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Great gooey effects let down by flat direction
udar5516 October 2010
College student/video store employee Alex (Robert C. Sabin) gets an apartment with the hopes the privacy will allow him to get it on with his virgin girlfriend Lori (Mary Huner). Things change, however, when his neighbor Nicole (also Huner), a goth temptress, seduces him and makes him drink this green elixir. Soon Alex starts sweating orange slime and the only thing that can return him to normal is human blood. Turns out everyone in the tenement are occult followers of a guy named Zachary and Alex's body is going to be the host for his return.

This is really cheap and makes something like BASKET CASE (1982) look slick by comparison. But like Henenlotter's film, there is a certain charm in the capturing of sleazy era 1980s NYC. The highlight of the film is definitely the effects work by Scott Coulter and some of it (especially the end meltdown) is totally gross. Director Gregory Lamberson, unfortunately, lets the effects down with his really flat direction and the film would have benefited from some STREET TRASH level inventiveness (that film's director, Jim Muro, worked on this as a steadicam operator). Sabin is an odd choice for a lead, mostly because he has a lisp that makes him sound like Sylvester the cat when he gets mad. Huner really surprised me as I had no idea she played both lead female roles until the end credits. Lamberson recently completed the sequel SLIME CITY MASSACRE, which brings Sabin back.
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Bright Slime, Gooey City
Coventry20 May 2007
I agree the numerous comparisons with "Street Trash" are very justified, but personally I think "Slime City" is a far more interesting and 'better' film because the characters in this film are at least sympathetic and the overall elaboration is definitely more appealing than "Street Trash", which is – in my humble opinion – a hideous and nearly unwatchable production. At least "Slime City" benefices from a much more pleasant & cheerful atmosphere, greatly inspiring music and the light-headed direction by Greg Lamberson! This is a terribly poor and laughably inept film, of course, but it certainly doesn't fail to entertain fans of cheap 'n cheesy 80's smut. The camera-work and editing are rudimentary and very amateurish, but the gore effects are incredibly grotesque and the storyline is too demented for words. The promising young painter Alex moves into an old apartment building, unaware that the other tenants are reincarnated disciples of a Satan-worshiping alchemist who committed suicide in the building's basement. Through eating bright-colored pudding, drinking vaporous wine and enjoying sexual contact with the luscious neighbor, Alex mutates into a sticky monster who kills homeless guys, prostitutes and ghetto hoodlums. His only hope for rescue lies in the hands of his virgin girlfriend Nicole, but she loves Alex too much to ever hurt him. "Slime City" surpasses the average 'so-bad-it's-good' 80's horror film; it's a genuine trash and crap FEAST! We're talking characters (like the hilarious prostitute) that patiently wait around for monstrous Alex to kill them, obtrusive spiritual media that pop up unasked and out of nowhere, incompetent police detectives that couldn't even prevent a crime if it happened right under their noses and body parts that continue to function after being separated from the torso. The climax is particularly outrageous (in a gooey way) and over-the-top hilarious. The acting performances are abominable, but you wouldn't expect it any other way, the whole thing is simply too insane to feature any tension and the vintage 80's soundtrack is too fabulous for words. If you like Troma films, Frank Hennenlotter's Indie-flicks and other no-budget crap from the 80's, "Slime City" is the ideal purchase for you. It would be a crime against good taste to rate this movie any more than 5 out of 10, but this is one of those times you shouldn't exclusively focus on the rating.
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Fun in a trashy way
Tikkin20 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I can't say I enjoyed Slime City too much, but it does have an element of trashy fun to it. The atmosphere is similar to Basket Case, only trashier and on a lower budget. There are some cool death scenes early on, but then the pace seems to plod for ages. There's a good erotic dance scene from one of the ladies which some may enjoy. The only reason I would recommend Slime City to anyone is for the scenes at the end, which are priceless. The girlfriend of the guy turning into slime hacks his head off, and the head splits apart and his brain tries to escape by slithering across the floor. Seeing that she is in front of him, the brain turns around to slither in the opposite direction. She then hacks him up.

If you can tolerate low budget trash this may be your sort of thing, just don't expect too much.
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Artistic Trash
Uriah434 November 2014
"Alex"(Robert C. Sabin) is an art student who decides to move out of the dormitory and into an apartment where he can have some privacy and possibly spend some intimate moments now and then with his girlfriend "Lori" (Mary Huner). Even though Lori decides she doesn't want to get intimate right away things appear to be going fine. His new neighbors are "Nicole" (also played by Mary Huner) who lives right across the hall and "Roman" (Dennis Embry) who resides in the apartment right below him. Although both appear to be a little weird they each seem friendly enough. As a matter of fact, not long afterward Roman invites him over for dinner which surprisingly consists of something called "Himalayan yogurt" and a special liquor to wash it down. It's at this point that things begin to go wrong. At any rate, rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk ruining it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this film is a good example of "artistic trash" which consisted of mediocre acting and ludicrous special effects. Even so, it was still an interesting film all the same. Now, that's not to say that it was "so bad it's good" because it wasn't good by any means. But it had its moments. Unfortunately, they were few and far between and because of that I rate this movie as below average.
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better than most of these movies!
vandwedge2 September 2020
This movie is so fun!! Every scene is good, they connect to each other well, and the gore effects are just outstanding. Many camp movies are unwatchably boring, but this one entertains start to finish. I recommend it highly if you like low budget gore.
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Appluad the effort, but a dud none the less
movieman_kev16 April 2008
Writer/director/producer Greg Lamberson's first stab creating his own low-budget horror film comes across as a cross between "Street Trash" and "the Stuff" while being not quite as entertaining as either of the two aforementioned movies. This movie about a guy who moves into an apartment where he slowly gets murderous after a dinner of rather potent 'wine' and 'yogurt' starts off extremely slow and will leave you searching for the remote, but about a half hour in it gets slightly interesting. I applaud what Greg accomplished with the budget that he had, but sadly I still see this movie as a misfire.

My Grade: D+

Region 1 DVD Extras: Commentary with Director Gregory Lamberson; Making Slime featurette; Bonus film? "Naked Fear" with optional commentary; a promo for Shockarama Cinema; theatrical trailer; and Trailers for "satan's Black Wedding", "Criminally Insane", & "Women's Prison Massacre"
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There is nothing passable
paulwattriley16 July 2020
Who or what sort of dumb voted this movie about 5? There is nothing decent about this movie, acting is almost at the Room level, its not funny, the gore is just the worst seen betting in a school production, the female cast are not even attractive to give some viewers some enjoyment. I genuinely worry about people on these sites.
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low-budget goo-fest that should appeal to fans of that sort of thing
FieCrier7 December 2004
I saw the original video release, not the more recent EI Cinema re-release "Collector's Edition" which cut some scenes that ran too long without adding anything (so I've read). It's true there are some scenes that don't contribute anything: people walking up flights of stairs when we've already learned the building's layout, and the like.

Before the movie started, there was a trailer for Rock and the Money-Hungry Party Girls (1988), which looks pretty awful! Looking on the IMDb at Camp Video's titles, they have a lot of low-budget stuff that doesn't seem to have been widely seen of late. Let's see these put back in print!

Slime City is actually pretty enjoyable in a low-budget gory horror kind of way. Another user mentioned Body Melt and Basket Case, and those are fair comparisons I think, although Frank Henenlotter's Brain Damage might be more accurate than his Basket Case, though without the far-out visuals. Cronenberg may even have been an influence on this director.

A guy and his girlfriend check out a new apartment for him, which his friend helps him move into. His friend affectionately calls him a "slime" for wanting an apartment where maybe he can hook up with women other than his girlfriend, who is a "good girl" or possibly frigid.

Initially it seems the apartment building is full of retirees, but he meets a sexy punk club- goer, and a gloomy garbage-picking poet. The poet serves him some green "Himalayan yogurt" and green alcohol that belonged to the late father of one of the tenants. The poet has blue yogurt, since it's "his color." It looks pretty awful, but tastes pretty good.

After having the meal, and hooking up with the punk girl, the next morning he wakes up covered in clear slime. Later, his skin erupts into a mottled mess, dripping all over, and he's only recognizable because of his clothing. He kills a bum, and is restored to normal.

It turns out that the late old man was an alchemist of some kind, who committed suicide in the basement with his followers, and there is now a collection of colored "yogurts" and wine bottles and books in the basement. Alex is addicted to eating and drinking the stuff, and can't keep anything else down. The movie gets ickier and gooier as it goes on. Recommended to fans of that kind of thing.
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Worth a watch
NukeEmHigh2 November 2009
I watched this movie a few weeks ago. Like most people on here I think it deserves about a 5 out of 10. The first kill is definitely not expected, suddenly he just starts melting and kills a homeless man, which instantly made me want to see the rest of it. He killed the homeless man with some blunt weapon and was just beating his skull in, pretty awesome. I was impressed with the acting of the main characters best friend the most. The story was original, I've never seen anything like it before. The final scene was interesting to say the least and unfortunately the special effects weren't as good as the first kill but needless to say this is a cult classic that you should give a chance.
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"If I enjoyed killing my best friend I should love killing you." When all said & done I actually liked it.
poolandrews2 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Slime City takes place in New York & starts with a young guy named Alexander Carmicheal (Robert C. Sabin), or just Alex for most of the film, answering an advert in a local paper about an apartment for rent with his girlfriend Lori Swan (Mary Huner). They meet the buildings owner Ruby (Bunny Levine) & after having a look around Alex decides he'll take the apartment. At first Alex is very happy as the apartment is clean, tidy & more than acceptable. Alex's neighbour's begin to introduce themselves, first there's a rock chick named Nicole (Mary Huner again this time in a large black wig, come to think of it you never see Lori & Nicole in the same shot together...) who looks pretty hot in mini-skirts & high heels, then there's a guy named Roman (Dennis Embry) who likes to rummage through the bins looking for stuff & finally there's Lizzy (Jane Doniger Reibel) who's Father Zachary (Daniel Frye) was into alchemy & the occult, he lead a cult whom all committed suicide over 30 years ago in the basement... One day Roman ask's Alex round for dinner & Alex agrees, once in his apartment Roman serves up some strange green slimy goo that he claims Lizzy gave him & is Himilayan yogurt. Alex starts to eat the stuff & actually finds he quite likes it, Roman pours Alex a green liquid to drink out of a wine bottle, also given to him by Lizzy. The following morning Alex wakes up to discover he is drenched in a repulsive oozing slime & to add to his problems Alex soon discovers he must kill to stop the slime consuming him completely, a homeless man (T. Clay Dickinson) & Alex's best friend Jerry (T.J. Merrick) become victims of Alex's new found need for blood. As does a prostitute named Heather Langly (Eva Lee) who just happens to be a friend of NYPD cop Detective Irish O'Bannon (Dick Biel) & won't let her sudden disappearance go as Alex's problems continue to mount up...

Co-edited, co-produced, written & directed by Greg Lamberson on a estimated $50,000 budget according to the IMDb I was pleasantly surprised just how much I actually liked Slime City, an appropriate title considering it's set in New York, maybe it's art imitating life! Sorry New Yorkers only joking! The script has a good central premise which I liked, at least it isn't just a teen slasher film & I must congratulate the cast & crew for turning in a fairly decent watchable & to an extent an original film that stands on it's own within the genre. Slime City moves along at a nice pace throughout & never becoming boring or bogged down with unnecessary padding which these low budget horror films usually have in abundance & at only 80 odd minutes long Slime City doesn't outstay it's welcome. There are also a couple of references, homages or rip-offs whichever way you want to view it, to classic horror like the Invisible Man (1958) as Alex hides his slimy features behind bandages & Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931) with Alex's split personality, one a vicious killer trying to completely dominate the other an ordinary person. The characters are pleasant enough & the script thankfully doesn't resort to having them constantly swearing, the possession aspect of the script is a little cloudy & underdeveloped telling us nothing more than Zachary was an alchemist & occultist but there is just about enough information to get by & understand what's going on. Please don't take my praise the wrong way & expect the production values of a big budget Hollywood film as Slime City most definitely doesn't but the photography is steady, director Lamberson tries to create a few good shots & the lighting throughout is also good which helps, the New York locations work well & help to create the sleazy feel that only New York can, the acting isn't as rotten as I have come to expect from these zero budget indie horror films with star Sabin in particular putting in a reasonable performance & the most impressive & enjoyable part of Slime City has to be the special make-up effects credited to Scott Coulter which are surprisingly good, again don't expect anything outstanding but I've seen worse in much bigger budget films. They have star Sabin covered in oozing slime throughout, someone is killed with a straight razor, someone has their head bashed in with a metal pipe, someone has their head bloodily smashed open, someone has their arm severed & the final 20 odd minutes sees the almost total destruction of Alex's possessed body with the help of a meat cleaver eventually ending with his brain being hacked up, good stuff. I can forgive some of the rougher technical aspects of Slime City such as a few obvious continuity flaws & some pretty poor acting by the supporting cast member's because I just thought that generally speaking it's good entertaining fun & at the end of the day that's what watching films is all about & especially horror films, having fun & being entertained. Overall I didn't think I would but I really liked Slime City & considering that it was made for $50,000 which is peanuts it's an achievement in itself that I was impressed, easily one of my favourite semi-professional horror films that I've come across. Certainly not for everyone as it is very low budget & a little rough around the edges but I personally think it's worth watching especially for horror fans, just go into it with realistic expectations & you might have some fun.
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Average slime-fest horror
cool_cool_124 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Slime City (1988) was a good attempt by Greg Lamberson at making a low budget horror similar to "Street Trash", but i can tell you that this film is not a patch on "Street Trash" and i can assure you that it's no way near the calibre of Frank Hennenlotter's work.

The film is about a young couple called Alex and Lori who move into a New York apartment but the apartment is haunted by an occult leader called Zachery, after Alex gets exposed to this mysterious green drink he starts melting and turning into a monster and goes on a killing spree!!! Alex is being possessed by the evil Zachery and only his girlfriend Lori can save him.

To be fair the film does have it's moments and there's some good low budget gore near the end of the film, but i just felt it was lacking something and it didn't overly hold my interest, like i said before, if you want a fun slimy gorefest, stick with the far superior "Street Trash". 5/10
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Like weirdsville, daddy-o!
reptilicus21 November 2005
Take a bit of BRAIN DAMAGE, mix with a bit of STREET TRASH, shake well and then pop it in the oven until overdone and the result is SLIME CITY! Hey that is not meant to be a putdown . . . I actually like this movie and not just because the apartment where most of it takes place is a dead ringer for the first New York apartment I lived in!

Seriously now, the story involves Alex (Robert Sabin) art student who moves into a building that has seen better days. The owner/landlady is happy he moved in, a little TOO happy and the tenants are all more than a little weird. Oh well, any old port, right?

The neighbour Ramon offers the new tenant a cup of some green stuff which he calls "Tibetan Yogurt" and some green wine which he calls "an elixir" which knocks Alex flat after a single sip. It isn't long before he has nightmares about a mysterious black robed figure and hallucinates that he seduces his sexy neighbour. Then again, maybe it ISN'T a hallucination. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Are we venturing into ERASERHEAD territory?

Actually no we aren't because existentialism soon takes a back seat to supernaturalism. Alex wakes up after his prolonged nightmare and discovers his body is melting! Stumbling down the street he flies into a rage and beats a street tramp to death. Hardly has the unlucky victim gasped out his last breath before Alex returns to normal. This isn't the end of his troubles though . . . oh no we have many more reels to unspool before this is over. Those few sips of the strange green fluid have hooked him on the strange elixir and melting soon becomes a regular occurrence which only violent murder can reverse. Alex's girlfriend (Mary Huner) and his frat boy ex-roommate pal are very concerned but can they save him or will they become his victims?

This movie is now available on DVD and many of you will probably want to discover it for yourself so I will not spoil all the surprises, of which this film has many. Somehow the plot covers murder, suicide, Satanism and reincarnation and never loses its coherency. Gore is relatively mild until the end and that's where all the stops are pulled out. My only regret is that I never got to see this movie at a late night screening with a bunch of stoned, drunk college students. THAT would have been a treat indeed.

Director Gregory Lamberson did a very good job with the limited resources he had. After almost 20 years this film is finally finding its audience. I hope it does well.
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No budget but lots of heart.
Greenzombidog16 May 2011
When Alex moves in to a newly rented apartment, he has no idea that the residents want more than just a new tenant.

No budget B-movie slime city has a silly plot involving Long dead cult members old wine and Himalayan yogurt. All this adds up to our Alex having to kill to stop himself turning into a walking slimeball. The script has several unintentional laugh out loud moments and there are some pretty cheap but pretty gross special effects which for me were the highlight of the film. The story races along at a fair old pace so there's no time to get bored. I love B-movies for all their no budget charm and this movie has that in abundance. If you're not a fan of this sort of thing then it probably won't win you over.
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Slow paced and rather uneventful...
paul_haakonsen25 March 2024
Yet another movie that I had never heard about. And when I happened to stumble upon the movie here in 2024, of course I sat down to watch it. I mean, a late 1980s horror movie with a title such as "Slime City", just how much cheesier than this does it get?

I had zero expectations to writer and director Gregory Lamberson, as I had no idea what I was in for here, aside from it being a 1988 horror movie.

I have to say that this was by no means a particularly outstanding horror movie experience. Turns out that I hadn't been missing out on anything grand here. The narrative in the movie was rather slow paced and sluggish.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list. And despite having very little to work with, then I will say that the acting performances were fair enough.

Visually, then "Slime City" was not an overly great movie. The effects were adequate, though nothing outstanding, and there were movies with far more impressive special effects from the late 1980s in the horror genre.

My rating of writer and director Gregory Lamberson's 1988 movie "Slime City" lands on a three out of ten stars.
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Does your apartment building look like this?
silentgpaleo27 May 2000
A college student rents out an apartment. Strange happenings, occurring in the basement, give way to the student's mental and (literally) physical collapse.

For a zero-budget film, SLIME CITY isn't bad. The apartment building is cheap-looking(with bizzare jars stored in the basement)and odd characters roam the halls.

This is a surreal image of ghetto life, but the film never enters the world of pure satire. It is more concerned with grossing us out(which it often succeeds in doing)and scaring us(which it fails at), than with delivering a bigger overall message.

The acting is sturdy for an amateur production, and the effects are messy but not bad. It is the finished film that I was mostly disappointed with. The story just was not there, and with the lead female playing two parts, the end result is disbelief.

Still, as far as horror movies go, you could do much worse than SLIME CITY. It is just a shame that the makers of the film didn't realize that if they spent just a few bucks more, they could have afforded a real script.

And, when was the last time you saw a place in New York that looked like the inside of this building?
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A Real Midnight Movie
lovecraft23115 February 2012
A few months ago, the movie "Chillerama" was released and came with the tagline "The Ultimate Midnight Movie", which I disagree with. Not because I wasn't impressed with what I saw (though I wasn't), but because the "midnight movie" as it was known is dead. Plus, real "midnight movies"-films like "Night of the Living Dead" and "Eraserhead"-never sought cult appeal-few directors in that era looked to become popular in that sense. So, while Greg Lamberson's "Slime City" might not be "the ultimate "midnight movie", it is the real deal in what it is-one of the last true movies of it's type.

Alex (Robert C. Sabin) is a normal college student whose moved into an apartment in a run down part of New York City. His neighbors-trashy gal Nicole (Mary Huner, who does double duty as Alex's girlfriend Lori) and Punk Rock kid Roman (Dennis Embry) have something for him-from Nicole, sex, and from Roman, a strange kind of "Himalayan Yogurt" and an elixir. Well, it turns out that the yogurt is actually the ectoplasmic essence of deranged cult leader Zachary, which is now turning Alex into a slime covered monster with an appetite for murder-and only murder seems to temporarily turn him back to normal.

As I said, "Slime City" is not what I'd call a perfect movie. While the budget is hardly worth peanuts (it cost about $50,000 to make), the acting here is all around awful. Nobody here seems to have acted a day in their lives (only star Sabin acted before this), so many of the attempts to convey emotions are awkward to say the least. Plus, there's some notable errors in continuity-such as Alex's bud Jerry (T.J. Merrick) being called "Jack" sometimes, and the story feels a bit shaky at times.

Still, for a first time effort made for nothing, this isn't too bad. The movie does get by largely on the fact that it's shamelessly trashy and gory, with some inspired gags-especially in the movies slimy, gore riddled climax-and effects work that is actually pretty damned impressive considering the budget. Also, the score by Robert Tomaro is a lot of fun, ranging from New Wave synthesizer and guitar work to almost industrial like sounds with ease. The micro-budget also actually helps the look of the film, as it does a great job of capturing the seedy underbelly of pre-Giuliani New York. Finally, the things got enthusiasm and energy to spare, and Lamberson and crew pour every ounce of what they have into it, and for the large part, they do a good job with the limited means they have.

Is "Slime City" a classic? I wouldn't go that far. It is however, one of the last true "Grindhouse" movies, and as an example of one of that world's dying breaths, it's not too bad, and worth a look for fans of movies like "Basket Case" and "Street Trash."
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solid flick standing the test of time
godinamachine8 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
HEY EVERBODY ITS ME (4) and today we review .... jello jigglers THE MOVIE !!!!!!!

Here is the classic "slime city" film from the same guy who created such other classics as "killer rack" and "gruesome johnny" fun filled b-films ...BUT slime city was his kind of first born if you will ... 1988 ...the baby of the family ... AND YES this film DOES have a sequel ..... that came out in something like 2010 ... and if you love this film might want to pass on the second one ...

for an 80s film this has pretty much everything the old school gore films had ... murder/blood/guts/decapitations/dismembering/hookers/terrible sexy dancing/demonic slime monster guy possessed by the spirit of a sex cult leader know the basics though the version im seeing here has no nudity, and im pretty sure it doesnt have any ? NEGATIVE POINTS !!!!!!! A 1980s horror film with no nudity ?....a 1080s horror film about a sex cult being resur-ERECTED through special "PUDDING" sauce and booze turning people into horning freaks that kill and theres no nudity ?!???!?!!!?!? How is that even possible ?... terrible sexy dance and NO NUDITY ? ..... did i just blink and miss it ? ... hopefully ...

WELL that aside , this film is kind of up there with films like "basket case" and "frankenhooker" (franks work) with its being kind of silly but for real about it , and the over all look/grit of the filming , but thats what you would get alot from the era and that made alot of those films just LOOK better, look like they were darker in tone and just ... i dont know something about the look of a FILM recorded on FILM stock just could make a movie really pop visually ... digital can sometimes ruin a film absolutely being so clear and clean ESPECIALLY IF the movie is about something gross/grimy ....

here story wise its solid for the time it was something a little different, bringing back the dead through food and drink instead of satanic rituals or accidental electricity .... and a apartment complex of already possessed cultists all in on it i mean ....even now i dont know of any films that took that approach for a cult like film ...

quality is 80s ..... so again grimy and good for the time ....

acting is actually solid , .... for a b film its on par and well done over all .... good cheesy fun

FX are top notch here ... practical FX really well done , some classy technics used in this film, the head in the floor, etc the ways its pulled off is great legit 3 thumbs up ...

SLIME CITY gets a solid 7/10 standing the test of time ....

AND if i was to give it a score in the 80s it would have gotten an 8.5/10 easy.
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Loving this filthy slime.
HumanoidOfFlesh14 December 2011
A young art student Alex moves into some dirty New York apartment where the gallery of weirdos live.Alex receives mysterious Himilayan Yogurt from his friend-an aspiring poet Roman.Unfortunately consuming green goo has deadly consequences as Alex turns into slime-covered mutant with an urge to kill..."Slime City" is the debut feature of independent filmmaker-turned author Gregory Lamberson.The film is cheaply made,but there is enough crazy gore and slime to satisfy fans of such insane classics like "Basket Case","From Beyond" or "Street Trash".The last fifteen minutes of "Slime City" are wonderfully gory and grotesque.So if you are in the mood for some slimy goodness check out this low-budget piece of gory insanity.
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BandSAboutMovies12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Alex (Robert Sabin) and Lori (Mary Huner) have moved into a scummy New York City apartment where horrible people are all around them, like the neighbors who give Alex food and drink that transforms him into a yellow slime creature who goes by Zachary and Nicole (also Mary Humer) who he cheats on when Lori is away. If he wants to be normal, now Alex must start killing people.

Directed and written by Greg Lamberson, this is Street Trash and Brain Damage by way of The Abomination. Zachary is the cult leader who once ran this building and he is still the master of neighbors like Roman (Dennis Embry). Also, Alex works in a video store right down the street and he can't get there on time, but man, if I worked at a video store near my house, I'd stop all the murder and just watch everything the store has.

If someone offers you cooked Himalayan yogurt, you know not to eat it.

By the end, Greg's chest has opened up to eat someone, blood and yellow fluid has sprayed all over the screen and a kitchen battle between our once in love couple goes completely out of control with even more yellow scummy ooze spraying everything, everyone and even the camera. Oh yes - this goes for it, with someone's head slammed repeatedly into pulp and the reveal of Alex's dripping yellow face costing a sex worker her life as he messily slices into her throat. Seriously, the end battle is almost ten minutes long and it ends with just pieces being left in large puddles.

This is a down and dirty NYC movie shot in the muck and grime where it belongs. Sabin goes from a complete geek to being a beyond insane Satanist who lives to kill. What a transformation and what a revelation this movie is.
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Slime People Invade Flushing, New York
jfrentzen-942-2042118 February 2024
"We could use some fresh blood around here," claims a punk-poet inhabitant of the low-rent boarding house where most of SLIME CITY takes place.

As Alex (Craig Sabin) gets settled into his new apartment in Flushing, New York, he meets strange neighbors under the spell of the resident ghost, Zachary. Alex soon learns that Zach has replaced their personalities with those of his long-dead buddies. Alex is warned that he'll be next, and that Zachary was a malevolent mystic and wrote a book of alchemist's recipes called "Flesh Control."

Instead of leaving, Alex eats "Himalayan yogurt" -- some sort of flavored ectoplasm -- and the next morning awakes in a pool of slime. Alex roams the streets and kills people. Among the other flat characters are Nicole (Mary Huner), who dresses in fishnet stockings, works strip joints, has clothed sex with Alex, and murders a one-night stand. Alex's straight-laced girlfriend Lori (also played by Huner) is unaware of Alex's newly acquired personal hygiene problem right up until the point where he tries to kill her.

In the closing sequence, Alex and Lori battle it out. She chops him up but the various disembodied parts start attacking. As Alex's head barks orders, his arms, hands and even internal organs attempt to get her. The wild action is funny at times but poorly staged. Originally shot on 16mm.
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Slime City is a must-see for 80s horror fans
kevin_robbins20 January 2024
I recently watched Slime City (1988) on Tubi. The story follows a young man in an apartment building where a couple is conducting strange experiments. Accidentally ingesting one of their formulas, he undergoes a slimy, discombobulated transformation with new cravings. Can he reverse the symptoms or will he succumb to his newfound desires?

Directed by Gregory Lamberson (Killer Rack), the film stars Allen Rickman (A Serious Man), Bunny Levine (You Don't Mess with the Zohan), Marilyn Oran (Legends of Sleepy Hollow), and Craig Sabin (Widow's Point).

Impressively crafted for a low-budget horror film (made for $50k), Slime City's storyline is somewhat cliché yet entertaining to watch unfold. The acting, writing, and dialogue are average, although Jane Doniger Reibel is gorgeous in this. The soundtrack adds to the fun, and the special effects, particularly in the last 15-20 minutes, are exceptional-worthy of a 10/10 conclusion. Were those Cheetos at the end?

In conclusion, Slime City is a must-see for 80s horror fans, earning a solid 6/10. I recommend watching it at least once.
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A classic
polysicsarebest3 October 2004
Slime City is a movie about Robert Sabin eating yogurt or something and he starts to go insane as his body melts. So, he he decides to kill people. I saw this at a local mom and pop shop a few years ago, and the line on the front that proclaimed the movie was a "Jarring gore epic" really made me interested. It is jarring, it is kinda gory, but it's not really epic -- it's just really, really good. For those who like films like Body Melt and Basket Case, this is the perfect film for you. Weird gore scenes that don't really make any sense, one actress playing two different lead characters, and a script loading with strange events.

There's a gang member fight where one gang member gets his arm stuck inside a guy's body, there's some hilarious lines (a friends witnesses Robert's bodies melting and says, "And I thought my acne was bad!), and the finalé is silly but gooey and gory enough to be entertaining. The whole thing is a little directionless in some parts but is extremely compelling throughout and worth a watch for even people that aren't into campy gore movies.
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Good, gory, disgusting and cheesy fun
dworldeater8 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Slime City is an ultra low budget grindhouse splatter classic from the late 80's that delivers the gruesome goods. This is not the best film, nor does it aspire to be. This is super low budget with not the best acting and a lot of flaws. With that said, there is plenty to enjoy here in this cheap, disgusting and very campy gore classic. When artist/student Alex(Robin Sabin) moves into a new apartment in NYC, he will soon find that it is inhabited by the spirits of devotees of an occult sect led by author/cult leader Zachary that committed mass suicide and now possess the tenants that occupy the building. Alex gets seduced by his neighbor in the building, a sultry, ultra slutty and utterly irresistible temptress to the dark side. Now committing himself to a diet of green slime and green wine, he is slowly embodies the spirit of Zachary by turning into a morbid melting monster that murders some of the neighborhood's undesirables. Actress Mary Huner does double duty as Alex's wholesome girlfriend and evil temptress. Slime City lives up to its title as Alex in his transformation is an oozing, disgusting mess, vomiting green and coming apart at the seams. Slime City is a morbid omelet of gooey gore and should please most fans of 80's low budget splatter.
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Alex's relationship is about to get messy.
BA_Harrison27 December 2016
Slime City belongs to that small horror sub-genre known as 'melt movies', wherein characters' bodies are reduced to a disgusting mess of goop. Usually shot on a low budget, these films tend to suffer from rudimentary direction and weak performances, but what they lack in technical merit they seek to make up for in sheer ickiness.

Directed by Greg Lamberson, this particular melt movie stars Craig Sabin as art student Alex, who moves out of college digs into an apartment to live closer to his girlfriend Lori (Mary Huner). Soon after, he meets several of his new neighbours: slutty rock chick Nicole (also played by Huner, but decked out in some of Cher's cast off togs and one of her wigs), weirdo poet Roman (Dennis Embry) and dotty old bat Lizzy (Jane Doniger Reibel).

After accepting an invitation to dinner from Roman, during which he is served 'Himalayan yogurt' and a strange alcoholic beverage, an inebriated Alex is seduced by Nicole. Waking up the next morning, he discovers that his body is covered in a strange slime. As the day goes on, his skin condition goes from bad to worse, and his personality begins to change, until he becomes a raging killer whose condition can only be temporarily reversed by the blood of his victims.

Lamberson's film takes a while to kick into gear, with a little too much time spent on developing Alex's sappy relationship with Lori when what fans of this kind of schlock really want to see are the gross out effects. The early murder of a homeless man is promising, the poor guy having his head bashed in with a metal bar, but it's not until the latter half of the movie that the film really delivers, with the final 15 minutes or so going nuts with the splatter, Nicole defending herself with a meat cleaver, reducing Alex's body to a pile of messy bits and pieces.

It's certainly not for everyone, but Slime City has just about enough trashy charm to appeal to fans of such films (if you've seen and enjoyed Street Trash or Body Melt, you'll definitely be in your element).

5.5/10, rounded up to 6 for IMDb.
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A good'n'gross late 80's low-budget horror gorefest
Woodyanders22 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Nice guy art student Alex (decently played by Robert Sabin) moves into a cheap, but clean and livable New York City apartment. After having sex with seductive tramp Nicole (the luscious Mary Huner), Alex becomes possessed by the pernicious spirit of evil occultist Zachary and transforms into a hideous, disgusting, homicidal dripping slime monster who embarks on a murderous spree, bumping off bums, hookers and back alley hoodlums with ferocious abandon. It's up to Alex's sweet, virginal girlfriend Lori (also portrayed by Huner) to save his soul before it's too late. The first fifteen-odd minutes of this entertainingly cheesy indie fright flick are pretty slow and awkward, but fortunately the film kicks into gear and delivers the delectably down'n'dirty schlock horror goods when the possession plot comes into play. J. Scott Coulter's wonderfully repulsive special make-up f/x pour on the gore, gunk and grue by the literal bucket, drenching the screen with a revolting tidal wave of hardcore ghastly and graphic blood'n'guts splatter (the delightfully over-the-top pull-out-all-the-stops excessive climax in particular seriously smokes). Peter J. Clark's rough, grainy cinematography, Robert Tomaro's infectiously bouncy throbbing rock score, and the adequate acting add substantially to this baby's ingratiatingly tacky charm. Sure, this picture has its flaws, but there's a certain endearingly clunky sincerity evident throughout which makes this honey quite engaging and enjoyable low-grade junk just the same.
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