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Toddlers & Tiaras (2009–2016)
The Word is "Artificial", Not Beauty
4 October 2009
I don't know how this show could even use the word beauty. It should use the word "artificial". The children do not even look like themselves after being subjected to false finger nails, wigs, eyelashes, tans, hair extensions, and over the top makeup. Have I left anything out? Painting 20 year old faces on children is almost obscene. I saw one mother even put false toe nails on her daughter. I can't help remembering one mother who prayed with her two little girls, both contestants, before their pageant that they would bring home a crown. She mentioned bringing home a crown twice during her so-called prayer. I, too, believe that the parents love crowing to family and friends when their children win something. Most of the children get so tired. The show got truly stupid after some parents did all the expressions, movements and prancing around for their children to copy. They did everything except get up on the stage themselves. Apparently the pageant people don't care what goes on as long as they get their entrance fees.
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A Wonderful Heartwarming Story
16 May 2007
I just saw this movie for the first time on TCM and I'm an older adult. Why anyone would think this movie would appeal only to teenagers or younger is a little pessimistic to say the least. I love the movie - Lauren Bacall, Robert Stack and adorable little Evelyn Rudie are wonderfully talented. Of course, no one will ever compare with Shirley Temple - that's a given. Even tho there have been many talented young actresses, they threw away the pattern with Shirley. The storyline is - as it's supposed to be - rather melancholy - and for the period of time it was made it's rather marvelous I feel. The outcome of the story - which most of us could have guessed of course - is quite a lesson that teaches just how grief can make someone go off the deep end, dealing with just their own pain, and not considering the feelings and welfare of someone else, especially a child. Who knows, maybe Julie's spirit did come and encourage more searching for Hitty - it's possible.
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The Trackers (1971 TV Movie)
Exciting Western with Lots of Action and Big Stars
6 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Big name stars with excellent acting in this movie all add to the enjoyment of the search. Fast moving action and a couple of scenes with the heroes getting the upper hand make the movie go by too quickly. Ernie Borgnine and Sammy Davis, Jr. make a great team. Sammy's character's laid-back personality is an exciting contrast to some of the other characters' impatience and prejudice which make you keep on watching. I watched this movie twice tonight to make sure I didn't miss anything - I give it a 10 as I feel each character gave so much strength to the overall picture. Jim Davis and Julie Adams are very talented, seasoned actors and Bucklind Noah Beery was a surprise to me as I never knew Noah Berry, Jr. had a son. Buck has been in other roles I have found by searching the Internet and if he is half as good an actor as his famous father and grandfather he is worth watching.
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This Movie Is Pure Fantasy With No Art To It
9 December 2004
Why anyone would even consider this movie to be a possible "other life" for Jesus is beyond me. Whatever the reason for putting in scenes of prostitution, or sexual scenes of any kind is totally not in the Biblical story of Christ's temptations. Jesus was able to resist temptations of the devil with God's help. It seems to be the trend to put in lust in just about every movie regardless of the subject and maybe many people need to be titillated. Are we to assume that the movie director is saying "maybe this might/did happen"? According to the Bible, Mary Magdalene and other women followed Jesus wanting to hear him preach and he cast out seven demons (a sign of possible insanity?)from Mary. When she was healed she respected and loved him as her Savior. I believe the movie "The Passion of the Christ", while deeply intense, tells the true story of Christ's life and his crucifixion. It did hurt me to watch it but having read of the ways people were flogged and crucified by soldiers in that period of time I realized that this showed just how vicious and brutal the beatings were - to not only punish but to degrade . -Paula
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The Cheap Detective is Fabulous
26 August 2004
Neil Simon's movies always shine with his marvelous talent. The spoofs of Humphrey Bogart, his movies and other famous people/characters are priceless. My favorite scene in The Cheap Detective is where Eileen Brennen is singing in a cabaret, holding a cigarette out to the detective with her line "Well aren't you going to light my fire?" And he says (paraphrased)"well I was just checking out your kindling". Wonderful script and sharp and funny dialogue. Eileen is beautiful here. Peter Falk is very sexy in the title role. And could anyone ever compare with Madeline Kahn - they threw away the pattern on her. I think Humphrey Bogart would not only laugh at the spoofs of him but also be flattered that his persona has become so classic and so well-known and easily identifiable. There was a wonderful actor in "Dark Shadows" who early in his career did imitations of Bogie and looked a lot like him. He also played Bogie in a movie I believe. I wish there were more movies as good as Neil Simon's.
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