Ninja Vengeance (1993) Poster

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A long-winded, amateurish mess
Leofwine_draca2 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
NINJA VENGEANCE is certainly the worst ninja film I can remember; at least all those Godfrey Ho duds are unintentionally amusing, so they offer some form of entertainment value. This film is merely dull through and through. The story is about some wooden ninja guy who decides to fight back against the rednecks in a small town, but the action takes place in the dark and is very limited. More emphasis seems to be on gunplay than real ninja action, and the whole thing is a long-winded and amateurish mess.
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Entertaining in a silly way.
Boba_Fett113818 June 2011
Perhaps it is because I have seen so many truly bad movies but I just don't see this movie as a completely horrible one. It at least has some entertainment value in it, though the movie still remains an incredible badly done one.

The movie has a sort of amateur feel to it, which isn't that surprising, since it got made by a whole bunch of people who had never worked in the industry before. It's as if a bunch of friends said; 'hey, let's shoot a ninja movie!' and somehow managed to get all the resources and people together to pull it off. The directing, the writing, the editing, the music, the acting, it's all really below par and quite clumsily at times but the movie does manage to still bring some entertainment. It's not a boring movie, mostly since its one that's always on the move with its main characters.

Not that it's a spectacular movie to watch action-wise especially if you're expecting lots of ninja fights but there is still enough action in it. In a way this movie reminded me of a lot of '70's exploitation action flicks, set in a random Southern town, in which a stranger arrives in town and gets in trouble with the local rednecks. The movie even looks like an '70's movie, though I highly doubt this was intentional. It all has to do with its obvious very low budget they had to work with.

It's a very silly movie, mostly due to its simplistic script. The way things progress and get build up are all highly unlikely. It also doesn't really make the characters any strong ones but that doesn't really matter since the movie doesn't even really feature real actors in it. Craig Boyett and David Lord were probably only cast because they knew some moves and Janet Pawlak, who runs like a pregnant aging chimp, probably got cast because she was willing to take her shirt off.

The movie its premise might sounds promising to some (an American ninja fighting a bunch of KKK members) but the movie itself doesn't really know what to do with its own concept. Still I think if you're into the this ninja stuff and in particular the true philosophy behind it you will be able to appreciate this movie much better than most people are able to.

It's a bad movie but not one without its entertainment value luckily.

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worst "ninja" movie ever
skatepawn15 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was bad, and by bad we mean not even fun to make fun of. We are connoisseurs of bad movies, horror and ninja movies in particular. First off, this movie had absolutely no ninjas in it, despite what the box art would lead you to believe. The main character (a black belt in ninjutsu) spent the entire movie getting the living crap knocked out of him by bumbleskank rednecks. The main reason seems to be instead of fighting, he attacked with full body... rolling. Also, his beliefs that smearing mud on his body "camouflaged" him from the vengeful rednecks are undoubtedly part of his supreme ninja training. The only real ninja in this movie was the Kawasaki he rode into town on. Sadly, I'm not kidding!

Fortunately, boobs are this movies redeeming quality, as the lead female character lusts after people who are really good at rolling. In the hay. With angry rednecks all around. My head hurts, don't watch this movie.
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What a horrible disappointment
iamnotthepope18 April 2006
This could have been one of those movies that's so bad it's good. And based on the cover art, that's exactly what you'd expect. A ninja fighting the KKK? Sounnds awesome! Too bad that's exactly what you don't get. There is no action in this movie. NONE. The so-called "ninja" that is the protagonist spends the entire movie running away from the KKK hicks and occasionally getting his butt kicked. You only know he's a ninja because the flashbacks tell you so.

You'll find more action in an episode of Sesame Street. More believable acting too. Don't watch this movie unless you're having trouble sleeping. That's about all it's good for.
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Good idea but TERRIBLE result!
curst_saden1 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER WARNING! (But methinks you'll be glad I spoiled it...)

OK, this movie has a few concepts that I personally like and that I think could have made an amazing movie, IF done correctly.

But, that's the problem. This movie WASN'T done correctly.

The story is of a guy who is an "expert" in the art of the ninja, on his way to a convention. He stops in a small Texan town when his motorcycle breaks down, only to find that the town is run by the KKK. He witnesses a terrible murder and is is now on the run. The police chief's daughter insists on following him and the two travel together. Eventually, after much running in the woods, a few violent encounters and a nude sex-scene, the climatic fight before a burning cross takes place and state police come to arrest the KKK, leaving our Ninja hero and his love to live happily ever after.

This movie sucks. Plain and simple! It has such a unique concept: a ninja that does battle with the KKK. How cool is that?! But come on, this "black belt" Ninja gets the crap beaten out of him multiple times. Seriously, he got trumped by some redneck at least two or three times over the course of the movie! Some black belt. The acting is hideous, the fighting sequences could have been A LOT better, and the story, with a few loopholes and overall bad writing, spends most of it's time slinking through the woods as the KKK chase after our would-be black belt. I mean, running through the woods with bad buys after you is a good idea but where's the suspense? Where's the plan? This guy is just running aimlessly through the woods! Yeah, some plan.

It's a fun one if you enjoy mocking movies like my dad and I do, but not for a thriller fix.
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This Ninja needs to vanish!
The Bronson Fan20 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The movie basically starts out with flashbacks on a beach, with a montage of a man being trained in the art of Ninjitsu. This includes a brief "history" of Ninjitsu and what they believe. Periodically throughout the film, his "master" is shown teaching him the ways…. don't take it as gospel. While in Texas he, Jesse (Lord), is headed out to a seminar on his Kawasaki Ninja bike (of course), the bike stalls and he gets stuck in a back water hick town, run by the local Klan Sheriff. While waiting he witnesses the local police hassle a young black man at a diner. This tells us that these guys are no good and that their brand of justice is the law. So later that night, our hero is jogging around practicing some kata and runs into the local Klan trying to lynch the young uppity black man. A fight ensues, the black guy is killed, and amusingly one of the Klansmen's sheets catches fire on the burning cross. The cops pin it on Jesse, so using Ninjitsu he escapes from the local lock up (don't ask) and they begin to chase him down. One of the Klan member's daughters, Sam (Pawlak), goes with him, because it was her friend that was killed. Throughout the film he gets beat up and made a fool by the hillbillies. They even put in a Klan meeting that looks genuine from what I have researched. And eventually some blacks arm up and then go to take on the Klan. Jesse is now face to face with the kung fu Klansmen and they fight. In a very badly staged scene they duel, but Sam ends it by shooting him before he kills Jesse. The father of Sam, who is in the Klan, sees the light and calls the feds and it's all broken up. Thank God that's the end.

This is probably the worst so called "Ninja" film I have ever seen. The action is awful, the fight scenes are poor, and the main character has the skill of a white belt. The premise was an OK idea, but put into practice it falls apart FAST. As soon you start to watch this film you can tell it's cheap. There's just a look and you will probably see it right away. So when I looked it up, it's an Indy. OK, that can be forgiven, but the poor script and action of the film, can not be. The "fights" are poor at best, with no real victory ever accomplished. The "Ninja" gets owned by virtually everyone, especially one Klansmen who seems to know something of the martial arts. Now I realize in a fight, most people won't come away unscathed, like Steven Segal's nonsense, but this guy basically gets beat and hounded most of the film. And there are so many stupid things abound. For instance, while in the forest, he starts putting dirt on himself to basically camouflage himself. OK that makes sense, but he tells her, we must use the elements earth, water and fire to conceal ourselves. So after soiling himself in dirt and very black mud (paint) he jumps into the water. Good one, you just erased all your camouflage, I guess he didn't watch Predator. Earlier while in his motel, he lays out the typical ninja weapons, but never gets to use them. A total waste. And again of course the terrible fights. Deep in the film, he fights some hillbillies trying to get Sam and punches out his teeth. Hilariously bad, they looked like wax lips or something and the guy keeps going on all the while complaining about his teeth. LOL! With the added sound track one can't help but laugh at this drivel. The ninja also doesn't like advice from some girl, she says don't go that way, he does and walks into an ambush. Poor mans ninja fails again. I bet Scott Morris learned from this guy (UFC 2). Not to mention the fact that it feels like the sound track is totally off from the people talking. This may be yet another example of a film with the actors dubbed for no reason at all, see the poor Indy film ROTOR for more on this. They try to get across the theme of hatred and all that, but it's mostly fails, frankly just dew to poor production values and a silly script. Overall a very poor film, I caught on the This Network, that martial arts fans should avoid at all cost, however if your fan of bad films, this is your stop. 1 out of 10 stars.
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Good to fall a sleep too
watchtiger111 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I found this moving late at night on the new THIS TV network now spreading across the USA.

This movie as suggested by another reviewer is good if you can't sleep.

This is supposed to be a movie about a young man being a ninja, which is only proved by flash backs, none of these flash backs though show him being trained in ninja techniques but karate. His teacher/master tries to pass knowledge on to him in this sign song style voice.

He spends a lot of the time being beaten up and supposedly for a black belt (given to him in a flash back, he goes from a green belt to a black, which in it's self incorrect as there are no belt levels in ninjitsu) this is pitiful.

On his first encounter with the KKK (Klu Klux Klan) he fights them, gets beaten up by them. Two of the KKK members are with the sheriff's department, this is obvious to everyone but him. He runs to a pay phone and calls the police, for anyone to be a trained observer, especially a ninja this is a travesty no to have noticed a KKK member with a law enforcement outfit.

If he payed for this training he was ripped off, you'd get better training watching any of the Karate Kid Movies.

Speaking of which the Karate Kid Movies are more entertaining then this sorry movie....No wonder MGM has been close to bankruptcy a few times.

Not worth the time unless you can't sleep.
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Worst movie ever
crimsnangel8 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The acting in this movie reminds me of a horrible porno. There was no emotion in the lines, except periodically yelling and getting upset, and was then responded to with a mellow sort of "I almost forgot my line" response. When you think of ninja, you think of a stealth killer...that is not true in this movie. He spends the entire movie telling Sam that he is not wanting to fight, that he became a ninja to overcome his fears. When you talk of being the silent, you don't expect a person to be meditating in a tree until right after the rednecks passed him by, then jumps down right behind them and tries to run away...yeah, smart. There is absolutely no reason this movie should have been made.
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Red letter media destroyed it with a cinder block...
fatwelshhippie19 January 2013
The on-line comedy review company - Red letter media watched this film with a group of people and found it so bad that it wasn't even funny. I then managed to find the film and watch it myself and I'm afraid I must concur. The story is supposedly about a ninja fighting members of the KKK, which sounds really hilariously awesome. The one thing is though - that it isn't in the slightest cool at all. It's just him running away a lot. And then he gets beaten up numerous times and then the girl shoots someone with a shotgun. He's not really a ninja at all. It only shows he is one in flashbacks. Redlettermedia after watching it, dropped a cinder block on it and smashed it to pieces. I wish I could have done the same. I think that's all I have to say...
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The Most Authentic Ninjutsu movie
Shugenja18 November 2009
Yes, this is a B movie, no question. But what the other reviewers don't get is that this movie features authentic ninjutsu. It features Stephen K. Hayes, the man who brought ninjutsu to the west. The techniques are actually ninjutsu, instead of some flashy movie-friendly dance steps like you would see in a Sho Kosugi movie of the same era. I can see why this wouldn't impress viewers used to seeing pretty-boy actors dangling from invisible wires and doing the splits and the cha-cha-cha, but this movie is a must-see for any student of Bujinkan ninpo taijutsu. It's great for us to see effective fighting techniques instead of Broadway dance steps. For authenticity alone I give this a 7 out of 10.

The plot, dialog and acting are horrible. Why can't a movie be made about the south without featuring the Ku Klux Klan? I guess that's what New York and Hollywood writers think about when they think about the South, but it's as tiresome now as it was tiresome in the late 80s when this movie was made.
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Entertaining, Well-Made Film
TedMichaelMor11 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Director Karl Armstrong made an excellent and entertaining film with this first effort. Janet Pawlet and David Lord might need a bit of seasoning but they make a credible effort. The cinematography by Jaroslav Vodehnal is professional and imaginative. Editing by Mr. Armstrong is effective. I think that directors ought more often to edit their films than they do.

Special effects are effective for what must have been a low-budget effort. Matthew Morse composed a score that perfectly fits the narrative—in an old-fashioned way.

Finding the film not what I expected it to be surprised and delighted me. In what might have been a cliché effort, I found freshness and imagination. I think that the film promises further good movies. The people who made this little movie love movies and understand their potential to enlighten and entertain.
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Here's why it's not terrible
gojetpower14 August 2013
The plot. Yes, so many technical aspects of this movie go wanting - dialog, editing, direction, etc. Even with all its weaknesses relative to your average Hollywood blockbuster, this movie stands out - and the direction may be partly responsible - in one big way: It feels real. The constantly twisting plot, the constant self-questioning by the main character, the mixture of decisions based on principles and passion - even if clouded by a script that needs work - the many unusual features of the production actually add up to a story worth watching.

In fact, the editing, along with the cinematography and clumsy-seeming acting, help give the film its real-life feel. So maybe it's better than it might seem at first glance.

This film depicts a human realism that doesn't shout out at us - we have to look beyond the expectations we might have about a movie called "Ninga Vengeance" to see it.
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No effort to make a good film
MovieBuffMarine2 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If you read the premise, it was a Ninja versus the KKK; sounds like an exciting epic.

But as you start the movie and continue along, it seems like there was no effort to make it anything special. You realize how bad it is and fail to see any semblance of a story.

Someone remarked "The techniques are actually Ninjutsu, instead of some flashy movie-friendly dance steps like you would see in a Sho Kosugi movie of the same era." I respect that review of this film and it's no surprise that Ninjutsu has been embellished through the Cannon Group. More power to anyone that actually enjoyed this.

But I'm sorry, even with accuracy, movies "with a lesson" and not too much embellishing does not mean it has to turn out the way this one did. Artistic license (of a real subject) does not hurt if it's not overdone

Seems like no one did their job well to make this a quality movie. "Low budget" does not always equal low quality. And while martial artist, Stephen K. Hayes was the subject matter expert on this film, it don't look like the star, Craig Boyett picked up any of Hayes' training or knowledge.

There are plenty of actors who win martial arts roles, but never had any of that training beforehand (Ralph Macchio and Michael Dudikoff come to mind); but they end up nailing their respective roles. Was Mr. Boyett even an actor? Even if the martial arts wasn't embellished, you can tell one who has been training in it and it seems like our "star" did anything but! Yeah, no preparation for the role!

If this film was supposed to tell another story or lesson of Ninjitsu (or martial arts in general) that doesn't have the Hollywood embellishments, that's fine. But with the way the movie was poorly executed, you only think of the poor acting and poor martial arts moves ("real" or exaggerated) and miss the lesson.

Whether you hear of them or not, there are plenty of QUALITY "low budget" films, because the players, producers, writers and directors made an effort to make it so. This one seems like all involved didn't care for quality.
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Don't waste your time
robertasmith29 August 2018
Watched this on Netflix. Useless acting, terrible dialogue, stupid story - I would have rated it zero if that was allowed. It is also badly edited and very poor quality. The story isn't even original. I watched it in the hope there's would be some decent fight sequences but my local judo club could stage more realistic scenes.
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Independent Film, Great Fight Sequences
adaml-226 April 2000
This is an independent film with a lot of heart. First time director Karl Armstrong makes his debut with this Ninjitsu inspired story of a couple on the run from the KKK. The drama moves along at a disarmingly easy pace only to be interrupted by a blitzkrieg of fighting. A very non-Hollywood ending caps off this fine work from a maverick director who is working outside the system with limited funds.
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You Can't Taste Racism!
apb4389 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I whole heartedly disagree with the other reviewer of this "so bad its good" 80's action flick. I just caught this gem on Impact's on demand, at first, i couldn't imagine how i missed a flick like "Ninja Vengeance" when it came out, as i could re-enact any and all of Sho Kosugi's Cannon Group performances before I'd even hit puberty, but a few minutes in, i quickly discovered, it's in a class so amazingly bad, it makes those Cannon group martial arts films of the 80's (Pray for death, China Obrien, American Ninja, Crack House" look like Kevin Smith films.. wait.. no, um.. well anyway, the key feature which immediately struck me, and quickly sold me, was though the actors were clearly speaking English, the film is re dubbed with voice actors, so perfectly bad, i have to wonder if it was an intentional move to save the movie from itself.. possibly a recent addition via impact?. Anyhow, i don't know what that other guy is talking about, there is nearly constant action, local yokel racists are relentless in their pursuit of the rookie blonde ninja hero, and kind local girl turned romantic interest (who gratuitously disrobes in the first 15 seconds of the movie) after he crashes their community outreach rally, but fails to save this poor token black guy from a fatal baseball bat blast to the skull, From then on, the ninja hero basically runs away trying to find help, and kicks ass when he has to. Though it's not traditional "ninja vengeance", hell, he's not even the one that delivers the vengeance in the end, and, well nothing he does really embodies movie ninjitsu, nor real ninjitsu, he busts out really awesome tumblesaults! Practically nothing about any stage of this movie makes sense, my G.f. and i were glued to it from start to finish, laughing all the way. If you enjoy bad action movies, You will love it. If you get the dubbed over version that is.
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Ninjas against the Klan
BandSAboutMovies17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Jesse (David Lord) says he's a ninja, but he has all these books on being a ninja in his gear and I don't think that real ninjas learn from a book. They're raised as ninjas, right? Or they come in as adopted ninjas like Snake Eyes or Nero in Enter the Ninja. I also don't want to tell ninjas what to do - I mean, Menahem Golan, whose 21st Century Film Corporation made this should know better than me - but I also don't think they battle the Klan, even if that's a noble enough cause.

Karl Armstong only directed this movie and Perfect Mate, mainly working as an editor, often on animated films like How to Train Your Dragon and Over the Hedge. Perhaps he found his calling, because making ninja movies was not it.

Despite flashbacks from his ninja master (real life ninja master and let's not be racist, but non-asian man Stephen K. Hayes who was in kung fu magazines a lot, so your mileage on him being an actual ninja master may vary), I wonder exactly how much Jesse learned. Mostly he rolls around in the mud. He does ride a Ninja motorcycle, which is the kind of thing that I also don't think ninjas do.

Someday, someone will make a ninja against the Klan movie and it will be amazing. This, however, is not it. Ninja Vengeance was made in 1988 and not released until 1993. I imagine it had some type of bad movie radioactive half life and therefore had to be kept from the rest of the world. Avoid at all costs.
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NOT a Martial Arts film, but wonderful movie.
m-cline-829-89096729 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you are expecting a martial arts movie, this isn't it. There is so little of the movie Ninja BS (black dressed assassins, sword fights, throwing stars, and fancy fight scenes) as to put most people to sleep. If that is what you're looking for, find a Sho Kosugi flick instead. Trust me on this. BUT, if you are looking for an accurate, fact based movie on Ninjutsu, with a healthy lesson of human decency, morality, and REAL fight scenes, then this is your kind of movie. I include a 'spoiler' alert because this will spoil the movie for most people. The fight scenes are very tame, and almost childish to those who know only the Hollywood version of Ninjutsu. Sho Kosugi's films are amazing works in martial arts action, but will get you killed in the real world. In this movie, violence is only used when all else has failed, and this is based on real world understanding and survival. While he plays a very small part in the movie, An-Shu Stephen K. Hayes is the real mind behind this movie. This is, as far as I know, the only real attempt to show the Art of Ninjutsu in a film, as it has been passed down for generations. This is not a killing art, as Hollywood would have America believe, but a way of life, harmony, and peace. Something, I think, this country could use more of today. The basic story is dated, to a degree. All it takes is one look at the gas prices ($.98 a gallon) to know that we're dealing with another time. Sadly, be it in the 1980s or in 2010, a lot of the story is still relevant. A young girl is friends with a young Black man, and they both long to leave the small town they live in. On the surface, like most towns, it appears perfect. But, racism and hatred lurk just below the surface. When her friend is murdered by the KKK, the truth starts to leak out from under the cover of the small town. At this point, the two story lines merge, the small town girl and the lone biker with motor trouble, into a dramatic story of self-learning. The loner is a student, or so he thinks, who doesn't want the trouble that finds him. In the end, however, he finally learns what has been missing in his life and his journey in the martial arts. Racism and violence flow in this film, but from the ones who claim to be peaceful, not the ones associated with violence traditionally. There is only one nude scene, by Samantha (Janet Pawlak), but it is a show-stopper, and marks a critical point in the movie. Such beauty seems to be only known to a few in films, and this movie doesn't use her to sell it, though she clearly could. The acting is average, but doesn't detract from the story. Sadly, having grown up in a town like this, I can attest that it is all too accurate in too many ways. But, any more than that may ruin the movie's plot, as it clearly wasn't made to compare to the 'shock' status of modern films. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to see the true nature of Asian martial arts, and especially Ninjitsu. It will make you wish there were more Ninja out there today, I think. The skin scene is short, so it won't last in some competitions where more is better, but then beauty is an acquired taste. The real meanings, however, are not only the focus of the scenes, but in the background, such as the seashore training sessions. Honestly, give me more movies like this one, so I can enjoy the films again. Truly a family style film, with a lesson.
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