
7 Reviews
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Hollow Man (2000)
Most of these reviews are taking this movie TOO seriously!
28 September 2000
This is a POPCORN movie. This is a HORROR movie. This is a PAUL VERHOEVEN movie. So, yes, there will be gaping plot logic holes, bad dialogue, and loads of politically incorrect situations. But the idea here is to sit back and be taken for a thrill ride, which I did, in spite of the many bad reviews I read before I saw this. I had FUN! I didn't expect Citizen Kane but maybe many of the reviewers here at IMDB did. And just to take a point with some of these reviews, the question of the animal testing is taken to task by Kim Dickens' character, the vet. And Sebastian, Kevin Bacon's character, does morally reprehensible things because he's the VILLAIN! Nobody was complaining about Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs for his deeds; he's seen as 'memorable'. So don't feel the need to jump on the negativity bandwagon with this one, because it's seems to the popular thing to do, just take your expectations down a couple of notches and enjoy.

By the way, the special effects are among the best I've seen this year!!
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The Patriot (2000)
More jingoistic propagandized hogwash from my neighbours
26 July 2000
I really don't know where to begin with this claptrap that many Americans on this site are calling a "great" film, a "masterpiece", some saying this is the best movie that they've ever seen. Well, my response is that 1)they don't see alot of movies, 2)their patriotism overshadows their aesthetic sensibilities or 3)they are simple-minded people who need characterizations, story-telling and acting drawn with the broadest of strokes so they aren't confused by such unnecesaries as historical accuracy. Now I'm from a former British colony just like you Americans, but we Canadians would never publicly display our hate-mongering on 2000 screens across the country and applaud it as a nation (at least I hope we wouldn't). Every non-American in this movie is seriously flawed, including those helping the Americans (the French), and every American, regardless of their actions is seen as a paragon of humanity and the same injustices that the "evil" British foist on the Americans, when duplicated by the Americans, is justified. I thought we were in a more enlightened era now but this trash brings scapegoating to a new high. I think the director, writer and producers should view Leni Riefenstahl's 'Olympia' as the pinnacle of propaganda (or perhaps they already did). On a positive side, John Williams' score was a bit less derivative then usual and I jumped during the infamous 'cannonball scene'.
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Easy Living (1937)
This film is magic
1 June 2000
The pleasures of a Preston Sturges film are many, and even his poorest are miles above the competition. I know, you're saying that Mitchell Leisen directed this and that it was based on a play but after hearing that incredible dialogue and seeing those broadly drawn characters, imbued with a warmth not found in most comedies, you can't tell me that this isn't a Preston Sturges film. Sure, there is evidence of Leisen's restraining hand that you can't find in, say, Miracle of Morgan's Creek, but it's Sturges, all right. But for me, the real joy is seeing my favorite actress from this period, Jean Arthur, work with material, from my favorite writer from this period, Sturges. She fits this material so well that it is a shame they never worked together again. Another real strength is the work of the character roles, always so good in Sturges films and we see a few of the actors who will later become part of the 'Sturges stock company'. So, if you want hilarious situations, laugh-out-loud dialogue and strong comedic characters, I heartily recommend this great film.
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U-571 (2000)
not like the old days
30 May 2000
I looked forward to this movie for two reasons; the first is that I immensely enjoyed Jonathan Mostow's last film, Breakdown and so, looked forward to his next, and the second is my great and abiding love for submarines, both books and movies. My favorite sub films are the old WW2 ones, like Destination Tokyo and Run Silent, Run Deep and this seemed to head in the vein of those. The first 45 minutes is gripping and exciting action, with the stock sub characters overblown as usual. But as the action moves to the German sub, the movie takes a nosedive and never ascends (haha). How much of sitting underwater listening to depth charges is too much? This much! The truly interesting characters, Bill Paxton's and David Keith's, are killed off leaving us with personality-challenged Matthew Mconaughey and 'he's in this movie, too?!' Harvey Keitel and the other faceless actors populating the screen. After Breakdown, I know Jonathan Mostow is capable of suspense on a extended level but he demonstrates very little of it here. Overall, a big disappointment.

By the way, why do the characters relentlessly whisper throughout the latter half of this movie although the screws on the sub never stop, creating the very noise they wish to quell? Just asking!
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Zenobia (1939)
Ollie should stick with Stan
22 May 2000
I am a great lover of the Laurel and Hardy movies and so it was with some excitement that I was finally able to rent one of only two movies that Oliver Hardy made without Stan Laurel since their teamwork began (the other, Fighting Kentuckian, also stars another one of my favorite actors, John Wayne, and I enjoyed that one quite a bit). This however was a huge disappointment. It seemed to be Hal Roach's attempt at a prestige piece but it belies its poor roots. The story of a country doctor in the 19th century who treats an carnival elephant named Zenobia and then can't lose the elephant and its affections is poorly written, with little real humour. The performances are lackluster, with the exception of Billie Burke as Ollie's long suffering yet dim-witted wife. Her performance injects each scene she is in with the kind of manic craziness the rest of the movie aspires to but can't deliver. Another major bone of contention was the hideously racist performance of Stepin Fetchit as the servant, Zero. Ollie's later speech on equality can not even begin to make up for this truly offensive addition to an already poor movie. An early L&H sound short, Laughing Gravy, was included on the tape and showed us what Ollie could really do when given the proper material with Stan and I laughed out loud many times. I only wish that Zenobia could have made me do that just once.
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ahead of its time!
21 May 2000
As a Errol Flynn fan, I waited years before the recent video release of this, but I was not disappointed. This is much grittier and more realistic than the usual jingoistic flag-waving propaganda produced during WW2. War is hell, and that is no more evident than here. This will rank as one of my favorite war films.
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this is hitchcock?
21 May 2000
As a long-time Hitchcock fan, I avoided this as I would some of his silent dramas, as not typical of his work. However, I just watched one of the funniest, smartest, and sweetest screwball comedies I have ever seen, ranking for me with My Man Godfrey and Miracle of Morgan's Creek. Carole Lombard is absolutely radiant and I found myself laughing out loud many times, something I don't do usually when watching a movie alone. I adored it and I can't see why its rating isn't higher here. Hitchcock excelled as much at comedy as suspense and this one proves it.
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