
21 Reviews
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Snowfall (2017–2023)
Great show but with a conflicting ending
19 February 2024
The show begins and instantly presents a unique feeling with the LA 80s setting. It felt like the Narcos series but from a fresh set of perspectives. This alone had me onboard especially with a bright and ambitious protagonist, portrayed incredibly well. In fact the acting is fantastic 90% of the time, especially with leading characters. The plot begins and remains interesting for a number of seasons as we witness the growth of these characters in an evolving environment, however, As the plot unfolds, eventually things are essentially too good to be true and actions just happen in order to create drama going forward. Sadly, it feels as if these plot moments were made to prolong the serie as opposed to better it and i think this only hurts the show as much of the series will likely be forgotten by a lot of viewers come the ending. The ending however, will not be forgotten. Its safe to say that whats provided is not one that the viewer wants but one that had been brewing for a while and also one that contains meaning. However, personally i'm tired of this genre of ending as it has become almost cliche. Ive seen it too many times for it to hit me like it did the first time (in a 10/10 which i wont state to avoid spoilers). It just leaves me as consumer unsatisfied, feeling as if i deserve better. 8.4/10.
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The Killer (2023)
Unoriginal & Boring, the Netflix Plague
16 November 2023
The Killer showcases a different, almost more "realistic" form of assassin in a world where John Wick and James Bond exists. I appreciate the moments where the character exists within his own head. It is only logical that an assassin would suffer from intense anxiety. However, the film suffers a Netflix death. Im not entirely sure why but it doesnt feel in-depth and of a high standard, its as if Netflix provided enough budget to have the film appear presentable at surface without enough to fuel the rest. Perhaps it just lacks originality. Its a conglomeration of concepts we've seen before and it doesnt accentuate any specific idea to its fullest. If you want a film about a killer on the run, you raise the intensity and provide the sense that that character is being followed. We only get this for a 5 minute period until that idea is flipped on its head. There's absolutely no thrilling sense in the Killer as it's just too slow and lacks any actual attempt at being a thriller. Yet the slowed moments within the film are at times used well. We see the "protagonist" analysing locations to prepare for his kill. Yet there is no commentary over these sections relating to details and so the viewer has to use there imagination with no insight.

I have played the Hitman games which at a rough description fits the premise of the film quite well. Yet the film simply lacks creativity in comparison. Theres no "fun", its bleak at times and boring throughout. I had the patience to sit through it but i didnt want to be there by the end. Michael Fassbender puts in a strong performance but no other character has remotely enough time to become convincing in their roles. Once again its logical that an assassin would be a lone worker but then hes got a second life with a woman who he still remains the same character with. We dont get to see another side to Fassbender's killer but is that just the reality of an assassin? I just feel that Netflix is attempting to appease to this "sigma" form of character following the success of their Jeffrey Dahmer serie. This kind of character only works well rarely as becoming used to it removes its uniqueness and i feel as if that has been lost.
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The Menu (2022)
No Silver spoons in the kitchen
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A slightly-thrilling, slightly-intriguing commentary on certain character tropes. This film hates rich people but it makes this clear through its use of terrible cliche'd individuals that are also rich. The chef divides people into 2, those who take and those who give but the outcome as per his menu is the same for both, death. Yet the poor character of Margot is the only one to escape the ordeal. She does this by reminding the chef of his routes and by doing so earns herself a way out.

The emerging theme is that of art and its innocence. The chef used to enjoy creating food because people enjoyed it. Yet, this restaurant (that was probably his dream) ended up full of those who arent really interested in the food. One is a narcissistic critique who plucks negative needles out of haystacks. Another is a replica, someone who must closely imitate the chefs design as they are incapable of imagining their own piece of art (This isnt something deserving of death, its just a lack of talent but this character is made an ignorant dimwit to justify their involvement). Each character is painted with some flaw.

There are a number of questions and criticisms but it would be ironic if i were to pick them out after receiving the message. I do appreciate how art is displayed in this film, how restaurants alike are portrayed as beyond ridiculous, diminishing the purpose of even going to get food. A mockery of those is justly made.
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Looper (2012)
A hot mess
27 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Looper has a maze-like story. I dont even think the writers were able to untangle what they had cluttered and so went for an ending that would be satisfying to the general viewer. I do appreciate the message and what the protagonist has learned but then this realisation would have been reflected in his older self which wouldve prevented him from having to kill himself. You see the problem with time travel is that it does get confusing. You are in a loop essentially but this movie breaks its own rules. It is not made clear exactly what they are but im sure they are being broken because they keep changing.

It makes sense that these Loopers would question killing themselves as seen with Paul Dano's character. Yet, then you ask the question regarding their decision to become a Looper knowing the outcome. They lose control of their life which should reject any appeal felt by these characters on becoming a Looper.

Another ridiculous plot-hole regards Joe's future wife and the murdering of her which fuels the story. The Loopers Loop because murder has become trackable in the future but despite this our protagonists future wife is murdered and done so stupidly as well. It was entirely avoidable but perhaps reflects the stupidity of some of the low life Loopers such as seen in that one character that follows Joe around.

In all, Looper has some fun action and interesting concepts but it is difficult to put a finger and draw a line along the story which is not great for certain audiences. The final message is an important one and does show some character growth which is satisfactory. Many like myself are left questioning the plot holes but some of which involve a phenomenon which we have not physically encountered yet - time travel. And so it is hard for me to criticise the laws surrounding it.
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Far Cry 5 (2018 Video Game)
A Mixed Ride
5 June 2023
Overall, i can just about say the experience of Far Cry 5 is a positive one, however there are a number of negative takeaways. Primarily from the narrative which i feel has to be discussed.

Mainly, I would like to mention that the plot of the game has largely been hindered by Ubisoft's attempt at creating a 'better' overall experience. With an open-world game comes freedom but removing the linearity of the game removes a nurtured experience meaning that you - the player are responsible for how it is to be played. Although some players may appreciate this freedom - as its likely with an open world game. It ruins the story in Far Cry 5.

3 districts which can be accessed and played at any time were created which sets up 3 separate plots within the game. A lack of unity and direction is made abundantly clear as you move to another district with your previous hours of progression meaning very little. Eventually, after completing these plots, they do unlock the final arc which at least concludes with satisfaction regardless of the ending you choose. Now to talk about the 3 main narratives of the game, they are not very complex. The game actually begins a bit of a slog as in my case i started with John's land. Although im held responsible for choosing this path, it is clearly the coerced route the developers plan on taking you. With navigation and levels, in general, being the most simple. The story as well, is one that i quite honestly have already forgotten. It does not leave a long lasting impression. Faith's narrative is likely the 2nd journey that you will take - as did I. This one has a bit more creativity behind it but the trances placed on the character become old rather quickly. It concludes with a final level that was actually surprisingly decent and linked to the narrative as any attempt at doing this prior was an absolute failure up to this point for me. The 3rd and final segment is by far the greatest, both by narrative and environment. The surroundings are mesmerising - which is something Ubisoft is often able to achieve. It definitely feels like the final third of the game despite the fact that the player can literally start in it. In theory though, that would be quite ridiculous as the mountainous terrain is hard to navigate without a helicopter. But by completing Faith's land you will likely complete a mission unlocking one, probably intended for use in Jacob's land (the 3rd district). The developers clearly have an intended route and i assume it was an idiotic board member whos decision it was to have any story and level available after 5 minutes of gameplay. Anyway, Jacob's narrative is by far the best. It is much deeper than the others, with the character using you to achieve his goals. Jacobs's control over the player character is conveyed in a way that makes sense, he has trained you to be a soldier under his command as he was trained to be one himself. I appreciate how you - the character, loses control and acts out as soldiers are supposed to by following command but it isnt made entirely clear to the player until there actions have already dealt damage. There are large similarities here with Faiths but with Jacobs you feel it first hand and i personally believe the execution to be far greater and much deeper. Although this story is very good, it is still very short and the impact felt was minimised by this. The protagonists as well as antagonists are introduced by district and so there is little development, restricted to ~4 hours of gameplay, with maybe ~1-2 directly related to the stories presented.

Perhaps if the stories were linked they could have built on each other but they arent due to the fact that there is no order in which they have to be played. The core issue lies with the fact that you can start from 3 different points and that just wouldnt work in 1 story, which lead to 3 plots being formed, creating a choppy experience. As mentioned, there are many positives. The environment appearance and progression is impressive, the gameplay can be unpredictable at times removing the boring aspect of it. Also with a great array of vehicles and character "buddies".

There is depth to the game but not to the story. The main villain is introduced in the beginning and then you spend your time hunting his siblings before having 1 final mission with him. Jacob Seed is an attempt at creating a psychopathic, controlling villain but other than that. We dont actually get to know that much more about him. This leads me to mention another massive issue with some modern games, including Far Cry 5 which is that there is lack of character behind the player character. In an attempt to increase inclusivity, Ubisoft have allowed you to pick between a male or female character - this creates glaring issues. The main being that the developers cannot develop one without leaving the other behind. This actually caused there to be no voice, presumably because it would mean that they would have needed 2 voice actors. No solidified character means that there is also no background for this character which leads to no solid primary protagonist - massive negative for the game.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
"We lived a great life, we found love in a hopeless place. Heres a car."
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After the series follows the game so closely i had high expectations for Bill's town. With great source material to bring forward onto the screen, with parts of the game such as: When Joel gets caught upside down in Bill's trap, the high school scene (first bloater introduction in the gymnasium), the car start up scene. These were all incredible in the game and not one was used. In fact nothing from the game was used apart from Bill's title and his insecurity. This is a completely different character (allbeit) we didnt know him that well in the game. It is a positive to delve into characters and their backstories and Bill's in the show is fine. It is fruitful and Frank seemed like a stellar guy but in the end we dont even get to meet Bill or Frank in current tense. An hour was spent on developing characters that the active story of the game never even crosses. It feels so meaningless in the moment, when we discover the outcome in full. This episode contains 10 minutes worth of main story development. I just wasnt sold on this epidodes story, nothing special happened for me, nothing to warrant an entire hour. The relationship is great, its believable but not Bill nor Frank remains to thrust anything forward, of course the keys to the car were there which ironically does drive the story but we didnt need an hour to explain why and there is literally no reason as to why they had a working car. If they discussed driving off one day into the sunset but never had the chance to then that would have been symbolic of how dreams died alongside the world. Yet they didnt. The car being left behind is supposed to be the most important factor of this episode. But its just not highlighted nearly enough. It is what remains of Bill in Frank in the world and is needed for Joel and Ellie to continue but the episode to zoned in on the relationship that it forgets to do this. I cannot stress enough the laziness of that ending to the episode. "We lived a great life, we found love in a hopeless place. Heres a car."

As I mentioned, the story from this episode is fine. It didnt touch me personally but i can see it affecting others. I actually feel as if i have missed out on something by not connecting as much with these characters as others have. It doesnt feel like a romance that i havent seen before. And with prior episodes being action packed and progressive with its narrative. Expectations are set. I believed a 1hr 20minute episode to give us more. If you dont enjoy these characters (which is fair) then you get very little from 60 minutes of this episode. Joel and Ellie's roles in this episode were small but I enjoyed them. But they didnt have to do anything to get the car. The pain and suffering is felt in the game, of obtaining an active vehicle 20 years into an apocalypse. If they had spent more time expanding the relationship between Bill and Joel then it could have been more convincing but it was portrayed as if they were traders and not friends.
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Isolation encapsulation
9 January 2023
The Banshees of Inisherin is an intriguing watch despite the lack and scale of events. The events that do occur throughout are merely social ones, which is no surprise following the isolated setting adding more weight to characters choices and opinions.

The moment in which intrigue begins is when Colm (Brendan Gleeson) ends his friendship with Padraic (Colin Farrell). The film follows Padraic who's core interest is behind wanting to understand this decision. As the film moves forward this becomes partly an open ended choice for the viewer. Whom decides who really was at fault. As you lean in to the themes however, you will discover that there is more to Colm's sudden turn in attitude. The themes explored and their ties to the narrative are very interesting and dealt with immaculately.

Sadly, I believe the film misses out on character building prior to Colm's epitome. It is hard to imagine this character any other way than displayed in the film, which is described to be much different compared to his older self. That, as well as the damming tone of the film serve as imperfections. It is not the most enjoyable watch and its comedy is witty at times but lacks control over scenes. This is likely the intention as comes with the design of dark humour but i was expecting a comedy listed film to have brighter moments. Having that said, despite being an enjoyer of dark humour, i hardly found myself creasing the ends of my mouth.

A great encapsulation of isolation but not for the lighthearted.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Actions Have Consequences
31 August 2022
Better Call Saul exceeds its limitations being a spin off and a prequel. The show does so much more than what was expected. Never have i felt a series stay so true to its core (following Breaking Bad), being a world created for villains and where heroics come at a cost. There is no winning in Better Call Saul, every action leads to a trail of events that seems decided and pre meditated by the writers several seasons ahead. It is masterfully written and has possibly the most enjoyable character set that I have ever experienced. We get an immaculate insight into Saul Goodman whom i'm not even sure what to call anymore. It really is one of them shows that leaves you feeling hollow when its finished, as if something apart of you has gone.
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Spirited Away (2001)
28 July 2022
Spirited Away contains a great cluster of creativity. The characters and ideas are mostly original and the core design which is the main character's (Chihiro) coming of age tale, completes with satisfaction. Yet the film feels familiar. It shares the same magic that Disney's older pieces contain and it is executed with a Japanese approach which does make it different but it has the same purpose. Which is to simply encourage younger audiences into being brave and so on.

That cluster of creativity also becomes a bit mindless when random things keep happening, there is absolutely no consistency with anything. Details are introduced and have next to no meaning, other than expanding the lore. The mysteries that are wrapped up in the opening scenes unwrap cluttered and without defining details. Im not completely in the directors head and i feel as if some things just happened for the fun of it. I was expecting a layered story with the exceptionally high rating, with every detail having depth and meaning. Without spoiling the film, greed is frowned upon and im sure that capitalism is questioned, with the abandoned old themepark reflecting the loss of the old era. Little things such as Bo having to become small to become a bigger and better being, with him able to stand as a result are things to take away from the film.

I do however, simply believe that the West has blown this movie above its true level. Yes it is original, yes it has qualities but apart from its unique characters 'Spirited Away' is not a special film for me. Perhaps i am being too critical or perhaps i am just disregarding the 2001 release date which may bring some exceptional credit to it, of which i am not aware. I have seen cartoon films before and i have seen anime's, yes this is a perfect combination of the 2 for children. I really enjoyed some of the characters but felt the story came short but perhaps i have set the bar too high in a film made for children. 8/10.
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Could be better
22 June 2022
With the availability that Star Wars has, there are no excuses for boring and stale narratives. In writing terms, there are satisfactory conclusions to character arcs but for Star Wars fans, very little is brought fourth.

Disney have decided to once again play it safe with their production, having the show widely suited for children except it simply shouldn't be for kids. The Mandalorian seems to be the only Recent Disney show with competent writers. Obi Wan really struggles to maintain a tone, with the scenes surrounding Leia seemingly created for 7 year olds to enjoy while the Vader scenes are quite clearly built for wider audiences.

There are many poorly written characters, despite the main few (that we already know as Star Wars fans). They are so incredibly plain and made to fit basic character tropes to fill voids that the less than average story has created. There arent necessarily massive plot holes, but there are painfully poor scenes where characters dont chase after each other due to blockades that could be passed by walking 2 metres on each side. It develops to a point of unbelievability.

As mentioned, some characters complete their development triggered in the first episode. This is supported by a few good acting performances. Overall the show is better than average and really good at times. Even if those moments only last a short while. 6.8, could and should be better.
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Ozark: A Hard Way to Go (2022)
Season 4, Episode 14
A bleak, boring end
9 May 2022
I'm no mug, i wasnt expecting a colourful finale although it was miles beneath my expectations. The last few episodes sort of dwindled away for me and ruined what potentially could have been seen as an all time great series.

The decisions by the writers just seemed stale, nothing new was brought to the end of Ozark. Rather a repetition of previous events. Who got to live and who got the latter was probably the most disappointing matter for me. I appreciate dark moments but the writers have to concede to what people want. I doubt many viewers walked away contempt with what unfolded. Lack of budget? Lack of idea? Im not quite sure what became of the writers. Even the imagery was boring and i struggled to immerse myself as key moments just lacked fulfilment.

The overall serie still attains a 9/10, however it could have been so much more.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
A mockery of what we've become
31 December 2021
Dont Look up does an outstanding job at portraying what modern culture has declined to. The more entitled, the more degraded a characters true self is. As a non-American, i can confirm that this film directly divulges around what Americans are, there are many comedic remarks based on the lack of self-awareness that some remarkable figures have and how many are engulfed by their 1 sided view.

The film did actually make me laugh although it was more of a smirking chuckle as Adam Mckay manages to rip apart real issues. Each character in the film feels as if they could be real, although exaggerated which only exploits all of their differences for the viewers to see.

This film is solely revolved around politics and so words, faces and ideologies play a massive role, so your entertainment in this movie may vary. We've all seen "2012" and i have to say, it is a little bit refreshing seeing the conclusion of this film and comparing similarities.

Dont look Up gets an 8.5/10.
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Dune (2021)
Mind Blown... For the Wrong Reasons
7 November 2021
Having not read any of the books and having not seen any of the previous films, my expectations were left to wander as i entered the Dune universe. To put it simply, i was not impressed.

Im not quite sure what it is with Denis Villeneuve but the only other film of his that i have seen is Blade Runner 2049, which i stopped watching after an hour. I did the same thing with Dune but this time i came back to it as it is still a hot topic. Both films spend a full hour creating a setting that swallows the character, makes them appear and feel small but by doing this creates a partial disconnect between character and audience. Im not sure if this is a personal view but i just feel as if the characters lack development and size, they just feel as if they have little value compared to the environment. I struggle to enjoy the characters, especially the lead roles, they have no likeable aspects.

The film struggled to hook me. The first hour had me bored beyond belief before the second half of the movie decided to draw a string of action sequences which had little to no effect on our main protagonists. And to be quite honest, my brain began to fry as i couldn't understand the direction in which the movie was heading. I seriously didnt know what the plot was. The plot's backbone is that our main protagonist has to find his 'destiny'. Seriously? C'mon. I didnt understand the visions and why we, the audience were allowed access to them. Some of the visions became reality, while others didnt. I dont know why some of the visions never became reality, whether our protagonist did something which metaphorically altered the future, i just do not understand. I also do not understand the protagonist's power what even is it? There is no explanation in the film, or atleast if there was it didnt make sense to me, probably because i havent read the books. Which in my defense, its not supposed fo be mandatory.

So why do people rate Dune 2021? Was the stunning cinematic experience enough? Or was it because Zendaya was in it? To be fair the actors do a good enough job and i cannot fault any of them. Even the CGI team deserve a heap of credit as i cannot deny the sheer beauty that the movie has to offer. There is just no direction in the first hour of the movie and in the second half there arent even many pivotal plot points, the action sequences almost feel squeezed out of the movie. The characters for me arent likeable enough to be the backbone of the plot, Paul Atreided in Dune 2021 is no Luke Skywalker in A New Hope and the general direction of the movie is based off where he goes, rather than the opposite way around.

I cannot rate this movie any higher than a 5 because what happens in the movie could have been done in 30 minutes, half of the scenes are not needed and made this a painful viewing for me.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
More Than Football
29 October 2021
Ted Lasso' is definitely a feel good show that brings you and the characters down low and rewards your existence with eventual glee. I dont like how far it drifts away from the football aspect of the serie. It definitely focusses too much on the emotional value of characters that im not dearly interested in. Despite this it does highlight important and very real issues. Although you can tell it has been written to fit a wider audience rather than just football fans. The typical superstars involved in the sport are exaggerated and done so to comical effect. Roy Kent is clearly a vivid depiction of Roy Keane which many football fans will pick up and is just one example of many.

This show is not about football rather the people that are involved in it. Ted's personal life as well as players, coaches and shareholders are all delved into, taking into consideration what happens in the background that effects peoples mindsets on and off the pitch. Despite how well written the characters are, i can only emphasise so much with fictional characters and it does begin to become the central foothold in the plot, over the football. Season one was fun where season 2 began to drag for me. Maybe thats because i watched them back to back or maybe because there are full episodes without a clear direction, having no link to the sport (which is supposed to be the driving plot). Yet, season 2 still manages to conclude with full satisfaction. A Daenerys like twist does however occur and im not sure if im convinced by it. Yet they do it fairly well with a build of visual imagery and i like how it links all the way back to episode 1.
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Kingdom (2019–2020)
Read if youre thinking about watching
13 October 2021
So i already wrote a review but after watching any film/serie i tend to criticise specific details rather than expressing the bigger picture. I will try to quickly summarise 'Kingdom' from season 1 & 2 especially as i realise more international viewers will be interested in Korean cinema following 'Squid Game'.

Kingdom begins as an ominous horror and diverges into a political battle for the throne. Although the zombies are prominent in the beginning and end, they do tend to go missing inbetween. Each character has individual motives and all convey very different character tropes, yet some are too cliche and are almost laughable. The story consists of a few twists and turns and contains a strong spine throughout the series. The pacing of the first season is quite slow compared to the exceptionally fast paced second. The overall cinema is great, the practical effects are brilliant and the zombies are terrifying. The environment is unique, being set in a medieval zombie outbreak in Korea, this provides an extra tension as communication and defence is weak.

8/10 Worth a watch but nothing groundbreaking.
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Kingdom (2019–2020)
Thicc Plot Armour
11 October 2021
It is very important that with horror (or any ambigious plotline) that the pacing is slow and gradual before the story is unleashed to us. However, with season 1, the pace failed to pick up and was slightly underwhelming. With season 2 the pace was hectic and much faster but within shorter episodes. This matched the genre better and led to more action but felt a tad rushed. S1 and S2 bearing just 6ep a piece was less than originally planned. They were both supposed to have 8 episodes and with s2 you can really tell as you can also with the criminal season one ending whcih would have left me irritated had the 2nd not been available.

In regards to the plot, questions do have to be asked, the plague seems to vary dependant on our protagonists but everyone has plot armour these days so its the writers jobs to get around this. They do an ok job but i cant help but raise an eyebrow at some of the plot points. Other than this the story is pretty well written. The only other issue i have is that the story becomes too wrapped up in the internal politics and forgets about the zombies running loose in the background.

Overall, the series is a breath of fresh air, the time period and location of the zombie outbreak creates a unique environment which is definitely one i found interest in. The characters share a decent range of depth and all contain indivdual motives which is expressed clearly throughout. It is an enjoybale cinematic series and that is why i still rate this show an 8/10 despite the criticsim.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Early Second Season Syndrome
2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A great narrative/concept which thrills the life out of any audience member. Despite Gi Sung being the primary protagonist there was always doubt in him due to the incompetence he had previously displayed. I genuinely thought Sang Woo would win as he showcased what a 'normal' person would do to live yet still related to us early on. In the games you would want to be Sang Woo, he is the most intelligent and is physically capable of passing the games and so you try to defend his choices until they devour you, similarly seen before with Walter White.

However i do have a few issues with Squid Game.

1. So the old man was behind it but wanted to get the thrill of playing. I jokingly guessed this as it seemed quite ridiculous. In the tug of war game he was inches away from dying but in the marble game where he actually lost, he lived anyway so the "thrill" he was talking about mustve been pretty pointless if he still had control.

2. The detective sub plot is intriguing but the reveal is obvious and well... we don't exactly get closure as hes shot in the shoulder, oh... and he fell in water. He'll be perfectly fine for season 2 then.

3. Gi Sung goes back to the games, abandoning his daughter and his character arc completion because he wants to know whos behind it? I thought we had concluded that it were just rich sociopaths who had no faith in humanity. I dont see how Gi Sung can gain anything from going back other than a 2nd season.

I could praise the show for a while as the positives largely outweigh the negatives, i just thought i'd support the devil's advocate by asking questions that were being overlooked.

8/10 Superb acting (the VIP's excluded), plot not as deep as you think.
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Carnival Row (2019–2023)
Well constructed but unnecessarily weird
29 August 2021
Season One I still cant wrap my head around the absurdly strange lore involved. Plenty a time is spent on building the backstory for the Fae (fairy species) which amasses to just about 0 value. They're are so many other species shown in wide shots of the city centre and yet the story centralises around fairies and goat people. I just dont think fairies had to be a thing especially as they aren't even allowed to fly in the city. I simply cant understand how your specie is incapable of attaining any power when you can literally fly. And believe it or not, as irrelevant as that may sound to the story it actually holds value as politics has an exceptional grip within. Race (or specie) in fact plays such a large role that you're described as 'progressive' for simply not being discriminatory.

The story is however well put together and starts to build up faster as the serie goes on, in the beginning you are more or less just introduced to the world the characters live in. Cara Delevigne and Orlando Bloom do a fantastic job and genuinely make their characters fit it, it is evident that they put in a lot of effort to fit the role. The story concludes masterfully, everything comes together, although some character arcs are explored too much for how little they effect the finale but other than that they managed to finish what they started while leaving a second season beckoning.

8/10 less mature fairy scenes so i can focus on story more.
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The Night Of (2016)
Undeniably Bleak
24 August 2021
I'm writing this review partially in response to other reviews. I've seen plenty write about how the story is not the purpose and yet still rate the it a 10/10. So how could it be that a show finds itself a 10/10 if the story isn't the driving factor? Well the surrounding themes that vacate the depths of New York City, being; racial tension, drugs, murder, crime etc are dealt with very well throughout "The Night Of". They are in fact expressed so well that you begin to lose all hope for the protagonist, who is detached from any shine he once had. Frustration begins to build for the viewer as early as the first episode as we have seen from countless points of views which gives us the info we need, yet despite this we unfortunately cant tell the officers and so 6 parts run on. Several frustrating and uncomfortable scenes play out through the show and are a powerful sight to see. Despite this, i find myself frustrated at the show itself rather than the characters. The pace is incredibly slow and has been done before in 40 minute episodes of CSI, where there is more investigation. Thats right, a 'mystery', crime investigation show has an incredible lack of actual investigation which transforms it into show about life in prison and a trial that we're not excited to go to because it just keeps getting worse and worse until its not? The show ends abruptly with still a few unanswered questions and a protagonist whos no longer the same person that we started with.

Lack of an actual intriguing story, questionable character development, themes dealt with superbly but not enough to spark any light on a show so dark.
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Black Sails (2014–2017)
Criminally Underrated
2 April 2021
A class act, im surprised this hasnt received more praise. Up there with the best shows in terms of every aspect really, including the budget. Season 3+4 feel like movies with the production that went into them which is rare to find with series.

Season 2 finale up there with some of the best episodes in series history.

Hope you make it through season 1 because you wont be disappointed.
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The Walking Dead: Home Sweet Home (2021)
Season 10, Episode 17
Boring and out of touch...
2 April 2021
Feels so incredibly out of touch with the show, the acting is actually awful (due to the direction) and i love these actors. It just doesnt feel like the walking dead. Half way through the episode it just turns into hide and seek in a forest without any intensity or suspense. These new characters have survived for 8 years post apocalypse and they dont know how to hide from a sniper? Poor episode.
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