt Blood Feast. Everone who has seen that one will remember the score and the extreme red color of the bloodletting. Well, this one has it too but it delivers so much more. It has a lot of black humor but also a lot of gore, and it's so much fun to watch those scene's. a slasher shouldn't be one without some nudity. Men, did he added some, it's all over the top but it works and never gets bored. Even the score is over the top. you will have your cheers and you will have your laughs by watching this well made follow up. I just can't tell more but if you're not in the mood, watch this one it surely will deliver all you can eat.
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H.G. Lewis delivers an over the top splatter film
bergma15@msu.edu13 February 2006
H.G. Lewis (the wizard of gore) made this film as a sequel to his classic "Blood Feast." Before this film came out, I though good old H.G. was in retirement somewhere just biding his time. I'm glad that I was wrong. Most of H.G.'s older films were pretty shocking in their day, but are merely campy by today's standards. Blood Feast 2 plays off of the campiness of his films, but doesn't become annoying like so many other films would.

The plot is that Fuad Ramses III opens up a catering business in his grandfather's old shop (the villain in Blood Feast). He becomes possessed by the evil goddess Ishtar. He is hired by a bitchy socialite to cater her daughters wedding. Ramses begins butchering the bride's maids to fulfill his contract.

Most of the humor is tongue in cheek and a little juvenile, but it fits the overall mood of the film rather well.

For H.G. Lewis fans (those who haven't seen it) it is well worth the price of renting it.
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worthy sequel
movieman_kev29 October 2003
Finally an official sequel to Blood Feast (Blood Diner was an unofficial one, not having seen it yet, i can't say if it's better or worse though). JP Delahoussaye (man, that's a mouthful) plays Fuad Ramses, the grandson of the original Istar worshiping nut-zoid. Anyways he re-opens the old place & before long he's in his own grandfather's nut-zoid footsteps. The film plays for high camp. Some of the jokes are inane, the acting....well it IS a B horror movie, & it's a tad long(could have been trimmed by about half an hour). But the blood, gore and nudity doth flow & John Waters cameos.

My Grade: 6 out of 10 bloody machetes

DVD Extras: Disk 1: stills gallery; Trailers for Zombie 5: Killing Birds, Zombie 2, Demons 3: The Orge, Lizard in a Woman's skin, Flesh for the Beast, & theatrical trailer Disk 2:On the set with Hershell Gorden Lewis; Behind the scenes; behind the gore; 3 deleted scenes

Eye Candy: pretty much all the female cast besides Misty & Mrs. Lampley get topless at the least
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Hilarious Splatter Comedy
LATENITE19 August 2003
Blood Feast 2 is a welcome treat to fans of campy black comedy (as long as they can handle large amounts of blood and gore). If you liked the first one (or even if you didn't), you should check this out. It's a big improvement over the original. The gore looks great. I haven't laughed out loud this much in years. You can't ask for a better film from H.G. Lewis.

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Pull up a seat, this buffet is a "Blood Feast (2)" and it's "All you can Eat"!!
tonymo197726 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Pull up a seat, this buffet is a "Blood Feast (2)" and it's "All you can Eat"!!

"Blood Feast 2 "-All You can Eat

39 years after the original "Blood Feast" was released Herschell Gordon Lewis, the pioneer 'Godfather of Gore" is back with his next installment..."Blood Feast 2"!

This time the grandson of the infamous Fuad Ramses, Fuad Ramses III has inherited the catering business and wants to make a bid at making the business a success. His first day in the shop he is visited by a police detective, who makes him very aware of Fuad's family history in his small town. Soon Fuad will inherit more than just the family business, revisiting the same path his Grandfather Fuad Ramses discovered 39 years earlier.

Let's skip all the formalities and get right to it. "BF2" pulls no punches and from the start hits you right between the eyes, with exactly what you were hoping for- a blood Induced visual overload!

Two homeless freeloaders digging through trashcans are introduced in the opening sequence. They find a dead cat in the trash and say that it will make for a good dinner, as they prepare the fire to cook with, a mysterious red light appears beyond a nearby back door. Upon seeing the light the derelicts appear to be possessed, one approaches the other with a large knife and cuts into his stomach and begins removing organs. The other possessed fool breaks a bottle and slashes the throat of his trash can friend. This opening scene really sets the tome for the remainder of the film and reassures the audience that "HGL" has got you covered and you are in for a wild ride.

"BF2" and it's grainy appearance , poor sound, constant overacting, strange Batlord type music, homage to B-movie splatter films of the 80's was hard to handle. One example was Fuad's (J.P. Delahoussaye) over the top characterization of the possessed caterer. The writing had some miscue's too,like the constant denial early on of who the obvious killer was.

What "BF2" really did have going for it was the horrifically graphic GORE, explicit nudity, fantastic supporting acting by Detective Dave Loomis(John Mconnell) and the campy humor that at times was quite funny.

OK, back to the gore! 1)Full view of a corkscrew into the ear, screwed around until a lot of brains is exposed. 2) Both arms of a human into a meat grinder, ground up to the elbows. 3) Mini ice cream scooper removes two eyes, then tongue is pulled out. Explicit Nudity "BF2" is loaded with beautiful women with incredible bodies running around waiting to be killed in gruesome, bloody fashion, throughout the film.

Serious Comedy One scene in particular is where Detective Myers is mentioning the weather, when Detective Loomis does an entire scene of weather reporting, with map in the background. Really a very clever well done scene.

"BF2" with a running time of 99 min is very well paced, with the perfect amount of splatter to keep you in the mood. I will say that 10-15min could have been shaved off of the beginning of the third act to save from dragging on. Not having high expectations, to being pleasantly surprised with the quality of the FX and a plot twist too, make this film a real treat! Considering the subject matter, the film lacks the typical excessive swearing you might come to expect from the genre.

Herschell Gordon Lewis' techniques and artistic representation are communicated well and are apparent in a few scenes. Like the all white backgrounds with blood saturating the foreground and protagonist, representing purity corrupted.

His framing of shots and low angles which induce confusion and powerlessness in the viewer are textbook. Adding height with his opaque shots inspires fear and insecurity along with imbalance.

"BF2" was pretty good! If "HGL" wanted to venture out of the B-Movie security blanket, I'm confident he would make a great film. Not bad for a 73 yr old man back in 2002, 81 yrs old now! When i think of "Blood Feast 2"-"All You Can Eat", only one word comes to mind.....Evisceration!

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Not so good.
U8RU48616 June 2011
I wanted to put my two cents in on this film, since most of the reviews are glowing and this is far from a good film, but what would you expect from Herschell Gordon Lewis.

When I was 13 I didn't like roller coasters, if I wanted a stomach churning experience I watched splatter films. Sometimes they were funny like Peter Jackson's Bad taste (still a favorite), and sometimes they were lurid but entertaining like H.G. Lewis' 2000 Maniacs (well the theme song is still fun). But, as I've gotten older most of these films don't really stand the test of time and the only thing they have going for them are the gore. And in most cases not even that can save them.

In Blood Feast 2 the gore is repetitive, the writing and acting are crap, and the jokes are old and unfunny. I'm not sure what I expected from Lewis, though his other films were interesting to watch for their lurid, sometimes inventive, gore this movie is just boring. I gave it 2 stars for one reason.

John McConnell

He is the only thing worth watching in this movie, and his character carries the only spark of genius in the entire show. It's so genius that I have a feeling it wasn't in the original script, nor did the director or writer have anything to do with it. At one crime scene he makes the requisite "boy I sure am hungry" joke, of course I rolled my eyes "haven't heard that one before", but as the movie goes on it gets so over the top that he starts every scene with "I sure am hungry" and ends every scene with "I sure am hungry". John McConnell you have found a fan.
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A virtual Egyptian Feast.... er... Babaloynian?
Bloody-Thumb10 October 2002
Reccently at a convention i was lucky enough to not only get the chance to Speak With Mister H. G. Lewis, but he also held a special, suprise screening for his latest, and possibly greatest creation... Blood Feast 2.

This movie, was wonderful. It had everything you could want from a B movie. Gratuitis Nudity, Inapropriate Humour, and a whole... whole... whole lotta blood.

The Humour in this film ranges from the sublime to the idiotic, it's a laugh riot a minute.

If your not a fan of bad, or drive in movies, then just keep right on walking. But if on the other hand your willing to forgive a movies bad points and just simply enjoy, well then this is the blood feast for you.

This may possibly be H. G. Lewis's last movie. If that does indeed turn out to be the case... Well then at least he went out on a high note.
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Lewis returns with more super-trash
Red-Barracuda31 August 2010
H. G. Lewis is back in action 30 years after his last film. And to be fair to him he delivers exactly the same specific type of film he was most famous for all those years ago, i.e. an ultra-trashy gore-fest. Like before Lewis fills his movie with lots of extreme violence that is not exactly realistic while still managing to be pretty revolting. It's quite specific but Lewis's films always seem to achieve these two objectives. Like his previous movies, Blood Feast 2 is completely devoid of suspense. The focus is unashamedly on displaying scenes of ultra-violence with no build-up whatsoever. The comedy, on the other hand, is played up to the fore. I think you could easily say that all of Lewis's splatter films were comedies at heart. Admittedly, the humour is extremely black but it's impossible to take these movies seriously. And that's the thing about H. G. Lewis movies, if you read about them they sound like truly horrific misogynistic atrocities, but when you see them you realise that really they are kind of fun.

What can be said about Blood Feast 2? Well, aside from the fact that it must surely hold the world record for the longest gap between an original and a sequel, it's actually exactly what you might expect from Lewis. He serves up a film that meets all of the criteria I mentioned in the above paragraph. This doesn't mean it's good exactly - Lewis's films operate on a different quality ladder to most – but it's quite refreshing to see Lewis making exactly the same type of movie he was famous for after all these years. The plot's irrelevant so there is no sense in recounting it; suffice to say that it follows a very similar trajectory to the original Blood Feast (which for my money is still Lewis's best film despite its obvious crudeness). The splatter is excessive and (thankfully) not CGI. The comedy is actually quite funny at times. And the acting is typical for the director, i.e. very bad but somehow appropriate, and seemingly at least partially intentional.

So not a bad comeback all-in-all. Lewis's films are what they are, and this one is what it is. If you are a fan of the director's earlier exploitation opuses then this one should entertain and amuse.
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A Worthy Follow-Up From "The Godfather Of Gore"...
EVOL66618 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a big H.G. Lewis fan since I first started watching his drive-in splatter films about ten years ago. Films like THE GORE GORE GIRLS, THE WIZARD OF GORE, and of course, the original BLOOD FEAST were some of my earliest forays into more "underground" horror, and I've been hooked ever since. So after a 30 year hiatus from film-making, ol' H.G. comes back with this film - BLOOD FEAST 2: ALL U CAN EAT. Does it hold up against his previous "classicks"? Here's my take:

The storyline is relatively simple - Fuad Ramses' (the "bad-guy" from the original BLOOD FEAST) grandson inherits his grandfather's "exotic catering" business and sets up shop. Early on in the film, Fuad III is "possessed" by the - statue of the goddess Ishtar that resides in a back room of the building. When Ramses is hired to cater a local wedding reception - the preparation for the blood-feast begins when Ramses begins knocking off the bridesmaids in gruesome fashion in order to obtain the necessary ingredients. Hot on his trail are the bumbling duo of weak-stomached and loud-mouthed Detective Myers, and his insatiably hungry partner, Detective Loomis. Will Ramses succeed in fulfilling Ishtar's wishes and preparing a mighty blood-feast, or will the detectives be able to stop his reign of terror in time???

I first caught BLOOD FEAST 2 about 4 years ago at a party, and honestly didn't pay much attention to it because I was drunk and a lot was going on that distracted from watching the film - but I threw this one in last nite to revisit it, and I gotta say - I'm glad I did. BLOOD FEAST 2 definitely has the feel of Lewis' older films, but with a little bit of an "upgrade" for the digital age. Most of the early films in Lewis' catalog are a bit more unintentionally funny, whereas BLOOD FEAST 2 has a very self-conscious comedy angle - which actually works well for this one. There are some truly funny and/or silly "gags" that really work without feeling too forced or out of place. The entire cast does a good job with the material - especially the duo of Myers and Loomis, and they have a strong comedic chemistry that really works. The gore is over the top and suitably "gooey" - as should be expected of any Lewis' production. You can tell that "The Godfather" still revels in the red stuff - to almost masturbatory levels similarly found in THE GORE GORE GIRLS - as brains and eyeballs and guts are squished and fondled in close-up and drawn-out detail. A few gratuitous tits-n-ass shots don't hurt the film any either. A fun soundtrack from SOUTHERN CULTURE ON THE SKIDS and a cameo from B-more legend, John Waters, helped round things out nicely. A truly "fun" film that never really has a dull moment - I fully recommend this one to "splat-stick" style film-fans, or anyone that enjoyed Lewis' earlier catalogue...8.5/10
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we waited nearly forty years for this, folks
shawshank861 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
what can i say, it's a good one. terrible dialog + horrid special effects + no morals + unbelievable plot + gore + t&a=one great, funny horror movie. this is one of the best films of the new millennium, i'm convinced. i'm pretty sure that they weren't even trying by the end. right off the bat i knew what kind of film this would be, and i couldn't wait. it's one of those movies that you don't want to end because it's sooo bad you love it, like "plan 9" or "hercules vs the moon-men" or carrot top's "chairman of the board" (even the title's a pun on that one). at times, i couldn't even believe what i was seeing, but i had to--the flesh moves on the dummy in such a way during the organ removal, that it's obviously a dummy. and all i can do is laugh. that sort of thing could be fixed in an afternoon! this is one that i will be buying soon to make my own version of "mystery science theater 3000", even though it isn't science fiction. i highly recommend this to anybody that sees beauty in strange things or that enjoys any of the the aforementioned concepts, movies or movie qualities, or of you liked "friday the 13th part ix: jason goes to hell".
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A good gory horror film....
MovieGuy019 February 2010
I watched Blood Feast 2 a few days ago and found it to be a very good and funny horror film with a lot of gore in it. It is about a caterer who has just moved into town, he happens to be a cannibal caterer who likes to kill young women in preparation for a ritual feast, that his grandfather originally started years ago. He also has an Egyptian goddess which keeps him under its control. This seemed to be a very low budget made horror film because of the use of the colour of the blood which was very red. I thought that the film had some good comical moments in it as well, which made it good to watch. Although i did find some of the acting to be quite poor. 5/10
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We're Not Worthy! We're Not Worthy!
Coventry5 February 2008
All cinematic values & qualities aside, you at least have to show respect for Herschell Gordon Lewis. The man was born in 1926! My grandpa was born in 1926! A lot of people's grandfathers were born in 1926! Can you imagine YOUR grandpa directing a movie that constantly features engrossing decapitations, disembowelment, brain removals (through the ear!), gauging eyeballs and lesbian lingerie parties? I wish my gramps was the Godfather of cinematic gore instead of a random guy who keeps nagging about the devastating years of World War II… At the ago of 76, H.G. Lewis suddenly made his one-time comeback with the nearly 40 years overdue sequel to "Blood Feast"; THE gore-movie that inspired all independent horror directors forevermore. The only characteristic proving Lewis actually is an elderly man is the fact that he doesn't evolve with the times. Lewis' filming style is exactly the same as it was forty years ago, meaning not the slightest attempt to tell a decent story, crude & vulgar humor, hideous music, amateurish editing, depthless characters and make-up effects that are ultimately gross but not the least bit shocking or convincing. So basically, yes, "Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat" is quite an awful film, but not a horror freak in this world is likely to spread negative comments about it. And besides, regardless of all the ineptitude, this undeniably remains a hugely entertaining and often downright hilarious horror film experience! The plot of the sequel is pretty much identical to that of the original. Fuad Ramses III reopens his infamous grandfather's small town catering business and promptly accepts an assignment to cater at the wedding of a local beauty and a dim-witted cop. But Fuad worships the same Egyptian (Babylonian?) Goddess as his grandpa and thus all the sexy bridesmaids' intestines end up on the catering menu during his ongoing search for the ultimate human sacrifice. That concludes the description of the story … or were you expecting something deep & thought provoking, perhaps? There's really no point in "defending" this movie… Either you already were a big fan of H.G. Lewis' oeuvre and decided to LOVE the sequel even before watching it or you never cared for his previous gore films to begin with and, in case of the latter, there's absolutely no reason to seek out this belated effort, neither. For the die-hard fans there are a handful of great surprises, like a delicious cameo of trash-director John Waters (as a gay-paedophilic priest!), purely gratuitous nudity, infantile textbook lesbianism ("Hey girls, let's all get together and try on our sexiest lingerie!"), hilarious dialogs ("I was dropping more hints than mariner soldiers drop soap in the shower") and random stupidity (some guy's corpse lying around everywhere). Thank you very much for this film, Mr. Lewis. I hope you enjoy your well-deserved retirement and live to be hundred years old.
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No, no my dear Misti. I don't want you to serve appetizers. I need you to "be" appetizers.
lastliberal20 August 2008
We start off Herschell Gordon Lewis' Blood Feast sequel with Miss Louisiana Christina Cuenca screaming her pretty head off as Fuad Ramses III (J.P. Delahoussaye) puts her through a meat grinder. We expect a lighter film, and we are getting it as Delahoussaye is a comedian and brings that to the film.

Oh, why did he have to go to Laci Hundees (Michelle Miller) for the brains and more liver? She was giving us such a fantastic show when he rudely interrupted.

Detective Loomis (John McConnell) is played by another comedian, and we get comic breaks during the investigation.

After a boring examination of the remains of Misty Morning, we quickly go to a lingerie shower for the new bride, Tiffany (Toni Wynne). We stay her a while why all the girls model lingerie and we enjoy them as they change. Two of the girls go off into the other room and we expect some hot action. No, here comes the killer again. Harvest time. And, what does he have in mind for Candi Graham (Jill Rao)? Well, we can watch some dudes tromping through the jungle using the "R" word, or we can bathe ourselves in blood and intestines and lots of boobies, while having a good laugh. Me? I'm going back for seconds, thank you.
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Terribly made
Groverdox20 June 2016
It's unfathomable to me that the guy who made "Blood Feast 2: All You Can Eat" can have been making movies for so many decades and still be this bad at it, but here we are. I don't just mean that the movie sucks, that it's cheap, or merely an excuse to show gore and a little bit of nudity. I mean it's just so badly shot and edited together it feels like you are watching it over someone's shoulder, with headphones on blasting southern rock. There are details that could be funny, other details that could be surprising or shocking, characters you could even care about, but the direction is just so bad you have to fight it to even work out what's going on.

It feels like it was filmed with the aid of a telescope, like the crew were really far away from the actors. When they speak, you expect to hear an echo.
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Just what you'd expect from the "Godfather Of Gore"...
B-MovieDork22 March 2004
I had waited and waited for this movie to come out, back when it was being hyped up in '99 (then as Blood Feast 2000), and heard absolutely nothing about this movie. Then on Halloween eve, I saw the double dvd in the video shop for $30, and I snatched it off of the shelf like a 5 year old snatches a lollypop out of his little brother's hand. I was so excited to see a new H.G. Lewis film (who has been one of my admitted "heroes"). All in all, I wasn't disappointed...but I do agree with the other reviewers that say it does tend to drag on a little long. But the blood and gore effects...oh man! I was in absolute gorehound heaven! I think Joe Castro needed to work on a movie like this to up his fx career a little bit, because usually his effects are pretty decent, but I talk about him to other horror fanatics, and they say, "who's that?". But he REALLY outdid himself on this movie, because there's a couple scenes that would make Dahmer himself a little queasy, including one of THE best throat-slashing scenes I have ever witnessed on film. I honestly think that after this movie, Joe Castro could very well become the new Tom Savini (if you will) of the blood'n'guts video scene.

And another thing...alot of reviewers have said that this is very cheap, exploitive, bad, and somewhat grueling to sit through...but come on, people! this is Herschell Gordon Lewis! that's what the man is KNOWN for, for crying out loud! The overall sleaziness and exploitive nature of this film are his M.O.! And this definately has all the sleazy overtones and feel of his past films from the 60's and 70's.

But anyway, you can tell that the killing scenes are the primary focus of this movie. Each one goes on for an excessive amount of time, until you find yourself saying "Come on, dude! she's dead already!" But then again, that's the point of exploitive horror. And H.G. Lewis has definately proven that he is still "the man" when it comes to his style of film-making. If you're looking for an over-the-top gorefest, then you should really check this one out...
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Much better than the original...
planktonrules6 December 2009
I never have understood those who idolize Hershell Gordon Lewis. Aside from one or two good low-budget films (such as 2000 MANIACS), his movies were stupid, poorly made and stupid...not to mention, stupid. Yet oddly, he's revered as some sort of genius--the King of Gore. Now his older films from the 1960s did sometimes feature a lot of fake blood and guts, but too often, they were so fake that they looked stupid (hey, I'm using that word again). One of his earliest and worst splatter films was BLOOD FEAST. While not as bloody as his later films, it made up for it by being...stupid. Not silly stupid--just bad sort of stupid. However, it has become a cult favorite despite failing artistically in just about every possible way.

Now, almost four decades later, Lewis is back and out of retirement to make this sequel, of sorts. Surprisingly, though the movie was often quite dumb, it managed to work much better than the original and is a very watchable film...aside from all the guts (which were more realistic) and nudity. This film is not NOT let kids watch it. But, if you have a reasonably strong stomach (I dissected a lot of things in college, so I was fine with this), then you might have a few laughs and actually like the film.

As for the dumb, there was plenty! All the women in the film have "silly" names like Bambi Deere, Laci Hundees, Brandi Alexander and Candi Graham. Much of the acting was very, very broad and over-the-top--subtlety was NOT a word you'd use for any of the acting or script or direction. But there were also some clever moments and things that were dumb but funny--such as the cops stopping to get donuts BEFORE going to the crime scene, how clueless the cops were and the way that the killer kept getting hurt when trying the first time to kill the annoying Mrs. Lampley.

Overall, this film is a guilty pleasure for gore fans. Others might enjoy it as well IF they aren't bothered by all the blood and guts. The blood is fake, but some of the organs (such as the liver) are real...and look it. It's easily better than BLOOD FEAST...but that certainly isn't saying much, since in my opinion having herpes is better than watching BLOOD FEAST.
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Anyone for seconds?
BA_Harrison2 March 2011
Fuad Ramses III (J.P. Delahoussaye ) inherits his grandfather's small town catering business where an ancient statue of goddess Ishtar commands him to prepare a blood feast made from the organs of beautiful young women.

This belated sequel to his own 60s gore classic Blood Feast is fairly typical of all of Herschell Gordon Lewis's work in that it makes no pretence at being high art but instead simply revels in its own stupidity and nastiness. Hence we get extremely broad performances designed to disguise a general lack of acting skills, an incredibly cheesy script with lots of puerile humour, plenty of T&A from some very lovely ladies, and loads of splattery but not-too-convincing gore (eye gouging, evisceration, throat cutting etc.,) courtesy of FX man Joe Castro, all captured in H.G. Lewis's typically crude visual style (although picture and sound quality are crisper than your average H.G. Lewis movie).

Much of the film is a chore to sit though thanks to the dreadful dialogue, lame jokes and hammy acting, although several genuinely fun moments make it worth persevering with to the end: a woman having her scalp pulled right down over her head to reveal her screaming, bloody, skinless face; a totally unnecessary but very nice shower scene featuring a hot brunette; a lingerie party in which several sexy girls parade around in their underwear; an amusing cameo by John Waters as a paedophile priest; and a clever in-joke that nicely addresses a factual error made in the first film.
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The "Godfather of Gore" returns... Thanks for doing it again Mr. Lewis!!!!
Drive-In-Freak28 November 2004
First things first:I'm a huge fan of Herschell Gordon Lewis.He has a very sick sense of humor that just can't be beat.You can tell that he takes great joy in film making.It always looks like everyone is having a ball.You can almost hear him yelling out in glee "More blood!" with a childlike gleam in his eyes. If this is your thing, you won't be let down by "Blood Feast 2". It's all I thought it would be and a lot more. Lots of blood ,guts, and skin...oh, yea,and, it's funny as hell too. J.P. Delahoussaye is almost as over the top as Mal Arnold was in the first one ,or Ray Sager in "The Wizard of Gore".The gore shots linger as Fuad almost affectionately fondles the goo.It's 100% pure Herschell Gordon Lewis directing at it's finest.

9/10 on the drive-in -freak-o-meter P.S.: Where's Sheldon Seymour? lol ;)
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A pretty good sequel to a 60's movie.
I found this to be a pretty good follow-up to the first movie. The story is basically the same with a caterer who kill people for their organs and detectives trying to solve the case. One big thing that the movie does is that it goes more into the comedy base with it. It definitely has a bizarre type of comedy it has in itself and is clever on how it does it. The movie has a couple of funny moments and lines in it and expected some bizarre stuff to happen in it, but it's mostly a hit or miss. I like how they connect the sequel to the first movie with the characters mentioning the previous incident and the whole pleasing the Egyptian goddess.

The movie has a couple of problems, like current scenes feels like it dragging itself way too long and sometimes using the same type of humor throughout, and it gets kind of old. And the movie has an anticlimactic ending to it just like the previous movie.
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A veritable feast of gore and trash movie making!
The_Void22 October 2008
1963's Blood Feast is not particularly well known to most people that are not hardcore horror fans, but it's actually quite a remarkable film; and one of the first to use extreme gore, which makes it rather influential also. On paper, it's not all that surprising that such as a remarkable film got a sequel - even if it is almost forty years on from its release - the surprising thing about this film is the fact that it wasn't just made by someone who wanted to imitate Blood Feast's creator, it's actually The Godfather of Gore himself, Herschell Gordon Lewis, sitting in the director's chair! And despite the fact that it's thirty years on from his previous director's credit, he has lost none of his thirst for blood and guts! Essentially, the film is just a remake of the original and features an almost identical plot. We focus on Fuad Ramses III; a chef who just happens to be the grandson of the killer in the first film, and he also just happens to worship the same Egyptian God - so naturally it's not long before girls start being butchered...

Aside from a bucket of gore, Herschell has also kept the other things that made his older films such a blast in place - and that includes awful acting, poorly written characters and a very simple plot. He does appear to have moved with the times slightly as the effects are a bit better, plus the film features modern fashions...but other than that, the film could have been made in The Godfather of Gore's heyday. Lewis has lost none of his sense of humour either, with hilarious dialogues, ridiculous situations and even amusing character names (Bambi Deere, Laci Hundees) features. The plot basically just skips from gore scene to gore scene, but there's some interesting stuff in-between the gore; including a police investigation that even the most dim-witted of officers would have solved in about five minutes. Lead actor J.P. Delahoussaye unsurprisingly doesn't have many other film credits to his name; but he really is a blast in this one and gives a lead performance very much in Herschell's trademark style. Of course, it's the gore that is the real star and the film really does feature plenty, so HG fans rejoice! It all boils down to a typically ridiculous ending, but who cares? Blood Feast 2 is an absolutely great gore flick and while it's certainly a lot more redundant than the original - in its own right I wouldn't hesitate to call it one of Herschell's best and any fan of the director will surely want to track this down!
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A bloody enjoyable experience!
dixyfifi9 January 2006
I first saw this movie in a small horror festival. A beer in a hand, a cigarette in the other one, I didn't expect to watch something that fun!

The opening scene itself is a tribute to absurd funny gore. I don't want to tell more, but it is one of the most hilarious intro I've ever seen. Since this moment, I didn't stop laughing until the end.

If, like me, you appreciate pictures with over played acting, absurd dialogs, many topless scenes, stupid humor and... some blood too, you will love this one. Of course, we can say that about a lot of films (troma, Fulci...) but this one is just a little bit better in everything. I found it almost as fun as P.Jackson's "Braindead". HG Lewis comes back with his famous humor noir, and is at his best!

I would give a special appreciation for the music: A few good old school psychedelic rock n'roll songs doesn't kill, after all.. does it? And of course, the acting is (intentionally) as bad as you could expect. At the opposite, the special effects are impressive. In fact, it is the perfect mix between a stupid teen movie plot and some old styled gore scenes!

The perfect film to watch with a few buddies and some beer! Don't miss it!
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Such a great movie
dasa1086 July 2011
The creators of gore are showing in this movie what we want. I want to laugh. The script is first class. All the characters are developed with jokes a great sense of humour. You will not suffer seeing this movie, feeling empathy for some character. You are laughing, and every dead is better and better, and the best: all who dead deserve to die. The acting: impresive. Giving honour to z movies, the actors are overacting in the entire movie. And the result is pure entertaining. Yesterday I saw the movie: dubbed in Germany with subtitles in portugues. And I am Spanish speaking. But I loved this movie, no matter if the dubbed was terrible, and I lost some original humour. The girls: perfects. No silicon, natural beauty, the casting also was first class. And the first movie for who represent Fuad Ramses 3: long live to him. Such a debut! Unfortunately the great master H.G. Lewis stopped here his career. But several directors should learn from this master how entertein and bring hard gore with laughs. Is a movie to see with everyone. Perfect!
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Blood Feast 2:All U Can Eat
Scarecrow-884 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If you think Herschell Gordon Lewis had gotten soft in his old age, think again, because his long-awaited return(..and sequel to the film that brought him stature in the horror genre)is his most disgusting, violently explicit yet. If anything, HGL benefits from advances in practical effects and the technical department. While many of his films in the past have a dopey charm due to "unintentional"(..although, I think those movies were more intentionally made ineptly than HGL would have us believe) humor, the script and performances in Blood Feast 2:All U Can Eat are purposely goofy in this film, unsubtle with the direction constantly, unashamedly, winking at us that this would be completely devoid of taste(..pun intended) or realism.

JP Delahoussaye is Fuad Ramses III, motivated to take up where his grandfather left off by the red glowing eyes of the statue of the goddess Ishtar, still in the basement of the old caterer store. Ramses is hired by the impossibly insufferable Mrs. Lampley(Melissa Morgan, always introduced on the soundtrack upon appearance with, "Satan!")to cater her daughter's marriage to the local detective, Mike Myers(Mark McLachlan)who suspects him of murdering his fiancé's bridesmaids, which he is, using their organs and limbs as lunch-meats for the wedding reception! Myers is an imbecile who just so happens to be right about his suspect while fellow pot-bellied partner, Detective Dave Loomis(John McConnell, always stuffing his face, a gag HGL plays up for all it's worth)wishes he'd lay off because Ramses provides him with free food! Meanwhile, Ramses attacks each bridesmaid, one by one, rendering most of them unconscious by chloroform, from behind, binding their hands and feet, viciously hacking away, removing organs of all kinds, deeply slicing throats, even pulling the face and scalp away from one woman's head(..eventually sawing through her skull with an electrical carving knife to fondle her brains!). One girl's arm is mangled by a meat grinder! Eyeballs gouged by prongs or plucked out by a corkscrew. HGL even brings back the long take of a devastated bloody corpse. Many of the make-up effects are, I'm guessing, purposely fake, but there are plenty of stomach-churning gore to please gore-hounds or sicken/repulse the faint-hearted. The whole film is made tongue-in-cheek and blatantly offensive(..HGL even features his film with rampant boobs from very attractive scantily-clad girls soon to be slaughtered)with direct emphasis on elaborate graphic violence using effects never available to him in the 60's.

Many will get a kick out of John Waters as a pedophile priest inviting young males to become alter boys. Many of the character's names should either tickle your funny bone, or cause eye-rolling. I liked his reference to John Carpenter's Halloween. The detectives are as inept as can be and the victims are all played by actresses who don't even attempt to act(HGL wouldn't have it any other way). Old Gore Grandpa HGL hasn't changed a bit, and his faithful followers are as happy as ever. Not to be taken at all seriously, even during the wedding reception, the entrée dishes had the fingers as "decor" with the painted nails still on them and nobody notices! And, a running gag has dead Mr. Lampley(..treated with disregard by his wife)ignored by detectives despite the fact that somehow his body turns up at crime scenes(..and other places)with them even walking over him!
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New School Gore: Ishtar's Revenge
Tromafreak8 April 2009
Did I hear that right? The man is making gore again, I honestly can't say I saw that one coming.Thirty years of silence, then, out of nowhere, Herschell Gordon Lewis finally gets bored and makes his triumphant return to Exploitation Country by creating something that would make Lloyd Kaufman himself blush. Seriously, what a delight this wonderful movie is, this one is definitely in the top five, goriest of all time, plus, Mr. fat man constantly stuffing his face adds more than one would think, among other forms of juvenile humor. And let's not forget the abundance of nudity, definitely something the original was missing. Blood Feast 2 is 100% entertainment. This modern-day, drive-in epic starts with 2 pointless gory killings, just for a warm up. Next we are introduced to Fuad Ramses III, you guessed it, Fuads grandson, he just inherited his grandfathers catering service. I love how there's zero attempt at originality, no attempt at passable acting, pure, inept, drive-in sleaze, this could have easily been made 30 years earlier. Fuad III is soon possessed by that same statue. Now Fuad is starting to look and act more like his grandfather, still, not trying all that hard, but we get the idea. Fuad III is a little more laid-back than Fuan one, and he's only slightly better at hiding his evil intentions, but nonetheless, the new Fuad has a lot of people to unrealistically mutilate, and a wedding to cater, plus, the mother of the bride is driving him even crazier. A lot of the same situations as the original, any other time, that would be a bad thing, but this is the ironically unoriginal sequel to the one that started it all.

Blood Feast 2 is full-blast, shamelessly self-parodying, and flaunts the same imperfections as the original ended up with, and that irreverent humor that just didn't exist in 1963 makes this one hilarious. What we have here is quite a rarity, authentic, 60's Drive-in. exploitation for the new millennium, you just don't see that every day. Something so rare could only be created by someone as old as Herschell Gordon Lewis. Blood Feast 2, much like anything from Lloyd Kaufman, is gold, and should be treasured as such. 9/10
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Dinner is served!!
Burylman16 August 2004
Well, well, well...what can I say for the long-awaited(?) sequel to Blood Feast except that I have never laughed so hard in my life!! Back when the original was released, my father went to see it at a local drive-in. As he would later tell me, it was the last gore film he ever saw. The thing that stood out most in his mind was the sound of Fuad Ramses walking, dragging his bad leg behind him. Lo and behold, after the festvities begin, his grandson injures himself and spends the rest of the movie walking in the exact same manner. C'mon people, that's funny! Even by H.G. Lewis standards, it's got a serious case of tongue-in-cheek (then removed and dumped into soup). It's not Shakespeare, people, it's the Godfather of Gore. And having John Waters as a priest?? It gets funnier and funnier each time I watch it. Granted, the new Ramses is no Mal Arnold, and the acting won't make you forget Connie, but for your rental or purchase price, it's definitely a bargain!! I give it two bloody severed thumbs up!!

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