Drowning Mona (2000)
Peter Dobson: Feege
Mona : Why'de you pull us over Feege?
Feege : Oh let me think about that Mona, you're riding on rims and you pulled an 1107 on an officer of the law. What the hell is the matter with you son? (to Jeph)
Mona : What did you hurt him for?
Feege : He's drunk!
Mona : No he aint! Its OK baby. (to Jeph.) You're gonna pay for this Feege! You just lost your lawn service pal!
Jeff : [while threatening to kill himself] I know you all think I killed my parents.
Chief Wyatt Rash : We don't think you killed anybody!
Jeff : Yeah? Well, you're full of shit! Everyone know I've been wanting to get back at her ever since that night...
[a flashback shows Mona cleaving a sausage]
Jeff : Hey, Ma, there's no more beer. Give me some of yours.
Mona Dearly : Don't touch that beer, Jeff.
Jeff : [reaches out] Oh, give it to me.
Mona Dearly : I SAID...
[cleaves his hand clean off]
Jeff : [screams in pain] FUCK!
[back to present, everyone goes disgusted in shock]
Jeff : Was I so wrong?
Feege : You bet your ass.
Jeff : Yeah, but, I didn't kill her. Look, don't get me wrong: I'm glad she's dead and all, but I sure as hell didn't do it.
Chief Wyatt Rash : Jeff, I know you didn't kill her.
Jeff : I didn't kill my dad neither.
Chief Wyatt Rash : Then why don't you give me the gun.
Jeff : [puts the gun to head] BECAUSE MY LIFE SUCKS, MAN!