Red Team (1999) Poster


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"Hello. You're rather attractive aren't you? Your complexion's lovely"
hwg1957-102-26570420 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Despite a more than capable cast including Fred Ward, Cathy Moriarty and Tim Thomerson this is a routine movie, the identity of the serial-killer killers (the gimmick of the film) being blatantly obvious from the outset so there was no mystery or tension. The cast is led by Patrick Muldoon as Jason Chandler but he is too lightweight to bring any conviction to his role. The one character I did like strangely enough was C. Thomas Howell as J. B. Gaines, the killer called 'The Silencer'. He was entertaining at least. The whole film should have been about him. The winter setting was well filmed however so visually the look was effective. Shame the other elements of the film were not.

There is a twist near the end where Chandler's previous partner Stephanie Dobson turns out to be one of the serial-killer killers which again was so obvious it was almost laughable.
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A Decent B Movie Serial killer Thriller
lukem-5276021 April 2021
I was super surprised by how Good this DTV film really is!!!! Well made.

For a low-budget film that went straight to the shelves of Blockbuster video way back in 2000, well it's an excellent serial killer Thriller that could rival big budget "A list actors" stuff & i actually prefer these B-movies over most mega budget films as we get the more interesting actors & they're given the headlining of the movie instead of some way overrated idiot like "Tom Cult Cruise" of Boring Brad Pitt" for example, the typical bland actors that take up Hollywood films.

Here we have a great cast filling out this Classy suspenseful flick with the extremely underrated PATRICK MULDOON, I've always known him from the Sci-fi action Classic Starship Troopers, here Patrick is really good & so suited to his role of a young F. B. I agent who is naive to how things happen within his department & is like a fresh-faced hotshot wannabe type but not cocky just wanting to do something big & be apart of "The Red Team" this is the most exclusive department to be apart of in the force as these guys really take out the trash, if you know what i mean?, this team is ran by the department boss played by an excellent TIM THOMERSON (A legend of B-movies) who is a tough & no-nonsense type of guy & basically runs a team of Vigilantes to execute the scum that get off or get out of prison & i agree with this to point as these are evil people that the world would be better without but at some point you know it will come to an end sooner or later & then you become the badguy. Tim is excellent in his very juicy role & we also have another great of Cinema FRED WARD!!! I love this guy & of Course grew up watching him in Tremors 1&2, he's also on top form here as a wheelchair bound investigator who is Mentor & friend of Muldoon's Weary Detective & another B-movie great is C. THOMSON HOWELL who gives a creepy performance as a suspect serial killer who does alot more within the story than you could ever imagine, unique really & we have another great of Cinema the sexy CATHY MORIARTY (Casper, Cop Land, Raging Bull) she's also excellent here in role as the partner & voice of reason to Muldoon. This is a really fantastic cast of excellent talent here in this superior Serial killer Thriller that has plenty of exciting moments & action scenes & twists & a bleak wintery setting that sets the dark mood of the movie.

A serial killer is killing off serial killers, how Cool is that? Patrick Muldoon is trying to solve the case & many things start happening. This is a classy Thriller & one that has so much quality to it that it punches way above it's weight & comes off a knockout.
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A not bad idea sunk by gun jumping
Poe-1731 July 2001
They weren't ready to make this movie when they filmed it. It so much reminded me of a great idea in the midst of thinking it through, like a rough draft of a novel with all the flaws glaring and ready to be fixed. But they filmed it anyway, unrepaired. There wasn't a single surprize, which this kind of movie demands, but they were so close to delivering one with an adjustment here and there. Patrick Muldoon was not the actor to take this lead. We can't buy him as the hero, he just doesn't convince us he's who he's supposed to be. We get faces and expressions and action filmed from an impossible to participate angle. The idea of a serial killer taking out serial killers is an exciting premise with much promise but the writer's couldn't deliver, or whoever was responsible for the final product, the exceptional film this idea deserved. This is a notion that should slip in there with the Silence of the Lambs. We should squirm and fear the scene that comes next. We shouldn't see the G rated climax coming from a mile away, or the plot twists so far in advance we don't mind going to the fridge while they unfold. Fred Ward, who can be a lot of fun, was horribly miscast. This was a really great idea hurried into production and what could have been a riveting thriller fails to make us twitch. I hope they take this idea and run with it again, with more octane. It's rock solid idea. Rock solid ideas shouldn't go limp.
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Not the worst movie I've ever seen, but in the ballpark
thekbarrs28 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Lousy acting, poor sound and a weak story. This movie has it all. Who was the audience for this movie? Were we supposed to be upset because some serial killers were being killed? I had a hard time working up any sympathy for them, especially the pedophile they throw off the bridge. I actually agreed more with the "bad guys" in this movie than the "hero". This was a much better movie idea when it was called Star Chamber. At least in that movie there was some doubt about the guilt of one of the suspects. In this movie all of the suspects were guilty and deserved to be punished. It would have been better if there were some grey in this black and white presentation.
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Does the cycle really get broken? A twist on serial killing.
michaelRokeefe23 February 2003
Mediocre thriller about a serial killer killer. That's right. An astute FBI agent(Patrick Muldoon)is assigned to the Red Team that deals with unsolved serial killings. He stumbles into the case of his life when he is on the trail of a murderer whose victims are suspects themselves in serial killing. He thinks his supervisor Tim Thomerson has crossed the line and is involved with the new string of killings. He goes to a wheelchair bound veteran cop(Fred Ward)for advice. He needs the aid of his former partner(Cathy Moriarty)to unscramble the good guys from the bad. The cast also features:C. Thomas Howell, David Millbern and Deb Patterson.
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This movie will leave you sleeping.
nickp39530 October 2001
The movie starts out with a promising premise, but falls flat on its face. Patrick Muldoon's performance is uninspiring, and the chemistry between him and Cathy Moriarty is non-existant.

I felt that there was a lot of potential in the supporting cast with Fred Ward, C. Thomas Howell, and Tim Thomerson of Trancers fame, but none of them really came into bloom.

The entire plot becomes all too apparent halfway through the movie and leaves you only waiting for the ho-hum ending.

Check it out if you are a fan of any of the cast, otherwise leave this one alone.
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should have given it a 10 for laugh out loud belly laughs
shoots1 October 2001
Wow, just got home and happened upon this morsel of bad cinema-so bad you're mesmerized, last night, and laughed out loud and covered my eyes when Patrick Muldoon laid on the bed scared as hell as a bloated Cathy Moriarty climbed on top of him as he said "are you sure you want to do this?" I think instead he meant, "Please don't do this" as she proceeded to crush him in her sausage casing black dress and he struggled to breath. He was luckily saved by the bell,his cell phone. You couldn't help notice the smile and relief on his face when he lamented he had to go back to the office first. I thought he pushed the ringer volume button to make it ring so he'd have an excuse. This was just after the leader of the Red Team said "welcome to the club" and then darted his eyes towards Patrick's crotch, because Patrick had saved bumbling Cathy from narrowly getting a lead slug in his head from a pedophile. Oh silly girl, " I really screwed up didn't I?" she lamented. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing! I can't wait to see it again to find some parts I missed. Plenty of plot lines stolen from famous films like "Silence of the Lambs", but instead of a moth, it's a rare plant that conveniently leads us down the path of discovery, where we are never allowed to believe he was just a C student at Ridgemont High. I'm still chuckling.
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Crummy flic
mr-natural15 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The biggest surprise was that there's an FBI team stationed in Winnipeg Canada. Ward was fine as usual. The leads were pathetic. A 25-yr-old kid making love to a very worn 40-ish gal agent with a terrible wig? It was embarrassing. Music was strange but at least it wasn't hip hop or rap. The main idea of a killer of serial killers was a good one. Too bad the concept was wasted on this cheap production. Great title, Red Team, should be used someday for something better. I would have given this movie a 1 instead of a 2, but I reserve 1's for pictures so bad that I walk out of them. My list of 1's isn't very long ... The Bell Jar, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, and The Crying Game. Red Team was just bearable enough to last to the VERY predictable end. Save your popcorn for almost anything else - throw a dart - this pig is not worth the effort.
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I'd like to remake this thing
MBunge10 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is practically the textbook example of incompetent filmmaking. If some grotesque experiment in metaphysics could anthropomorphize the phrase "incompetent filmmaking", the resultant creature would be some misshapen combination of writer Alex Metcalf and director Jeremy Haft. It would probably have two heads, no brains and no balls.

Don't get me wrong. I've seen films that are much, muuuuuch worse than The Crimson Code. However, I've never seen the makings of a perfectly fine story as horribly mangled and shoddily stitched together as what Metcalf and Haft crapped out with this movie. It's almost like a more talented person came up with the outline of this tale and then Metcalf and Haft killed that person, stole the outline for themselves and filled it out into a full script by stuffing it full of their own stinking, creative pus.

FBI agents James Chandler and Stephanie Dobson (Patrick Muldoon and Cathy Moriarty) are on the trail of a serial killer called "The Silencer", because he cuts out women's tongues. They haven't had a lot of success and find themselves shut out of the elite serial killer-hunting Red Team headed up by their boss, William Haywood (Tim Thomerson). But when Chandler and Dobson are called to an accident scene where the victim turns out to be a wanted serial killer, Chandler notices something. It's a clue that he follows up on with the help of his now-wheelchair bound mentor, Randall Brooks (Fred Ward), and eventually leads him to conclude that there's someone out there murdering serial killers. Dobson scoffs at his theory, but Haywood is impressed enough to invite Chandler and Dobson to join Red Team on the apprehension of another serial killer. While on the mission, Dobson ends up getting taken hostage and Chandler has to shoot the escaping killer dead.

Haywood is so impressed with Chandler that he makes him a part of Red Team, breaking up his partnership with Dobson. That frees up them to jump into bed together. While all that's going on, Chandler continues his search for "The Silencer" and focuses on a local florist named J. B. Gaines (C. Thomas Howell). But after another mission where he sees Red Team essentially murder a pedophile kidnapper, Chandler begins to suspect his new associates are the ones killing serial killers. He recruits Dobson and Brooks to help him get the evidence to arrest Haywood and Red Team, even taking his theory to the director of the FBI.

But then J.B. Gaines, who turns out to really be "The Silencer", lures Chandler into a trap where the FBI agent ends up killing an innocent man. Red Team captures Gaines but then turns on Chandler and tries to kill him. He escapes, finds Brooks killed and runs to Dobson for help. It turns out Dobson has been working for Haywood this whole time and betrays Chandler. Red Team locks Chandler and Gaines inside a burning building and leaves them to die. The FBI agent and the serial killer escape and team up to take down Haywood, Dobson and the rest.

Now, that may not be the greatest story ever told. But you have to admit, those are the basic building blocks of a fun and exciting little thriller. Writer Metcalf and director Haft unfortunately take those blocks and build a movie that doesn't have a single once of fun or a solitary moment of excitement. These losers took a pretty good idea for a movie, digested it and then filmed the stuff that leaked out their collective anus.

To start with, the dialog is so bland and uninvolving that it makes me think "Alex Metcalf" isn't a human being but one of those chess-playing computers that was programmed to write a screenplay. If you took a band of hobos and had them do their own improv version of Macbeth, they'd come up with better dialog than what you hear in this film. There's also so little realism in the portrayal of FBI agents and how they do their work, it appears the only research done for this film was watching commercials for upcoming episodes of the TV show Criminal Minds.

The Crimson Code also lacks any sense of mystery or suspense. The closest it comes to generating any tension is playing hard rock music while people are walking around. And it's hard to keep the audience guessing when the movie hands out every answer before you even realize there's a question.

The direction of Haft is just as fumbling as the writing of Metcalf. He doesn't know where to put the camera. He doesn't know where to put his actors. He doesn't know how to start a scene or how to end one. His attempts at fight scenes and love scenes are so uninspired that I suspect Haft is a pacifist virgin. His visual storytelling has the subtlety of a rock thrown through a window and flows like molasses in Antarctica.

Considering they're trying to do the acting equivalent of starting a fire with damp newspaper and a rubber chicken, these performers do as fine a job as could be expected. At least they manage to get through all these terrible scenes without bursting into laughter or tears. Cathy Moriarty must have come close to sobbing when she watched this thing, having to look at herself with so much bad make-up caked on her face she resembles nothing so much as a middle-aged woman pathetically trying to shave 15 years off her age. C. Thomas Howell does get a little annoying, playing his role of serial killer as if he were Snidely Whiplash from the old Dudley Do-right cartoons.

If I ever win the lottery, I'll be sorely tempted to remake The Crimson Code. There's the blueprint here for a good-to-middling little movie. Besides, even if I turned it into a musical and cast sheep in all the non-speaking roles…it couldn't be any worse than the original.
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Inadvertent fun ride.
memoryofyourface20 May 2005
Red team (aka Crimson Code) is a memorable movie for its astonishing comedy, of course that wasn't intended. They must have had a doozy of a time pondering whether they should turn it into a comedy or not. I won't explain any plot in this movie. As far as I'm concerned, its plot is elementary and nonsensical. Besides, it doesn't play any role in this movie. The star of this movie is its effort at trying to be a thriller. It tries so hard with the rock music they have going on in the background and some actions scenes (which by the way is hilarious). In the course of the movie, if you notice how absurd it truly is, you'll start enjoying it because you'd only be a fool to criticize the movie; it is endless parade of ridiculous scenes one after another. AND that's alright because they are what make the movie watchable. I've laughed so much watching this movie. I can't believe I'm saying this but I've enjoyed this movie.
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Crimson With Embarrassment
NoDakTatum19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I admit I liked the basic idea of this film. What if an FBI agent stumbled across some cases of serial killers getting murdered by another serial killer, a serial killer killer? Cool, and something different to throw into the serial killer film subgenre. Well, we can always hope. Patrick Muldoon, looking like the theoretical lovechild of David Duchovny and Jason Patric, plays the young FBI agent Jason Chandler who works in the serial killer unit. He partners with Stephanie Dobson (Cathy Moriarty), and they work for William Heywood (Tim Thomerson). Chandler discovers a bunch of serial killers who are dead or stopped killing, and he goes to his wheelchair-bound mentor (Fred Ward), who has about six scenes and never leaves his living room. Chandler begins to suspect Heywood and his elite squad (the "Red Team") of killing serial killers, and he witnesses a perp get the Red Team treatment (he is thrown off a bridge). This throws a monkey wrench into his investigation of J. B. Gaines (C. Thomas Howell), a serial killer who cuts the tongues out of young girls' mouths.

Neat basic idea, but I felt cheated and patronized by the film makers. At one point, Heywood takes Gaines' watch before leaving him to die. Now, we have seen another Heywood victim without a watch, and we see Heywood take the perp's watch, and everyone talks about how serial killers take trophies from their victims, so naturally Heywood is taking timepieces as trophies of his serial killer victims- but we still need Chandler to tell Gaines that, just in case one person out in the audience shrieks "hey, what's the deal with the watches?" Also, the Red Team sets up Chandler with fake notes from Gaines. Chandler's home is wired to an alarm. Someone from the Red Team gets in, leaves the fake message for Chandler, and does not set off the alarm. Later, when two Red Team members sneak into Chandler's house to kill him, they set off the alarm. Worse still, when one of the fake notes gives Chandler an address where Gaines is supposedly killing a woman as we speak, Chandler goes flying over there alone, gun drawn, not stopping long enough to remember all that great training Fred Ward taught him. How many serial killers give out addresses to the FBI, in case they might want to prevent another killing? The film's original title, "Red Team," and the video title give away the fact that the Red Team is involved in killing serial killers, thereby negating any suspense the film had planned. The final shot involving the FBI director tries to be very droll and ironic, but it is just a weak ending to a weak film. I cannot recommend "The Crimson Code."
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Horrible Movie
gary962 March 2001
Saw this movie and was dissapointed. The plot was a good idea, but the movie did no justice to the idea behind it. The writing was terrible. The movie was too simplistic, corny, predictable, and boring. No suspense at all. Whoever wrote this movie, obviously didn't read their work when they were done with it. This movie had cheesy lines, and the emotion of the actors looked to contrived, also the "love" scene between the male and female partner was forced. YOU CAN HAVE A MOVIE WITHOUT THE LEAD MALE AND FEMALE "FALLING IN LOVE (OR SHOULD I SAY LUST)"! I'm suprised at the actors in this movie (although not your Hollywood heavyweights, but they do have recognizable names). They must have needed the money pretty badly to participate in this less than "B" movie!
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Didier-Becu3 April 2004
"Red team" is Jeremy Haft's second movie and it all comes clear that the poor man has lots of things to learn, like avoiding clichés as this movie really seems like an example that can be used at a filmschool learning how you don't have to do it. Shame as the first five minutes are rather brilliant and it makes you think you'll be watching some great unexplored B-movie but soon you are in the middle of dumb action and an intrigue that is spoiled by the director itself in less than 20 minutes and a shame as the mystery of a serial killer that kills serial killers could have been much better done. It's also quite strange to see great promises like Thomas C. Howell appearing in such movies, hmmmm not even able to get the main role. "Red team" is the film with a name that suggests it all : crap...
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I guess sometimes you need a setpoint that is close to zero
watchhawk21 January 2002
The acting of Patrick Muldoon and Cathy Moriarty as runners up for the police squad named the "Red Team" that so effectively took care of the serial killers was perhaps admirable considering the lines and characters the script makers gave them. This movie is a total copycat movie of all the lousy serial killer movies you have seen in your lifetime. It is a long time since I have seen such a badly written piece of film write. It had all the stereotypes; the computer geek (that wasn't even a true geek here), the rotten cops, the seductive woman cop that gets the good cop in bed (utterly distasteful and not fitting in the movie), the clever serial killer and yatta yatta yatta... The music is horribly added to the scenes and the editing is just horrendous. I feel sorry for the producers of this film. The director... I am speechless. Since still could imagine two stages of making a still worse film I give it an undeserved 3/10. Better luck next time "Team Red".
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An exceptional psychological thriller
film_feverish14 July 2004
I was genuinely impressed with this movie, having rented it randomly from the movie store. The Crimson Code is a pretty intense thriller featuring a tight script with a few well-positioned plot twists. It was thoroughly entertaining, and I was impressed by Jeremy Haft's direction... it looks like he's a relatively new director with a real gift for crafting suspense and tension. For an independent movie, they put together a pretty interesting cast, including Cathy Moriarty, the Oscar-nominated actress. As a fan of the genre, I was drawn into this thriller pretty quickly, but I think any movie fan would love to watch Crimson Code.
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Interesting premise, mediocre results
Wizard-824 January 2004
"Who is killing the serial killers?" states the quote on the cover of the video box, a quote that promises a twist in the tired serial killer genre. However, the answer becomes quite clear in the first few minutes! Then for about 3/4 of the movie we have to sit though yet again the various cliches that we typically see in this genre, with no real new twist to them - not really badly done, but tired and familiar. Near the end, there is an intriguing development with an alliance of sorts, but unfortunately it's dealt only at face value at most, and is finished with after a few minutes. The production values are pretty decent, and C. Thomas Howell (cast against type) is surprisingly good as the serial killer the bland Muldoon pursues. But overall there's really no real reason to seek it out, especially if you're burned out on serial killer movies like I am. Maybe if it comes on TV when you're bored and have nothing else to do...
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This movie was incredible
rockyz2011 June 2000
Well, first off, my cousin directed this movie (Jeremy Haft), but I'd like to say that my opinion has nothing to do with my relation to him. I thought that the plot of the movie was great, it kept you on the edge of your seat. Not many people have seen it because I believe it hasn't really been released to anything yet, but I was at the premier. The actors are great and the lines are unforgettable. You'll remember the thrill of this movie forever. :)I know I will.
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Fine film, but haven't I heard this music before?
jmil27 September 2001
This was a really good film. However, I seem to remember hearing the musical underscore in another fine film, The Man With a Golden Arm. 1955, starring a young Frank Sinatra. Music by one of the greatest film scorers of all time, Elmer Berstein, and a classic, world famous movie score. Is this allowable? Is the Golden Arm music now in the public domain, and if so, can a contemporary film just "use" the Berstein score? Anyone else pick up on this?
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A very good movie - scary!
mccloskeyc23 November 2001
This movie was a fun ride! There were good twists and turns, and at times it was pretty scary. I particulary enjoyed the directing and cinematography as the shots were very cool and the whole mood was dark and menacing - particulary the opening shots and the chase through the woods at night in the snow. This is definitely a movie worth seeing.
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If you've seen the star chamber
franky7126 July 2001
Blatant rip-off of the star chamber and not a very good one.I can safely say 'I am definitely not related to the producer', like the previous reviewer, wonder how much his cousin paid him!. Pretty surprising how the likes of Fred Ward and C.Thomas Howell can get involved in something so very predictable and stupid, must have had a spare couple of weeks with nothing else on the table. 3/10
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Grade B potboiler
zorcas2 August 2001
Obviously made on the cheap, the plot has endless holes in it, the acting is mediocre, the production values are nil and the total lacks all believability. Especially having the FBI's head flying into the boonies to meet with a beginning agent, and casting as the female lead a woman at least 20 years older than the boy-man hero.
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