They Died with Their Boots On (1941) Poster

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Enjoyably spectacular nonsense
scgary6622 May 2002
All in all, an excellent movie from that time and source (coming from Warner Brothers as it was peaking in craftsmanship and style just before WWII), provided you don't take it at all seriously. The movie really makes no claim to being historically accurate, and is certainly no more or less accurate or believable than say, JFK. (This one may actually be more honest about it, though, as it essentially admits along the way that it's not to be taken as particularly fact-based, but more of a stylishly semi-heroic portrayal.) It's worth noting that audiences of the time were no more naive about the story than we are today; the NY Times review conceded that audiences would "dismiss factual inaccuracies sprinkled throughout the film," described the biographical account of Custer's life as "fanciful," and pointed out that the presentation of Custer's motivations regarding the final events were at odds with various historical accounts. They could have really gone overboard in building up Custer, one supposes, but they succeed admirably in depicting him as not necessarily the sharpest or most diligent guy around, but appropriately determined, principled and inspirational.

Flynn and DeHavilland, doing their 8th movie together in 7 years (and their last), are so comfortable together, and play off each other so easily at this point, that it's not too difficult to overlook how thinly their courtship is written here. With a first-time pairing, it would be hard to imagine what could really draw Elizabeth to Custer, but these two make it work. The movie is also missing their director from their previous seven films together (the greatly underrated Michael Curtiz), but given that he had worked with them on the previous year's similar-themed Santa Fe Trail, it's understandable if he chose to opt out of this one. (They all started together with Captain Blood and The Charge of the Light Brigade - both terrific - so we can't really blame them if they started having a tough time keeping it all fresh.)

Raoul Walsh, the director here, is certainly more comfortable with the action sequences - which are outstanding - and everything else outdoors. The interior scenes are a little more uneven, but the studio craftsmen succeed in compensating for that very well, as does Warner Bros' outstanding cast of "usual suspects" and new faces (Greenstreet, Gene Lockhart, Anthony Quinn, Arthur Kennedy, etc). I would have liked it better if Kennedy's character had been a bit less standard (I generally like his work), but here he seems to be hitting roughly the same notes in every scene; the part could have been better written - and I suppose they might have been unsure of what he could handle, as he'd only been in films for one year (Walsh probably took him for this after doing High Sierra together).

Various highlights include the depiction (probably imagined) of the genesis of "Garryowen" as the cavalry theme. The last half hour is particularly outstanding, especially with the parting of the leads echoing the end of their screen partnership, followed by the final battle scenes. A thoroughly rousing adventure.

8 of 10
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Errol Flynn's best film
NewEnglandPat4 April 2003
Dashing Errol Flynn brings his usual flair for drama in this historically flawed but entertaining film of the life of George Armstrong Custer. The dashing, jovial Flynn essays Custer from his days at West Point as a reckless, headstrong cadet, through the Civil War years in an extraordinarily generous and partisan interpretation of history, and finally as the nonpareil Indian fighter whose blunder at the Little Big Horn is excused as a sacrifice by Custer of his command as a way of exposing the corruption of government officials and post traders as well as a protest of the unfair treatment of the Plains Indians. Olivia de Havilland, Flynn's co-star in several other films, scores as the devoted, adoring Libby Bacon, and Anthony Quinn looks the part as the fierce Sioux chief Crazy Horse. The film's battle scenes are excellent. The Civil War battles are brief and are shown as several vignettes in which Custer, seemingly supported by just a handful of troopers, hammers the Confederate army into submission. Custer's last fight against the Indians is a grand spectacle, a savage clash between red men and white, with no quarter given in a wild mix of military might between determined fighting men. Great direction, cinematography, casting and wonderful music by Max Steiner make this film a Hollywood classic.
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Rousingly spirited but highly inaccurate account of the legendary Custer
bux10 November 1998
The Custer Legend, a la Warner Brothers Epic. There's no casting against type here, with the flamboyant Flynn as the flamboyant Custer in this rousing tribute, not only to Custer, but to the men of the 7th Cavalry. The story traces the life of the famed 'Boy General" from his turbulent days at West Point to his final fight at the Little Big Horn. Great liberties are taken with facts here, and we are presented with a Custer that is much more sympathetic to the plight of the redman than history relates. But this one is done on such a grand scale, the battle scenes alone provided employment for every extra in Hollywood. Down beat ending and all, this is great fun!
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Flynn in Inaccurate but Spectacular Custer Bio...
cariart4 October 2003
You've heard the mantra against THEY DIED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON...That the only facts they got right were that there WAS a George Armstrong Custer, he DID serve in the Civil War, and he DID die at the Little Big Horn. This is all true, but what of it? Hollywood has never been obsessed with making historically accurate epics (particularly concerning the West), and, at the time of filming, with America recently plunged into WWII, the WB knew that escapism was essential for film audiences. What better way to take an audiences mind off the depressing war news for a couple of hours than with a grand adventure starring their biggest action star?

Errol Flynn, coming off two minor 1941 releases (the blandly pleasant comedy FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK, and his first war-related title, DIVE BOMBER) was due for a more 'swashbuckling' role, but the actor flatly refused to work with Michael Curtiz, again. While the Hungarian-born director had guided the actor to stardom, he was a very hard taskmaster, and a mutual hatred between the pair had developed, fueled by Flynn's carousing and lazy work habits. Veteran director Raoul Walsh was called in, and the hard-living director and star would develop an immediate rapport, both on and off-camera (Walsh would go on to direct Flynn in eight films, and drink and ride motorcycles with him between projects).

Another milestone of THEY DIED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON was that this would be Flynn's last teaming with long-time co-star Olivia de Havilland. Although the pair were friends, de Havilland had become a major star in her own right, and she demanded more important roles than just being Flynn's 'love interest', a decision Flynn supported, wholeheartedly. The fact that the stars knew this during the shooting gave their scenes, particularly the final one, a poignancy that is unmatched in any of their other films.

Flynn's Custer was a larger-than-life cavalier, prone to getting in trouble with his superiors, but so charismatic that one enlisted man remarks, "We'd follow him to hell." Barely allowed to leave West Point to serve in the Civil War (his academic record is the worst in West Point's history, "even worse than Ulysses S. Grant" one instructor laments), the new lieutenant is accidentally promoted to Brigadier General, and uses his rank to lead his command in a series of charges at Gettysburg, ultimately saving the day, and the Union, in the process.

Mustered out at the conclusion of the war, inactivity leads the soldier to drinking and despondency, so wife Libby pulls some strings, and gets him a new command, in the Black Hills, leading the Seventh Cavalry. Finding them an undisciplined lot, he closes the bar, introduces discipline, and a new unit song (the immortal 'Garry Owen'). In no time, his unit is a crack outfit.

Custer also befriends Crazy Horse (Anthony Quinn), and promises to keep the sacred Black Hills free of white settlers. Unfortunately, greedy land speculators fake reports of a gold strike there, creating a 'rush', and Custer discovers that the corruption runs all the way to Washington. Unable to prevent the impending slaughter (Congress will only accept his charges if presented as a 'dying declaration'), and facing court martial, Custer bullies President Grant into allowing him to return to his command...and leads the Seventh to the Little Big Horn...

The final charge at the Little Big Horn, concluding with 'Custer's Last Stand' is truly spectacular (Iron Eyes Cody, one of the Indians participating in the sequence, told a great story of an inebriated Flynn, surrounded by his dwindling forces, enthusiastically cussing and firing away, even after director Walsh yelled "Cut!"), and, aided by Max Steiner's decisive music, is one of the most rousing scenes in film history.

Accurate? Are you kidding? But THEY DIED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON, flaws and all, is still cherished as one of Errol Flynn's finest films, during his years as a top star for the WB.
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Custodian of the Custer Legacy
bkoganbing14 April 2007
Whether one views him as a gallant cavalier of the plains or a glory hunting egomaniac, debates about the life and military career of George Armstrong Custer continue down to the present day. They Died With Their Boots On presents certain facts of the Custer story and has taken liberty with others.

He did in fact graduate at the bottom of his class at West Point and got this overnight promotion on the battlefield to Brigadier General. His record leading the Michigan Regiment under his command was one of brilliance.

It was also true that his marriage to Libby Bacon was one of the great love matches of the 19th century. Libby and George were married for 12 years until The Little Big Horn. What's not known to today's audience is that Libby survived until 1933. During that time she was the custodian of the Custer legend. By dint of her own iron will and force of personality her late husband became a hero because she would not allow him to be remembered in any other way.

I think Raoul Walsh and Warner Brothers missed a good opportunity to have the Custer career told in flashback. Olivia DeHavilland should have been made up the way Jeanette MacDonald was in Maytime, and be telling the story of her husband and her marriage from the point of view of nostalgia and remembrance. Even then the cracks in the Custer legend were appearing, but if done from Libby's point of view, they could be understood and forgiven.

Sydney Greenstreet gave a fine performance as General Winfield Scott. The only problem was that Scott had nothing whatsoever to do with Custer, he was retired and replaced by George B. McClellan in late 1861 while Custer was still at West Point. I'm not sure they ever met. But Greenstreet does a good characterization of the ponderous and powerful Winfield Scott. A nice Mexican War story should have been what they gave Greenstreet instead for his very accurate portrayal of old Fuss and Feathers.

The film though is carried by one of the great romantic teams of cinema, Errol Flynn and Olivia DeHavilland. This was the last of eight films they did together. The last scene they ever did for the cameras was Libby's farewell to George as he leaves to join his regiment for what will prove to be his last campaign. Both their performances, Olivia's especially, was a high point in their careers at Warner Brothers. We know through history that Custer is riding to his doom, that and the fact that this was their last screen teaming give this scene such a special poignancy. If your eyes don't moisten you are made of marble.

As history They Died With Their Boots On leaves a lot to be desired. As western adventure that successfully mixes romance with the action, you can't beat this film at all.
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Swashbuckler of the West
Igenlode Wordsmith16 May 2006
The saving grace of this film is its humour. Playing up to the strengths of their star, Warner Brothers cast their version of General Custer as a cocky, dashing, irreverent prankster with a romantic streak and an unexpected strain of idealism; it was Robin Hood all over again, and Flynn blossomed in the role. All his best action pictures made use of his talent for mischief and comic timing, and this one was no exception.

It also benefits from the return of former co-star Olivia de Havilland, despite an earlier agreement to break the partnership; the part of strong-minded Libby Custer is a better role than the sweet love-interest types she had grown tired of playing for the studio in Flynn's later films, and after seeing the script he had specifically requested de Havilland be cast so that she could do justice to the part. In this final collaboration, she piles all her considerable acting skill into what is, at heart, basically a romping adventure movie, and the screen chemistry is rekindled -- for once, she and Flynn get the chance to develop their characters beyond the initial romance into an old married couple, to equally winning effect.

The Flynn/de Havilland pairing and the streak of comedy are what have provided this film's durability, when most of Flynn's other Westerns -- held in such affection by the contemporary American public, although allegedly not by their star -- have long since been forgotten. The action scenes are fairly cursory (despite, ironically, the death of an extra in a fall during one of the filmed charges) and the villains of the piece turn out, schoolboy-fashion, to be the same people who were horrid to Our Hero on his very first day at West Point, and thus continue to frustrate him throughout his career. It cuts down on the cast list, but it's a trifle too morally convenient.

However, these are quibbles largely irrelevant to a film that never set out to be more than a rousing piece of entertainment. Ably aided and abetted by a sterling group of supporting players (memorably including Anthony Quinn in an all-but-wordless role as the Sioux leader), Errol Flynn gallops his way through the plot courtesy of his usual arsenal: charmingly sheepish looks, unexpected sweetness, mischievous twinkles, flash-point indignation, cheerful fellowship and sheer high-octane charisma. He's a reckless braggart, but you can't help but like him. And it's hard to go away without the tune of "Garryowen" threading its jaunty way through your ears for many days thereafter.

This is one of Flynn's lasting hits; it also contains a surprising amount of good acting amongst the fun, and is a film worthy of being remembered.
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In the Midst of the Fantasy...
DD-93119 December 2005
Naturally, along with everyone else, I was primed to expect a lot of Hollywood fantasy revisionism in THEY DIED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON over the legend of Custer. Just having someone like Errol Flynn play Custer is enough of a clue that the legend has precedence over the truth in this production. And for the most part my expectations were fulfilled (in an admittedly rousing and entertaining way).

Yet even in this obviously biased (and much criticized) retelling of the Custer story, I was struck by some of the points made in this movie that, sometimes subtly but nevertheless solidly, seemed to counter the typical clichés of manifest destiny and unvarnished heroism usually found in Westerns of the early 20th century.

For instance, even while this film attempted to whitewash it's hero, certain scenes still suggested the more flawed and foolish character of the real-life Custer:

1) His initial entrance at the West Point front gate, in which his arrogance and pompousness is a clear aspect of his character.

2) His miserable record at West Point, which seems to be attributed as much to Custer's cluelessness about the demands of military service as any other factor; there are moments in the way Flynn plays Custer at West Point where he seems downright stupid.

3) Custer's promotion to General is not only presented as a ridiculous mistake, but it plays out as slapstick comedy. I half-expected to see the Marx Brothers or Abbott and Costello wander into the scene.

4) Custer's stand against Jeb Stuart at Gettysburg is not whitewashed as brilliant military tactical leadership, but is presented as reckless and wildly lucky.

5) Custer's drinking problem is certainly not ignored.

And although the music and some of the ways the Indians were shown in this film were certainly reinforcements of the racist stereotype of the ignorant savage, it still came as a surprise to me that the movie actually went into some detail as to why the Indians were justified in attacking the whites who were moving into their land, and fairly explicitly laid the blame for the battles in the Black Hills squarely at the foot of the white man. In fact, no one can argue that the clear villain of the piece is not Anthony Quinn as Sitting Bull, but Arthur Kennedy & Co. as the white devils making the false claim of gold in the Black Hills. Sure, that part of the story is true, but I didn't expect to see it portrayed quite so unequivically in a movie like this.

And one other thing: usually in these films it is the Indians who are portrayed en masse as drunken animals seemingly incapable of the basic common sense to avoid getting falling down drunk any time they get near alcohol. In this movie, it is actually the troops of the 7th Cavalry, and not the Indians, who in at least two scenes are portrayed this way.

All in all, this movie slips in some surprising moments in the midst of the Hollywood bunk.
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what a film!!
The_guard_of_Magog7 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film over Christmas, and what a great film it was! It tells the story of Custer (played by Errol Flynn) during and after his graduation from Westpoint. Although I've heard that the film isn't very historically accurate (Hollywood never is) I still enjoyed it as I knew little of the real events anyway.

I thought Errol Flynn was brilliant as Custer and has since become my favourite actor! His acting alongside Olivia De Havilland was brilliant and the ending was fantastic! It brought me close to tears as he and Ned Sharp (Arthur Kennedy) rode to their deaths on little big horn.

I had always known that Errol Flynn was a brilliant actor as he was my dads favourite actor, and I grew up watching his films as a child. But it wasn't until I watched this film that I realised how great he actually was.

I'll give this film 10 out of 10!!
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Fun to watch, but not historically accurate
Blondi8516 October 2003
This movie is good for entertainment purposes, but it is not historically reliable. If you are looking for a movie and thinking to yourself `Oh I want to learn more about Custer's life and his last stand', do not rent `They Died with Their Boots On'. But, if you would like to watch a movie for the enjoyment of an older western film, with a little bit of romance and just for a good story, this is a fun movie to watch.

The story starts out with Custer's (Errol Flynn) first day at West Point. Everyone loves his charming personality which allows him to get away with most everything. The movie follows his career from West Point and his many battles, including his battle in the Civil War. The movie ends with his last stand at Little Big Horn. In between the battle scenes, he finds love and marriage with Libby (Olivia De Havilland).

Errol Flynn portrays the arrogant, but suave George Armstrong Custer well. Olivia De Havilland plays the cute, sweet Libby very well, especially in the flirting scene that Custer and Libby first meet. Their chemistry on screen made you believe in their romance. The acting in general was impressive, especially the comedic role ( although stereotypical) of Callie played by Hattie McDaniel. Her character will definitely make you laugh.

The heroic war music brought out the excitement of the battle scenes. The beautiful costumes set the tone of the era. The script, at times, was corny, although the movie was still enjoyable to watch. The director's portrayal of Custer was as a hero and history shows this is debatable. Some will watch this movie and see Custer as a hero. Others will watch this movie and learn hate him.

I give it a thumbs up for this 1942 western film.
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Raoul Walsh strays from history but not from genius, in another outing for the truly GREAT screen partnership!!!
jude-thadd24 September 2005
this is awesome!!! there is no partnership quite like Errol, and Olivia. there love is genuine! I'm 24, yet this flick is as captivating now as I'm sure it was 60 years ago. Raoul Walsh is an under-rated genius, his direction is so sweeping, so broad, yet so intimate. the last scene between colonel custer (Flynn), and his wife (de havilland), almost brought me to tears (Not easy for a 24yr old guy!!), its so heart-wrenching. there is also a deep Christian message implicit here, the faith Custer has in taking your glory with you, and the trust, and fidelity of his wife to the extent of letting him go, in order that he fulfils his moral duty to protect the innocent civilians from certain massacre. there is no movie that deals with these issues quite like this. a must-see for anyone who wants to look at this defining moment in American, and military history, from the inside. patriotic, for all the right reasons. i knew Errol Flynn was a star, and De havilland was a screen legend-this only confirms my suspicions that they are among the very greatest!
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Stranger than truth
Lejink13 March 2008
I blame "Birth of a Nation" myself - for commencing the long-running tradition of Hollywood travesties of history, of which there can be few greater examples than this. Apart from getting the names of Custer and his 7th Cavalry, Crazy Horse and the Sioux and President Grant spelt right, the geography correct and the fact that Custer and his men were indeed wiped out to a man, the rest just takes hyperbole and invention to ludicrous limits. Throw in some downright hackneyed scenes of the purest exposition, (try Custer and his wife's learning of the phony "Gold Rush" to excuse the invasion of the Sioux territory, Custer's testimony in front of Congress pleading the rights of the Red Indians and to top it all, Custer's storming into the president's office to beg to return to his post), honestly there's plenty more of the same, some of these scenes almost comical in their corniness... ...And yet, and yet, it's still a great actioner with Flynn as dashing as ever, DeHavilland as beguiling as ever, the young Anthony Quinn getting a start as Crazy Horse and director Walsh as barnstorming as ever in his depiction of crowd scenes and of course the tumultuous action sequences. Ford taught us in "Liberty Valance" to believe the legend before the truth. Here I think we're closer to the legend of the legend but hey, it's only a movie and a rollicking, wonderfully enjoyable classic Hollywood movie at that!
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Glory To The Strains of "Garryowen"
theowinthrop19 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a wonderful film as a film - it gets an 8 out of 10. As a filmed piece of accurate wishes to be more loving, but it is a 5 out of 10. And I think I am actually being very charitable.

What was he like - that man of horse and saber who was the youngest "boy" general in the Union Army of the American Civil War, and ended dying with all his command in the greatest military victory of the North American Indian tribes? Opinionated, militant, bumptious, bloody-handed, ambitious, clever, too-clever, Indian-foe, Indian-friend(?), and national hero. His death in 1876 was treated as a national tragedy and pushed him into a position of fame equal to Washington, Lincoln, Jackson, and Grant/Lee, and Sherman/Jackson. It is only with a growing awareness of the mistakes made in his career - the overly ambitious hot-spur, that his reputation declined. Yet to this day, George Armstrong Custer remains the best recalled figure in our history's military annals to lose his last battle (I can't really think of a similar one - maybe General Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright, forced to stay with his men on the Bataan Death March - but Wainwright survived the March and the Second World War).

Custer has appeared in more films than far better generals, due to the Western adventures and Little Big Horn. Pity that the details of the real career were never handled so lovingly as Raoul Walsh and Errol Flynn handled them in this film. But even in 1941 the legend was still potent. Olivia De Haviland portrayed Libby Custer, who was recently pointed out in another film review on this thread survived George until 1933, so her effective handling of the story was still in place eight years later. Custer was seen as our wayward but brave knight errant, and with the shadow of World War II looming closer we had to keep the myth and bury the truth. John Ford would have fully understood this and approved it.

So we get the view that he was a hot-spur, but he was patriotic. Although almost pushed out of West Point by demerits (which was true), Custer was in the class of 1861, and it would have been really stupid to be picky about such a fighter that year. You see, most of the so-called military talent from West Point (from Robert E. Lee down) was southern, and joined the Confederacy. The Union needed every northern "Point" man they could find.

Custer's Civil War career should be given closer study - he was attached to the staff of General - In - Chief George B. McClellan, and distinguished himself in the Peninsula Campaign and other eastern front warfare. But he was a cavalryman - and he would rise under the watchful eyes of Grant and Sherman's buddy Phil Sheridan in the latter parts of the war. In particular he served with dash and distinction at the battle of Cedar Creek, which ended the threat of the Confederacy in the Shenandoah Valley. It also hit Custer hard on a personal level (his close West Point friend, Stephen Ramseur, joined the Confederacy and rose to a position like Custer - mortally wounded, Custer sat with Ramseur all through the latter's last night alive).

Following the war things fell apart. He wanted to make his brevet - Major Generalship permanent (it wasn't, as it was a battlefield promotion). They only had a Lt. Colonelship to give him in the shrunken army along the frontier. He tried to play politics, making the error of supporting President Andrew Johnson on a political trip in 1866, and finding most Northerners hated Johnson as an inept idiot. He supposedly admired the Indians (he certainly was eloquent in writing of them and the West), but he caused a genuine military massacre in 1868 of Indian women and children that ended with a court martial. Later, during the 1870s he would support Indian claims against a ring of politicians (that went up to the Secretary of War, William Belknap) who bought and sold Indian trading posts for profit. It ruined Belknap, and left a black eye on the Grant Administration. It put him into the doghouse with Grant and Sherman (who was Belknap's former commander), and Sheridan barely saved his career. Then he was sent on the final Big Horn Campaign. And immortality arrived.

That career is worth a real film, but would it be too critical? Should we hold a man of the 1850s - 1876 to the standards of 2007? Would we like that done to us in a hundred years? Certainly it could happen, but I'm not sure we'd like it.

Custer (1941 style) fit Flynn like a glove, with his giving the closest to a "dance" performance in any of his major films. His final movie with Olivia De Haviland is underlined with a melancholy due to the fate of the hero's character. In support actors like Sidney Greenstreet, Stanley Ridges, Arthur Kennedy and Anthony Quinn did very nicely as friends, foes, or even treacherous sneaks (Kennedy). As an entertaining piece of myth making it remains high - but as a study of a complex military hero it is not what it should be.
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Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story!
Dora915 November 2005
Quite possibly the most historically inaccurate film ever made (only equalled by Flynn's 'Charge of the Light Brigade' or 'Objective Burma',which was banned in Britain for many years),but a great vehicle for Flynn's style of heroic character & still an entertaining matinée on a wet afternoon . When the film was made Custer was still an all American hero in the eyes of the public rather than the poor officer & seriously flawed character he undoubtedly was in reality,therefore the film is very much of it's time,literally black & white between good guys & bad. Great Stunt when 'Custer's' horse performs an equine emergency stop! 6 out of 10.
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Hollywood Sacrifices Truth For Propaganda
atlasmb24 March 2014
They Died with Their Boots On was released soon after the U.S. entered WWII when patriotism was at a fever pitch. Any audience watching the film at that time would, no doubt, have cheered any character who went into battle with the U.S. flag. And this film certainly knows how to raise the American banner over all the highest principles--truth, honor, and bravery.

But it is easy now, from our vantage point, to delve deeper into the "truths" of this film. Despite the rousing performances of some very talented actors, TDWTBO is a film that diverges so greatly--and so purposefully--from truth that is must be decried as little more than propaganda.

We often forgive diversions from historical facts when we view a film. But a film must remain true to the spirit of the truth. In this film, I thought the spirit of the truth was honored its early scenes, through the end of the Civil War. After that, the facts were so distorted and contradicted that there is little resemblance to reality. In fact, Custer's role is elevated to a heroic level despite the fact that the real Custer was a prime agent in some of the worst actions of the Black Hills conflicts.

If one reads about Custer's campaigns against the Indians and the happenings in the latter years of his life, he does not emerge so nobly. TDWTBO sacrifices the honor of others to glorify Custer, which is too bad. The real story would have been just as compelling--just not as faithful to the Hollywood mythology of the treacherous savage vs. the dashing cowboy/pioneer.
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Entertaining Non-History
Snow Leopard18 July 2002
As long as you don't expect to see much actual history, this is an entertaining movie with plenty of action and an Errol Flynn performance that gives his fans everything they could ask for. It covers the life of a character named George Armstrong Custer, whose experiences every so often have some vague similarities with a historical figure of the same name. That is to say, there wasn't much of an effort to make it historically accurate, but they did make it quite enjoyable to watch. And as far as the rampant fabrications go, a light-hearted movie like this is far less likely to create a wrong impression than are today's pseudo-historical movies that take themselves too seriously in pushing some pet theory of the film-makers.

Flynn certainly is well cast as Custer, a role that gives him a chance to do whatever comes naturally to him without placing any constraints on his energy and charisma. The supporting cast is good, too, with Sydney Greenstreet being quite entertaining as the old war-horse Winfield Scott, plus Flynn favorite Olivia de Havilland and others. Things move along at a good pace, and though it may be a little too long, there is usually more than enough going on to hold your attention. It works well as long as you don't take any of it seriously.
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Impressive if historically inaccurate portrayal of General George Armstrong Custer and his last stand
ma-cortes11 November 2013
Interesting portrayal of George Armstrong Custer and culminating in an exciting mise-en-scene of the famous battle , Little Big Horn , being his last stand . The film centers about general Custer (Errol Flynn) and wife (Olivia De Havilland), though takes liberties with historical facts . George Armstrong Custer's career begins when is graduated in the known Military Academy of West Point and after that, he intervened in American Civil War where detaches in battle of Gettysburg . General Sheridan (John Litel) and Lt. Gen. Winfield Scott (Sydney Greenstreet) assign him the command a regiment at Fort Abraham Lincoln . In 1869 Custer and his 7th Cavalry carried out the massacre of River Washita where one hundred Indians and their chief Black Kettle were murdered (though these events don't appear in screen) . Officers will help him to face off Indians with the warring chiefs Dull Knife ,Sitting Bull, and Crazy Horse (Anthony Quinn) and their tribes Sioux , Cheyenne, the Awpahla and the Munikhanja until the final battle of Little Big Horn (1876) recreated Hollywood style where was exterminated with his entire command . The actual deeds were the followings : The reality happened in December 1873 when the Commissioner of Indian Affairs directed all Sioux bands to enter reservations by the end of January 1876 or be declared hostile . Many bands of Sioux did not meet this deadline and were attacked by US troops . Crazy Horse and his Oglala people moved north to join forces with Sitting Bull , by the spring of 1876 some 3000 Teton Sioux and Northern Cheyenne warriors had assembled at Sitting Bull's camp in the valley of the Little Big Horn in Montana. On 25 June 1876 Crazy Horse and other war chiefs led the allied warriors against General Custer and his seventh Cavalry, Custer and all the man under his direct command were killed . This victory , however , brought relentless retaliation from the army and Sioux were scattered .

This rousing as well as thrilling movie well produced by Hal B. Wallis blends good action scenes , shootouts , adventures , humor , magnificently staged battles and it's quite amusing because happens many deeds and is fast moving and for that reason is neither boring , nor dreary , but entertaining . George Armstrong Custer's complex characterization with an unusual point of view is well performed by Errol Flynn who does a nice embodiment of this Western hero . Errol interpretation as a hippie-type , long-haired guy is top notch ; he is an obstinate , valiant General fighting Indians and red tape with equal dash . Sensational duo protagonist , Errol Flynn-Olivia de Havilland ; this was the eighth and their final film pairing . The exciting final confrontation between Custer army and Indians is spellbound and breathtaking . The filming of the "Last Stand" sequence from this movie involved some 200 horsemen charging around in pretend battle and was so dangerous that one day during filming Anthony Quinn, who played Crazy Horse, arranged as a gag for a hearse to show up at the filming location . However , a total of three men were killed during the cavalry charge scene. In the montage of battle scenes which show the Seventh Cavalry taming the frontier when they operated out of Fort Lincoln are several shots of them which will be repeated during the Little Big Horn battle.

The film obtained a big success thanks to important budget , enjoyable acting , fast-pace and spectacular sets . Bert Glennon's cinematography is glowing and fascinating ; being photographed in black and white , the battle scenarios are overwhelming , this is the best of the film . Splendidly staged battles with obligatory cast of hundreds is realized by a lot of art directors . Sensitive as well as spectacular musical score by maestro Max Steiner , including the famous song ¨Garry Owen¨ . Masterfully realized by Raoul Walsh , it remains one of the screen's more majestic epic Westerns . The motion picture will appeal to biopic enthusiasts and Western buffs.

Other adaptations about this historic character culminating in thrilling battle of Little Big Horn are the followings : ¨Santa Fe trail¨ by Michael Curtiz with Ronald Reagan as Custer ; ¨Sitting Bull¨ by Sidney Salkow with Dale Roberston , J.Carrol Naish , and Douglas Kennedy as Custer , ¨Great massacre Sioux¨ by Sidney Salkow with Philip Carey as Custer and Iron Eyes Cody as Crazy Horse ; Custer of the West¨ by Robert Siodmak with Robert Shaw , Mary Ure , Ty Hardin and Robert Ryan , ¨Little Big Man¨ by Arthur Penn with Richard Mulligan as Custer ; ¨Son of the morning star¨ TV miniseries by Mike Robe with Rossana Arquette and Gary Cole as Colonel Custer .
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Why facts, if entertainment is the name of the game ?
pw00266219 May 2002
Errol Flynn at his best as Robin Hood of the West, fighting military red tape, confederates , indians and carpetbagger business crooks singlehanded to his great and final heroic end. Not to forget the ever reliable O. de Havilland as Lady Mary of the west. Never try to link this story to the facts and the real persons, it doesn't work out. Just enjoy it, because nobody ever claimed to make documentaries when Raoul Walsh and Errol Flynn co-worked.
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America's Golden Cavalier
JamesHitchcock23 August 2013
There are certain similarities between "They Died with Their Boots On" and "Jesse James", another Western from two years earlier. Both films are loosely based on the life of a legendary hero of the Old West, in this case General Custer. (At least, the films treat their subjects as heroes; whether either man really deserves the name of hero is another matter). Both feature a famously handsome and dashing star in the leading role. Both are notorious for their historical inaccuracy and gloss over many aspects of their subjects' lives, especially their character flaws. And in both films the main villains are the representatives of a corrupt railroad company; during the era of the "New Deal" Hollywood seems to have been more critical of Big Business than it was to become after the war.

So what does this film get right? Well, Custer did attend the West Point Military Academy where he achieved an undesirable reputation for pranks, unruliness and low academic standards. He did indeed marry a girl named Elizabeth "Libby" Bacon. He did indeed serve with distinction in the American Civil War and was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General, although it is doubtful whether he really did win the Battle of Gettysburg single-handed as implied here. And, as every schoolboy knows, he died in 1876 fighting a coalition of Native American tribes at the battle of the Little Big Horn, an action which has gone down in history as "Custer's Last Stand".

So what does this film get wrong? The answer is "virtually everything else". There is far too little space here for a comprehensive list of its goofs. Some of these are only minor details. Custer's father-in-law, for example, had the Christian name Daniel, not "Samuel" as shown here. Custer first met Libby during the Civil War, not during his West Point days. He was never decorated in the Civil War, and General Phillip Sheridan never served as Commandant of West Point. (In 1857 he would have been on active service in the Pacific North-West). Nor is there any evidence to suggest (as the film does) that Custer's promotion to General was due to a bureaucratic error.

More seriously, the film's account of the causes of the Great Sioux War of 1876 is completely fictional. According to the film, the war started when a crooked railroad company, backed by corrupt politicians, started a false rumour of gold strikes in the Black Hills of South Dakota, sacred territory to the Sioux nation, hoping to make a huge profit in the ensuing gold rush. (In reality, reports that gold had been found in the Black Hills were entirely correct). This plot line was probably inserted to allow Custer to be portrayed as a hero without making the Indians the villains. Hollywood producers of the 1940 were not generally noted for political correctness, but even they probably realised that the Great Sioux War had not been the noblest episode in American history and that the Indians had indeed been the victims of white greed and aggression, if not quite in the manner depicted here.

And yet, despite its many inaccuracies, "They Died with Their Boots On" is quite an enjoyable movie. Errol Flynn had a limited compass as an actor, but within that range he could be very good indeed, and few were better than he at portraying a dashing, swashbuckling hero. Custer- or at least the Custer portrayed in this film- was a role just made for him. During the early part of his career Flynn and Olivia de Havilland were one of the cinema's best-known on-screen couples. (Off-screen, despite Flynn's reputation as a Casanova, there was never any romance between them). This was the eighth film in which they appeared together, and was to be their last. Although the lovely Olivia as Libby makes an effective foil to Flynn's dashing hero, she had some to a stage in her career where, following her great performance in "Gone with the Wind", she had ambitions to be more than just a foil to her leading men.

The portrait of Custer given in this film is highly idealised. He is portrayed throughout as "America's Golden Cavalier", courageous, honourable and dashing. His "last stand" is shown as a gallant, self- sacrificing rearguard action designed to buy vital time for the US Army, although in reality many historians have criticised his leadership at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, attributing the defeat of the US Cavalry to his strategic errors, his arrogance and impetuousness and his underestimating of his enemy. The film, however, was made shortly before the American entry into World War II, and its advocacy of bravery, military glory and heroic self-sacrifice were doubtless intended to prepare the country for the coming conflict. I doubt if many of those who saw the film in 1941 were history buffs intent on picking it apart for factual errors. What the audiences of those times wanted was a stirring tale of adventure, heroism and patriotism, and that was something which "They Died with Their Boots On" gave them in spades. Like "Jesse James" the film might not show its hero as he was in real life, but it certainly shows him as people preferred to remember him. 7/10
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History - No; Fun - Yes
tamu_871 October 1999
As a history of Custer, this insn't even close (Custer dies to help the indians? I am sure the other members of the 7th Cav weren't consulted in THAT decision.) But as a western, this is fun. Flynn looks, and acts, the part of the dashing cavalier. And the "Garry Owen" is always nice to hear!
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Exciting movie and errol flynn at his roughest
georgeredding6 February 2021
This movie depicted well the story of General George Armstrong, all the way from his West Point days to his fate at Little Big Horn. Of course who could keep his eyes off of Olivia DeHavilland, the extremely beautiful actress who portrayed his wife? A beautiful icon she was. In places this movie was comical when it portrayed Custer as a poor student at West Point, and then became involved in various antics even at the capitol in Washingon, D.C. (Yet in some places I depict the authenticity of those things.) But then, he was very strong and outspoken in South Dakota where he was stationed and commanded the Seventh Calvary. Errol Flynn was definitely the man tailor-made for the part of Custer. Although the end was somewhat gruesome, it was an outstanding movie, filled with great history, and exciting action. One of Warner Brothers greatest.
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The Kind of "Western" Hollywood Doesn't Make Any More
hjmsia4923 June 2006
The historical inaccuracies of this film have been well documented. It was never intended to be serious history but an entertaining saga and there it succeeds. Errol Flynn was never better as this role was tailored for him. Olivia DeHavilland was never more beautiful. Arthur Kennedy never more villainous. Anthony Quinn never more noble than as Crazy Horse. It had much humor and pathos and held your interest throughout. The one historical aspect I found most glaringly inaccurate was the final "Last Stand" which occurred on the banks of the Little Big Horn. The film version was filmed in a desert with no river in sight. However, I still consider it marvelous entertainment typical of Hollywood's golden age.
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Take out the underlying racism and the historical inaccuracies and this isn't bad.
MOscarbradley21 June 2020
One of the great partnerships in the movies is also one of the most overlooked. Errol Flynn and Olivia De Havilland made eight films together of which "They Died With Their Boots On" was the last. It's the biography of General George Armstrong Custer from West Point to the Battle of Little Big Horn but with the warts ironed out while historically it's far from the most accurate of films. Flynn, of course, is Custer and while he was never much of an actor he had a charm few other actors of the period could muster. Incredibly handsome and with a personality to match he could make the most banal material interesting while De Havilland, here cast as the missus, seemed incapable of giving a bad performance.

Directed by Raoul Walsh, for the most part this is rousing entertainment with a great supporting cast but unfortunately it also comes across as deeply, if perhaps unintentionally, racist though I suppose you have to look at it from an historical perspective, (it still leaves a bad taste). Two years after winning an Oscar for "Gone With the Wind" Hattie McDaniel is playing another appalling variation of her 'Mammy' character. McDaniel was a superb actress dished by Hollywood; here she's not only a 'Mammy' character but a Mammy who can tell fortunes. And don't even get me started on the treatment of Native Americans, (here just pesky Red Skins), with that famous 'Indian' Anthony Quinn as Crazy Horse.. However, if you can overlook these faults this remains as stirring an epic on the infamous Custer as we've seen; just don't believe it.
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A Ride To Hell . . . Or Glory?
zardoz-137 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Warner Brothers tampered considerably with American history in "Big Trail" director Raoul Walsh's first-rate western "They Died with Their Boots On," a somewhat inaccurate but wholly exhilarating biography of cavalry officer George Armstrong Custer. The film chronicles Custer from the moment that he arrives at West Point Academy until the Indians massacre him at the Little Big Horn. This is one of Errol Flynn's signature roles and one of Raoul Walsh's greatest epics. Walsh and Flynn teamed in quite often afterward, and "They Died with Their Boots On" reunited Olivia de Havilland as Flynn's romantic interest for the last time. They appeared as a couple in seven previous films. This 140-minute, black & white oater is nothing short of brilliant with dynamic action sequences, humorous romantic scenes, and stern dramatic confrontations between our hero and his adversaries. One of the notorious errors involves Colonel Philip Sheridan who is shown as the commandant at West Point before the Civil War. Indeed, Sheridan was a lieutenant at this point. In fact, the commandant was Robert E. Lee as the earlier Flynn film "Santa Fe Trail" showed. Another historical lapse concerns Lieutenant General Whitfield Scott; Scott was not the commander of Union troops throughout the Civil War. Warner Brothers presented Custer as a drinker (probably because Flynn had a reputation for drinking), but in real life Custer neither drank nor smoked. Nevertheless, these as well as other historical goofs do not detract from a truly splendid film.

"They Died with Their Boots On" opens with Custer riding into West Point Military Academy arrayed in a fancy dress uniform with an African-American carrying his luggage and tending his dogs. After the sergeant of the guard realizes that he has turned out a honor guard for a future plebe instead of a high-ranking foreign general, the sergeant turns Custer over to a ranking cadet Ned Sharp (Arthur Kennedy of "City for Conquest") to take charge of him. Sharp plays a practical job on Custer by installing him in the quarters of Major Romulus Taipe (Stanley Ridges of "Task Force") who promptly runs Custer out. Naturally, the volatile Custer attacks Sharp in a public brawl. General Phil Sheridan (John Litel of "The Sons of Katie Elder") is prepared to dismiss Custer from West Point for conduct unbecoming. As it turns out, Sheridan cannot expel Custer because Custer has not enrolled. Once he enrolls, Custer establishes a mediocre academic reputation with alacrity to fight and accumulate demerits galore. When the American Civil War erupts, West Point graduates cadets who have not completed their education and rushes them into combat. One of the last cadets hustled off to war is Custer. Avid as he is to get into the fight, Custer encounters his future wife, Elizabeth 'Libby' Bacon (Olivia de Havilland of "Santa Fe Trail"), and they pledge themselves to each other, despite Mr. Bacon (Gene Lockhart of "Carousel") who detests the sight of Custer. It seems that Bacon ran across Custer at a saloon and insulted one of Custer's friends and our hero reprimanded Bacon.

Meanwhile, back in Washington, Custer desperately seeks a transfer to a regiment, but Major Taipe has him cooling his heels. Custer befriends rotund Lieutenant General Winfield Scott (Sidney Greenstreet of "The Maltese Falcon") and they share an appetite for creamed Bermuda onions that becomes one of Custer's characteristics. Not only does Scott see to it that Taipe assigns Custer to the Second Cavalry, but also Custer appropriates Taipe's horse to get to his command. During the Battle of Bull Run, 21 July 1861, Custer disobeys orders from none other than Sharp, strikes his superior officer and holds a bridge so the infantry can cross it. Wounded in the shoulder and sent to the hospital, Custer receives a medal rather than a court-martial. When Confederate General Jeb Stuart threatens the Union Army at the Battle of Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania, Scott is shocked by the chance that the South may triumph. When a brigadier general cannot be found, Scott goads Taipe into promoting the first available officer. A mistake is made and Custer is promoted. Incredulous at first, Custer embraces the moment and cracks Stuart's advance. After the war, Custer idles down and starts boozing it up with the boys at the local saloons. Sharp shows up as a crooked railroad promoter and with his father they try to enlist Custer to serve as the president of their railway so that they can obtain funds. Eventually, Libby intercedes on his behalf with General Sheridan, who was in command of the army, and gets him back on active duty as the commander of the 7th Cavalry. When he takes command, Custer finds the 7th cavalry a drunken lot and is not surprised that Sharp commands the liquor at the fort. Meanwhile, Custer has his first run in with Crazy Horse (Anthony Quinn of "The Guns of Navarone") and takes him into custody. Of course, Crazy Horse escapes, becomes Custer's adversary, and they fight.

Once Custer has quelled Crazy Horse and the Indians, Sharp with Taipe as a government agent conspire to destroy a peace treaty with the Sioux and other Indian nations. They also see to it that Custer is brought up on charges for striking Taipe in a saloon brawl. On his way to Washington, Custer discovers the perfidy of Sharp and Taipe who have drummed up a gold strike in the sacred Black Hills. Settlers rampage in and the Indians hit the warpath. Custer sacrifices himself and his 600 men at the Little Big Horn in a slam-bang showdown against 6000 redskins. "Stagecoach" lenser Bert Glennon captures both the grit and the glory. The long shot of the 7th Cavalry leaving the fort at dawn is spectacular. As an added premonition of Custer's imminent demise, Libby faints after he leaves their quarters for the Little Big Horn. "They Died with Their Boots On" benefits from a top-notch Max Steiner score that incorporates the regimental tune "Gary Owen."
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Long, prepossessing WB Flynn Western
rmax30482314 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As a film unto itself, "They Died With Their Boots On" rolls right along in the mainstream of Errol Flynn's action movies for Warner Brothers. It's effectively directed, handsomely mounted, and attractively shot, although it really would have benefited from glorious Technicolor. They could have called in Natalie Kalmus who would have been happy to see her name in the credits once again for having done nothing but becoming the widow of Mr. Kalmus.

Flynn is his reckless self. He was only 30-ish when this was shot but in some scenes the effects of self indulgence were already becoming apparent. It hardly interfered with his handsomeness or the sense a viewer has that Flynn was not taking himself or his career too seriously, even in the serious scenes.

Olivia DeHavilland is beautiful and a little fragile but her acting stops short of being cloying. She and Flynn evidently got on well together. Curiously, the real Libby Bacon somewhat resembled DeHavilland in her early photographs. But she didn't age as well as some of the rest of us and became plumply matronly, raising the question of whether Custer, out of desperation, committed suicide by Indian.

No need to go through the story again, I don't suppose. Custer distinguishes himself in the Civil War, finds himself out West, and is killed along with 200 or so of his troopers atop Custer Ridge at the Little Bighorn River. Mannasas in Virginia apparently was fought among California's tawny hills under the blazing sun, just as the Battle of the Little Big Horn was. A pleasant environment. Max Steiner's score is based on "Garry Owen" except for a touching romantic theme used with Flynn and De Havilland.

Actually there were three simultaneous and independent battles of the Little Bighorn. One of them, Major Reno's, took place partly IN the Little Bighorn River. One of the reasons Reno never reached Custer in time is that his horses were completely fagged out. In movies like this, horses are always treated like machines, like cars that never run out of gas.

As for the Indians, the ones attacked by Custer are described as coming from all kinds of tribes but they were really from one group, the Sioux, who were divided into several nomadic, territorial bands -- the Minneconju, the Oglala, the Hunkpapa. They lived together for some months in larger settlements, then split up into small bands of 50 or so for the rest of the year. There were no Blackfeet present. There were only seven Cheyenne involved in the battle. One was named Two Moons. I lived with the Cheyenne at Lame Deer and Two Moons' descendants are still quietly proud of his participation.

And as far as that goes, the Visitor's Center at Custer Battlefield National Monument swarms with Indians. They appear not to view Custer as a hero. In 1988, on the anniversary, they installed a small, angry wrought-iron plaque commemorating the many Indians killed during the fight, placing it at the foot of the phallic monument to Custer's men -- under the eyes of armed National Park Service personnel. Nobody hears much about Indian resentment because they tend to be restrained and have no particular talent for media-grabbing practices, but the wounds still run a little deep.

Anyway, forgetting the historical realities and looking only at the fictional illusory ones, what you're left with is a rousing film about a guy who was a bit foolish in his youth but who grew up to be a Mensch.
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I didn't care much for this movie
stardust10616 October 2003
Good movies come and go, but bad movies will always be remembered. `They Died With Their Boots On' is one such movie. Terrible, that's all there is to it. It started off alright, what with the historic references and all, but once that stopped, `They Died With Their Boots On' went south. Was this not supposed to be based on a true story? Not only was the rest of this movie historically inaccurate, but unrealistic at the same time. Originally shot in black and white, `They Died With Their Boots On' is a Historic epic about a young Brigadier General, George Armstrong Custer portrayed by Errol Flynn. Through his trials and tribulations at West Point, Custer manages to come out on top, fighting for the second cavalry during the civil war, and finding a wife in Elizabeth `Libby' Bacon (Olivia De Havilland). Details in the movie are historically accurate for the most part during the beginning of the movie. But after that, history stopped and fantasy began. True, Custer does become a Brig. General for the seventh cavalry and they do go to war with the Indians, but in the movie they portray Crazy Horse (Anthony Quinn) and his men attacking the seventh cavalry first, when in reality it was vice versa. Two major problems with the accuracy of the movie was the meeting between Custer and Crazy Horse and Custer's `last stand'. `They Died With Their Boots On' depicts a scene where Crazy Horse and Custer meet for the first time. During this time they reconcile differences and create a peace treaty of sorts. In reality Custer and Crazy Horse never meet. Nor would Crazy Horse ever make a deal with a white man. As for the `last stand,' although it was a very glamorous way to die, Custer standing up in the middle of all his fallen men desperately fighting off the Indians while Crazy Horse delivers the final blow is very unbelievable.

Considering the age of the film (released in 1942) the technical aspects of it are very pleasing. The music sequences fit the mood and the scenes very nicely. The make-up and costumes looked real, although Custer looked almost too pretty at times. They could have dirtied him up more, especially after his fight scenes. As for the special effects, the explosion in the fireplace is very authentic looking. All in all, if you're looking for a good cowboys and Indians type of movie I would recommend `They Died With Their Boots On' purely for the entertainment value. Although, if you need to do a school assignment on Custer and need information about him, I would definitely not recommend you watch this movie. Custer and his story are so skewed if you presented the information, it would probably result in your teacher laughing in your face.
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