- Nina Blackburn: What, if any, is the difference between a ho and a bitch?
- Tone Def: A ho fucks EVERYBODY.
- Ice Cold: Right, but a bitch fucks everybody BUT YOU.
- Nina Blackburn: So, guys, what's the deal with the hats?
- Ice Cold: That's what NWH is all about. We got a whole hat philosophy, you know what I'm saying? I mean, see, back in the days when there was slaves and stuff, they would work in the hot sun all day, you know, with the sun beating down them. Hatless. I mean, not even a babushka.
- Tone Def: Word. Heads totally exposed to the sun.
- Ice Cold: You know, so by the time they got back to the plantation from being in all the heat, they was too tired to rebel against their masters, right? So what we saying with Niggaz With Hats is, "Yo, we got some hats now, muh-fuckers."
- Tasty Taste: And we ain't too tired to bust a cap in yo ass.
- Ice Cold: Right, but see actually that shit was supposed to be NWH: "Fear of a Black Hat," then subtitled "Don't Shoot Until You See the Whites."
- Nina Blackburn: Of their eyes?
- Ice Cold: Whose eyes?
- Nina Blackburn: Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.
- Ice Cold: Nah, don't shoot until you see the whites, period. That's it, end of story.
- Nina Blackburn: They say it's the quiet ones that you have to watch out for.
- Tasty Taste: And, if you've noticed, I ain't said shit for a couple minutes now.
- Guy Friesch: Take away the pornography; take away, you know, the, you know, women-bashing; take away the kill-whitey stuff. Take it all away, and you've got the kids next door, you really do.
- Nina Blackburn: Next door to you?
- Guy Friesch: Not me.
- Ice Cold: Over here we got some perpetrators - a bunch of Ice Wannabes. See, Ice Cold, I'm the man, but we got Ice Tray, Ice Coffee, Ice Water, Iceberg, Ice Cup, Icebox. I mean it gets real ridiculous when people tryin' to bite your style, you know what I'm sayin'? But, hey, that's the way it is, it's the rap world.
- Tone Def: Yeah. Because when you take the bus... you GET there.
- Geoffrey Lennox: [pauses] THAT'S deep.
- Ice Cold: Wait, you mean you actually understand what he's saying?
- Geoffrey Lennox: Oh, yeah.
- Ice Cold: Look, my man, class of '87. See? Bow tie, checkered pants. He was on the glee club. My man was on the year book staff. He was the year book editor! How you gonna be a hardcore OG gangsta editin' the year book?
- Kurt Loder: Ice Cold of NWH says, it's funny, no one complained about their earlier albums, which included, "P.U.S.S. why?", "Straight outa da Butt", "Garden Ho's", and "Ho Ho Ho's", a Christmas release that featured the group singing, "Santa Claus is coming, and not necessarily to town."
- Geoffrey Lennox: Just look at you three brothers. Just look at you. Together. You. You little black stove-pipe-colored nigga, Tasty, you are the same complexion as Marcus Garvey, the man that brought self-love to the black consciousness movement in the 1930s. And when we speak about complexion, we move into the political perspective of where y'all coming from. You, Ice, you's a good, high-yellow piss-colored motherfucker. Same complexion as Bob Marley. I mean, you even got that dreadlock thing going for you. You could even move into a whole Rasta thing, if you wanted to. But that's another story. And you. You good red-boned, morani-colored, genie-in-a-bottle-looking motherfucker. You are the same complexion as Malcolm X. That's right. Take off your hat. Jeeze! Red hair, just like Malcolm! Boy, I'm telling you, you brothers are gonna be large! But like I said, you got to be careful. Because y'all are telling the truth, and the white man don't want you all saying what you're saying.
- Geoffrey Lennox: "Guerillas in the Midst", man, that is gonna be *crazy* large. And the album "Fear of a Black Hat", that's gonna be bigger than "Wild Thing". Oh, man, you brothers are gonna be large for the simple fact that you're with me. And I got the wining team, and I am large. I am larger than large. In fact, I'm so big they call me Dinosaur.
- Nina Blackburn: Are all these weapons registered with the state?
- Tasty Taste: The state of siege, heh heh.
- Tasty Taste: This is a bazooka, see? And you just pick this up like this. It's-it's-it's-it's kind of heavy. But I figured if I couldn't pick it up, I need to have it.
- Nina Blackburn: Why would you need a bazooka?
- Tasty Taste: Well, sometimes you gotta take out stuff like a bus or a building, or a *bunch* of muhfuckas.
- Nina Blackburn: Do you worry that you have a lot of enemies, more than the average guy?
- Tasty Taste: So what you tryin' to say? You tryin' to say that I'm, like, paranoid 'n stuff? Do I look like the kind of person that would be paranoid? I mean, when you rollin' with THIS, would *you* be paranoid?
- Ice Cold: I'll show you my new book I'm working on. "FYM" by Ice.
- Nina Blackburn: "FYM?"
- Ice Cold: Yeah. "Fuck Y'all Motherfuckers."
- Nina Blackburn: Are you planning a follow-up to this book?
- Ice Cold: For certain, because I got a lot more to say. I think it's going to be called, "ASMD." "And Suck My Dick." I was going to call it "ASMBD," "And Suck My Black Dick." But I'm more of a mocha-colored motherfucker, so that didn't really work.
- Nina Blackburn: On your song, "Booty Juice", what's the political significance?
- Ice Cold: The butt is like society, which we want to see as being openness and expansion, you understand? But the white man wants to clog it up and keep it closed, and we trying to get a foot up in that motherfucker. You know what I mean? So the easiest way to get your foot in there is if it's all greased up and ready. The butt, that is, a.k.a. society, right? So what we're saying with "Booty Juice" is, when is yo butt at it's most juiciest? When you dancin', when you doin' the nasty and stuff like that. I mean, you know -- can't speak for your butt personally, but I got some suspicions about it. But anyhow, the thing is, you want that sucker nice and greased for you to slide on in there. And that, on the political tip, all we saying is, we gonna get that ass.
- Tone Def: You see, I don't see color anymore. You know, I look at people, and everybody seems to be the same shade.
- Nina Blackburn: You sure it's not the glasses?
- Nina Blackburn: Do you know the caliber of all these guns?
- Tasty Taste: Uh, yeah. This one here is for little motherfuckers, this one here is for a couple more motherfuckers, and this here is for BIG motherfuckers.
- Nina Blackburn: So where are you guys from? Compton? The sewer?
- Tone Def: Nah, that shit is for punks.
- Ice Cold: Yeah, we don't like to say where we from.
- Nina Blackburn: I thought all rappers like telling people where they're from.
- Tone Def: That's like a muh-fucka saying he got a big dick and can fuck for hours.
- Tone Def: I need one of y'all to stick that bedpan underneath my ass.
- Tasty Taste: It ain't THAT type of party.
- Tasty Taste: This is some Wile E. Coyote Acme shit. The reason I got this is because every time I watch them cartoons, this shit be blowin' motherfuckers up. So I figured I should use it.
- Tasty Taste: This is a Uzi, fully automatic.
- Nina Blackburn: I guess you have to really know what you're doing to use one of those.
- Tasty Taste: Nah, this is a good jimmy for beginners. I mean, this is better than those autofocus cameras. You just spray the area.
- Nina Blackburn: I've heard that your last five managers were killed, all by gunfire.
- Tasty Taste: Yeah, but they was all accidents.
- Ice Cold: I mean , you know, except for Whitey DeLuca.
- Tasty Taste: Yeah, we don't know what happened to him.
- Tone Def: Yeah we do.
- Tasty Taste: Yo, Tone!
- Tone Def: Oh yeah, I forgot. We don't know.
- Ice Cold: [rapping] Booty juice comes right from the source, What's the source? An ass, of course, The kind that spreads out extra wide, The kind that's nice when you come inside, It's fresh and ain't all pasteurized, But I always rise when I tap the thighs, 'Cause I like 'em big, I like 'em greasy, I like 'em round, And I like 'em easy, I like it when the girls step on the floor, Shakin' them booties just like a ho, I like it when it shakes in the pants so loose, But I love it when it's drippin', That booty juice
- Right Winger: This group is an affront to every decent American. Just listen to some of these song titles: "Booty Juice," "Back in the Ho Life Again," "Ho Down," "Suck my D-*-C-K," "If Your Mama Don't Shut the F-*-C-K Up, I'm Going to Shoot the B-*-T-C-H"."
- Ice Cold: I want you all to understand somethin'. When I say nigga - I don't mean nigga in the way a lot of people when they say nigga mean nigga. Right? Because to me, nigga breaks down to a whole different thing. Like, check this out. Like, see, nigga stands for: Naturally, lntelligence, Gonna, Get, you know, like, Ahead. But you might wanna take it a little bit further than that. It's like you might say that nigga stands for: Naturally, lntelligent, Gonna, Get - that Ass. Now, there's no "T" in there. That would be "niggta." But, you pretend that is is there. Right? You got: Naturally, lntelligent, Gonna, Get, Ass.
- Ice Cold: We here to tell you youngsters that we know there's a lot of evils and ills out there in the world we want you to stay clear of. You gotta understand, when we was y'all's age, right, we was already knockin' off liquor stores.
- Ice Cold: That's one of the first things that I dropped, right, "My Peanuts". I had to get that pressed myself, then I sold it out the trunk of my car. Right here on this very street.
- Ice Cold: [rapping] My peanuts come alive, When you open that sack, Smoother than Jif, And fresher than Planters, My peanuts exceed all standards, They're def enough, To knock you to your knees, Even Planters ain't got no nuts like these, My peanuts!
- Nina Blackburn: How about when you're making love?
- Tasty Taste, Ice Cold, Tone Def: Nah!
- Tasty Taste: See,, if you smile, then a woman thinks she got you.
- Tone Def: The next thing you know, she askin' you for money and shit.
- Ice Cold: Exactly. I mean, you know, the best thing, if you think you're the kind of motherfucker that's predisposed to be smilin' and shit, you best to kick that shit doggie-style.
- Tasty Taste: Pow!
- Ice Cold: You know, then you can go in from behind, right? And you don't have to worry about her seein' you and shit.
- Tone Def: Right.
- Ice Cold: You can make all kind of faces.
- Tone Def: Make sure you ain't got no mirrors and nothin' around.
- Ice Cold: [rapping] Some of them punks just want to feel it, When they see me grip with both hands, It's a black thing they don't understand, It's true they want to take it all, So before they rip you ball for ball, Cup your hand, Cover up, N.W.H. say grab your stuff, Grab it!
- Ice Cold: [rapping] A black man gets no justice, 'Cause the kangaroo court don't trust us, Wasn't the first and won't be the last, Brothers got to move to get that ass...
- Guy Friesch: That was bad, kicking the record company guy's ass. That was counter-productive. I got to be honest.
- John Liggert: Don't you think this song is a little extreme?
- Ice Cold: Nah, man, that's my experience from jail. I mean, that's the black man's experience, man.
- John Liggert: Well, it's my experience that this type of song causes problems. I mean, the lyrics here. I mean, "See me jack you in the valley, See me ice you in the alley." I mean, that's a bit too much. And what about this concept, you know, of a video that has you guys killing police officers? I mean, can't you guys just dance around like Hammer?
- Geoffrey Lennox: Y'all talkin' about some heavy shit. I mean, that ain't your average garden-variety, run-of-the-mill, gangsta bullshit. Y'all hardcore. But you got an edge.
- Rev Brother Pastor Deacon Dr Doug: You know, the other night I went to see the N.W.H. show. Just so I could see what it was like for myself, firsthand. And when I got there, I couldn't believe my eyes! Women, dressed like harlots! Shakin' everything that God give them. And they are going to wring their drawers out! On-stage! Panties! Full of sin. All the freaks was all out of their minds!
- Nina Blackburn: So is it true that N.W.H. is thinking about putting a love song on the new album?
- Ice Cold: Oh, yeah. Tasty got that, he's hookin' that up.
- Tasty Taste: Yeah, check this out: I want to make you mine, Slap your fat behind, Tie you down and make you whine, I want you to scratch my itch, And be my *bitch*, Because I love you, girl
- Ice Cold: I think that just shows his whole vulnerability.
- Tone Def: The black man was the first sensitive man, long before Alan Alda.