16 Reviews
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The Reality of Loneliness
21 August 2015
I was watching TCM to see who the actor of the day was since it is summer series. They were focusing on Alan Arkin. But it intrigued me that Cicely Tison and Sondra and Rodrigues were in the film! So, I decided to watch. Oh I had no idea what I was in for! I especially in my aging as a single person and a minority so understand the sensation of profound loneliness. It can twist your mind. You want to be with people and you want people to get along and see how they have a gift of relationships. I appreciate how the movie showed we all can be vulnerable...no matter the situation. Even when aggravated, frustrated or mad at each other we must see the value in our relationships. We need to value each other. Now more then ever in our technical age. My heart broke that he died feeling lonely. No connection. I hope I never make anyone feel unworthy!!! I will never forget this movie. Never!
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Loose Lips
8 December 2014
I am a huge fan of Pierce Bronson. So when I saw this movie on cable I jumped at chance to watch it. I love spy mystery movies too. I also miss him as James Bond. So when I finished this movie I was greatly disappointed. The plot was okay. I have seen this one before in a movie. The excess nudity, sex scenes and excess profanity really shocked me! It was totally not necessary to the plot or essence of the movie! I began to wonder if they were just fillers. Perhaps, the writers didn't have anything else to add to the plot to make it exciting. I really didn't expect this from Bronson. When I saw in the credits he was executive producer I was even more disappointed. I have followed his career and just expected more from him. To me this movie was not worth the money I spent even from cable TV.
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Love can grow
27 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie! This is my second time and I cried like a baby like I have never seen the movie before and I didn't know the ending! I love the story. You see it is real that folks will ask someone to look after a loved one when they are gone! A neighbor of ours asked my mother to look after his wife. My mother never told the wife this but she does look after her. We are humans and we know some folks can handle death better then others. Cope better. Sometimes love is not instant either. It grows slowly. It almost sneaks up on us. I think this movie shows those two things! I think this movie is worth much more then a 6.3 stars. Grief is a process. This movie teaches sometimes folks are there to help us through grief but are we willing to accept the help!
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Elizabeth (1998)
Real People of the Past
25 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie. I was it enthralled from the time it started till it was over. Plus I'm a fan of Cate Blanchett. In the past couple years, I've been interested in history. Not so much for dates and all of that but what were the motivations of these real people. Of course we can't know every detail of what happened in the past. Not like today where we have to tell everybody every single thing we do on Twitter Facebook email Skype etc. They had letters and diaries and that's pretty much it. So we have to kind of fill in what we think people might have gone through along with what was written. I think they did a pretty good job. I mean let's face it in real life many of us change once we have been hurt and devastated by those we care about. Power, greed and lust sadly prevail. I don't think that has changed at all in history. Ha! Look at our politicians of today!!! I think we also begin to learn to see what is necessary and what is not necessary and who we can trust as we age. How is she or any other mom are different? The only problem I have with the movie was the overt sex scene close to the end if the movie; I don't think it was necessary to the movie at all.
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Godzilla (2014)
Old into the New
11 October 2014
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Now I grew up watching the Godzilla TV show. I saw some of the B movies too! It was fun. I am ashamed to say it was not until adulthood that I learned from my older brother there was an original movie Godzilla the Japanese made in the 1950s. Well, low and behold the AFI theater in town showed the original with subtitles this spring and I saw it! I was surprised how serious it was and also how GOOD! I so enjoyed it. I really don't think I would have received all the punches of the new Godzilla movie if I had not seen the old one, I feel like almost a prerequisite. I was frantic the whole movie which I love being breathless! LOL! I only wish I had seen it at the theater!
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Snowpiercer (2013)
More then I thought
19 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this movie was great! I totally didn't know what to expect. All I knew is that it had to be a Sci-Fi film of some sort due to my Sci-Fi club wanting to go see it. I thought the action was great and the storyline probable. If we came to something like this the have and have not would definitely be delineated. Mind games and tricks...sounds like politics now! I digress...I totally didn't know the lead was Chris Evans! He was fantastic! I love the mix of characters! You totally didn't know where the movie was going or if the main character would cave or not! My only wish is that I could have seen this at the AFI theater instead of at home! This would have been great on the big screen!
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Non-Stop (2014)
Heart Pumping!!
12 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I guess I am a little shocked that I have read a couple reviews that said this is "so ridiculous" or "silly" "it could never happen" LOL that is exactly the arrogantcy that the rest of the world marvels at in the USA!!! Has anyone watched the news??? How does a boy get through an airport on a plane?!?? Anyway, the MOVIE was GREAT!! My heart was racing after the movie was over! I was panting. I really kept going back and forth with who it was, on or off the plane and the motive! I love brain teasers and I thought he (Liam) did a fabulous job! What a great actor! He had me going and the twist with Julienne! I would watch this again! I am only sad I didn't go to the movies to see it and at home on TV. I believe movies like this are good because not only entertaining but they make you think! A great movie and thriller ride!
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Being a kid Again
21 June 2014
This movie was so good! I truly enjoyed it there were times at least three were out laugh so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes. I even had to rewind it so I can watch it again and laugh some more. I almost wish I had a young niece or nephew to watch it with. This was great miss dialed you I remember playing with LEGOs with my brothers as a child. And really and truly you could make anything and you felt that way. And your imagination went wild. And it was so much fun competing with each other to see who could make the most interesting objects. I am so glad this movie reminded me of how much fun I used to have with Legos. And how the imagination really is something so important to our development. Thoroughly enjoyed this movie and would tell any parent to watch it with their kids I would even buy it.
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Finally got it right!
4 June 2014
I found this movie to be one of the best X Men movies they have done so far. I was one of the people who watch the cartoons. In the cartoon episodes they did an actual series on the Sentinels. And it was quite good. So to actually see a live action movie with a good plot and followed pretty much the same theme was a delight. I guess the thing I'm most happy about is the plot was really good it wasn't aimless and far- reaching. The characters were developed and played out there roll just as we do in real life. I was always told by my brother a comic book fan that really and truly the X Men were a soap opera for people who don't actually like to watch the ones on TV. But I would say I like this movie so much I would watch it again. I really wish what they did with this movie they had done in the beginning with Jean and did the Phoenix series. But alas they didn't and at least this was well done. I've always liked Mystique and thought they developed her character quite well for a change. If you read her history in Marvel she is definitely more than meets the eye. Glad to see they finally got it right I would tell any comic book fan to go see it.
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A Fun Movie with Nostalgia
25 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OK, perhaps folks take this movie too seriously? Or perhaps I am not a critic so I am not too serious? #1 I used to play with Lego toys so I like this movie. #2 the movie was actually good! It had a great plot. Sadly some of our adult live action movies need to take a lesson! The villains were devious as they should be! The Joker I loved because he is exactly the way he should be...CRAZY! All should beware of the Joker even if you think you are on the same team. You just never know with him. The comedy was unexpected but I loved it. I laughed a lot throughout the movie which I think was a nice touch that way a parent and the children can enjoy the movie together. I like how Batman had issues and an attitude problem. Superheroes are not perfect and should not be portrayed as such. They have issues they need to work out so they can...wait a minute...be be better heroes! My favorite was seeing Batman and Superman at the bus stop. Too funny! Seeing all the Justice League in the end was marvelous! I thoroughly enjoyed it for the fun movie it is and please just enjoy it and don't make it more then what it is just fun for the whole family.
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Riddick (2013)
18 May 2014
I am a true fan of the first two especially Chronicles of Riddick. The plot was good and great Sci-Fi action and visuals. The third one I thought perhaps a different director and screenwriter. I was shocked to learn the same. Movie basically same as first and the vulgar language and constant profanities!!! Totally not necessary. Very disappointed. The acting was not great. Was the nudity really needed? We got the point in the other films. The excessive violence I was a tad surprised of too. I thought if you make a trilogy you would follow the same them with how you show it. It could have been so much better. It didn't have the same feel at all. It felt to me like they rushed to make the film. I say the first two are Sci-Fi classics but this one. I am not sure.
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7 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Once again I have seen an excellent film and I don't care what anybody says this was a great movie! I just once again cannot believe I have never heard of this movie. I have never heard of any actor or movie buff ever talk about this movie. With all of the discussion with social change as far as sexuality no one's ever mentioned this movie I just can't believe it. And with all the famous actors I can't believe no one has ever mention this movie with them being in it! It just makes me wonder what is considered a good movie back then and now? This was excellently made without being overdone or beating your head with the issue. I felt every emotion and my head spinning and this was made almost 60 years ago!!!!
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Noah (2014)
Is that you Noah?
27 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I went to the movies with high expectations and excitement. I almost felt like a little kid going to say a Disney movie me. However when I got there from the beginning I was like okay what is this? I have read somewhere that the director did research and went to some Christian ministers etc to find out about Noah's story. Now I do know that Hollywood always has to put their spin on a story but like this? I mean he totally destroyed the story! And I took some things with a grain of salt but after each 15 minute increments it kept getting worse and worse further from the story and further from the story. I mean really a stowaway???!. I'm not sure who's Bible he went to or if he decided I'm going to make this story my own I'm not sure what the director was thinking. But I think he should do some sort of interview or a posting stating why he did this movie this way. Because it is not and I repeat is not the story that is in the Bible. One of my friends wanted to work out but she stayed only because the rest of us stayed to watch the end of the movie. I guess I stayed because I had hoped somehow it would finish well. As usual the world takes Christianity and what God says in the Bible and destroys it because they do not want the real message to be seen.
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Marty (1955)
11 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie. I enjoyed it for so many reasons it made me wanna cry it made my heart bleed it made my heart fly so many different emotions. And the reason is because if someone in their 40's I have felt everything go on motion he has. And it's amazing that I'm in 2014 but this movie was late so long ago but all the feelings are still the same. I thought this movie was well acted well played out and it really showed the raw emotion that a real person feel. Sometimes I wish the actors of today could show some emotion like that. Not just sex true intimacy and wanting to belong. Wanted to be appreciated. It's amazing to me I've known artist and so many TV shows in other movies but I have never seen him in this film before. He did a fabulous job. I would tell anyone in their 30's to watch this movie and see how they feel afterward. To me this show there's always hope. And there is somebody for everybody. The girlie girl and me wish I could have seen how the movie ended with them a year from the end.
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Dark Passage (1947)
excellent must see suspenseful movie
11 April 2014
what happened on this movie by chance. I was flipping channels and so it being introduced on TCM hear it I thought this was the greatest movie! I have no idea why so many other movies of Lauren Bacall and Humphrey's are promoted and this one is not i don't understand. I've never heard of it all! I really enjoyed the plot the suspense everything. I was breathless a whole time I was on the edge of my couch sometimes I even cover my eyes. The characters were so believable well acted and the camera shots I loved the part about how you saw the movie from Humphrey's character's point of view. So original. I just still don't understand why this movie didn't get promoted as it is truly a well acted & great plot movies! Someone has to give me the answer. I would definitely tell anybody and everybody to watch this movie and I would watch it again and I would say this has to be one of my top 10.
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Summer Stock (1950)
Happy Feel good movie
11 April 2014
I agree she looked thicker but goodness that determines a good movie or not? Hence, why she had many issues. They harassed actresses then about being skinny made folks crazy. I like the movie. Great singing and dancing. Did the plot have to be supreme? I had fun. She was a very...no extremely talented woman. I will watch anything she ever did in show business. Actresses are nit multi talented like that anymore. Very one dimensional. They are just skinny...big deal. Give me talent anytime. I would watch it again. Love Judy Garland. Besides doesn't help in real life come from unexpected places just like the movie. The farm got help from actors. Hey what a good idea!
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