
314 Reviews
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1917 (2019)
So much to love
30 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers

1) The technical achievement from the director and cinematographer to shoot the entire film to appear as though it is all one continuous take is so impressive. It's something really unique to this film and that makes it so memorable to me 2) Leading on from the above point, the film has some brilliant action set pieces and part of what makes them so brilliant is the fact that they feel so real and so relentless because it gives the appearance that there are never any cuts 3) I do think the film feels "important". I think there's a reason that so many iconic British actors agreed to give up their time to do small cameo appearances in the film. I also think the film does a good job of not shying away from some of the horrors of war and making us feel real empathy for these soldiers and what they had to go through. It feels very grounded and realistic and true to the time that it's set in


1) A big issue for me with the film is that I'm never able to suspend my disbelief enough to get on board with the central premise of the mission that our two heroes have to undertake. Everything about the opening scene with Colin Firth giving the exposition just always frustrates me every time I watch this film. I can't make myself get on board with the idea that we have these aerial scans of the area but no way whatsoever of contacting our soldiers other than making two lance corporals travel such a great distance on foot to hand deliver a letter. What makes it worse is that the reason these two specific lance corporals are chosen is purely because one of them happens to have a brother in a different regiment? Surely that isn't how we'd choose which men go on a mission of such high importance? Crazy 2) My other main issue with the film is that I feel like it really has some pacing issues. For a lot of the runtime it feels like we're really progressing forwards towards the goal of the delivering the letter, and as I've already said the action scenes are intensely great, but what bothers me is that there are still a handful of long dialogue scenes which feel like they're really grinding the film to a halt. The worst example of this was where the film stops so all the soldiers can go push a truck out of a ditch, I've no idea what was supposed to be the purpose of that scene to us as the audience.
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Masterfully made, but not perfect
27 May 2024
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1) The performances are all brilliant, especially Chris Hemsworth who completely steals the show in this villainous turn 2) The fight scenes are masterfully shot. The camerawork is fantastic and not shaky or headache inducing at all. There is never a point where you're bored by the action, it's all so well put together 3) The film is so uniquely gorgeous visually. So many shots in the film could be framed pieces of art 4) The score was very good and very memorable and really added to the enjoyment of the action scenes in particular


1) The film is definitely too long. There's no need for it to be two and a half hours long. It could've lost 20-30 minutes quite easily and this would've made for a more streamlined and engaging experience 2) Breaking the film up into chapters in the way that it did really annoyed me for two reasons. Firstly because some chapters were only a few scenes whereas other chapters were almost an hour in length, which really affected the pacing as some things go into excruciating detail whilst others are skipped over quite quickly, and secondly because they all had really silly names that made me roll my eyes 3) I found it hard to feel too sympathetic towards Furiosa when she basically causes her own downfall during the first chapter. She goes further afield than she's allowed to to look for fruit, then she goes and sabotages the biker gang's bikes when they hadn't seen her yet so she could've just sneaked away, then she goes running back into the hands of the biker gang literally immediately after her mother breaks her out and makes her promise to run away and not come back.
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IF (I) (2024)
A fun and emotional time
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers

1) The two lead performances are both very good. Bea and Cal are both really engaging, fully fleshed out characters and I really liked their chemistry together. I hope to see the young girl playing Bea in more roles in the future 2) The film completely works on an emotional level. It doesn't feel cheap pulls at the heartstrings, but like a properly built up narrative with emotional payoff at the end 3) Visually, the designs of the IFs are all very striking and memorable, so hats off to the designers and the visual effects artists 4) Michael Giacchino's score was good and there are a couple of fun uses of pop music in the film


1) Obviously it's a movie for children, so this is probably to be expected, but there are a couple of really cheap gags designed purely for kids under 10, so as an adult over 10 they just made me roll my eyes a bit 2) Again, I appreciate that it's a movie for children, but I certainly felt like the film doesn't always stick to the rules of its world and like there are certain story elements which just made no sense. For example, I didn't like the twist at the end that Cal was Bea's IF, partially because she's only 12 so I don't think she'd have forgotten him so quickly, and partially because I felt it was a much cooler idea that he just happened to be the only other person that could see the IFs and it was a coincidence of fate that brought them together 3) I felt like it was a bit of a mistake to have Ryan Reynolds and John Krasinski in the film together. This is because they're both similar ages and similar personalities, meaning that Cal ends up feeling like a replacement father to Bea whilst her real father is in the hospital, but we're also meant to think that Bea's dad is a good dad so it shouldn't be justifying that she basically has a replacement father figure while he's in hospital. It also felt like the film would just keep having periodic cuts back to the dad in the hospital which slowed the pace of the narrative somewhat.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
A fun time, nothing deep
15 May 2024

1) Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt are great in the two lead roles and they have brilliant chemistry together 2) As you'd expect from a director of David Leitch's background, the action scenes are very well shot and entertaining to watch. In fact, the film as a whole is very entertaining to watch, as it's very light and breezy with a lot of good humour 3) The film has a very fun pop/rock soundtrack, including a use of Taylor Swift that I surprisingly really enjoyed


1) The film has absolutely nothing to say and no message to go away with, which makes it a somewhat limited experience for me 2) Some of the action scenes do feel like they go on for an unnecessarily long time, almost like the filmmakers are having too much fun with them 3) Other than Gosling and Blunt I found everybody else to be pretty annoying and I think a lot of the dialogue and humour were very cheesy and American, so as a Brit it grated on me a bit.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Hanks is heartwarming, but it has big issues
7 May 2024
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1) Tom Hanks really carries the film on his back with a brilliant performance that is well worthy of his Oscar win 2) The film has some very heartwarming moments that connected with me emotionally. I especially liked Forrest's relationship with Lieutenant Dan and also just how much of a sweet and innocent character he is. He's incredibly likeable as a lead character 3) The film has some very funny moments that made me laugh out loud and also some very iconic moments that have earned the film its permanent place in pop culture


1) I think it's crazy how the film inserts Forrest into all of these iconic moments of history. Some of them, such as the Elvis dance moves, are just kinda silly; but others, like the civil rights movement and the JFK assassination, seem very problematic to just casually reference in quite a throwaway comedic way 2) Following on from my previous point about the problematic nature of the film, it's not just the historic references that are problematic, but also elements of Forrest's personal life as well. For example, Forrest's mother sleeping with the principal to get him a school place, or Jenny's father being abusive, or Jenny getting AIDS, are all insanely wild things to just insert into the film as minor plot points that are breezed over so quickly 3) The film certainly has an overdose of American cliché. Things like the schmaltzy music or the high school bullying are just very stereotypically American and quite cringey.
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Some good parts, just not my thing
6 May 2024
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1) The performances are very good. The two female leads make their characters feel very complex and fleshed out, whilst Ed Harris is one of my favourite actors and is his usual intimidating self here 2) The film has some incredibly tense moments that had me squirming and gripping my seat. For example, moments like Lou having to hide in JJ's closet when her father enters the house were so gripping and nerve wracking 3) The film has a great soundtrack and it feels like the music choices actually add to the scene rather than just being there for the sake of it


1) The film made me feel dirty and in need of a wash afterwards. I can't say I enjoyed watching the film because all of the smoking and the drug taking and the general messiness of everyone's house / car was simply filthy 2) I checked my watch several times throughout because I thought the pacing was too slow; especially in the first half prior to JJ's murder where things felt like they were going at snail's pace 3) I hated the ending so much. The film is extremely gritty and dirty for its whole runtime but then the ending just undercuts all of that by being so insanely silly. I actually think there would've been a way to make this twist work, like if she only grew to slightly superhuman size, like The Thing from Fantastic 4 for example, but instead she grows to the size of a mansion and the effects looked goofy and it just completely took me out of the film.
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Challengers (2024)
Starts great but loses its way
6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers

1) The three central performances are great. They make the three lead characters feel really engaging to watch and I felt like you learned a lot about the characters from the actors' choices of facial expression in certain scenes 2) Following on from the above point, I felt the writing was really strong too. All three of the central characters are fully fleshed out and believable human beings and the narrative feels like a good balance of cinematic but still grounded 3) The score is fantastic. Reznor and Ross really know what they're doing when it comes to these kind of techno based scores and this is truly one of their best


1) I felt like the film was trying too hard sometimes when it came to the tennis playing scenes. I should say that I am someone who plays and watches tennis, so maybe this bothered me more than other people, but I would've much preferred to just simply watch the characters play tennis, rather than constantly having an overuse of small motion or weird camera angles like first person POV or the ball's POV 2) I strongly disliked the ending. Obviously none of the characters are perfect, but I felt that they were all ultimately still likeable, up until the end where Tashi and Patrick have their affair and just immediately become completely unlikeable. I also thought the final scene of Art and Patrick embracing while Tashi screams from the sidelines was just ridiculous 3) Whilst I wasn't checking my watch or anything like that, I certainly felt like the film was too long and honestly the longer it went on the less I liked it.
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Civil War (2024)
Politically engaging, without preaching
2 May 2024
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1) The performances are brilliant. I really liked the dysfunctional family dynamic that our four leads have with each other, whilst there are also some barnstorming supporting roles for Jesse Plemons and Nick Offerman 2) The film certainly doesn't pull any punches. The violence and gore is really brutal at times and the action scenes are seat-grippingly intense. I felt that this really added to the power and memorability of the film 3) The film looks spectacular. Real credit is due for the director and cinematographer here because there really are some striking visuals, both in a beautiful sense and a haunting sense 4) With the fractured and divided political landscape that we have in 2024, this film felt so potent and like a damning indictment of where the world is headed. However, the most impressive thing was how it does this without actually passing any judgement. It's not specific to any political party or ideology, which I respected a lot


1) Throughout the entire film, I was constantly unable to suspend my disbelief at the central premise that the press get so much access and respect from everybody in this war. There are soldiers and stone cold killers just happily allowing the press to accompany them on their missions for some reason? This was never more infuriating for me than at the end of the film when the Western Forces soldiers, whose entire purpose is to kill the president, actually wait to kill the president just so a journalist can get a quote from the president first?! Never in a million years would this happen 2) I wish we'd gotten to actually see so much more of the civil war that is unfolding, rather than just following our four leads for the entire runtime. To have Nick Offerman as the president only appear in two short scenes and nothing else was a mistake for me. I could've done with some scenes from the president's point of view or even some flashbacks to give deeper meaning to what is happening and why 3) There were a couple of tonal clashes for me that didn't work. For example, some of the song choices didn't gel with the visuals very well and the comedic scene of the two cars side by side while people climb out the window of one car and into the other felt like it was part of a different film.
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In Bruges (2008)
Often great, but too silly
20 April 2024
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1) Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson have electric on-screen chemistry. They're both brilliant actors who give brilliant performances. Also, Ralph Fiennes steals every scene once he turns up for the final act; he's amazing 2) All of my favourite moments in the film are ones where the film is actually taking itself seriously. The fundamental story is about a naive young hitman who can't live with the guilt he feels after accidentally killing a child on a job, whilst his employer now wants to kill him for his mistake. That is a fantastic premise for a film and I wish these fundamentals were focused on more, rather than being cheapened by crude humour 3) By having the film set entirely in one town, especially a town as scenic as Bruges, it has the effect of Bruges really feeling like a character in its own right in the film. It makes you feel like you know the city even if, like me, you've never actually been there before


1) As I have said before in this review, I just didn't appreciate a lot of the humour. It felt like the film was cheapening itself rather than taking itself as seriously as it should have 2) Despite being relatively short at 1hour 47 minutes, I still felt like the film was dragging itself out at times, rather than being focused on its narrative. Recurring characters like the midget, the guy who goes blind, and the Canadian guy are all completely unnecessary and just feel like the film taking unnecessary detours from its core narrative 3) The ending doesn't really land at all for me. Firstly because it feels like it goes on for far too long. Secondly because both of the main characters should die much sooner than they do. Gleeson gets shot twice and jumps from the top of the clock tower, but is somehow still able to speak for a bit when he lands; whilst Farrell gets shot 3 times right through the core of his body and somehow seems to survive??
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Back to Black (2024)
It's good at times, but I didn't connect with it
16 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers

1) The performances are all very good. I thought it was a very sensible decision to get a virtually unknown actress to play Amy because it meant that she was able to completely disappear into the role and you feel like you're really seeing Amy. Also the fact she did all of her own singing is very impressive 2) The best moments in the film for me are the musical moments, watching Amy record / perform her most famous songs. These scenes were filmed very well and it was impressive how real they made things like the Glastonbury performance and the Grammy performance look 3) Eddie Marsan and Lesley Manville both bring a much needed touch of class to the film. I thought Mitch and Cynthia were pretty much the only two likeable characters in the film actually 4) I thought the way in which Amy's mental decline and deterioration was portrayed through her appearance was quite clever. We see her transform from a beautiful and natural looking girl at the start, into a girl covered in ugly tattoos and over the top hair by the end. I felt like the film was making a point of showing us every time Amy got a new tattoo or a new hairstyle, to signify to us that in each of these moments she is moving further away from the relatively angelic figure that she was at the start of the film


1) I say in my last point that Mitch and Cynthia were the only likeable characters for me; and that is an issue. I found Amy and Blake to both be insufferable and I didn't connect with either of them at all. This is an issue because they are the two characters with the most screen time and when emotional things were happening to them I was struggling to care because I didn't like them 2) I struggled with a sense of timing throughout the film. It feels like it was really speeding through Amy's life, which meant that many moments struggled to feel impactful. I also feel like unless you're a die hard Amy Winehouse fan you wouldn't be able to really tell when months or years were passing by in the film's chronology 3) I felt like the film bottled it a little bit with its ending. It fairly abruptly cuts to black and just tells us that Amy had passed away, whereas I feel like a gutsier film would've actually shown that happen.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
A masterpiece
14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers

1) The performances are terrific. Fonda and Cobb lead the line tremendously of course, but really every single one of the jurors is perfectly cast 2) The writing is just sensational. Each one of the juror's feels like a fully fleshed out character, meaning you're never confused about who is who or about what motivations everybody has. Also, the way in which the narrative unfolds is truly remarkable because it's so engaging yet also feels so real. As the audience we see nothing of the actual trial or of the actual crime itself, we learn everything purely from what the juror's tell us, yet we never feel lost or confused because everything is presented so clearly, whilst also peeling back the layers of the different pieces of evidence in a very believable way 3) In this modern age of massively inflated film budgets, looking back to this film and taking lessons from it is something that I think could be really valuable. The film basically all takes place in one room with basically only 12 characters and is a tight 90 minutes long. It is the perfect example of the phrase "less is more"


Honestly, there is nothing I'd change about this film. It's a timeless classic and an amazing achievement for all involved. It has themes like racism and classism which are still extremely potent to a modern audience, so I'd urge anyone who hasn't seen it yet to definitely do so.
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Monkey Man (2024)
It's okay; I was expecting better
14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers

1) The performances are very good. Dev Patel really breaks from the typecasting he has had previously, whilst Sharlto Copley also gives a very entertaining supporting performance 2) The action is very hard hitting and doesn't pull any punches, which is always fun to watch and respectable that it didn't shy away from things to try and appeal to a wider audience 3) I respected the film for exploring Indian culture faithfully and not selling its soul to be more commercially friendly to a western audience


1) I didn't like the structure of the film for two reasons. Firstly, because having the protagonist fail, go away and do a training montage, then come back and succeed is just so cliche. Secondly, because the first time our hero attacks the chief of police the film hasn't really told us why yet or given us anything to really care about. The flashbacks to his mother being attacked should have been at the start of the film so that we can connect to our protagonist much earlier on 2) I just found the film to be very bland and generic. It doesn't do anything that we haven't seen a thousand times before. None of the characters other than our protagonist get any sort of depth to them, the villains are incredibly forgettable, and the fact that the film had the nerve to mention John Wick when it's so clearly a rip off of that series felt really eye rolling 3) I enjoyed the action scenes at times, but on the whole I thought there was far too much shaky cam and I think the film could've benefitted at times from having a more experienced head behind the camera.
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The Irishman (2019)
What Scorsese does best
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers

1) The performances are all amazing. The leads are all veteran actors who put in their best performances in years and convey so much through subtle facial expressions and gestures, while the younger supporting cast all really bring their A game too 2) I thought the world building was terrific. It reminded me of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood in terms of how you feel like you're actually living in this time period with these characters; I was truly absorbed by the film 3) As the title of this review suggests, this film is right in Scorsese's wheelhouse and he knows exactly what he's doing in this crime genre and with these themes of corrupting your soul and losing yourself to greed. Watching the film was like watching a master at work


1) There is definitely no need for the film to be three and a half hours long. You could take an hour out of the film quite easily without really affecting the main story at all 2) The de-aging was a big talking point prior to the film's release and I don't think it's terrible, but I do think it's noticeably wobbly at times. I also felt there were times it was quite obvious that characters were standing in front of fake CGI backgrounds rather than being on real sets / in real locations 3) Scorsese loves using narration and it's just not something I'm a fan of in any film really. Also, the way it's used for De Niro to frequently rattle off the names of dozens of bit-part characters made it hard to keep track of who was who.
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So emotional and engaging
28 March 2024

1) The four central performances - Adam Driver, Scarlett Johansson, Ray Liotta and Laura Dern - are all really amazing. Dern was the only one that won the Oscar but all four of them would have been very worthy 2) Noah Baumbach does a really great job with the writing and the direction. There are lots of long dialogue scenes with very infrequent cuts and a lesser filmmaker would've made this become boring but Baumbach keeps it so engaging throughout the entire runtime 3) The film is so emotional and really feels like it earns the emotional reaction that it makes you have. I had tears in my eyes by the end and I felt like the film had earned that reaction from me by being so great and so real throughout


1) This may sound harsh, but I did find the child actor playing Henry to be pretty poor. Henry comes across as very whiny and annoying and it kinda irritated me whenever he was prominent in a scene 2) I don't think the film needs to be as long as it is. A tighter runtime of under two hours would've prevented any hint of drag, which the film did occasionally have.
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Rush (I) (2013)
My favourite racing film
25 March 2024

1) Everything about the portrayal of the rivalry between Hunt and Lauda is absolute gold dust to me. Hemsworth and Bruhl both give brilliant performances, the writing of both characters is extremely well done and I absolutely loved every interaction between the two 2) I think the racing scenes are truly some of the best ever put to film. You really feel like you are in the car with the drivers, especially when the film gives you first person perspective where you can actually see through the visors of the drivers; but even when it is in third person perspective it is still completely gripping 3) The film is a great technical achievement. The score, editing, cinematography, costume design etc etc are all superb, so credit needs to go to the whole crew that worked on this film


1) Because of the fact that the Hunt and Lauda rivalry is the focal point of the film and is done so well, I did think that basically every supporting character felt sidelined and one dimensional. We don't really any character depth from any character other than Hunt and Lauda, which is a bit of a shame, especially given the complete lack of any strong female representation 2) I'm not sure if this is just because I'm British myself, but I did feel like the writing of Hunt wasn't quite as three dimensional as that of Lauda. I think his character is portrayed very well when it comes to his attitude towards racing, being very hotheaded and risk taking which makes him the antithesis of Lauda's approach. However, his friends at Hesketh are all so painfully stereotypically British and I thought seeing him just constantly drinking, smoking and sleeping around got a bit repetitive.
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Low budget filmmaking done right
24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers

1) The performances are brilliant. Jack is clearly the lead and David does a great job with him; it's quite a wide ranging performance in the sense that on the one hand he's this overly charismatic TV host, but on the other hand he becomes increasingly unnerved as the events of the film transpire. I also thought the young girl playing Lilly was really terrific and had the perfect balance between charming and creepy 2) As my title suggests, I was really impressed by how the film utilises its low budget. Setting the film all in one studio was a great idea as it adds a claustrophobic atmosphere to the film, and I also loved how the film is a tight 90 minutes as it means it never feels boring or like it's overstaying its welcome 3) I think this is a film that I'll remember very well amongst all the other films I see. I loved the theme of this TV host who is at heart a good person but has been corrupted by his lust for fame. I also found it pleasantly unique. Moments such as Carmichael hypnotising everyone in the studio, whilst also seeming to hypnotise us as the audience too, were very well done and the film in general is very well made


1) There are certainly moments where you can tell that the filmmakers were struggling to capture what they wanted to show whilst working with such a low budget. I thought the special effects in general were very ropey. Moments such as the projectile vomiting or the worm infestations just looked really bad if I'm being brutally honest 2) I'm someone who's quite easily scared by horror films, but I have to say I didn't find this film scary at all. The hand appearing on Jack's shoulder was the only moment that even gave me the chills, and I never once felt genuinely scared. To me, the film felt like it was slowly building towards this great horrific climax, but in the end I felt that the ending was somewhat of a let down because it's more about Jack's psychological breakdown than it is about genuine horror.
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The Godfather (1972)
Of course it's a classic, but not my favourite
22 March 2024
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1) The performances are exceptional, especially Brando and Pacino. Brando gives one of the most iconic performances of all time, while the fact Pacino didn't win an Oscar for either this film or Part 2 is completely outrageous 2) The themes and messaging of the film are very powerful. It's so much more than just an average Mafia movie. It's a film about family and about how a good man can be corrupted by power, while also being a chilling indictment of capitalism. The downfall of Michael from a noble war hero to the Don of his criminal empire is a tragedy but is a character arc that the film handles masterfully, such as in scenes like the restaurant murders and the car bomb in Sicily 3) The film contains so many iconic lines of dialogue and iconic scenes. It's very impressive to have so many recognisable things crammed into one film


1) I can't deny that the film is a slog for me. I understand that it's supposed to be a slow burn and I understand that films were generally a lot more slowly paced 50 years ago than they are today, but I really do struggle to keep focused on the film during some of the scenes, especially in the first half 2) There are times where it feels like you could do with having the novel or the script in front of you while you're watching. There were several moments where I think it was hard to follow what was supposed to be happening, or what characters were talking about, or actually who certain characters were and at what points we'd seen them in the film previously 3) I praised the performances earlier, and that is certainly true of the main cast, but I have to say that I do find some of the supporting cast quite one dimensional and not delivering great performances.
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I think it's Kubrick's masterpiece
21 March 2024
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1) The film is a masterclass in stripped back, low budget filmmaking. It only cost $1.8million to make, which is only around $18million in today's money, which is nothing by filmmaking standards. There are only really 3 settings in the whole film: the plane, the War Room and the military base; but the way Kubrick is able to intertwine these settings in his narrative is so impressive 2) I love the way in which music is used in this film. There's not a lot of it, but the constant marching theme playing during all the scenes on the plane was a brilliant decision, as was the use of Vera Lynn's "We'll Meet Again" at the end, given how this song is so strongly associated with war 3) The film is obviously a satire, yet it walks this line so cleverly because it never comes across as too silly. At the time it was made it was obviously a very powerful commentary on the Cold War, but even watching it now it still feels very relevant to what we have going on in the world today 4) The dialogue is razor sharp, which keeps you engaged, and the delivery from all of the actors was perfect. Kubrick helms every scene masterfully and got exactly what was needed out of each performance and out of each line of dialogue


Honestly, nothing. Sure there are decisions the film makes which I wouldn't have made myself, but these are all things that make the film what it is, so aren't things that I would actually change.
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Rear Window (1954)
A classic in low budget filmmaking
21 March 2024
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1) James Stewart and Grace Kelly are both brilliant actors and the chemistry they have on screen is always great to watch. They really carry the film and keep you engaged as an audience 2) As the title of this review states, I think this film is a great example of filmmaking on a low budget. The budget for this film is listed as a million dollars, which equates to around 11.5million dollars in today's money, which is absolutely nothing in filmmaking terms. Despite this, Hitchcock manages to use the acting and the set and the camera work to create a really good mystery 3) The more that the film progresses, the more engrossed in the mystery that you become, I just wish that the start was as good as the finish


1) I do find parts of the film, especially in the first half, to be a struggle to watch. It's very slow and plodding and I know that that's how films were during this period, but that doesn't make it enjoyable to watch in this modern day era. I really struggled to keep my attention span focused on the film when there is lots of unengaging dialogue scenes or shots of the scenery that really don't hold up in 2024 2) I think the film is very dated when it comes to its attitude towards women. Grace Kelly is hopelessly head over heels for James Stewart despite the fact that he treats her awfully and she is clearly so much more successful and out of his league, which is hard to swallow in 2024. Also, the ballet dancer is a completely one dimensional object who's only there to be leered at.
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Painfully lacking in nearly all areas
19 March 2024
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1) The performances are as good as they can be; nobody is bad in the movie they just aren't really given anything good to work with 2) I was fairly invested in Jamie and Marian's relationship. I think they're two leads that carry the film as well as they can and had a good chemistry together 3) The film is mercifully short at only 83 minutes, meaning it wasn't painful to sit through despite lacking in quality


1) The film is painfully unfunny. It's trying so hard to be funny but the humour just didn't work at all for me 2) I understand that Ethan Coen has built up a lot of credibility with his previous films and so clearly has a lot of famous friends, but the constant churn of famous faces doing tiny roles in this film was just distracting. Pedro Pascal and Matt Damon are both huge stars and literally show up for one scene each, so what's the point?

3) You actually have the basic outline of a good plot here. Two friends accidentally get given a car that wasn't meant for them which means they inadvertently stumble into a criminal conspiracy involving a famous politician. The problem is that rather than flesh out this concept and make it interesting, the film spends most of its time just being needlessly rude and outrageous, making it come across more like a desperate cry for attention than as any kind of serious filmmaking.
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One of Mangold's best films
14 March 2024

1) The performances are great. Damon and Bale are clearly the leads and they make Carol and Ken feel really relatable and you definitely route for both of them to be successful, especially in the final act. The writing helps a lot here too by making these main characters so likeable and giving them an engaging story 2) The racing scenes are helmed really well. They're very cinematic but also still very realistic to how actual racing looks. I also thought the way in which the writing enables the audience to understand the technical aspects of the cars was really good 3) For being a two and a half hour film, I thought the film went along at a good pace. It kept me engaged throughout and I never felt bored, which is unusual because normally long films like this really test my patience


1) As a Brit, I have to say that I really struggled with the British characters in this film. Not only do Ken and his family have such stereotypical British accents, but also the film frequently has them saying lines that are just so stereotypically British and it felt caricatured at times 2) While most of the characters feel very fleshed out and grounded, I felt that Josh Lucas' character Leo Beebe was painfully one dimensional. He's just such a stereotypical corporate bad guy, he may as well have been twirling a moustache the whole time he was on screen. I understand that he's supposed to be unlikeable, but it just took me out of the film whenever he was on screen 3) There were a couple of moments where I thought it was quite clear that CGI and/or fake backgrounds were being used. The visual effects during the driving sequences were really good but there were certain more lowkey moments, such as Carol getting off a plane at the Mustang launch, where it's quite obvious that most of the shot is fake.
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I just don't get it
3 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers

1) The two central performances are brilliant. Spacey and Benning are both on top form here and play their parts perfectly. I also thought Wes Bentley from the supporting cast was a real standout too 2) The film certainly makes you think as a critique of the uninspired suburban lifestyle that so many of us fall in to. The bleak ending that the film has also makes it more poignant and powerful 3) Some of the imagery of this film has become iconic. The shots of Angela covered in the red rose petals is one of the most recognisable film images of the past few decades


1) I just found a lot of the film to be quite plodding and meandering, with no real dramatic weight being pressed down on the characters to keep the plot moving along 2) I get that part of the point of this film is that all of the characters are a bit unhinged, but I really didn't get on board with the awkward dialogue and stunted line delivery that this film has at so many points 3) What was the purpose of Alison Janney's character? She contributes literally nothing to the story. You could've just had the father be widowed and it wouldn't have changed the film at all.
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Shoots big and mostly hits the mark
3 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers

1) The performances are almost all great. Timothee Chalamet really carries the film with the amount of screen time he has and I really thought he was sensational in portraying Paul's turn to the darkness, as were the vast majority of the supporting cast 2) The size and scale of this film are truly remarkable. You should see this film on the biggest screen you can with the best sound system you can. Denis deserves a lot of credit for holding the reins here and delivering a film that is not only grand in scale but also grand in terms of its themes and messages. Whether it's the huge epic battle sequences we see, or the intense hand to hand combat scenes with Feyd, the film was gripping in all its action scenes 3) Hans Zimmer truly brings his A game and the score for this film will be hard to beat when the Oscars come back around next year. He is an epic composer and this is a truly epic musical achievement 4) For a film only just under three hours long, I thought it flew over. I checked my watch once just in passing and couldn't believe that 2 hours had passed already, which is a great sign because usually I say that films should be shorter


1) I mentioned that I thought the performances were "almost all" great. The one exception to that for me was Dave Bautista. I really like him as an actor and usually think he performs great, but here I just felt that the performance was very one dimensional. I'm pretty sure he yells every single line of dialogue he has and it just got irritating after a while 2) The first hour of the film was a bit of a slog for me, because it focuses almost exclusively on just meandering around with the Fremen. In fact, I found the Fremen sections of the film to be by far the weakest part. Whenever the Harkonnens or the Bene Gesserit were on screen I was loving it, but the scenes exploring Fremen culture and their religious beliefs were just a bit unnecessary for me because there are soooo many of them. Lady Jessica becomes Reverend Mother almost instantly and all the stuff about Stillgar being convinced Paul is their saviour even when he says he's not was almost comical at times and has already been made the focus of several memes online.
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Monster High: The Movie (2022 TV Movie)
Harmless fun for young children
3 March 2024

1) The film actually does a pretty good job of fleshing out who all of the characters are; I was certainly never confused about who was who. The main three characters especially are all pretty strong female heroines I thought 2) Most of the songs are actually pretty catchy and the choreography that accompanies them was quite good too


1) There's not exactly anything groundbreaking here. All the common tropes of films like this like the mean popular girl and the overbearing father are all present here 2) It's obviously been made with a low budget, but even so some of the special effects are truly terrible. I feel like there surely must've been a better way to go about it than what they did. Some of the awful moments are just pointless exterior shots of the school which could've been cut out and make no difference to the story anyway.
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The MCU should've ended here
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers

1) I love how emotional and deep the film is. The first hour or so of this film floored me. I really loved how dark and serious they went in terms of showing the trauma and after-effects of what Thanos did. Then, scenes like Tony speaking to his father for the final time, or Clint and Natasha fighting to sacrifice themselves, really hit me in the feels, along with the obviously very emotional death of Tony and funeral scene at the end of the film 2) Everytime I watch the "portals" scene it completely gives me goosebumps. The film, and the franchise as a whole up to this point, really feel like they've earned this insanely huge climax and it's honestly euphoric seeing all these heroes we've came to know fighting alongside each other. It's also really impressive how the film gets to this point after about two and a half hours of runtime, yet it's kept itself going at such a pace that it never feels like a slog to watch 3) Being a superhero film, it's always going to be difficult for the snobby parts of the film industry to recognise the individual achievements, but this film really does have some. The performances from the likes of Downey, Evans and Renner are really sensational, whilst technical achievements such as cinematography and score are really great too


1) Time travel in film is always a difficult thing for me to swallow because it always seems to throw up so many plot holes. In this case, I struggled to understand the film's logic behind saying that the past doesn't change the future, but then also saying that it's totally fine for them to steal the stones and then just go back in time and replace them with no consequences, not to mention how insanely difficult it would be for Cap to actually replace them all, but the film just skips over that like it's nothing and gives us Chris Evans in really bad old age makeup instead 2) I know the MCU is known for its humour, but it's one of my least favourite parts of this franchise. This film is one of the best in terms of keeping the unnecessary humour to a minimum, but there were still a couple of scenes in which humour ruined the moment for me 3) Again, this is something the MCU has kinda became known for at this point, but it's absolutely ridiculous that we're supposed to believe in the final battle that everyone is able to communicate with each other, even though there are no earpieces to be seen and even if there were it would be impossible for them to have equipped everybody with those earpieces before the major battle started.
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