80 of 154 found this severe
There is a sexual component to murders: A woman was shot up the vagina. A man was castrated. Both actions take place offscreen.
Nudity overall includes male full rear nudity, bare chest and female breasts.
62 of 75 found this severe
A man is found drowned in a vat of boiling gumbo.
A body with a bloody bullet wound through the eye.
A dead woman shot up the vagina.
We see a dead man with his throat bloodily slit.
We briefly see a room soaked in blood.
A man's entire face is briefly seen covered in blood.
A dead woman's chest is bloody, her heart has been cut out (we see the heart for a split-second).
A man's shirt is shown briefly covered in blood.
During a voodoo ritual a woman cuts the throat of a chicken and briefly smears herself with the blood.
34 of 66 found this moderate
28 uses of 'fuck' and 16 of 'shit'. One brief use of 'bitches'. A few racial slurs.
33 of 60 found this moderate
Some alcohol consumption.
Angel smokes several times
39 of 63 found this severe
A frightening sequence involving yellow eyes.