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31 May 2024
Ron Howard's Filmography, as a Director, Could be Called "Spielberg Lite". A "Safe" Movie-Maker that Shuns "R" Rated Ultra-Violence and Eliminates Almost All Sex or Sexual Reference.

The Look of the Movie Certainly Does Not Lack Luster, its the Droning-On Dialog that seems Forced at Times and the Film Falls to a Crawl. With Danger Never Feeling Contemporary, but Distant.

Howard Lacks the Gifts Bestowed Upon Spielberg as an Innate Craftsman of the "Art" and "Passion" for Movies that Somehow is Evident and On-Display in Most if Not All of Films. say the Least was the Surprise Mega-Best-Selling Book by Dan Brown...and that Bled-Over to the Movie.

It's NOT Surprising, after all, We're Talking About "Jesus", His Blood-Line, Major and Profound Cover-Ups by the Catholic Church...YIKES.

The Subject was Ripe for Ridicule by Theologians, Scholars, Academics, Christians...More that Half the Planet Ready to "Take Up Arms" and "Crusade" for the Book and the Film to be "Burned"..."Banned"...and labeled...Blasphemous.

That's just the "Subject", leaving Aside Brown's "Skill" as an Author-Story-Teller and Ron Howard's "Skill" as a Film-Maker.

The Book was Destined to be a Best-Seller, Gobbled-Up by those that "Love" the Taboo, Mystery, and History...and also by those who "Hate" its Chutzpah for Daring to even Attempt to Correct or Re-Write Historical Accounts...Canon or Non-Canonical.

The Film Does a Good Job Formulating and Executing the "Paper-Chase" and Assembling the Puzzle-Pieces in a Way that Believers and Non-Believers can Come Aboard.

The Quest Dries Out Now and Then Evaporating some of the Substance Flowing Underneath.

The Violence and Threats by the Antagonists, and the Harm Lurking About, while There, Never Seems Wholly Substantial.

It's a Contrivance of Situations, Clues, and Comeuppance that the Book and the Movie Demands, and can be a bit Too Much of a Demand.

When That Happens the Story Becomes More of Fantasy then a Misguided Real-Life Attempt at Controlling the Masses.

"The Davinci Code", Book and Movie, are Fiction Based on a Faith-Based Religious Icon that some say is Fiction.

It's a Formula Fraught with Fever from the Out-Set, and Both Book and Movie Took Plenty of Heat.

Overall, it can be a Fun-Time-Film Depending how Seriously One Attaches to the DOGMA the Story Destroys.

If You Like the Book You Will Like the Movie If You Like the Movie You Will Like the Book.
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Inherent Vice (2014)
23 May 2024
Maverick "Artsy" Film-Maker Paul Thomas Anderson has Hit and Missed with His "Personal" Filmography that is Ripe with a Repertoire of Repulsive, or at Least Against the Grain of "Typical", Audience Friendly Subject Matter and Characters.

His Most Highly Acclaimed Movies Like "The Master" (2012), "There Will Be Blood" (2007), and Boogie Nights (1997) can be a "Chore" for the Average Movie-Fan.

Professional Critics, on the Other-Hand, Mostly Love His Off-Beat, Daring Displays, and Technical Artistry, that Makes His Movies "Apart" from Others in the Main-Stream.

"Inherent Vice" is a Neo-Noir, Drug-Soaked-Detective-Dark-Comedy that is Nothing if Not a Challenge to Watch and Get-Through.

The Story is Scattershot, Frustrating Most of the Time, with Unpleasant Characters that All seem to Whisper and Mumble Their Lines.

One Guesses This is to Represent a "Smokey-Stoned-Haze", but it Makes the Hard-to-Follow Story even More Hard-to-Follow and Track What the Hell is Going On.

The Self-Assured Anderson is, No Doubt, Aware of All the Negative Push-Back and Mediocre Reviews, but One Senses that This WAS His Vision.

It is Sort of a Wallow and a Badge of Honor for Fringe Directors Like Altman and Lynch that Set-Out to be Unconventional.

And Sometimes, Like Anderson and those Others, Score Big-Time.

But Other Times, It's More an Endurance Test than it is Entertaining for the Audience and Renders All the "Art-Work" Close to Unapproachable, So-So, and Brushed-Aside by Many.

The Cast is an A-List-Wet-Dream, the Cinematography and Sense of Time-Place is Spot-On.

But, the Movie is Based on Another Eccentric... Novelist Thomas Pynchon, One of Those Writers whose Work is Often Cited as "Novels That Are Unfilmable", and in This Case it Seems an Accurate Description.

For Fans of the Unusual, Weird, and Psychotronic, it is...

Worth a Watch

For Others...Maybe Not.
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The Intruder (1962)
21 May 2024
By 1961 Film-Maker and the Talent-Whisperer Roger Corman First-Run of Movies Were so Successful that the Boyish-Confident-Smooth Talking Corman seemed to have a Midas-Touch and a Savant Like Understanding of Movie-Fans.

Suffice to Say Corman was a Whirlwind of Energy, Creativity, Economic Savvy, and Skill.

So, in 1961 He Financed His Own Movie (he could hardly hope anyone else would back this ticking-time-bomb of racial intrusion).

The Making of the Movie (in the South no less), the Production was Not Without Trouble. Corman and Crew were Always Looking Over Their Shoulder, Changing the Script when the Local Mob of Extras were On-the-Job, etc.

William Shatner, Years Before "Star-Trek" is Tasked to Take on the Role of an Interventionist Outside-Agitator.

Sent to Stir-Up the Already Over-Heated White-Citizens into a Physical Confrontation with the New "Black" High Schoolers Ready to Enroll to be Educated along with Their White Neighbors Kids.

Corman's Film did Not Finesse or Down-Play the Real Hatred (on re-release the film was Re-titled "I Hate Your Guts")...

The "N" Word and Other Bigoted Slang Names for African-Americans are Spoken Freely.

This Alone Makes Roger Corman's "The Intruder" a More Honest Dramatization of Current Events (Pre-Civil-Rights Legislation) then Other Hollywood Movies that Dared Attempt to Message such a Movie.

Shatner is almost Perfect as a Silver-Tongued Scum-Bag, that Seduces a High-School Girl, Makes Love to His Neighbor's Wife, and is a Coward Underneath it All.

Shatner Gets Great Support from Leo Gordon, Frank Maxwell, and Others.

It's Gritty, In-Your-Face, Pulls-No-Punches, and Can be an Uncomfortable Watch for a Number of Reasons.

It's Often Said that Good "Art" Evokes a Response...

In this Case its a Response from "Art-Makers" to an Untenable Situation that is About to Bust-Wide-Open in the "Land of the Free".

It's Roger Corman and Crew Mimicking Realistically to the "State of Play" in Jim Crow America. It Could and Has Been Called Corman's Best Picture.

Maybe it is, All Things Considered. But even if it is Not, it's Still a Movie that is a...


Note...We Lost Roger Corman Recently (RIP). Died just Shy of 100.

Note 2...Corman's Autobiography was Titled "How I Made 100 Movies......and Never Lost a Dime. But..."The Intruder" (1961) Initially was a Major Flop, although with the Arrival of the DVD it Finally Did Make Money. So the Autobiography Title was Accurate.
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20 May 2024
You may have Heard..."If it's a Hammer Film...It's Worth a Watch"

Despite a Never-Ending Flow of Disdain, Mostly Because Hammer chose to Title this Movie a "Dracula" (a con if there ever was one) but Digging could be said that it Works as a Sly Metaphor on the Inspirational Legacy of Bram Stoker's Count...

From IMDb Trivia...

Countess Dracula was based on Hungarian Countess Erzsebet (our modern day "Elizabeth") Bathory who lived from 1560 to 1614. Countess Bathory was allegedly responsible for the deaths of approximately 600 virgin girls, all of which involved torture and gruesome methods of killing. Her atrocities are mostly speculation. She is credited for influencing our modern day concept of Dracula as an entity depending on human blood for youth and vitality.

By 1970 the "Counter-Culture" had Helped Make Significant and Profound Shifts in Attitudes and Life-Style Choices Around the World and Perhaps More Significant and Profound in Pop-Culture, Specifically Performance Art Like Movies and Music.

Hammer Studios had a Critical Friendly, for the Most Part, Following of Fans and Admirers that Spawned a Generation of Devotees.

The Series of Movies from Hammer Over a Span of a Decade and a Half was Nothing Less than Proven Artistic Integrity and Financial Rewards.

What Seems in 2024 as a Severe "Missed-Opportunity to Take the Studio and Perhaps the Horror-Movie-Market in General with Something Outrageously New, it Played it "Safe".

Playing it Safe in a Time of Extreme Change was Not a Flattering Flag to Wave. Now Movies were "Giddy" about the New-Found Freedom of a "Code-No-More" World that Exploited "Sex and Violence" for, well, One could Say, for No Other Reason then...Now We Can.

After Being at the "Top of the Heap" in Producing Quality, Entertaining, Colorful, and Cutting-Edge Cinema, the Studio Found its Critic-Friendly, Fanatical Fanbase, and the General Horror-Movie Crowd, and just Plain Movie-Lovers...Suddenly Apathetic...

the Hammer-Movies that Cemented Their Reputation and Helped the Studio Flourish for so Long, in 1970 Reeked off "Old-Hat"...

Pop-Culture was all About "The New"...and Hammer, as Good as They Were, with its Unmatched (many tried to imitate) Overall Gems of Low-Budget Movie-Making that Put "Hammer Studios" on Par in the History with Luminaries Like..."Val Lewton", Roger Corman, and other B-Movie-Makers that Excelled by Pinching Pennies and Found Gold in the Process.

The History of Hammer Studios, Horror-Movies, and Cinema Per se, is Still Being Documented in this "Age of Info",

No Doubt even this Ingrid Pitt "Scream Queen" Crowning of a Movie-Goddess (solidification after "The Vampire Lovers" (1970) Demonstrates that "Hammer", even when it Stumbled and Fell to a "No Longer Relevant" Neurosis that Hampered its Free-Wheeling Creativity, the King of em All Yall" Hammer,

Nevertheless, was so Good at what They Did...even the Movies at the Bottom of the Filmography, well...

"If it's a Hammer Film, it's...

Worth a Watch.
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14 May 2024
I"m a hit!"...Jerry Lee Lewis Told "Sam Phillips", Music Producer and Owner of "Sun Records" out of Memphis, Tenn. Jerry Lee had just Arrived by Car from Hometown...Ferriday, La.

"That's what they all say", the Half-Interested Sam Phillips Fired Back a Micro-Second Later.

What Sam Did Not Know was that Jerry Lee was Correct. But so were the Others that Sam was Referring to...Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Carl Perkins (later dubbed "The Million Dollar Quartet" including Jerry Lee).

Often Mistaken as "Braggadocio" a Trait of "The Killer", but in His Case Most of it was CONFIDENCE. He Knew He Had what it Takes..."Goodness Gracious".

It may Surprise Some that Ethan Coen (of the Coen Bros.) took a "Vacation" from Partnering with "Joel" and went Solo to Make Jerry Lee Lewis: "Trouble In Mind", this Documentary "Love-Child" and Corralled the Dynamo who was Still Touring in His 80's.

The Still Very Alive "Piano-Pounder" Leads the Viewers on an 'Up Close and Personal" Journey of a Rock 'n Roll "Survivor", with No Equal, except Perhaps "The Rolling Stones".

The Trip Along Memory-Lane is a Short One Considering the Breadth and the Bewilderment of Life "On the Road", as Jerry Lee went From $10,000 a Night to $200 a Night...After He Married His 13 Year Old Cousin and was Virtually Blacklisted From the Big-Time by the "Moral Majority".

"She was not 13", the Rock 'n Roller whose "Great Balls" Never Cooled Off, having Gone Through 6 Marriages Before He Called it a Night, and Finally Gets to Answer the "Big Question" that Haunted Him His Entire Life..."Why Play the Devil's Music?"

It's a Fun Filled Frolic that Fills the Void of an UN-Sung Original Rock 'n Roller that Played in the Background Night After Night while the Trajectory of the Music He Helped Originate, Wildly Moved Forward and Beyond.

After Pop-Music Turned Against Him, He Nonchalantly, Without Missing a Beat Went "Country" Before "Country was Cool" and that Success Sustained His Ego, Life-Style, and Zeal to Perform. It's Fascinating How Charming "The Killer" can be Reminiscing, even about the Bad-Times, with Affection and a Good Natured Reflection.

In the Final Analysis...Jerry Lee Lewis is a Trip...and His Travels are Great and Remarkable. Thank You Ethan Coen and Most of All...Thank You Jerry Lee Lewis for All that Shakin'.
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10 May 2024
.These Low-Budget Compilations were Everywhere in the 70's. Probably Inspired by Erik von Daniken's Mega-Success with His Book and Follow-Up Documentary (1970) "Chariots of the Gods" (nominated for an Oscar).

Mostly the Format Contained a Semi-Recognizable Host Like...Leonard Nimoy...Rod Serling...etc.

Standing Up In-Front of Archival and Public Domain Footage of "Weird", "Unknowns", "Mysteries", "Myths", "Paranormal", "Crypto..." Facts, Speculations, and Musings on Things that Academia Avoids at All Costs.

As Carl Sagan Said About UFO's in the 70's...

"There isn't a scintilla of evidence that we have been visited by Extraterrestrials."

Despite Sagan and His Colleagues echoing that Hubristic Declaration, the Citizenry was Not so Easily Persuaded. A Huge "Cottage" Industry Formed with Books, Documentaries, TV-Shows, and the Kitchen-Sink Proliferated Pop-Culture that Still is Remanent Today.

This One is a Smorgasbord of Topics...Well Handled and Presented by Host Lawrence Dobkin with Interviews and Statements from Scientists, Educators, and Experiencers.

The Documentary Covers UFOs, The Bermuda Triangle, Bigfoot, Ghosts, Kirlian Photography, Abductions, The Church of Satan, Witches, Atlantis, Ancient Megaliths, ESP, and more.

You Couldn't even Avoid the Phenom at the Grocery Store...Time/Life Got in on the Boom with Sets of "Encyclopedias".

The Movie has the Charm of Variety and the 95 min. Print Currently on YouTube is Excellent, and the Production Value is as Good as These Things Get.

For those with the Slightest Interest in the Paranormal and Earth Mysteries, this is Certainly...

Worth a Watch.
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10 May 2024
George Peppard as a Slick British Secret Agent (raised in America) is Ultra-Stiff along with an Underused Joan Collins Among the European Locales.

Other Familiar Faces from British Cinema are Among the Talkers in the Talkathon, with Judy Geeson's Pert and Plucky Love Interest Steals the Show.

Mainly Because of the Cute-Factor who Sparks of Life Among the Walking Dead On Screen.

The Movie has No-Style, the Pacing is Awful, the Length is Long (almost 2hr), and the Story of Traitors and Double-Agents Never Grabs and just sort of Plays-Out for the Running Time.

No Humour, Very Little Action, a Zombified Peppard and a Complicated, Convoluted Story Made This a "Bomb" Out of the Box.

Big Production, Good Cast, a Missed-Opportunity and a Failure on Almost Every Level.

If You Skip this You Won't be Missing a Thing.
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8 May 2024
It was Inevitable, America's Decision to Engage in a Hot-War for Over 10 Years in the Stifling Jungle Heat, was a Debacle, Miss-Handled by the Politicians, Military Leaders, and Advisors from Day One.

Divided the Country, and Caused a Split Among its Citizens.

It All Ended in 1975. But the Repercussions and Blow-Back is and was Clear and Profound.

Hollywood was Keen on Making a Killing (along with a Liberal agenda of We told You so) about Returning Veterans from an Ill-Advised Fiasco that Caused the Death of Least a Million Lives (50,000 American) .

An Uneasy and Difficult Time for the Soldiers, some who "Never Came Back", Psychologically, from the Experience and Personally had to Deal With Rejection from some of the Citizens Calling Them "Baby-Killers" to Their Face.

Having Served 7 Years of Torture, Maj. Kane (William Devane) Finds a Community that Recognizes and Honors His Service, it's His Family that has Abandoned Him. The Wife wants a Divorce and His Son, an Infant when He Left, is Clueless.

That Being the Rope He is Offered to Hang Himself.

But He has Learned to "Love the Rope". Loving the Rope let's Him Cope by Killing ALL Feelings...

"That's 'cause I can't think of anything to say. It's like my eyes are open and I'm looking at you, but I'm dead. They've pulled out whatever it was inside of me. It never hurts at all after that and it never will."

His Wife that Bolted and His Son are Inadvertently Killed in a "Home Invasion" are Now Gone and the War-Hero is Gone, Gone Over the Edge, but While Going Over the Edge He Takes the Bad-Guys with Him.

There were a Wave of Movies, a whole Sub-Genre, Like "Rambo" and the Franchise, but also Important Films such as "Taxi Driver" (1976), although the Disturbed-Vet Implied, and Others that Made an Impact.

Quintin Tarantino is a Huge Fan of the Movie and has Wildly and Widely Touted, that Gave Rise to its Blu-ray Release after Many Years in DVD-Limbo.

Linda Haynes Sparks the Proceedings a "Kane Groupie", and Adds just the Right Amount of Diversion, Compassion, and Attraction with Heart and Emotion, to Contrast the Dead-Soul of the Hero.

Tommy Lee Jones is Kane's POW-Buddy, a MSgt, that Gleefully "Gets His Gear" in a Moments Notice and Helps His Friend Check-In at the "Pearly-Gates".

Under-Seen, and was Obscure to Until Recently. One of the Betters in the Sub-Genre.

Directed by an Under-Valued, Hard-Edged John Flynn.
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Brainstorm (1965)
3 May 2024
This Neo-Noir, Shot in Panavision (WS) and B&W, Revisits the "Psychological-Thriller".

About a Femme Fatale (Francis), a Sap (Hunter), and a Rich Abusive Husband (Andrews).

The Hook is "Faking" Insanity to Get Away With Murder (Guess Whose?) and Live "Happily Ever After".

Hunter's Brilliant Scientist Thinks He can Out-Think the Justice System by Reading a Few Books and Building a Tolerance to "Truth Serum".

The Attractive Leads are Stereotypically Slotted and Performed with a Sharp-Edge and Conrad's Direction has a Few Razzle-Dazzle Inclusions via Computer-Screens and a Noir Staple, the Surreal Flashback.

Overall, the Film Suffers a bit From Familiarity of Plot, and the Director Tries to "Modernize" the Look with Wide-Screen, Bright (as opposed to the traditional Film-Noir) Dark Ambience with Lighting and Shadows, with a Very "Today" (1965) Look and Feel.

However, the Story IS Dark and Disturbing.

Messing with the Mind and the Psychiatric Profession..."The Days of Wine and Neurosis",

and Anne Francis' Bubbled-Headed Cutie, with a Toddler in Tow is a "Piece of Work" Typical in the Noir Universe.

But, in the End it is a So-So Retread, Professionally Presented with a Minimum of Artistic Flourishes and Only Feels Like a 1hr 45min "Twilight Zone" Episode.

Not a Revisitation to the "Golden Age" of Film-Noir.

Although Still Good Enough to be...

Worth a Watch

Note...Not to be confused with Douglas Trumbull's 1983 Sci-Fi with the same name.
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Breakwater (2023)
1 May 2024
The Extremely Prolific Dermot Mulroney (142 Credits), Fresh-Faced Darren Mann, and the Cutie-Thespian Alyssa Goss,

All Bring a Good Game to a Coastal Village Where Secrets and Treasure are Revealed that Make this a Somewhat Intriguing Independent Dramatic-Thriller.

It's a Good Edgy Mystery with Multi-Dimensional Characters, a Quick Pace and Sharp Sea-Side Images (shot with one camera and no CGI).

The Story Goes in Different Directions Now and Them and Keeps Viewers On-Their-Toes. Some Revelations May Make a "Suspension of Disbelief" Mandatory, but it Does Not Interfere too Much with the Entertainment Factor.

Overall, it's a "Dark" Tale that Leans into Neo-Noir Territory as a "Lifer" (Mulroney) Grooms and Protects a Young Inmate and Asks a Favor when the Latter is Released.

This Sets in Motion a Chain of Layered Events Containing Enough Depth and Skullduggery that Makes it an Above Average Film in its Class and is...

Worth a Watch.
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30 April 2024
Rock n' Roll the Early Days and the High-Energetic Popularity that Came With was Soon Halted by a String of Negative Events.

So the Powers that Be that Tried to Kill the Art-Form from the Beginning with No Success Got What They Wanted.

Elvis Went Into the Army...Chuck Berry got Arrested for Taking a Teen Girl Across the State-Line...Jerry Lee Lewis Married His 13 Year Old Cousin...Little Richard Stopped Recording and Touring Having Found the Lord and Became a Preacher...Buddy Holly Died in a Plane-Crash.

This Opened Up a Void and Filling that Void in Pop-Culture was a "Clean-Cut" Invasion of White-Bread Singers Like Fabian...Paul Anka...and Frankie Avalon to Name a Few.

Also Chubby Checker Re-Recorded a Hank Ballard Song that Stiffed, but Not This Time.

The Song "The Twist" was a Huge Hit as was the Dance. Joey Dee and the Starliters Recorded "The Peppermint Twist (also a Hit).

An Unforeseen Happening Made Sure that the "Craze" was Dead as Fast as it Came Alive.

What Happened was...The Parents of the Baby-Boomers Started Twisting Along with the Teens. That was the "Death Knell".

At the Heart, but Not the Only Attraction of Rock n' Roll was a Rebellious, Youthful Battle-Cry of Anti-Establishment Zest.

Mom and Dad Doing "The Twist" Turned Teens Off and They Moved On to Other "Groovy" Things.

This Low-Low-Budget Movie was Nothing More than the Capitalist Establishment's Way of Separating the Youth from Their Pocket-Money (a new development in America's post-war Booty).

This "Twist Phenom" was just Another Void-Filling, Soul-Less, Family Friendly Entry Along with the Aforementioned Replacements for the Departed "Hell-Raisers".

In a Short-Time Young-Folks Discovered and Wholly Embraced a "New-Sound" that Originated in Britain and an Invasion was Imminent.

So Much for "The Twist", Chubby Checker, The Peppermint Lounge, and its 15 min.

The Movie is Hyper-Innocent without an Edge and Belongs in the Graveyard, Dead and Buried.

But it May Be Worth a Watch for Those who Came of Age at the Time (between Elvis and The Beatles).

It Might Provide a Heart-Beat of Nostalgia for Those that were Young in an Unfortunate Time that was a Vast Nothingness in Top 40 "Rock n' Roll Radio"...Do you Remember?

It was the Era of "Teen-Idols" Between Elvis and The Beatles.

Where the Only Thing of Quality to be Found, Aside from a Rare, an Indeed Welcome Anomolie from All the Crop Controlled Same-Ness...

and Capitulations from Cow-Towing, Assembly Line Produced, Cookie-Cutter-Idol Cuteness...that came Shrink-Wrapped a Prevab "Show" for Sale.

The "Product" also came with "Hidden Contract Clause", Written in "Invisible-Ink & Blood"...

"We've Got Your Cash...Now we want Your Soul"

But Wait..."What's that I hear"?...

Like a "Voice" in the Wilderness at the Record Store was the Music Productions of Phil Spector.
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30 April 2024
Directed by Robert Aldrich who Made Many Films Adored by the "Film School" Generation and has Attained a Huge Cult Following.

The Outspoken Director Considered this His WORST FILM.

An International Production with a Big-Budget that Contains some Good Actors...Stewart Granger...Pier Angeli...Stanley Baker...and Anouk Aime. Lending some Needed Gravitas.

Good Use of the Budget with Impressive Battle Scenes, Sets, and a Much Touted Score (Miklas Rosa).

Americans have Always Been Much More Tolerant of Violence On-Screen and Less So with Sex, Especially Proclivities Involving those Described as Deviant.

The Bible, where Many Citizens Set Their "Moral Compass", is Short and Sour in its Brief Description of the Tale of "Sodom and Gomorrah".

Topping the "Sins" on God's List in the Biblical Account that Raised His Wrath and Subsequently the Destruction of the "Twin Cities" was Homosexuality.

It is Here where the Movie had to Capitulate to the Code. Thus Almost Ignoring God's Concern,

No Reference to the "Gay" Except in the Symbolic. Nothing Verbal, just a Few Gestures, Looks, and Such. Hoping No One Would Notice.

It is Noticed that Violence (Torture Wheel), Sadism and War Fared Much Better and Produces a Few Cheap-Thrills so the Audience isn't Bored-to-Death for its 2h 34min, and Basic Good v Evil Lesson from the Cinematic Pulpit.

The Biblical Epic and its "Sword and Sandal" Sub-Genre was Prolific and Profitable for About a Decade, and this was the "Sign-Post" of "The End" of that Bit of Ballyhoo.

The Movie, to This Day, has Never Shown a Penny of Profit and has Gone Down as a Disastrous Conclusion to the Genre. Only a Few Years After "Ben Hur" was All the Rage and Dominated the Oscars.

Depending on Your POV, this Movie is Not Awful, but Certainly Nothing Remarkable, Especially Considering the Money and Talent Involved.

Point Being...Robert Aldrich's Next Film..."Whatever Happened to Baby Jane", with a Minuscule Budget, Became an Acclaimed Piece of Art, was Immensely Profitable, a Critical Success and as They Say...

"The Rest is (Hollywood) History".
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Man Bait (1952)
30 April 2024
Alternate Titles..."The Last Page (UK)..."Man Bait" (US)

Britain's "Hammer Studios", had been around since the 30's Before Striking Gold with "The Curse of Frankenstein" (1957) Producing Enjoyable Movies in Most Genres, Turning Frequently to Crime-Noir During the Zeitgeist. This is One of Them.

Directed by Hammer's Most Prolific, Terence Fisher, who Helmed All the Iconic Neo-Classic "Monster-Movie" Origin Stories from the Studio.

A Bitter-Sweet Diana Dors is a Bonus in this Fast-Moving Dark Story, Providing a Central "Figure" that is a Wow of a Look and Performance that is Top-Notch.

Announced in the Titles as "Introducing" is a Misnomer, having Acted in Over a Dozen Movies Prior. But Hey, this is Show-Biz where Almost Anything Goes.

She Competes with Peter Reynolds to "Steal the Show" and the Competition is Strong Because Reynolds Antagonist is a Villainous "Piece of Work" with No Scruples and is Completely Despicable.

Also On Hand with Good Performances All Around...Aging American Stalwart George Brent (a favorite Muse of Bett Davis)...and Margarete Chapman as the "Good Girl".

Above Average for the Studio Output During the Era

If it's a "Hammer Film", it's...

Worth a Watch.
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26 April 2024
A Walk in Central Park for the 4 Time Oscar Winner, Soft-Stepping Around the "Big Apple" Involving Trade-Mark "Romantic Rallies" and "Back Alley" Misunderstandings, Coupled with Class-Angst and Intellectual Snobbery.

The Film is Much More Enjoyable as Chunks of Insight than the Whole Picture that Comes Across as "Not So Much".

Most of the Cast do Nothing More than Extended Cameos and None Make Much of an Impression, although the 3 Leads do Shine with Selena Gomez and Elle Fanning Competing to Steal the Show...It's a Tie.

The Film Looks Gorgeous with Warm Hues Contrasting the Drizzle.

But the Movie Lacks Allen's Razor-Wit and One-Liners, in Fact, at Times, it can be Rather Dull. But Redeems Itself Now and Then.

It's an OK, Lightweight, Pretty Thin Screenplay for Woody Allen, who Not Only Regurgitates, but Seems Half-Interested.

Still, there is Enough Talent Remaining in the Reserve-Tank to Present a Rather Whimsical Muse on "Old-Timey" Movies, Piano Bars, Popular Tunes, with the Film Leaning Heavy on the Nostalgic.

Worth a Watch.
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Argylle (2024)
19 April 2024
Matthew Vaughn has been a Director Worth Watching. Having Delivered Out-of-the-Gate "Layer Cake" (2004)...with Follow-Ups Like "Kick-Ass" (2010)..."X-Men: First Class" (2011)...and "Kingsman: The Secret Service" (2014).

But there were Signs of Repetitive Over-Indulgence with the Sequel to "Kingsman", "The Golden Circle" (2017) which was a Disappointment Containing the Aforementioned Flaws.

Returning Once Again to the "Spy-Spoof" with "Argylle", the Director Foregoes His Instincts and Talents to Revisit the Same Theme, almost, in the Same-Way.

With a Big-Budget, and an A-List Cast, He Wallows in Past Glories and Successes to Deliver an Overflowing, Twist-Fest and Runs Amok for the Over 2-Hour Running Time. Never Settling on Intrigue, Suspense, or Anything Cerebral.

The Movie is Bloated and Visually Stilted, even though it Tries Mighty Hard to be Fresh Wowing the Audience with Things Like Ice-Skating on Oil.

Sam Rockwell is His Usual Fan-Friendly Self, Bryce Dallas Howard Does OK, although the "Suspension of Disbelief" Really Cries Out, Given Her Physical Stature, but Her Charm and Cuteness Manages to Keep Things On Track.

The Rest of the Big-Name-Cast are Not-Bad, the Movie just Seems Exhaustively Engaging with More CGI, Cartoony Phoniness than is Tolerable even in a "Spoof".

The Nail in the Coffin, and its a Pretty Big Nail, is Making the "Cat" a Central Character. It Never Works, is Silly Beyond the Bounds of Silliness, and is Cringe-Inducing From Start to Finish. Who Ever Thought that would be Charming and Arresting for the Audience was, to be Kind, Mistaken.

Overall, a Movie with this Much Talent and Money Involved is Bound to be Somewhat Watchable, but Considering that Consideration..."Argyle" is a Huge Disappointment.

Worth a Watch...Barely.
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Squad Car (1960)
16 April 2024
From Roughly 1958-62...There was a "Void" in the Entertainment Business and the Over-All "Arts" Community was Seemingly Suffering Creatively by Real and Abstract Reasons.

As is Often the Case, that "Void" was Rebelling Against Itself and Rumblings Started and Finally Exploded.

The Opening for that Long-Looked-For On-Ramp for Outlets to Revive a Return to Greatness and a Lively Format as Entertainment was Now Offered by What Was Called "The British Invasion"...

All Entertainment as Art Changed Rapidly, Drastically, and a Zeitgeist Happened that Now is a Well-Documented "World Event".

In Context, the Aforementioned "Void" is where this Typical 2nd Feature and Low-Low-Budget Movie Found Itself.

It has All the "Tropes" and Signs of a Pop-Culture Entry in the Drive-In and Grind-House Venues.

Historically Movie-Buffs, Pop-Culture Enthusiasts and Researchers Have Found the Non-Mainstream "Exploitation" Genre/Market was a Wild, Weird-World of "Work-for-Hire" Entertainers that Could Not Really Run-Amok,

but did Manage to Take Chances that No Main-Stream, Established, Respected Movie-Studio would Touch.

"Squad Car" Clocking in at 62 min. Circa 1960 was a Watchable, if Not by Any Stretch Remarkable Police-Procedural.

That by Now was Nothing More than a "Devolving", Done-to Death Offering of Film-Noir (stripped of its cutting-edge), TV's "Dragnet" that Beat that Drum so Loudly and So-Often that it No-Longer was Ground-Breaking, just Anesthetizing and Ready for the "Old-Folks-Home".

It was Time for Something More than this Above-Average of its Type,

but Hardly Nothing to Write-About Cheapie that Gave a Prolific "Back-Ground" Actor with Claims of 4-500 Screen Appearances...

Paul Bryar, to Try His Hand as a Finally 'Credited" Actor in the Lead. Along with a 4th Rate Platinum-Blonde Lounge-Act (Vicci Raaf)...

Belting a Few WoW Songs with as Little Lyrics as Possible and a Fancy of a Jazz-Novelty Delivery of Sultry, Salty Lyrics of Not-so-Subtle Sexual Subtext.

She Steals the Show Revealing, Not in Her Sexy Songs, but in Her Acting Abilities and a Force of Feminine Ferociousness to be Reckoned.

Worth a Watch.
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12 April 2024

Director Edgar G. Ulmer's Destiny to be an "Auteur" of A-List "Genre" Films, after His Break-Out-Break-Through Success with Art-Deco Flourishes and Cutting-Edge Style Propelled Universal's "The Black Cat" ( 1934) to Critical Praise and the Studio's Most Lucrative Movie of the Year...

was Halted by His "Affair" with Universal's Carl Laemmle's (CEO) Woman.

The "Black Cat" Director Found Himself "Blacklisted" and Unable to Find "Big-Budget" Work for the Remainder of His Long Career.

Ulmer, an "Art for Art's Sake" Creator Ultimately Made a Lasting "Name" for Himself with a Huge Cult-Movie Following with Undeniable "Artistic" Movies, No Matter the Budget.

Along with "The Black Cat", the Director's other Notable Films (57 credits) Include..."Bluebeard (1944)...Strange Illusion (1945)...Detour (1945)...Club Havana (1945)...The Strange Woman (1946)...So Young So Bad" (1950) Name a Few.

His Seminal Film-Noir "Detour" is Frequently on Top-10 and Best Lists along with "The Black Cat".

Edgar G. Ulmer Never Stopped Working and Creating Entertaining, Provocative Movies No Matter what Obstacles He Encountered and is Fondly Remembered and Respected Today.

"The Man From Planet X" has the Distinction to be Sighted as the One of the First, if Not THE First "Alien Invasion" Flick, Riding Initiating the 1st Wave of the 50's.

The Look is Like No Other.

Butting Up Against such Stalwart Icons as "The Thing From Another World" (1951)..."The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951)..."Invaders From Mars" (1953) other Highly Celebrated and Influential Films.

With a $40,000 Budget and a 6-Day Shoot (compared to the Million-Dollar + of those others mentioned), Ulmer Nevertheless, Delivered a Surreal, Other-Worldly, Compelling Entertaining Movie with a Relentlessly Somber Tone, Norish Visuals and a Game Cast.

Today, the Movie's Restrictive Production is Glaring, some say Adding to the Creepy Feel, and must be Viewed Contextually when Considering.

Everything Works as Well as Can be Expected and the Overall Result is a "Primitive-Art" Piece (much like "Detour") that Still Creates Conversations, Awe, and Respect in the Movie-Buff Community.

For Sci-Fi Fans and Low-Budget Affectionados, it's...A Must See

For Others...Worth a Watch.
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On the Line (II) (2022)
12 April 2024
The Scam is On Anyone who Invests Their Time/Money in an Entertainment that Reeked Off-Center, (not always a bad-thing), Once the Basic-Plot was Announced to the Public.

"TALK RADIO"...Is that Still a Viable Thing.

Headlining the Hype, was a Still-Around, Still-Working X-Super-Star who has Fallen Off-that-Wagon and Now is a Work-for-Hire Marquee-Name who Can, and Still Does, Carry With Him an Undeniable Screen-Personality-Presence that is Marketable, at this Late-Date and He is Working Steady, along with the Likes of Nicolas Cage and Liam Neeson.

The Success Rate, both Artistic and Financial is All-Over-the-Map for Gibson, just Like the Aforementioned Workaholics.

Gibson's Role in a Movie Varies from Barely Consequential to the Driving-Force that Propels the Project.

There can be Spotted a 'Producer" Credit for Gibson, so He Certainly was "Behind" the Movie from the Beginning,

and it's Not so Easy to Fluff this Off as a "Blindside" or an Easy 'Pay-Day".

Easy Meaning...Mel Gibson in His Performance, Shows Signs of an Abrasive, Obnoxious, Alpha-Male Personality-Type (mainly his own and not a stretch).

The Character He Assumes is "Elvis" an Overnight "Midnight" Talk-Show in Los Angeles, what Used to be Called "Shock-Jock" Host who Takes Cold-Calls and Fills the Caller's Ear, and the Audience with a "He Could Say Anything" just to Keep the Format Frosty and Unscripted.

We are Told in the First-Scene that His Ratings are Stagnant and He is a Dinosaur (Post-Social-Media) and Needs to Activate His Show or Go the Way of the Horse and Buggy.

What Follows Seems to be a "Scary-Miracle" Delivered by an Unhinged Idiot,

Well-Equipped and Ready to Kill People, Destroy Lives and Property and Create Misery in the Name of...______________(fill in the blank)

Gibson is the On-Air Pilot Steering this "Dusty" Scenario.

Mega-Talk-Shows have become Old-Hat and Suffer from the Weight of Alternative-Information-Entertainment (a singular niche the format provided that is no longer singular)...

We are Living Through a "Glut" of Options and Choices to "Partake".

So the "Elvis" Hosted Late-Night Talk Show is On the Chopping Block and Only a "Miracle" will Save it from Cancellation.

Except for the Last 15 Minutes that was Ill-Advised and Hated by Most Viewers who have Voiced Their Complaints Loudly.

It's a Not-Bad, No-Great-Shakes "Retread" of a Format that Really Never Went just Morphed into what We Now Call..."Podcasts".

The Major Difference is Everyone's Who Wants a Podcast is "On (the) Line".

The Format is Now Hosted by Anyone with a Heart-Beat and Something to Say to Anyone who will Listen.

What Happens in the Movie is a Manifestation of that "Miracle"...

It's Almost Worth a Watch...

But Buyer Beware.
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11 April 2024
"Ikarie XB 1"...aka..."Voyage to the End of the Universe"

Roger Corman and AIP Bought the Rights to this Overlooked 1963 Sci-Fi Movie Made in the Communist Controlled Soviet-Bloc...

Cut Some Stuff...Added Some Stuff...Dubbed the Dialog...and Unashamedly Released "Ikarie XB 1"...Retitled as "Voyage to the End of the Universe".

This was Part of Corman's Schtick as He Did the Same with Other "Foreign" Sci-Fi-Horror Movies Without Batting an Eye while Focusing on that Most Corman of Things..."The Bottom Line".

It wasn't Until the New Millennium that Genre Fans in America had an Opportunity to See the Original Version...

Remastered and Available on Blu-ray in All its Rather Captivating, Stunning, Art-Deco Influenced Visuals, the Intended Ending (that Corman completely changed), along with Other Sub-Plots (like the birth of the "Star Child").

By Most Accounts Film Buffs and Cinema Scholars were Not Disappointed, but Witnessed the Movie as Ground-Breaking, Visually Impressive, and Labeled it a Hidden Gem...

No Longer Covered by Corman but Available for Perusal, Flaws and All.

The Flaws are Not Aggressively Intrusive (some exterior shots of pedestrian model-work) and some Aging Actors and a Little Bit of Forced Humor (the Robot Patrick).

It has been Hammered Home Again and Again that its Influence on the Genre Film-Makers is Nothing Short of Profound.

Kubrick's "2001 A Space Odyssey '' (1968) and Roddenberry TV Show "Star Trek" are the Most Cited Examples.

The Modestly Budgeted Sets, Costumes, and Interior Visuals are Certainly Impressive if Not Downright Amazing.

The Atmospherics are Astonishing.

For Sci-Fi Fans and Serious Film Scholars it's a...Must See

For All Others it is Certainly...Worth a Watch

Note...Based on the book "The Magellanic Cloud" by Stanislaw Lem (Solaris, Stalker).
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The Ghoul (1975)
10 April 2024
The 2nd British Studio to Hop on the "Hammer" Gothic-Horror Bandwagon, after "Amicus" Studio had Moderate Success,

"Tyburn", Founded by the Son of Freddie Francis whose Cinematography and Directing Talents Helped "Hammer" Achieve the Enormous Success that Sat On Top of "British Horror" for 15 Years.

It was just Too-Little-Too-Late for "Tyburn" that Only Managed 3 Films.

This is the Best of the 3, with Peter Cushing Absolutely Flawless Again and Young Blood John Hurt Adding Immensely to the Creep-Factor, and there's Plenty of "Creep".

Hurt is a Lecherous Gardner for Cushing, a Defrocked Priest that Brought Disturbing Things Back from His Stint in India.

Namely, a Mutant Murderous Son, and More. The Details Concerning the Story are Scant, With-Held, or Simply Absent.

It's the Biggest Flaw in this Otherwise Atmospheric, Gory, Unsettling Film.

After a Frivolous Beginning Concerning Young Adults Partying Hardy in the 1920's, the 2nd Act Unveils Uncomfortable and Horrifying Nastiness in Cushing's "Old-Dark-House" with Slashings and Sacrifices.

A Capable Cast Including Veronica Carlson and Ian McCullough with Don Henderson as "The Ghoul".

It's a Bit of a Mess Held Together by Cushing, Hurt, and some Striking Sets and Locales.

But the Story is Ambiguous Holding it Back from Full Involvement.

Overall, it Feels Like Left-Overs, Not Very Fresh, but Left-Overs can be Satisfying and for Horror Fans...

Worth a Watch

For Others...Probably Not.
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9 April 2024
Actor Richard Conte takes a Few Minutes Prior to the Opening to Set-the-Record-Straight that the Hospital is Fictional (could be anywhere U. S. A.) and the Story is also "Made-Up".

At the Same Time He Acknowledges that "Bellevue" Graciously Allowed Filming in Their Iconic, Prestigious Hospital, and Made Accolades about the "Modern &1st Rate" Facility.

After Seeing the Film One can See Why.

This is 1950 in a Post-War Environment when an Enormous Effort to Cherish and Praise American Institutions was at its Peak, No One would Link "Gambling" and "Drug Trafficking" to the Health Care Facilities Across America.

This was a "Bold" almost Unheard of Dramatization of the Underbelly (Film-Noir) at Work in these "Hallowed Halls" that was a Definite "Downer" to the Public Perception.

That Precisely was the Now Enormous Power and Appeal of Film-Noir, Perhaps even in its Formulating Years was Seen as Something Special and Something to be Respected.

Conte, a Policeman, Goes Under-Cover to Trace the Murder of an Intern. This is Perhaps the Weakest LInk and Requires a Supreme "Suspension of Disbelief", but it's a Must if the Story is Going to Work at All. They Do Manage to Somewhat Pull-It-Off.

Thanks to some Fine Acting From All Involved. An Unobtrusive Palette Inside the Hospital where Director Sherman Films it Naturally with Little Artistic Embellishment.

Overall, it's Cutting-Edge Cinema Thanks to the Film-Noir Aesthetic that was Robust at the Time.

If You Want to Take an Off-Ramp from the Usual Film-Noir Express, this May Be What Your Looking For. The Movie is Loaded with the Things that Make a Film-Noir.

Drugs, Gambling, Murder, Suicide, Corrupt Public Institutions, Human Foibles Galore.


Worth a Watch.
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9 April 2024
If You Haven't Gone Deaf and Blind Watching the Eye-and-Ear Assault brought about by the the Never-Subtle, Never-Beautiful, Never-Rich Display On-Hand in these CGI Overload Movies in the Modern Era,

You Might Possibly Enjoy the Onslaught of Masochistic Mayhem Offered for Your Consideration.

Considering the "Monster-Movie" has been Around, Well, as Long as Movies Have Been Around, its a Solid, Fan-Friendly, Easy Sell.

120 Years may have Passed, but the Formula is the Same, the "Monsters" the Same, the Soft-Sell the Same, it's Only the "Method", the "Means", the Way that the "Monsters" are Animated Amongst the Humans and the Landscape that has Changed.

Nothing Changed Much from 1925 to the 1950's (except technicolor and sound), from Willis O" Brian and His "Stop-Motion" Monsters to Ray Harryhausen and His "Stop-Motion" Monsters. Harryhausen Perfected the "Art" that Obie Invented, but it was Basically the Same Delivery System.

You Could Call Their Work "Organic", the way it Looks and Feels.

You Could Not Call the Current CGI "Monsters" Organic by any Stretch, in Fact, the Complete Opposite...In-Organic. It Brings with it a Certain Laborious, Ultimately Annoying, Ambience of Color-Drained (what remains is blue and white), Loud, almost Deafening Sound.

Viewer Fatigue Sets In, just Watching Becomes a Taxing Burdon. Taxing on the Eyes, Taxing on the Ears, Taxing on the Brain.... You Feel the Need to Bale.

There's too Much of Everything in the "Art-Form" and Not Enough Ingredients to Soften the Presentation and Provide Contrasting Templates...It All Looks and Sounds the Same.

Perhaps if there was a "Killer-Story", No it's "Monster-Movie" 101, Recycled for the CGI Generation of Artists and Fans.

A Story about an Iconic "Ape" and "Lizard"...Maybe Could Be a Little More...Organic.

For What it is...

Worth a Watch.
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9 April 2024
It's a Film-Noir Entry in the Pivotal Year and Decade-Turn that had an Effect on the Spontaneous, Organic Formation of the Genre.

The Most Noticeable and Most Transformative is the "Move" Toward the "Police-Procedural" and also the Migration to the Suburbs and the Inclusion of Children in the Plot.

Although in this one, the "Move" is South of the Border where the Mexican Way of Life is in Sharp Contrast to the Dangerous, Doom-Laden Streets, Alleys, and High-Rises of Urban America.

It'a Contrast to Striking and Deep and the Film Flounders, Making an Unsuccessful Effort to Steer the Off-Course Plight of the Medical Doctor (James Mason), His Stolen Girl and Loot, back on the Straight-and-Narrow where All is Well.

The 1st and 3rd Acts are Cracker-Jack Film Noir, with Genre Icons Dan Duryea, Jack Elam, and William Conrad are On-Hand to Dish Out the Violence and Snap-Pat that Film-Noir Demands and it is as Good as it Gets.

Too Bad about that 2nd Act where things are Sunny, Hopeful, and Sweet. It's Not Bad On its Own, it does have a Slight Edge and some Highlights but Pales in Comparison to the Dark Goings-On in the Beginning and End.

That are so Good, it Makes the Movie Almost a Must-See. But at the Very Least, it's...

Worth a Watch.
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8 April 2024
The "Wrong Man", that Hitchcock Knew so Well is "Borrowed" from the Way Over-Rated Director Clint Eastwood this Time in a Career-Winding-Down Sea of Mediocrity and Downright Awful Movies, He Makes a Good One.

The Situation that "Security-Guard" Richard Jewell Found Himself was one of Instant "Hero" to Instant "Suspect" in a Heart-Beat and Eastwood Let's the Tremendous Cast of Sam Rockwell (Jewell's Attorney), Kathy Bates (Mother), Olivia Wilde (Reporter), and Jon Hamm (FBI), Loose Surrounding the "Immovable Object" (Jewell).

Immovable, almost Teflon, Determined and Comfortable in the Skin of "Law Enforcement" and is Virtually Resistant to the "Slings and Arrows" that the Army of Media, Law-Enforcement, and the Public Consistently and Relentlessly Fire in His Direction. He Never Wavers.

Paul Walter Hauser as Richard Jewell is the Center Piece, the Nucleus, the Stuff that Makes Him an "Underdog" and the Audience is on HIs Side from the Get-Go.

It's Only a Matter of just how Despicable the Forces Against the "Patsy" will Get Before the "Truth" is Discovered.

It's a Testament to the Talent, Screen-Presence, and Budding Star-Power that Hauser can Dominate the Film, Despite all that A-List Talent in the Surrounding. He Literally Never Let Go of the Spotlight on the "Lead" Character in a Film about Domestic Terrorism, Law-Enforcement, The Media, and Amplified Public Reaction.

Despite All the Ingredients...Paul Walter Hauser is "The Thing" Here.

Worth a Watch.
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Black Tuesday (1954)
31 March 2024
The "Ghosts" of Iconic Characters/Type Never Really Leave an Actor, but Remain to be Summoned Occasionally, if Need be.

Apparently Edward G. Robinson, Reeling from a Career Downslide, somewhat Linked to His becoming a "Friendly" Witness to the "House Un American Activities" (HUAC), Decided to Call Upon 2 of His Former Glorified On-Screen Characters.

Caesar Enrico 'Rico' Bandello from the Film '"Little Caesar" (1931) and Johnny Rocco from the Film "Key Largo" (1948).

The Result is this "Hidden Gem", a Somewhat Under-Seen and Under-Appreciated Crime-Thriller with Heavy Film-Noir Undertones.

It's a Relentlessly Down-Beat, Brutal Movie about Death-Row Inmates Vincent "King" Canelli (Robinson) and Peter Manning (Peter Graves) Planning and Successfully Pulling-Off an Escape on the Eve of Their Dual Electric-Chair Execution. Other Inmates are also Released and Join-In.

The Movie Pulls-Few-Punches in the Determination to Portray the "King" as a Soul-Less, Maniacal, Killer with No Redeeming Qualities from the Outset and Eddie G. Punches and Guns-Down People Routinely.

Peter Graves, on the Other-Hand is the "Soft" Side of the Criminal Gang. He's Sensitive and Artistic ( building matchstick bridges), but still Maintains a Desperate and Severe Attitude Throughout Most of the Running Time.

There are Probably More Gunshots is the Finale then any other Film Up to that Point. In Fact, the Deafening Sound of the Hail of Bullets is used "Artistically" in 1-Scene to Illustrate and Emphasize.

This is a Sharply-Designed, Dark, Story Told with Cut Angles, Deep Shadows, and Claustrophobic Sets and Hardened Criminals (Male and Female).

It's a Winner, with Solid Grounding in Film-Noir with Threads of that Dark Style Woven Throughout.

Was Hard-to-Find for a While and has Slipped Through the Cracks. Needs to be Rediscovered.

For Noir and Crime Fans it's a...

Must See

For All Others...

Worth a Watch.
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