Saint Jack (1979) Poster


Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • There is a slightly extended scene of two women flirting and fooling around as they disrobe to the point where they are touching each other and potentially leading to sex - while 3 men watch off camera. The scene contains topless and full frontal nudity of each woman independently. At one point one woman is on her back naked on a bed (head towards the camera and legs away) and the other naked woman kneels down in front of her and the scene cuts to one of the men at that time.
  • Several scenes are in a brothel - there is talk of sex, women wearing tight dresses or scantily clad, a man standing in his boxer shorts having a conversation, and other similar sights. No nudity. A street vendor displays dildos to customers seated in an outdoor café.
  • A naked woman struggles to get out of a room and is followed by a naked man, he grabs her and slaps her. During the scene there is full nudity for the man and mostly full nudity of the woman.
  • There is brief full frontal nudity of a male prostitute toward end of movie.

Violence & Gore

  • A dead man is shown lying on a sidewalk with a fair amount of blood.
  • A man is held at knife-point during a couple of scenes. In one of them he is forced to get crude tattoos and ends up with slightly bloody arms.
  • There is a scream off camera (implying violence) and then a man is seen slapping a woman in the face but is stopped before doing more. She has a bloody nose and a bruise on her face


  • Fuck, Son of a Bitch, Shit

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A number of scenes contain people drinking alcohol. the main character drinks scotch fairly regularly. A few times men are shown quite drunk.
  • Occasional smoking of cigarettes and protagonist smokes constant cigars throughout the movie.
  • There is talk of selling and/or doing heroin but no actual usage is shown
  • In several scenes men are shown smoking marijuana (usually a joint) and they appear to be stoned.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • None

See also

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