5 of 8 found this mild
One episode revolves around Barbara starting a rumor about her being sexually active and using contraception.
It is implied that Ann and David are sleeping together in season one.
Ann is later seen in bed with her second husband Sam.
Julie at one point dates a man who is in his 40s, something Ann doesn't approve at one point she insults him and Julie retaliates with "You lonely Ma? You want him?"
3 of 5 found this mild
Lots of verbal fights and arguments.
Ann slaps Julie in one episode.
Julie is seen fixing Schneider's pants while he's wearing them and accidentally stabs him in the rear with a needle.
Schneider and Max almost get into a fist fight.
2 of 4 found this mild
Use of "ass", " crap", "damn" and "hell".
3 of 5 found this mild
One episode revolves around teen drinking.
In one episode a teenage girl is so depressed she overdoses on medication.
2 of 5 found this mild
Barbara learns in one episode that she is not able to bear children, and she ends up heartbroken upon discovering the news.