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Pretty much pure plot, still, one of the bricks making up the noir cycle
bmacv21 July 2002
There's more to Undertow than the first screen credit of young `Roc' Hudson (in fact his tiny role as a police detective barely registers). It's one of a handful of noirs that William Castle directed before turning his attention to, and making his name in, gimmicky schlock. While none of them is so good as his first – When Strangers Marry, with Robert Mitchum and Kim Hunter – they're more than passable. As is Undertow.

Scott Brady looks like Lawrence Tierney's kid brother (which in fact he was). In Reno after a stint at a mountain lodge he wants to buy and run, he bumps into an old pal from mobbed-up Chicago (John Russell). They compare the diamond rings they've bought for their respective fiancees, though that doesn't stop Brady from flirting with a girl (Peggy Dow) he met in a casino and shares a flight home with. Since the police meet him at the plane, any extracurricular romance comes to naught, so Brady dutifully hooks up with his intended (Dorothy Hart). Next thing, he's taken for a ride and framed for the murder of unseen crime boss Big Jim, who happens to be Hart's uncle. Trying to clear himself while on the lam, he enlists Dow's help; he also happens to stumble onto the fact that his fiancee and Russell's are the same woman....

Undertow is pure story, competently enough executed if devoid of anything particular to lodge in the memory. It preserves evidence of why Brady stayed in his brother's imposing shadow, and leads one to wonder why Hart made so few movies (though, of her handful of credits, roughly half are noirs). While not an essential title in the noir cycle by any means, Undertow was one of the hundreds of titles that went into making it a cycle, and far from the weakest of them.
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William Castle Directs a Good Murder Mystery
boblipton14 December 2018
Scott Brady meets Peggy Dow at the Reno gambling spot run by John Russell. He helps her win $120 at the craps table. They are seated next to each other on the flight to Chicago. He tells her he's going to propose to Dorothy Hart. He doesn't notice, but she looks disappointed.

In Chicago, Miss Hart is enthusiastic, but she warns him her uncle will object. He's the head of the Syndicate and he doesn't want her wedding anyone from the criminal world. Brady says he'll talk to him, but on the way he is grabbed, shot and moved. When he wakes, he discovers her uncle has been killed and he's been identified as the killer. The cops are on to his old friends. His only possible help is Miss Dow and his old friend Bruce Bennett, now a Chicago detective.

William Castle directed this with a lot of Chicago location shooting. It's more a Black Mask sort of story than a straight noir, with the lighting touches limited to the El system and the final couple of minutes. The movie is directed for speed and efficiency -- a Universal programmer, but with a decent number of red herrings and good performances (particularly by Bennett) until the murk begins to clear for the viewer about two-thirds of the way through.

Observant fans will want to keep an eye out for Rock Hudson in his first credited role.
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The story is just OK but the atmosphere is fantastic
AlsExGal14 December 2014
This is an odd case of a film having the same title as a film from twenty years before with absolutely no relation between the two. 1930's "Undertow" was about a lifeguard who marries a selfish party girl and then moves her to a lighthouse where things go downhill from there for both of them. This film has nothing to do with that forgotten but still surviving early sound film by the same studio and has nothing to do with an undertow, but I digress.

Tony Reagan used to be in the rackets, but after two stints in the military he is ready to go straight. He wants to buy and run a hunting and fishing lodge in the Rocky mountains and marry his girl, the daughter of an old rival of his back in his racketeering days. The movie starts in Reno where Tony runs into one of his old friends who is running a casino. While there he helps a schoolteacher on vacation (Peggy Dow as Ann McKnight) win 120 dollars rolling dice. You see, Tony still knows some of the tricks of the house. They share a plane ride home, and you can tell Ann thinks this might be headed some place romantic, something Tony does not pick up on. When he mentions his fiancée to her you can see her facial expression sink along with her hopes.

When they arrive in Chicago, Tony is met at the airport by the police. They take him to headquarters and say that the word is on the street that he is there to murder "big Jim", his fiancée's father, and tell him to leave town. Tony says to book him or leave him be. They leave him be, but soon he'll wish they had put him in jail because he would have been safer. That night he is knocked unconscious and when he comes to he is sitting in a parking lot in the car he rented earlier with a gunshot wound to his right hand and a gun sitting in the seat next to him. Then he learns on the radio that "Big Jim" has been killed that very night and that he is suspect number one. He tries all of his old friends looking for a hideout - the police have them all covered.

Then it hits him - the cops don't know about Ann, the girl he met in Reno. He dials her up and she helps him, even though she knows that he is a hunted murder suspect. So together this street smart fellow and naïve schoolteacher have to figure out who has framed him before the police can catch him. The suspense never lets up and there is some great photography and camera work involved here. I'll let you watch and find out what happens. Highly recommended.
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A very nice surprise
bensonmum220 July 2021
Having returned to Chicago, Tony Reagan (Scott Brady) is accused of murdering a wealthy, powerful man who happens to be his fiance's uncle. Injured and with the police hot on his trail, Reagan has few places to turn. He eventually seeks the assistance of a woman he hardly knows. He met her the previous day on the flight to Chicago. With her help, Reagan's out to clear his name.

Undertow is a neat little film noir that, until last night, I had never heard of. I was shocked at how much I enjoyed it. The story has a lot of suspense that builds throughout. There may have been a few predictable bits in the plot (like the murderer's ID) and some big coincidences (like a friendly cop who agrees to help), but the journey is so much fun it hardly mattered. Director William Castle (yes, that William Castle) proves that he could do more than churn out sensational schlock. His pacing in Undertow is about perfect. The film also looks phenomenal. Cinematographer Irving Glassberg lensed a movie that looks far better than it has a right to. But, then again, I seem to say that about a lot of the Universal B picture output from the 40s. Finally, I enjoyed the exterior 40s-era footage. Whether it was the airport, the plane, or downtown Chicago, it was awesome stuff.

I have no complaints as far as the acting goes. Generally, I'm not much of a fan of Scott Brady. There's just something about him that puts me off. Here, however, I thought his performance was more than adequate. As for co-star Peggy Dow - what a revelation! Considering this was her first film role, she was amazing. Dow plays the sweet, innocent, cute, trusting, fresh-faced, all-American girl about as well as anyone I've ever seen. Looking over her filmography, I'm saddened to see she only made nine films. I'm going to make it my mission to see as many of these as I can. The rest of the supporting cast - John Russell, Dorothy Hart, Bruce Bennett - are equally strong. Finally, the film features a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment from a fresh-faced Roc (with no k) Hudson.

Overall, a nice little film that I'm happy to have stumbled upon. Undertow gives me hope as I continue my journey through some of these smaller, lesser known film noirs.

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Brisk and satisfying B movie
lorenellroy30 May 2002
William Castle was always a B movie director .His talent -amounting almost to genius -elevated some of his 50's work to the status of "event movies" but works like "The Tingler" "Homicidal"and "Macabre"were nothing but glorified B pictures wrapped in the razzle -dazzle of showmanship.

"Undertow"makes no pretense at being other than what it is-a brisk programmer for the bottom half of double features-and satisfies on this level Scott Brady is Tony Reagon,an ex-con going straight who is framed for the death of a mob boss,Big Jim,and the movie deals with Reagon's fight to clear his name with the help of a sympathetic cop and a schoolteacher with whom he struck up a friendship while en route to Chicago where the bulk of the movie is set.

Good use of the Chicago locations and a brisk pace compensate for moderate acting.Its predictable but narrative pace stops it getting tiresome
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William Castle directs this dandy little noir thriller.
planktonrules27 December 2018
Tony (Scott Brady) is the perfect patsy. He's an ex-con and the Chicago police are more than willing to believe the worst of him. So, when some unknown people kidnap him, shoot him and set him up for his future father-in-law's murder, the case seems pretty air-tight. However, like so many noir films, he investigates the case himself and aims to prove his innocence. Along the way, he gets the help from a nice lady and even from a cop.

"Undertow" is an excellent and enjoyable film. While Peggy Dow's character makes no sense (why would anyone help a wanted man when they barely know them?!), the overall story is quite well made and keeps your attention. It has some excellent twists and the acting is quite good despite the actors mostly being second-tier. It sure helped having the excellent director William Castle in charge, as he had a habit of making the most of lower budgets.
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Scott Brady in his hunk days
blanche-27 September 2021
Scott Brady, who became a character actor in his later years, was a young hunk in "Undertow" from 1949, directed by William Castle and featuring John Russell, Peggy Dow, Dorothy Hart, and Bruce Bennett. Brady was Lawrence Tierney's brother and sounded just like him.

Brady plays a former mob member Tony Reagan, who, after time in the Army, falls in love with a mountain lodge and decides to buy it. In Reno, he runs into an old friend (Russell) - both the men have rings they want to present to their girlfriends. The club Russell runs is owned by Big Jim. Tony is in love with Big Jim's daughter (Dorothy Hart) and is on his way home to Chicago. Big Jim doesn't like him, but Tony is determined to win him over.

It doesn't work out as he'd hoped. Tony is framed for Big Jim's murder and winds up at the apartment of a woman (Peggy Dow) he met on the plane. She was initially attracted to him, believes his story, and wants to help him.

This film is interesting for several reasons. The first is the fantastic atmosphere of Reno and Chicago, the old cars, the stores, the pay phones - very evocative of the '40s.

The second reason is that Rock Hudson, under the name Roc Hudson, plays a detective. Blink and you'll miss him. Robert Easton is also in the film. It was his and Peggy Dow's film debuts.

The third reason is the appearance of black characters, both of whom have decent roles, and black people who appear as extras.

The fourth reason is the appearance of Bruce Bennett as a detective friend of Tony's. Bennett was an unusual man - under the name of Herman Bix, he was a star shot-putter in the Olympics. He then went to work in films (Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Mildred Pierce, etc.) and lived to be 100.

As for the film, it didn't hold together for me. I figured it out almost immediately, but that's because I've seen so many of these films. The end just fell apart.
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Set Up
bkoganbing15 September 2020
In Undertow wich was shot on location in Chicago the same way The Naked City was shot on location in New York, Scott Brady our protagonist is fresh out of prison and he's vowed to take out the mob boss who put him there.

That was what we would call a lot of trash talk today, but said trash talk is making Brady look very good for the homicide of said Chicago mob boss.

Brady spends most of the film on he run and looking for assistance. He finds it in Peggy Dow a girl he met while out of town and from homicide detective Bruce Bennett a childhood friend.

Although it's fairly obvious from the gitgo who's behind the murder still Undertow is a good mystery thriller. Look for Rock Hudson in a small role as one of the detectives assigned to the case.

Nice 2nd feature B film from Universal.
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Effective but predictable crime thriller
searchanddestroy-119 February 2023
This movie belongs to the severals that William Castle made for Universal, under the three years contract he had with the studio. He also gave us crime thrillers for Universal: HOLLYWOOD STORY, THE FAT MAN... Before this period, he was a Columbia pictures B director for some series movies, very very cheap. He will get back to Columbia after the Universal period for this time working under the producer Sam Katzman, and this for several years, where Castle will provide all kinds of films: westerns, adventures, costumes cloak and dagger - though that will mostly remain the Henry Levin speciality for Columbia. Only by the early sixties, Castle will find out his golden lode: horror, terror films, that will make him so famous. Concerning this film, it is a fast paced, very effective crime thriller, well made, acted, but not an authentic noir such as PUSHOVER, SHIELD FOR MURDER or THE KILLERS. You have here a good hero and some bad guys. Predictable scheme, unfortunately....
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Not bad for a B thriller, actually vying with the best ones
clanciai21 March 2021
The plot is actually impressingly ingenious, as it is impossible to guess what it is all about, and like the poor framed victim and failed wooer you feel inclined to just give it all up, but there are two dames involved in this, one in the thick of it and one by accident. Eventually the one with the many children carries home the prize.

The music adds to the increasing quality of this very suggestive noir, and several composers appear to have been at it, among others Frank Skinner and Miklos Rosza. William Castle directed many films, mostly B, the "Whistler" series and the "Crime Doctor" series among others, but this should be one of the best ones. For once the brevity of the film is an asset, because it increases the density and the brilliant conciseness of the account. The plot is brilliantly contrived, like a perfect jig-saw puzzle, which is impossible to identify before it is finished, as the clue to the mystery arrives better late than never. The actors make good performances, Scott Brady on the rack at the mercy of Dorothy Hart, while Peggy Dow is a relief. You get misgivings from the beginning as it is in the racket of gambling, starting off at Reno and continuing in Chicago with hoodlums and everything, and all your worst suspicions gradually come true. But it is an efficient thriller and well worth watching, for all its extreme unpleasantness of worries and suspense.
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Scott Brady & Peggy Dow
TheFearmakers20 February 2024
Scott Brady, younger brother of tough guy legend Lawrence Tierney, is thrust into a wrong man noir before he even realizes where his feet are planted for director William Castle's UNDERTOW...

After talking about purchasing a rural lodge, he meets lovely good-girl Peggy Dow at a casino and then an airplane on the way to that very town where he'll be a new business-oriented citizen: only the cops know he's an ex-con with a grudge against a casino-owner named Big Jim... who we never actually meet and who he's eventually blamed for killing... as Scott becomes desperate enough to break into lead cop Bruce Bennett's home, pull out a gun and beg for help...

And while there's a fair amount of tension and rugged atmosphere, a brisk pace and a nicely-shot, gray-walled aesthetic, UNDERTOW mostly makes like our leading hero, traipsing rather blindly from one location to another, where neither he or the audience is quite sure what the next clue will get him, or why...

Just a little over an hour, director Castle seems to be doing an imitation of the kind of gritty noirs where Brady played second fiddle, like HE WALKED BY NIGHT, but the chemistry between he and Peggy Dow (while fiance Dorothy Hart and best friend John Russell are predictably guilty from the get-go) make it a neat, perfectly-paired time-filler.
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Hitchcock-like wrong man film
rojan6123 March 2022
Alfred Hitchcock is my favourite director of all time bar none. If you are of a like mind you will also love this film noir in the Hitchcock form very enjoyable. I had never heard of this movie until I came across it on YouTube. Scott Brady is very effective in the wrong man Jimmy Stewart type lead male role. William Castle does a fine job as director.
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Not Clever But Passable
GManfred19 October 2011
"Undertow" is a simplistic example of a good 'B' picture, your basic Film Noir 101 movie. There are no surprises, lots of coincidences and plot contrivances, and the endgame is telegraphed about midway through. Screenwriters could have written this one in their sleep, which may account for the flawed, unsatisfying nature of Undertow.

The cast is attractive; several familiar 'B' actors put this picture over with performances that infuse it with much-needed energy. I thought Scott Brady, John Russell, Bruce Bennett and Peggy Dow were just fine, production values were good, but the movie lacks suspense and tension. Every time a crucial scene would come up you just knew the outcome.

Nevertheless, 'Undertow" succeeds in its own unsophisticated way, and for 40's theater audiences it would have been a good time killer while waiting for the main feature to come on.
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A house with a long corridor
dbdumonteil23 May 2009
Today ,William Castle is known as the man who bought Ira Levin's "Rosemary's baby " rights and produced one of the best horror movies of all time.

"Undertow" has a quite derivative screenplay but the director made the best of it and any film noir buff can give it a chance :it thoroughly deserves it.It features at least one unforgettable scene: the chase in the long corridor which gives you goose flesh.Of the two female leads,I prefer Dorothy Hart to the rather bland Peggy Dow.

In the 1968 movie Castle produced ,there was a corridor which played a prominent part too.
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LeonLouisRicci12 August 2021
Director William Castle makes the Most of On-Location Shoots.

Some Gritty Violence and Tense Scenes Add Gravitas to the Familiar Plot.

Two Intense Scenes are Notable...

Scott Brady being Kidnapped, Blind-Folded, Beaten, and Shot in a Dark, Underground Labyrinth Shifts the Tone Sharply.

A Grotesque Finale, again in a Dim, Forbidding Underground Setting with a Hulking, Human, Friend Seeking Revenge.

Along with Brady is John Russell, Bruce Bennett, Peggy Dow, and Dorothy Hart. All are Fine in Support.

Notable is a Scene where Bennett as a Helpful Cop-Friend, Focuses on Things that were Slowly Infiltrating Film-Noir...


The Low-Budget Film-Noir has the Main Genre Ingredients and Fits Firm.

There is a Femme-Fatale, that Despite Common Wisdom is Not Always Present.

The Street Scenes, the Beneath the Street Scenes,and a Dark, Frantic Tone, All Contribute.

To Rise this to Slightly Above Average, and is Definitely...

Worth a Watch

Note...Rock Hudson's first Credit...Billed as "Roc" Hudson...About a minute of screen-time and a couple of lines as a Police Detective.
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