When Wang's uncle goes out into the field to urge Wang to sell his land, he is standing quite far away from Wang. In the next shot, the uncle is standing just an inch away from Wang and is able to touch Wang's shoulder.
When O-Lan is washing dishes while the family and guests are eating, there are several bowls and chopsticks in the sink. After another scene, there are fewer bowls and no chopsticks.
When Wang Lung and his family are waiting for the train, the locomotive that passes behind them has a number clearly visible on the front of the boiler. When the same train is seen approaching the crowds, the locomotive does not have a number and is not the same design.
At the end, when Wang sits down at O-Lan's bedside to talk with her, the position of her head changes noticeably after each of three cuts to different angles.
During the drought some black vultures are seen on a roof. These are American birds which do not live in China.
(at around 2h 5 mins) Wang Lung is walking through the locust storm in his wheat field. He picks up a few men who have fallen down into the thick pile of locusts. In frustration, Wang shouts "I said save the wheat! Save it!" At this moment, a man dressed in 1937-era American clothing walks across the scene from left to right, at the top third of the screen. He is wearing a white hat and appears to be smoking a cigarette or cigar held in his left hand.