
15 Reviews
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The Ice Storm (1997)
14 May 1999
Absolutely brilliant piece of filmmaking which ranks as one of the decade's finest American films. A remarkable ensemble piece with superb actors in just about every role, "The Ice Storm" often seems like the true heir to Ingmar Bergman's throne: a disturbing and utterly truthful domestic tragedy. Cinematographer Frederick Elmes and composer Mychael Danna each deserve a medal for their stunning work. A contemporary masterpiece!
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Nil by Mouth (1997)
Superb! Superb! Superb!
9 May 1999
If European films strove for the depth, truth and honesty displayed in "Nil By Mouth", then maybe European cinema could once again become relevant and vital to European audiences. Instead of imitating the sentimentality of Hollywood filmmaking, "Nil By Mouth" shows the inimitable power of a film based on superb acting and honest storytelling. There is hope, after all, for European films.
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Raging Bull (1980)
Classic Masterpiece!
3 May 1999
Even the best films of the 1990's can't compete with "Raging Bull". This is a classic masterpiece that completely avoids the sugarcoated melodrama of today's movies - both those coming from Hollywood and from Europe.

In an era of ugly, handheld "Dogme" films, "Raging Bull" shows the power of carefully crafted filmmaking. Scorsese's film is a rare example of what a true visionary can achieve - and it should serve as the cinematic inspiration of all aspiring filmmakers.
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Lacks a good story
30 April 1999
Thomas Vinterbergs "De Største Helte" is yet another road movie without the most important element of a film: a good story. The characters are not very original and not particularly interesting. Especially Thomas Bo Larsen is a pain in the neck, playing the same role he has played in the past few years and which he repeated in "Festen" - it seems as if he thinks acting = being angry and screaming at other people! The film doesn't make much too sense and isn't very funny either - although it tries hard to be "kooky" and "weird". If you're going to make a road movie, why not add something original to the genre?!
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Not a good film!
19 April 1999
This film features a lot of drinking, a lot of shouting and a lot of fighting! But this isn't enough to make it a good film. I never cared about the people in the story.
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Credo (1997)
A nightmare!!!
18 April 1999
This film gave me the creeps - for all the wrong reasons. A nightmare to sit through and truly creepy in how boring a so-called "thriller" can be.
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Terrible, terrible copy
15 April 1999
How can anyone compare this to Chris Carter? He is "the real deal" and this film is a terrible, terrible copy. You won't get any chills from seeing this - you'll want to turn it off very soon.
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I almost fell asleep
15 April 1999
Absolutely horrible film! I almost fell asleep. The only good thing about it is Samuel Fröler, but he gets no help from the other actors or from the script. Argh!
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Not worth the effort
15 April 1999
Ghita Nørby is the only good thing in this film - but her performance is wasted on a really meaningless script. The plot moves so slowly that I cannot recommend "Freud Flytter Hjemmefra".
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Don't try it
12 April 1999
A thriller should be exciting and suspenseful - and this isn't. Sofie Gråbøl is over-acting and the direction doesn't work at all.
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Barbara (1997)
Theatre on film
12 April 1999
This film is like a bad stage-play! It isn't cinematic at all and the plot is stiff and uninteresting. A bad case of adapting a novel and not being able to make it into a worthwhile film. The scenery, though, is nice to look at.
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Portland (I) (1996)
Not very interesting
12 April 1999
Uninteresting film that desperately wants to be "hardcore" and "tough". But speedmetal and p**s-yellow colours lifted from Kieslowski's "Decalogue" alone don't do it! Where's the story? And the three-dimensional characters that we want to care about? Nowhere in sight, unfortunately.
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Den attende (1996)
"Short Cuts" it ain't!
12 April 1999
Another film that tries hard to be like "Short Cuts". But Robert Altman is a talented writer/director and Julianne Moore, Matthew Modine, Jennifer Jason Leigh etc. are great actors. Not so in this little film. It may seem "artsy" because of being shot in black/white but the plot suffers from the same problems as the worst mainstream films: unoriginal story and flat characters. The dialogue and the actors are pretty unconvincing.
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Anton (1996)
Nothing spectacular
12 April 1999
Yet another well-meaning afternoon Tv-film about a little boy and his big airplane. Nothing spectacular about this film. It seems as if it wants to be Very Serious and say Important Things about life and death - but doesn't deliver anything new or interesting. You've seen this story before, and you'll see it again - so don't bother.
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Shallow failure
12 April 1999
Pretty banal film that makes you wonder why and for whom it was made. Acting, script and direction is not very good (to put it mildly) - it wants to be "cosy" and "cute" but fails. At best, trivial. At worst, extremely shallow and empty.
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