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colourful pageantry
2 June 2024
I haven't seem this for many years and it maybe in the 50s as I was rather young. I wanted to watch it again having just seen Michael Curtiz's, Angels With Dirty Faces the very same year. Immediately I noticed that the ravishing Technicolor's was wonderful. Back in the day there was the film we can see at the cinema but there was a TV series (1955-1959) of the same title starring Richard Greene but the home screens were so very small and only with black and white. This Blu-ray brings back that colour which is so amazing and those stars as well. Errol Flynn that cheeky imp like handsome looks and Olivia de Havilland is lovely and they make such a dazzling couple. Clearly it was then that Curtiz made Dodge City the next year starring them both together again. Although I was not sure about Claude Raines and his whig but Basil Rathbone was fine. I loved it all with the swordplay, the feasts, the forest (even if it was California) and the colourful pageantry and the impressive archery tournament. It is all rather splendid.
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Deliverance (1972)
beautiful river
31 May 2024
At the opening credits we see a dam being created and from the comments of the four men we realise they will go in their canoes and that it is gradually going to be the end of the river and instead become a great reservoir. It seems that these city businessmen are excited, maybe too excited, almost like kids. This is Ned Beatty's first film and almost of Ronny Coz's too although Burt Reynolds was already a big star and Jon Voight had burst into stardom with Midnight Cowboy (1969). In the first scene we see some locals and the guys seem far too cocky and it is unfortunate to see them make fun of and say they may be inbred. Although there is a moment when they all seem together when they have a guitar and the young boy has his banjo. We get a hint of the "Duelling Banjos" but we will hear more and forever remember it after this film with the brutal attack and the sound of the squeaking and screaming. Winding through the forest and down through the beautiful river and the rapids is thrilling throughout but for it will always call to mind that one is in the woods.
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Whiplash (2014)
thrilling but scary
29 May 2024
What a wonderful and thrilling but scary film it is. When I watched this as soon as it started I realised that I didn't know what type of music it was and just assumed that it was rock. I noticed that if this was going to be a music conservatory and this mad like man in charge it could only have been jazz because surely only here could we could stop and start and be listening all the time and it be so lovely and terrible but exciting all the time. All schools can be splendid and cruel and there are always teachers that can be a little sadistic. With learning ballet or gymnastics, piano or athletics there are some people who love it and then there are some who need it and then there are teachers as with this one they need it and seem to go crazy With this it is drumming and I wouldn't have thought it could be so amazing, but it is. Brilliant.
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Cagney is so good
27 May 2024
At the very beginning this is such a splendid opening with a great panoramic scene of the street with so much happening, on the fire escape we can see the kids and we see some problems coming. We see them at the goods yard trying to steal in a train just for fun but this is the start of the trips to jail. The paper headlines show us where we are going and a kid turning into a gangster. It is really fast and furious but suddenly it stops as we see the Dead End Kids and Pat O'Brien (the priest) and his pal James Cagney try to look after them and getting them to play basketball. It was a good idea but it goes on too long and it really slows the action. But it gets better, especially as we know it is going to be a sad ending but before there is some great gun action especially as Cagney is so good and I think he is even better in this than The Roaring Twenties (1939). Humphrey Bogart is fine, again with a little over acting when he dies, but we know it will be okay four years later when Michael Curtiz has him again with Casablanca (1942).
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people have their place
25 May 2024
It is really well done and the kids are splendid and every now and again I forgot that as I was picking up subtitles that this really a silent in 1932. It is a bit of a comedy but being it is in Japan sometimes we find it rather cruel. The scamps are amusing but there is so much bullying going on also maybe the grown ups as well. I guess this is a moral here that there are all the people have there place as same the children but I'm not sure if this happens now, maybe in Japan there is some of this still going on. The bullying and some believe that they should all stay their place. So this little film is rather charming but also rather not so good I'm sure.
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cool killer
23 May 2024
The director, Toru Murakawa launched Yusaku Matsuda's film as the tough guy for a generation. This is the first of the 'Game Trilogy' although I have to say that I thought that the third, The Execution Game was the best of the three. He doesn't seem like anyone but then he is the cool killer and he moves extremely well and fighting just as good. He is not very nice even to the girls especially the splendid Keiku Tasaka who I was very surprised to know that she never made another film but maybe she didn't like the rape even if she did seem to like it rather dubiously after all. I suppose she doesn't have too much to do but Yusaku certainly does and there was action all the time. It was also rather amazing when there was a car chase but there was only one car and he chases it on foot and he certainly could run. It's a bit complicated about the industrial espionage at the beginning but really fun and a lot of killing with some sex.
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I shall have to watch this again
21 May 2024
Kira, a Ukrainian filmmaker born in Romania (now Moldova) married the Russian fellow of Odesa Film Studio director, Oleksandr Muratova and died at 83 on 6 June 2018 in Odesa, Ukraine. This film was her very first which she directed, wrote and starred and went on to make many others such as The Long Farewell (1971). Brief Encounters was a romance/comedy in the New Wave style but I think it was difficult for me and maybe it was a problem with the subtitles. When the young girl first arrives I was not sure why she had come to her house to work and later on with an old man at the cafe and he talks cheerfully about his family being killed by the Germans, I missed something out. I'm sure this is splendid and I noticed in the States this film has been brought out by Criterion so I just wish I could have understood why this was so wonderful. I shall have to watch this again, some time.
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19 May 2024
I know little of the 17th century in Sweden although not many people do. With this I'm sure most of this story is made up and unfortunately the court scenes, even has Garbo (as Queen Christina) saying that they are all rather 'boring'. Although I'm sure Rouben Mamoulian got it moving as well as he could. But, certainly, as soon as he got Garbo and Gilbert (as the Spanish ambassador) together it is splendid. They are very good together and particularly when we get into the bedroom. Garbo is not particularly beautiful but she had something of a radiance about her and a good voice. The sexual ambiguity is fine and she does looks better in those trousers but they are both good and Mamoulian makes sure that the lighting has them to best advantage. I also like the snow scenes and the horses that really move, although I assume that Garbo doesn't really do the riding especially and jump over that gate towards the end. And of course the sailing ship is rather well done and leading us up to the very end with Garbo and that final shot, surely, spellbinding.
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Matewan (1987)
17 May 2024
Written and directed by John Sayles this 1920s story is set in Matewan in West Virginia. The miners are on strike for more money and better conditions at the Stone Mountain Coal company. Instead of giving in on their terrible conditions and exploitation they bring in immigrants (here mainly Italians) and of course some blacks. Both of these are happy to work for less rather than nothing and it is the union man Joe Kenehan comes in to persuade them to join the union as well. It is inspiring and well meaning with human interest that Sayles can get us into the story but now and again it gets a little bit soap like. Later on when he made Lone Star (1996) there was plenty of racism and history but maybe rather better than this one. And I thought that Chris Cooper in that one he was so much better than he was in Matewan. I understand that in the States this film is studied at school and certainly I can see there is plenty of reason for this even though there is also something of a western about it.
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Love (1971)
cinematography is brilliant
14 May 2024
'Can you get used to me again?' asks Janos.

'I love you', Luca replies.

'I've grown old', says Janos Luca washes his body.

'Will you sleep with me tonight? Asks Janos.

'Yes.' 'Will you stay with me all night?' 'Yes. Every night, as long as I live', replies Luca.

It is almost the only words spoken between them and it was near the end of the film. Early on we see Janos's, dying, bedridden mother but we never see him with her and it is Luca, her daughter-in-law most of the time. Luca tells her that the doctor says she is well and will live to a hundred years. We are not sure but we are not too sure of anything. There are her flashbacks when she was beautiful and then she has some wonderful letters that Luca reads for her or she can sometimes through her magnifying glass but we realise his letters cannot be true because we gradually realise that Janos must be a political prisoner. It is a simple tale but such waiting, longing and tenderness and towards the end it is almost unbearably difficult and intense. The cinematography is brilliant and it is splendid throughout and the acting tremendous.
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something very different
12 May 2024
It was more than twenty years ago the first time we went out to Japan to see our son, Yokohama and Tokyo. I thought that probably, I could walk around in Yokohama but I wasn't sure about Tokyo. And than I found out that the subway was great but I good really walk around easily as well. So with Joe Odagiri and Tomokazu Miura in this film it was wonderful with them both walking around. We realise that Joe leads a lazy life and built up a lot of debt and Tomokazu was the loan shark. There is only a little story (maybe like a killing) and then they go walking across Tokyo to get to a Police Station (maybe). It is a splendid tale and it is rather funny or amusing or even rather charming. There are some very odd moments and certainly it makes we smile. There is an old lady and her bike not happy but has to go around them and then there is a car. There is another old lady at the end and the guys are trying to walk backwards so that they may get younger. She thinks it silly but she tries anyway. There is much eating with noodles, ramen and some curry that might not be so spicy but it is rather crazy with some mayonnaise. Both the actors are good and I find it was rather moving and unquestionably something very different.
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9 May 2024
What a wonderful film it is. Never having seen it before and only the Cocteau, made in 1946, a couple of times. I know there are many other versions but I think these two will be good enough for me when I like to watch this story again. I didn't really think that this one would be very good but it is amazing. Right from the beginning there is a stunning opening with a forest and a terrible ride with many horses and wagons, in the rain and the mud. Then there are the credits, even more wonderful as surrealist like paintings almost animated, unusual and original. Then back to the forest, the peasants have taken the wrong turning and they are lost but there is fire and horror. In the village and the man and his three girls with two of them getting married but he gets word that the wagons and their treasures and spices are lost and he will not make his money. There will be no wedding. He goes into the forest with his painting of his dead wife all seems to be okay and later with the third daughter she has to go into that gothic ruin in the forest and maybe find a husband. We know the story well enough but with this one and the beast or monster or her lover it is really well done and thrilling and beautiful to watch it all the time throughout. Breathtaking.
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The Boss (1973)
violent and thrilling
7 May 2024
One of his best films from Fernando Di Leo, violent and thrilling, sometimes thought of as the, 'King of the B's', and those were certainly considered the best of the poliziesco films. Known as writer and director early on of one of the best scripted spaghetti western and later for directing these splendid thrillers. Although he made a couple of sexy ones, Asylum Erotica (1971) with Rosalba Neri and Klaus Kinski and really liked, To Be Twenty (1978) with Gloria Guida and Ray Lovelock. But he is really known for these splendid action-packed poliziesco. This is the third of his trilogy, first with Caliber 9 (1972) and The Italian Connection (1972) even if these are thought of as better than this one this is still great and especially has a wonderful turn by Henry Silva. This is the one with the amazing killing in the porno cinema at the beginning and although there is a number of great actors like Richard Conte and the poor girl, who had to be kidnapped, is Antonia Santilli, had been in theatre and as a model and appeared in Playmen, an Italian adult magazine. She does a real performance in this, nude most of the time (a copy of the magazine in the film?) and has a sad ending, although I have to say that such a lot of people die in this one.
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not the best
5 May 2024
This is not, the great Lucio Fulci's, best film. Although certainly it is not one of his worst, I didn't like Zombie 3 or The Ghosts of Sodom, both made in 1988. Neither was it one of his best like; Zombie (1979), The Psychic (1977), Don't Torture a Duckling (1972) and A Lizard in a Woman's Skin (1971). Even though, Manhattan Baby (1982), is not so wonderful, just the same year he had made the vicious and thrilling, The New York Ripper. I did like the background with the Egypt pyramid tomb and I thought that the children were good and the music was fine, rather jazzy by Fabio Frizzi. Less good were the adult actors, especially Christopher Connelly and I didn't think much of the writing even if Dardano Sacchetti is usually splendid. So maybe this one just didn't do it for me.
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The noir like ideas are fine
4 May 2024
At the start this is wonderful with splendid cinematography and we are thrilled as we are introduced to Lou (Kristen Stewart) and Jackie (Katy O'Brien), if less thrilled with the bodybuilder ones of men and even less than of the women. But it is still rather good, the sex is different although not too explicit and with like the girls but not sure about Daisy (Anna Baryshnikov). This is her being rather silly and then we wonder about Jackie as well with her crunching her fists and muscles (visual effects). The noir like ideas are fine but these rather odd bits are less so and the dialogue comes and goes, although I love Ed Harris throughout the whole film. The business of the sister's beating by her husband it is rather sad but then we are not sure at all about her not liking being beaten up. As the story goes on, it starts to get rather more queer and even more as the power girl of Jackie we wonder if she is real at all. At the end it is even more bizarre but there is something I like about it and certainly want to see more of this English director, Rose Glass.
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a bit of surrealism
2 May 2024
The other evening I noticed the exceptional, Eric McNaughton of We Belong Dead (the magazine and books), saw that he was to watch The Blood Spattered Bride (1972) never having seen it before. I thought it was about time that I see it as well. I eventually found my copy, which was in the extras of the Blu-ray with Daughters of Darkness (1971). As soon it started I loved it. The couple just married and as soon as they get to the hotel she is in trouble and what a sensational opening. They then decide to leave and go to her husband's mansion instead. This place it is still difficult for the bride and I thought we were watching a giallo but gradually I realise this might be more like a vampire film. Soon it is a bizarre mix of reality and fantasy, awaking and dreaming. The splendid forest and church ruins with also a beach we find that this is more than a bit of surrealism and as it slows down I have a feeling that this is rather like a Jean Rollin. This is wonderful and as it gets even more strange there is a lot of nudity, creepiness and blood, rather a lot to do with a dagger.
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Not one of Ozu's best
1 May 2024
It is not one of Yasujiro Ozu's best films. Both just after the war he made Record of a Tenement Gentleman (1947) and the Late Spring (1949) but this one comes between these two. The others are fine but not this one, it is not terrible but it is that, we know what is going to happen. The husband is away in the war and she is having to sell her clothes so she can feed her toddler. It gets more sad for her when he is unwell and naturally the hospital bills have to be paid. Even she knows what she will have to do and her friend mentions what she can do. We don't see her prostitute herself but we know and of course her husband is soon back home lazing around and has to find out how she had got the money. Raping her and throwing her down the stairs are because he is rather upset and that he felt unmanly. We can't really comprehend this couple, especially because of the war, but certainly in Japan we can just about understand how it is for them.
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Stoned (2005)
! saw the Stones at the very beginning
30 April 2024
I saw the Stones at the very beginning in Richmond, Eel Pie Island, Twickenham and at the Marquee in Oxford Street. Like this film is okay, obviously it is not the Stones or even their music, but there is some that I liked. I know that many loved Brian Jones but for me I really didn't like him for some reason. He would mess around on the stage and I didn't think he was really serious but maybe he was always stoned, even then. As one of the girls here says in this that lots of people took drugs but that he couldn't really deal with them. It was interesting and I liked the house and garden and the girls, I also thought the Marquee set up was rather good and that when they had the Park concert in '69. Otherwise the Stones are not really in this but we see some them now and again by actors and especially with Jagger who just doesn't seem to get too involved and I think that was true.
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it must have been thrilling on first viewing
29 April 2024
We have to say what a wonderful print this is from MoMA and this 4K restoration of Eureka here in the UK a sparkling Blu-ray. It is not really surprising when we see it here, maybe for the first time, but we have seen something like it many times. Like the scary times, our view of the fantastical mansion and its ghostly goings on, the door banging as people arrive, the will has to be read unsurprisingly, then there will be the secret passage, some lost jewellery, the odd hands appearing a sinister corridor, a lunatic on the loose but then a body or two and a very creepy Doctor. We would have been scared and laughed but it has all happened before as with The Cat and the Canary (1939) with Bob Hope and even with Honor Blackman in 1978 and also was The Old Dark House (1932) by James Whale with Boris Karloff and so many more. Even after Paul Leni there was The Man Who Laughs (1928) and this maybe looks so fresh because it has not been seen so often before. It is such a shame with this one it has been copied to death, it must have been thrilling on first viewing in 1927.
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dazzling and sparkling
27 April 2024
I really enjoyed this although it was a long time since I last watched it. Certainly this Blu-ray is fantastic with dazzling and sparkling images, I have never seen them look as amazing as this. It is great to see Ginger Rogers and Dick Powell at the beginning and we have those leggy girls with those large coins with her singing along 'We're in the Money'. This and all the Busby Berkeley sequences are staggering but I'd forgotten that some of the non dancing, non singing were really not so funny. But of course there are still wonderful moments like the sensational silhouette underwear changing and astounding almost naked shots and the rather happy, 'Pettin' in the Park' and towards the end the clever and sensational, 'Remember My Forgotten Man'.
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Crossfire (1947)
Hate is like a loaded gun
25 April 2024
This is an unusual and splendid noir. Hardly any location filming, or even cars or much fighting. Although there is a great one at the start, partly in the dark and then shadows only after a fallen lamp. Edward Dmytryk knows the way to deal with dark and light and here only in a set. With the G. I.'s in the bar there is conversation but it is really only the main man a little crazy, or the Detective his gentle questioning also the odd room with the people standing around and then part so that we can see the body. But It seems there is some discrimination, 'Hate is like a loaded gun' we understand. Robert Ryan is really good and we would keep out of his way, he can be friendly, happy and funny but also really nasty. Robert Young is one of the nicest Detective we have ever seen but he gradually gets his way. Robert Mitchum is the best chum in this one and he doesn't put a foot wrong and we're not sure whether he is right or wrong. As soon as Gloria Grahame comes onto the set we surely have eyes on her, sharp talking as well and a great way she just puts her arms around our drunk while into a dance. She may not be the centre of the action but she is certainly impressive.
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Holmes and Freud
23 April 2024
I wasn't really expecting this to be wonderful but I got it cheap and thought it was odd being released by 88 Films. They had usually been interesting and I had many of them on my shelves, like Asia thrillers, Gialli and slashers but this one is about Sherlock Holmes and Sigmund Freud. Odd indeed, but it is fine. There is some humour and some detection from Holmes and a little dreaming with Freud and there is rather a lot of cocaine. It of course has a splendid cast with a weird but lovely part by Nicol Williams as Holmes, and great with Alan Arkin as Freud and good as usual with Laurence Olivier as Professor Moriarty and a small bit of Vanessa Redgrave. The Doctor is by Robert Duvall with a rather strange voice. Based on the book by Nicholas Meyer it is rather good although it does slow down but picks up with Freud and his hypnotism and just before the last twenty minutes it looks as if it is far too long and then come the trains. The last section towards the end and with several locomotives they are spectacular and first-class with some great action.
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The Big Chill (1983)
the soundtrack is rather splendid
21 April 2024
Lawrence Kasdan was known as a writer, such as The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) but I loved him as a writing and director of Body Heat (1981). With this one only a couple years later and I'm sure he loved it and many do but here there was no story. Maybe he thought it would be fun to make a film about someone who was already dead with a funeral and his supposed friends taking a weekend together. The funeral is not very funny despite the stream of cars like a police send off, is amusing. But it doesn't get any better because they just make the beds together and have meals and talk, and talk. I thought that Jeff Goldblum was okay but rather odd, Tom Berenger also okay but odd as well. It was a very sad part for Glenn Close although I liked Meg Tilly as also rather odd but quite funny. And that's it really, oh there is also the soundtrack and it is rather splendid.
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at the beginning it is rather good
19 April 2024
Patty Duke is the young girl and she may find that, 'You'll Like My Mother' or maybe not. At the beginning it is rather good with her the last customer in a splendid little bus in the snow. At the end of the line the driver helps her get some of the way and then she walks through the deep snow until she reaches a rather big house near the woods. The girl's husband has died in Vietnam and she was there to see his mother. The door opens and it all goes wrong. There are some good moments and the mansion is really great. We find that things are not the way they should have been so surely it will be a ghost house. There is something really bad there and then we also find that the girl is about to give birth and I hadn't noticed. It is rather silly and although there are those good close-up moments but there are not that many good ones and it can be so poor that just makes us laugh instead of it being terrifying.
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sad ending
17 April 2024
It's a slightly odd film even for the Japanese but it was Yasujiro Ozu's first after a gap of five years after the war. A poor young boy follows him back to another home as he seems be have been abandoned by his father who it seems was looking for work. Back at his tenement housing he hopes that someone will look after him. Sees nobody keen and then they get a widow to take him on. Clearly she is not happy and several times she 'shoos' him away just like she might a pigeon. She reluctantly gives him the night but as he wets the bed and in the morning she puts his bedding on the line but amazingly, she simply gives him a fan and has him stand there to dry it. There is no talk about the war although there is talk of 'orphans' and she doesn't really want the boy but gradually she is not as hard on him but it is strange that she doesn't wash him, even though he clearly has fleas. There is a sad ending and we see the Saigo statue in Ueno Park where orphans play beside their popular hero and his dog.
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