
16 Reviews
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everyone has a family.
21 December 2015
Keiko and David don't have a child. Their relationship is under strain. Keiko is so depressed because of Mrs, Yamada. She lives next to their house, and makes trouble for them. One day, a boy, Jay, appears in front of Keiko and David. David thinks Jay can fix the relationship between him and Keiko.

This short film depicts family ties. A childless couple, an old couple and a single-parent child... Everyone has a family. Even if the form of family is different, there are each family's ties. I think that is beautiful. This film makes me think about my own family. This is good film, and I like this film.
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crazy but interesting!
20 October 2015
I was really surprised by this movie. I think nobody can expect the ending of the story.

I saw this movie with my friends. When this movie finished, I can't find the words to express my feeling. One of my friends just said "awesome...!".

The lead character is a male perfumer. He has extremely strong sense of smell, and he is obsessed with collecting smells. He does anything to find the way of collecting and storing smell. He is crazy, but it is interesting. His madness makes this movie very interesting.

I enjoyed this movie, and I like this movie .
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20 October 2015
I love the first movie, MAGIC MIKE. I think the first one focuses on more personality of characters, and the balance of story and dance scenes is good. On the other hand, MMXXL is more like "entertainment". It is funny. It was a shame that I couldn't see Matthew McConaughey.

Their performances are really cool and also funny. The scene in a convenience store is one of my favorite scene. Of course, Channing Tatum in the last dance show is really cool.

I really enjoyed this movie, and I like this movie. I think you can enjoy this movie if you haven't seen the first one. I want to see this movie again on screen.
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Who Am I (2014)
interesting, but...
16 October 2015
I like this kind of movie. The story is interesting, and some thrilling scenes are exciting.

I was looking forward to seeing this movie, so I went to a theater. To be honest, this movie is not bad but rather interesting, but the ending is not interesting than I expected. I think it is because of advertisement.

If I saw this movie when I was a junior high school student, I would be impressed by this movie. I think it is difficult to make this kind of movie.

Characters are good. Music is also cool. I recommend this movie to people who doesn't like suspense movie very much.
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crazy funny spy action
15 October 2015
I saw this movie in a theater. I was looking forward to seeing this movie, and "Kingsman" is greater than I expected.

This movie doesn't have very thrilling scene. This is stylish, light, pop and crazy spy action movie. Even some violent scenes which are like Tarantino movie are depicted more comically and artistically. It's really crazy but funny. I like "that" scene very much.

Colin Firth and Taron Egerton are really cool. Also, their spy gadgets are cool and exciting.

There are a lot of highlights in this movie. You can watch and enjoy this movie without thinking any difficult things.
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Crying Game
22 September 2015
I didn't know about this movie well when I saw this movie. But I think it is better to watch this movie without knowing story much. If you don't know this movie, I recommend you to just watch this movie. I couldn't imagine what would happen next, and it is exciting.

Actors and actresses in this movie are very good. I think Dil is really beautiful. The way Dil speaks, stands, sings, drinks, I think she is really sexy. The story is good, of course. I also like music.

The story of a scorpion and a frog is interesting. People cannot fight against their nature as well as the scorpion in the story. This is a painful but a little happy movie.
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Shallow Grave (1994)
money always breaks things
22 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is really interesting movie, and I like this movie very much. I like Ewan McGregor and Danny Boyle's movie.

This movie is about three young people. They are friends and live together. A great deal of money always breaks some important things for people. Friendship, reliance, and yourself. Things which is broken by money are never recovered.

These three characters are thinking only about oneself pretending to help each other. But I think that is human nature. They betrays each other to the end of the story. The way they go mad is terrible, but interesting.
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Fish Tank (2009)
reality is not that easy
22 September 2015
I'm a 20 years old woman, and the lead character, Mia, is 15 years old. I can't help but compare her life with my life of when I was 15 years old. She doesn't go to school. she has few friends. In addition, she shows her mother a rebellious attitude. I can't believe her bad behaviors, but I can understand her feeling a little. She believes she can do anything by herself and everything is going to be all right. But the reality is not that easy. I think people grow up experiencing failures.

All of this movie are so natural that I think this movie seems to be a documentary.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
way of life
22 September 2015
A weather forecaster goes to a small town to report an annual festival. He hates the job because he reports the festival every year, so he is tired of the festival. At the night he goes to bed, but he wakes up in the morning, the day is yesterday. He has to repeat the same day, groundhog day, again and again.

I think his character is very interesting. He is really egocentric and cannot be honest with himself at first. But during the repeated days, he goes through a lot of things and finds what is really important to live.

This movie is not just funny comedy but meaningful story which makes me think my way of life. I like this movie and music is also good.
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Director Ben Affleck
22 September 2015
I wanted to see this movie because I like both "Argo" and "The town". "Gone Baby Gone" is really good movie.

Before I saw this movie, I thought this is just a crime movie, a girl is kidnapped and Ben Affleck's brother tries to solve the case, but it's not. This movie portrays the justice of each person, and makes me think what a happy life is. I like heavy human movies which are like Clint Eastwood makes, so "Gone Baby Gone" hit me.

Most movies have a town as story setting, but I think Ben Affleck depicts people and atmosphere of the town quite real. Even though I am Japanese and I have never been to Boston, I think I can feel thorough the screen of my computer.
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retro and attractive
22 July 2015
My first impression of this film is a strange film. People in this film move unnaturally, and everything in this film seems unnatural. It is because his mother and father are moving with spring. The lead character, a man, likes a woman. He is already an adult, but seems to be a boy. He tries to help the woman in his way, and he learns what life is. You can see the man growing up, as the story goes. I really like this short film. the atmosphere of this film is kind of retro and attractive. In addition, the story itself is also very good. I think it is really great to convey some message to audience without language, only using pictures and story.
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human nature
22 July 2015
A man lives alone. Although he has already retired from company, he talks to people that he is working at the company. And he goes to the company every day. He telephones to some people at random to talk. One day, a missionary comes his house. And the man let her come into his room. The man has nothing to do and nobody to talk with. He is isolated, but he wants to control people. This film depicts a human nature affected by isolation. You can see his real nature as the plot develops. We don't know what triggers an explosion of other people's feeling. His real nature is revealed by meeting the missionary. I think it is scary but interesting. I like this film.
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best high school drama
21 June 2015
Five high school students are made to come to school on Saturday morning. They are all different types of students, and seem to have nothing in common. They are an athlete, a princess, a bookish type, a weirdo, and a rogue. They are in library and told to write an essay about what they are.

I think this film depicts various aspects of high school. That is school caste, problem of their family, conflict with teacher, and that all of them have their own distress. At first, they conflict with each other, but they gradually reveal themselves. It is interesting that their characters are shown up by what they say and what they do. I think it is also interesting to imagine adult's (teacher and school janitor) life compared with the five students.

This film is changed depending on the age, so I want to see this film again and again after I get old.
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human bond
9 June 2015
This film is only three minutes, but it is enough to catch my heart. The story is about German boy and a Jewish girl. The German boy creeps into a house and meets the Jewish girl. She has a beautiful porcelain unicorn. I was surprised that they make such a beautiful film by using only designated dialog. And also the dialog is only six. I like the last scene. It is very emotional. This film draws human bond transcending time and race, and that makes this film rally beautiful with a few lines and in a short time. I think people are connected to other people all the time. The connection is more important than anything else is.
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excellent script
9 June 2015
The script of this film is really excellent. I think I won't forget this film. The length is also good for this film. I didn't feel too long or too short. This is a story about a man who is subject to capital punishment. The man is standing at the bridge. many policemen are watching him with a gun. I know he is a criminal, but I find myself wanting him to survive somehow while watching him. I was surprised that the short film which has only thirty minutes and no dialog wins the hearts of people. I think this is a film everyone has ever seen something similar, but feels like a first time. I want to recommend watching this film to everyone who likes movies.
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Whacked (II) (1998)
everyone has stress.
9 June 2015
This is a film about revenge. A man who is working at a driving range and stressed out by his job takes revenge on society in a surprising way. It is really funny. I like this film. This film has no dialog, but the story is made well. And also I was surprised that it has foreshadowing even though it is only five minutes long. In the first ten seconds, I couldn't understand what happens. This is not a happy film, because it is about "revenge", but I don't hate this kind of film. I think this film depicts human nature. Everyone has some kind of stress, and we can't keep it in our mind, and release stress in our own way. I hope people like the man are few in the world.
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