Blues in the Night (1941)
Elia Kazan: Nickie Haroyan
Jigger Pine : Do you think I ever thought about startin' a band before? I've thought about it lots of time. I'm always thinkin' about it. But, it's gotta be our kinda music! Our kinda band. The songs we've heard since we've been knockin' around this country. Blues! Real blues. The kind that come outta people. Real people! Their hopes and their dreams. What they've got and what they want. The whole USA in one chorus.
Nickie Haroyen : The whole USA.
Jigger Pine : And that band ain't guys just blowin' and poundin' and scrapin'. That's five guys - no more. Who feel, play, live, even think the same way. That ain't a band - it's a unit! It's one guy multiplied five times. It's a unit that even breathes on the same beat. It's got a kick all it's own and a style that's theirs and nobody else's! Its like a hand in a glove. Five fingers. Each that fits slick and quick.
Nickie Haroyen : I'm a student of jazz.
Pete Bossett : What?
Nickie Haroyen : A student of jazz. I know the anatomy of swing - not only musically; but, theoretically. I've read everything from 'Les Jazz Hot' to 'Downbeat'.
Sam Paryas : Hey, what's the matter with you guys? Don't you work here any more? Our policy is continuous entertainment. Kay's been finished for five minutes.
Nickie Haroyen : We're comin' Massa Sam, we comin'.
Nickie Haroyen : The kind of music you played tonight. The way you played it. You're throwing all of that away and you'll never get it back, Jigger. Because, you'll be a cripple like Brad. Only worst! Because, you'll be crippled inside of ya. Well, it's all right for Brad, Jigger. He's gotta live that way. That's the way he's got to end up. But, not you, Jigger. Not you.