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Chicago (2002)
I was razzle dazzled!
11 April 2024
Crime, comedy, singing, dancing, incredible film editing, beautiful visuals, and amazing performances, what more could you want? With amazing theatrical and cinematic elements, Chicago is everything you love from the broadway musical and more! If you have seen the musical, the movie still has plenty of the amazing dramatic elements in addition to outstanding visuals and editing unique to the film. And if you have not seen the musical, get ready because Chicago is a musical like no other! About women murdering their husbands in the 1920's, it features amazing singing, dancing, and acting, making it the best of both the world of theater and of film.
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Beef (2023– )
It starts strong and stays strong
22 March 2024
From a road rage incident to life and death, this show is entertaining from episode one to episode ten. Beef is about Danny and Amy, two people who meet each other in a parking lot when they are both having a bad day. This starts a rivalry that gets more extreme with each episode, and by the end it is basically World War III. While this show is dark and extreme, there is still the perfect amount of comedy that will make you laugh. After just the first episode you will not be able to wait for the next. Beef is captivating, entertaining, binge-worthy, and really just so good. This is a must-see for anyone who wants five hours of action, drama, comedy, and so much more.
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Maestro (2023)
It is an incredible film, but a very below average movie
3 March 2024
In terms of cinematography, sound, music, and overall production design, Maestro is brilliant. However, in terms of story... well there is none. Maestro is about Leonard Bernstein who is a one-of-a-kind musician, yet while his music does play during the film, if you did not know who he was you would think he was just an average composer with a complicated yet boring love life. So if the film does not focus on his musical career, what is it about? Nothing. Watching it is like: "why is this scene happening?", "um ok", "why would they show this?". So this film, as art is extremely impressive, but as entertainment is very disappointing.
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Doesn't have to build up to the action because it's all action!
25 February 2024
Like many of Tarantino's films, this movie features exaggerated, action-packed, and gruesome fight scenes, but with a darkly comedic element. The main plot of this film is an anonymous woman who is referred to as "The Bride" is shot by a man named Bill, with whom she used to be acquainted with. She is then in a coma for four years and when she awakes is fearless when preparing to fight Bill and the other members of his Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. While it is in the style of a classic, action-packed thriller, this movie is anything but ordinary. With exaggerated and comedic, but still suspenseful fight scenes, intelligent dialogue, stellar acting, and more this is a must-see for all Tarantino fans, martial arts movie fans, action movie fans, and anyone else who wants to enjoy the first two of four hours of purely entertaining from start to finish action.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
While war and comedy do not typically go together, maybe they should
25 February 2024
This is not your typical combination of genres... but it works! Telling the story of a boy during World War II in Germany, Jojo Rabbit is a funny, emotional, and entertaining war movie. The perfect balance of comedic moments, emotional moments, and moments that depict the true reality of war is what makes this film incredible; not to mention the colorful sets, costumes, and visuals that make this film a beautiful and modern story about a very tragic and terrible event. Also, the acting in this film is exceptional, every performance is moving and the dialogue is touching and funny at the same time.
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Travelers (2016–2018)
Overall a cool sci-fi plot, but make sure you know what to expect...
24 February 2024
In the present people who are seconds away from death have the consciousness of a person from the doomed future put into them; they then try to avoid making the same mistakes that were made in the time they are from. This is a very interesting plot and it is brought to life in an exciting and intriguing way at the beginning of the show. However, as the show progresses, while it is still about making a better future, a lot of the show is about the characters and their lives adjusting to what is the past for them. There are also quite a few plot holes. But while the episodes do sometimes stray from the main plot, it is still overall a very good show with an intense and intriguing story.
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District 9 (2009)
Not a true story... but could it be?
16 February 2024
District 9 is about a race of aliens living in an area called District 9, where humans treat them cruelly and limit them to this small area. A man becomes associated with some of the "aliens" and ultimately begins to question if they or the humans are the 'bad guys'.

The film is incredibly intense and very interesting. The film editing is similar to that of a war film and adds to the suspense and intensity as well as the realness of the film.

The film is also in the style of a documentary. While it is not a true story... this adds to the purpose of the film being to show just how possible it is for something like this to happen.

I am very surprised by the fact that this film is not very well known. While it was nominated for four Academy Awards, (and definitely deserved more) it is not the most popular for being an instant sci-fi and thriller classic. Even if you are not a science fiction person, the amazing style of this film and the almost real story will definitely make it worth your while.
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The Matrix (1999)
An amazing idea with amazing execution
11 February 2024
The matrix is a dystopian science fiction film with a plot that questions reality, and that's about all I can say without spoilers. The film is instantly engaging and when you reach the ultimate plot twist you will be on the edge of your seat. Not only is the idea of the film incredible but it is brought to life flawlessly. The film, which is directed by the Wachowskis, is stunning to watch, the visuals definitely add to the dystopian tone of the film. Almost every shot has some kind of reflection, depth, or color contrast to make the science fiction even cooler. The film editing is also incredible and makes every action sequence amazing to watch. The visual effects are also amazing, especially for 1999. This is a must-see sci-fi film.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
The killing, thrilling, and chilling story of the atomic bomb
11 February 2024
While this is a war movie it is still a drama. Rather than the entire film showing fighting and battle scenes it is mostly about J. Robert Oppenheimer and the development of the atomic bomb. However, this does not take away from the intensity it had to live up to, being a war film and a Christopher Nolan film.

In most films the sound editing/quality is unnoticeable unless it is really bad, in Oppenheimer this was not the case, the incredible sound quality (especially if you were to watch this in a theater) makes every explosion feel as though it is right in front of you. The music also adds to the psychological thriller aspect of the film by making the atomic bomb feel just as chilling as it is for the characters.

Also visually, in terms of cinematography, directing, and editing this film is extraordinary! It is evident that a lot of work was put in to making this film feel as real (which it is) and exciting as possible, and it pays off.

In addition, every actor in this film truly embodies their character and does an amazing job bringing the drama to life.

Oppenheimer is phenomenal in many ways and is anything but boring. It is a suspenseful, exciting, and incredible film that must be seen.
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The Prestige (2006)
Christopher Nolan is the real magician
11 February 2024
The Prestige is about rivaling magicians trying to "out-illusion" each other with the ultimate magic trick. But really you are the one who feels like you are being tricked, this film has plot twists from start to finish and each one is even more shocking than the last. By the end you will want to rewatch it 100 times to follow along with all the tricks. It is the kind of film that you will not want to miss a single second of so you don't miss anything. The real magician of this film is Christopher Nolan, who created a deceptive story, a visually amazing film, and got an amazing cast to bring the illusion to life.
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Memento (2000)
An exciting story told in an extraordinary way
9 February 2024
Memento is about a man named Leonard (Guy Pearce) who suffers from short-term memory loss. He relies on writing and taking pictures to track down the man he believes is his wife's murderer. Watching the film brings to life the feeling of memory loss and not knowing how you ended up somewhere. The story is told reverse. One scene will happen and the next scene will explain how you got to where the previous scene started and so on. So the thrilling mystery is unraveling for you just as it is for Leonard. Memento is intriguing and psychologically thrilling until the very end, or really the beginning. The film breaks all the rules of storytelling in such a perfect way that you can't look away. Memento is a must-see for anyone who wants a film like no others.
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The best of WWII films and the best of Tarantino films
7 February 2024
I love war movies and I also enjoy a lot of Quentin Tarantino's films. This is my favorite of both! With an intriguing plot, amazing acting, plenty of action, outstanding dialogue, a perfect amount of dark comedy and more Inglourious Basterds is very entertaining. This film is about a movie theatre owner teaming up with a group of American soldiers to kill Nazis. It is truly an experience to watch this incredible story build up with the help of amazing writing and acting. By the end you will want to watch and experience it again! While the film starts off exceptionally good it only gets better and by the end you will be completely invested and unable to look away.
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Spectacular on so many levels
1 February 2024
The Hurt Locker is about William James (Jeremy Renner), a man who takes many risks when disarming bombs in the Iraq War. While Sanborn (Anthony Mackie) at first disapproves of James appearing to have no problem putting their lives on a very thin line, eventually the two are forced to accept working together. With an emotional story and plenty of suspense, The Hurt Locker is phenomenal.

Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, and every other member of this amazing cast's performances bring to life the incredible story.

Not even words can describe how visually stunning this film is. Just watch it! All I will say is: to everyone who says Kathryn Bigelow didn't deserve her Oscar, have you actually seen the movie?

The last thing I will mention is the film editing (by Chris Innis and Bob Murawski). Watching this movie, I felt as though I could not look away. I felt as though I could not miss a single shot. It adds to the suspense and keeps you captivated from start to finish.
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Inception (2010)
I could watch it a million times
1 February 2024
Amazing... Every time I watch Inception I find something new! This is a stunning sci-fi film with lots of suspense and plot twists. The action begins in the first minute of the film and keeps you captivated until the end. I was absolutely blown away the first time I watched this film and every time since! This is a film about a man named Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) and a team of people who are tasked with invading Robert Fischer's (Cillian Murphy) consciousness through his dreams. The physiologically thrilling story is perhaps Christopher Nolan's greatest film and will amaze you! The sensational story, stunning visuals, amazing effects, and mind blowing ideas make Inception a must-see.
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