
70 Reviews
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Don't Starve Together (2016 Video Game)
Far from relaxing, but very fun
27 October 2021
A multiplayer sequel to Don't Starve, this has much of the same charm as that, and it comes with the added bonus of being super stressed with your friends instead of alone. This is not a game to play when you want to relacx. Every single second is valuable, your actions and plans need to be extremely streamlined in order for you to not die a painful death. The mechanics are meticulously crafted, everything feels like it belongs, like it has purpose. The game also benefits greatly from the excellent artstyle and presentation, as well as the sound design and the score. I also just adore the general vibe that the game establishes. Not directly terrifying, but still vary and creepy. The game succeeds in making the gameplay fun as well, through a nice crafting system and simple, easily understandable controls. I don't have much to say about this game, it's simply a well-crafted experience that I strongly recommend, as long as you're not playing to relax.
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Overall good, but very flawed
6 September 2021
So, because the first 3 games in the series aren't on IMDb, here is a quick summary of my opinion on them:

Momodora I is a simple game with solid graphics brought down a lot by awkward controls with no way to rebind keys, and dull, straightforward, frustrating game design that isn't especially fun to get through. 4/10

Momodora II is a massive step up, the world is well designed, it's fun to explore and the graphics are even better than before. Unfortunately the controls are just awkward, and there are still no way to rebind the keys. 7/10

Momodora III finally let you rebind the keys, which made the game feel much smoother to play. The level design is also great, and while I generally prefer exploration to linearity, it's done well enough here to make it enjoyable. The game is unfortunately both way too short and way too easy, especially once you get the Ceremonial Fabric. Still, it's pretty good. 7/10

And that brings us here, to game number 4 in this series. In many ways this game is a natural progression of the things the previous games set up. The graphics are better looking than ever, and the gameplay is the most sophisticated this series has ever seen. The gameplay loop of killing enemies, getting money and acquiring new items is satisfying, and the bossfights are solid. I also like the score, and the sound design is alright as well.

Unfortunately, this game also has A LOT of small annoyances, and while none of them are game-ruining, together they bring the game down by quite a bit. Firstly, the map could use a big revamp, on multiple levels. Not only does it feel very linear at times, the map screen itself is too bland to give any useful information. Second of all, and this is VERY annoying: Not every dead end has a checkpoint. And seeing as how all progress is lost upon death, it means you have to go both forth and back to save your progress. Another issue is how doing the standard sword combo moves Kaho a little bit forward. This isn't a problem against normal enemies, since they can be flinched and pushed. The bosses can't, however, and since several of them deal contact damage, it's essentially impossible to do combos against them without being hit from your own momentum. I also severely dislike some enemies, like the ball-shooting ladies, they are way too quick and annoying, and you can't see their projectiles half the time.

These aren't big complaints, I still enjoyed the game as a whole. There was just too much frustrating stuff to make me rate it any higher. I think Momodora II is the best in the series, and probably the one I'll replay the most.
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Ori and the Blind Forest (2015 Video Game)
Gorgeous platforming adventure
5 September 2021
Having always been a fan of 2D games in general, and especially platformers, I was looking forward to playing this game, and while high expectations are often a danger, this is one of those times when the game in question satisfies them with ease. This is such a well-crafted and delightfully adventurous game, full of secrets, solid characters and great gameplay. First of all, the graphics are gorgeous, the perfect mix of details and simplicity. Equally great is the score, which overall sounds pretty good, with a few tracks that are truly amazing.

I also think the gameplay is excellent. I was expecting more combat, but once I got used to the platformer approach this game takes, I was hooked. The controls are solid, moving Ori around feels fluid and smooth, and while it sometimes felt like things happened at too high sensitivity, particularly in regards to the dash and other abilties, it's not something that really decreased my enjoyment in any way. The game has just enough different abilities to feel fresh and engaging everytime you get a new one, while also not being too complicated and messy, as games with ability systems often do. I really like how the different abilities connect and play off each other, and how you have to utilize several together to reach a goal in certain situations.

The world in this game is pretty well designed. I like how the different areas stretch in all directions, instead of just being straight lines, it makes it more fun to traverse, and finding new pathways is always delightful. The map is easy to manage and comprehend, and I like how you can unlock new things to show on it as you go along. The world is neither too big or too small, it's just the right size for this story. The fact that you can save at any time helps a lot with making it feel manageable, and it makes for more fluid gameplay, even if it removes some of the tension.

Speaking of story, I didn't expect it to be so central to the game. Maybe my time playing more soulslike games with next to no basic plot has had an effect on me, but whatever, I soon found myself very engaged in Ori's struggles, and the sorrow of Kuro and Naru really hit me harder than I expected. The story is simple, yet endearing, and filled with raw, emotional value.

Although I did have a grand time playing this game, there are a few things holding it back from a perfect 10/10. First of all, while the narration by the Spirit Tree makes sense on paper, I found it to be more and more annoying as the game went along, especially when it just stated things I could already see on the screen. Another little annoyance is how little the game encourages exploration. You always have a quest lined up, and the given path is always obvious. This isn't a problem in all games, but in metroidvanias it can often make said quests feel empty, as the world is often what you want to focus on. The fact that you can see where everything is thanks to the mapstones, and how every secret is shown on the map once you unlock those features, makes the exploration less fun, at least to me. This isn't a big issue, but I found myself wishing for less information a couple times. The game is also very short, but seeing as it's an indie, it didn't bother me too much.

The issues stated above are all minor though, this game is overall pretty fantastic, and while I don't consider it a true masterpiece, it is one of the better games I've played in recent years, and one of my all-time favorite platformers.
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Minecraft (2009 Video Game)
Unlimited adventures
27 August 2021
Minecraft is one of those games that I can't really say anything objective about, because it's strength lies entirely in the personal adventures you craft yourself. From a technical perspective, the game is very average, apart from the unique art direction of course. Solid controls, alright gameplay basics, it's not bad from that angle, but nothing outstanding either. The reason this is my favorite game of all time is not because it presents a complelling story or has interesting themes, it's because it has defined me as a person every since I first opened it. The possibilities are endless, the limits non-existent, I've made more memories from this game alone than every other game I've ever played, combined. Everyone can find something to love in Minecraft. You can build a city, commit genocide on a village, you can build insanely complicated machines, you can og to a server, play minigames, or maybe you just want to relax, wander about as you listen to the peaceful music, without a worry in the world. Minecraft is my escape from reality, I've lived a life in it, every time I boot it up I feel the need for exploration again, and the adventures I've had will always stay with me, forever.
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Blasphemous (2019 Video Game)
A gothic masterpiece
27 August 2021
A mysterious knight wakes up on a pile of dead men, dressed like him, massacred by an unknown force. The first living thing he encounters tries to cruch him with a candlestick, and after killing it, he's thrown out into a world of despair. That's the premise of Blasphemous, and dear lord is it effective at pulling the player in. After that amazing beginning, I was hooked, and the game didn't let me down once.

Now, as much as I love this game, I can't say it's the most original out there. It's a souls-like metroidvania about a silent knight traversing a ruined kingdom. It's a concept that's been done a million times, but I think I can say with some certainty that NEVER has it been done this well. There is so much to love here that listing it all would take forever. All the typical game stuff is flawless: The controls are fluid and engaging, while also having some weight behind them to make each action feel meaningful. The graphics are gorgeous, it's one of the best looking games I've ever played. The world design is great, each area feels unique and interesting, and the map feels like a world that has been lived in, rather than a few disconnected levels as is the case in other games. The enemies are all simple to deal with once you learn their pattern, but they all feel satisfying to kill, which is in large thanks to another strong element: The sound design. Every slash of the sword, every hit from an enemy, every little mechanical tinker, it's all implemented so well. No sounds are annoying, and they allow for a very smooth listening experience. The bosses are all fun as well (maybe with one exception), and the difficulty curve is just the right level of steepness. The score is also fantastic, each track is so atmospheric and creepy, it's delightful.

I'm always a fan of games where the lore isn't shoved down the player's throat, but rather serves as a reward for exploring and piecing together different bits of information. Souls-like games often do this, and once again, Blasphemous delivers. The world is so interesting, it feels lived it, it feels like a place with history, and with an abundance of interesting characters to interact with or read about. The strong religious nature of Cvstodia means that the game always carries this miserable vibe, which is very enjoyable, to me at least. The lore presented in each item description, and the different people you learn about from the collectibles, is what makes this game so fascinating to me.

Blasphemous is not only an extremely wellmade game, with great production values and gameplay, but it's also a very interesting game to think about and explore, and it's very fun to piece together different fates. Needless to say, it's my all-time favorite indie game, and one of my favorite games in general. Good stuff.
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Fantasia (1940)
Consistently fenomenal
31 May 2021
So, what I usually do with these collections of short films is I look at each individual one, before setting my average enjoyment as the final rating, plus/minus any out-of-the-ordinary positives/problems. A few things though: every segment in this movie is stunning from both a visual and sound perspective, I think that goes without saying. So, here we go:

1. 'Toccata and Fugue in D Minor' is not a story-driven sequence, since it's just colours, but I love the music so much it brings it up a lot, and makes it great to watch. 9/10

2. 'The Nutcracker Suite' is charming and whimsical, and that's more than enough. 9/10

3. 'The Sorcerers Apprentice' is the first proper story-driven segment, and it's excellent. It's very entertaining and extremely enjoyable, truly feeling like the most true Disney segment. 10/10

4. 'Rite of Spring' is very exciting and fun, with some truly marvelous scenes, particularly the fight scene. It does have a weird focus on materialism, which brings it down just a bit, but it's not anything serious. 9/10

5. The Intermission is simple and endearing, and the music personification getting confident is super adorable. 9/10

6. 'The Pastoral Symphony' is magical and pretty enjoyable, with a lot of solid down to earth action from the different creatures, and while it does definietly feel like the most culturally outdated segment in terms of its stereotyping, it's still somewhat enjoyable. 6/10

7. 'Dance of the Hours' is also very entertaining and interesting. I really like the crocodiles, they're pretty fun, as well as the sleeping hippo being moved around. Charming stuff. 9/10

8. 'Night on Bald Mountain' & 'Ave Maria' is the best segment. It's very cool and tonally different from the rest of the segments, and while I do like the dark and fiery demon gathering better than the serene morning, both parts are fenomenal. 10/10

So, the ranking goes: 8, 3, 4, 5, 7, 2, 1, 6. We've got two 10's, five 9's and a 6, making the total average just below 9. Seeing as there isn't a single sequence in Fantasia that isn't bad, I think it deserves an 9. Good stuff.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Feels slightly off-balance
29 May 2021
I really wish I could say that this is a new high for Ritchie, that it capitalizes on his strengths and compensates for his weaknesses. Unfortunately, I would lie by saying that. This movie misses something crucial about Ritchies movies, something that makes him a great director. His best movies all do this expertly; it's the balance between lighthearted and serious, the juxtaposition between the often brutal plots and the lighthearted banter and conflicts between the characters. He's kinda similar to Tarantino in that regard, except that Tarantino has proven himself to also be excellent at making purely serious movies, and Ritchie hasn't convinced me he can do that, not as of now at least.

It's a shame, because there's a lot to like in this movie. The cinematography is solid as usual, the pacing is tight, the overall structure is efficient and makes for a good setup, and the performances are fine, even though the script doesn't require too much of any of the actors. The score is excellent as well, and while the sound design isn't anything special, it still works as intended.

None of the characters interested me though, not even H. The whole 'revenge after losing a loved one'-trope has been worn out a little by now. I feel like we've seen a little too many dark vengeance plots in recent years for me to really be affected by it anymore, which is a shame, since I've always been a massive fan of revenge stories.

So, at the end of the day, this is just a standard movie for me. Not great, kinda good, not super memorable. Maybe the prospect of Ritchie and Statham working together made my expectations too high, I don't know. All I know is that I liked this movie, but I wish it did more for me.
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Varying degrees of good
23 May 2021
I suppose the most fair way to judge a movie like this is to look at each individual segment and then take the average rating. So:

1. 'The Ballad of Buster Scruggs' is solid enough. It's got a nice charm to it, no more, no less. Also, Clancy Brown keep appearing in movies when I least expect it, so that's cool. 7/10

2. 'Near Algodones' is the best one, it's funny, entertaining and very strange. And now I know where the "First Time?" meme comes from. 8/10

3. 'Meal Ticket' is astonishingly bland. I suppose there's a message and it's supposed to be heartbreaking what happens or something, but I was bored out of my mind watching it. 3/10

4. 'All Gold Canyon' is not super interesting, but it's uplifting and nice, and I'm always easy to bribe with pretty landscapes. 7/10

5. 'The Gal Who Got Rattled' is way too long, and I don't know how to feel about it. It has a Shakespeare vibe to it, which was cool, though it wasn't super interesting either. 6/10

6. 'The Mortal Remains' is half and half, slightly more bad than good. It's very uninteresting to listen to the babble of the lady, the frenchman and the trapper, and I don't care about any of them. When the two bounty hunters start talking it's kinda fun, though not enough to make the entire thing good. 5/10

So, the ranking goes: 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 3. We've got an 8, two 7's, a 6, a 5 and a 3. That leaves us with an average of exactly 6, which is nice. Far from being the Coen brothers' best work, but I still enjoyed most of it, even though some of it was boring.
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A good movie, a terrible adaptation
8 May 2021
I wanted to love this, I really did. I heard it was a masterpiece, a fresh and unique movie unlike anything else. And I can still see why people like it so much. But as a guy who's read the book about 15 times and for whom it remains an integral part of their childhood, I just didn't quite catch on. Don't get me wrong, the animation is magnificent, the music is solid and the comedy is mostly fine. The emotional moments also work to an extent, but I wasn't super invested.

I think the entire thing boils down to how much have changed for the book. You see, what I love about the book is the simplistic joy it brings, the terror of the family trying to escape, followed by the heartwarming adventures as they invade the farms. But in the movie, the animals are treated as humans: They have human jobs, live in humanlike homes and do human stuff. In my mind, the main reason for having humans and other equally intelligent beings coexist is to showcase how other species interact with humans, like in Toy Story. But here, the fact that they're animals doesn't really drive the conflict, nor does it change the way they're viewed by the humans. It's a shame, because I could so perfectly picture the story as told in the book, on the screen, there's some really solid potential there.

It might seem like I'm only complaining, and yeah, I kinda am, but I really wanted this to click with me, and the disappoinment I felt, while not enough to ruin the movie, still left somewhat of a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe I'll rewatch this some day and realize what a masterpiece it is, but for now, I'm just left wishing that we'd got a movie faithful adaptation, or that I wasn't such a petty, nostalgia-blind fool, one of the two.
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A phenomenal sequel
19 March 2021
It's very rare when a modern sequel/reboot is equal to the original in terms of quality, but this movie is that rare one. It carries over the sweeping and hypnotizing cinematography, it continues the storyline in a natural way, it references the original, but doesn't rip it off, it introduces new concepts without ruining the continuity, it expands on the themes presented in the original in a very natural way, it doesn't drag nearly as much as said original and it's got a more compelling protagonist. I have a feeling I'll just enjoy this movie more and more as time goes by, and I already love it a lot. It's a movie with a lot to unpack, and I have no doubt it will improve even more on rewatches.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Cinema at it's finest
19 March 2021
Wow. I am at a loss of words. I simply cannot believe how perfectly made this movie is. Everything comes together in perfect harmony; The astoundigly well-written and 3-dimentional characters, all with their own unique set of quirks and ways of speech, and all backed up by excellent performances. The way personal opinions and prejudices hinder the factual discussions in really interesting ways, and how several character go through satisfying arcs as they realize what they're saying. The perfect pacing and the plot which doesn't give anything away for free. There is no definitive answer, we don't get to see the murder happen. All we get is 12 strangers talking about it for 90 minutes.

There's something mesmerizing about the unraveling of the mystery, the way each consecutive point made builds logically on what has previously been said, the way the camera slowly spirals lower and lower and the increasing use of close-ups to establish the increasing uneasiness among the men. I also absolutely adore the simplicity of it all. There has been a lot of movies mostly taking place in one room, Quentin Tarantino particularly is quite good at only using a few locations, but I am fairly confident in saying that there has never been, and probably never will be, any movie pull it off quite like this one. I can easily see why it's at number 5 on the IMDb rank, and I'm also confident in saying it's pretty damn high on mine. What a cinematic masterpiece.
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A corny, but enjoyable ending to a memorable storyline
7 January 2021
Avengers: Endgame is just what I wanted from a finale to such a long series. It's not nearly as good as Infinity War, but it didn't need to be. It's practically just 3 hours of corniness and one-liners, and I'm not asking for more. The movie is nicely paced, and while it didn't break any boundries in regards to the characters, they're all so familiar at this point that th movie can just let them be themselves and it's a great time regardless. The plot is simple yet dramatic, I really like the dystopian vibe in the beginning (Even though it goes out the window later on). The special effects are mostly really good, the action scenes are epic and enjoyable. One thing I do really like though, is how smart the movie is in its obsession with references. Most of the runtime is taken up by references to the older movies in the series, and it uses elements from all of them, just enough to create a storyline that's just barely not too nostalgia-bait-y. I also really like that some things have consequences in the end, even though the ending most certainly is a happy one. Overall, it's a fun, cheesy, very enjoyable movie with not much depth, but with the large scale and bombastic tone of an end to a decade-long journey, as is fitting obviously.
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As bland and forgettable as Marvel gets
5 January 2021
Maybe it was the fact that this movie came out as the last MCU movie before Endgame, but I just couldn't get myself to stay engaged in it. Practically everything about this movie is forgettable and boring. The plot is very basic, although I do actually like the expectation subversion regarding the two opposing races. Unfortunately, the movie tries to combine several different focus-points, which ends up damaging all of them. There's simply not much of interest to be found in the majority of the movie. The main character is dull and uninteresting, and there is practically no stakes related to her powers. The side characters are equally bland, and while Nick Fury is always a joy to watch, he's not important enough to save the movie. The villain is so forgettable and annoying, I couldn't believe it, and the movie's attempt at creating a strong connection between the villain and the hero ultimately fails, seeing as none of the characters are well written enough. The movie does have some great CGI, particuarly with some of the character designs, but that's what you expect from Marvel, so it didn't push any boundries. The comedy is surface level and just alright, and the same could be said for the emotional moments. This is probably one of the least entertaining movies Marvel has ever made, it's not interesting in the slightest, and I doubt I will revisit it ever again.
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Action perfection
1 January 2021
The first Terminator movie is by all accounts a great movie, and it's clear James Cameron did his very best. However, as good as it is, I still feel like it is a product of it's decade, with questionable special effects and not much depth to its characters. Maybe Cameron had the same thoughts as me, because he fixed nearly every problem in the sequel, Judgement Day, as well as improving what was already good. The plot is well thought out and expands on the concepts presented in the first, as well as feeling like a natural continuation of the story. The pacing is perfect, there's not a second wasted on clumsy exposition or pointless action. The movie moves along at an excellent rate, and gives just the right amount of information needed to understands what's happening.

I also really love the hightened sense of danger that comes with the new T-1000 Terminator, a vastly improved version of the previous antagonist. I love the way the movie subverts your expectation as to which of the two men sent from the future is the villain, and who is the helper. One is comfirmed to be a terminator, and appears as a ruthless force similar to the first, and one is more quiet and polite, even kind at times. So when they both meet John at the same time, and the polite one is revealed to be the enemy, it appears even more threatening than the previous terminator, simply because of its much more human facade. The T-1000 is one of the best non-human villains of all time in my opinion, and its advanced technology, brought into life with some borderline revolutionary special effects that still hold up to this day. The movie only uses special effects when it has to though, and for the action scenes are all done practically, with exceedingly high stakes and impossible odds.

The characters in the movie has also drastically improved from the first. Sarah's transformation from a (understandably) scared girl to a badass fighter is awesome, while also being wonderfully 3-dimentional. John is also very likeable, and I love his relationsship with his mother and especially the reprogrammed Terminator, whose presense gives him a father figure for the first time. I love seeing the T-101 learn the small gestures from John and then referencing them later, and I also love watching Sarah og through a change of realizing the importance of her sons mental health. This is one of my all-time favorite movies, it's by far the best action movie from the 1990s, and I have no doubt it deserves the best rating I can give it.
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It's just fine
26 December 2020
I don't have much to say about this movie, it's just alright. The characters are alright, the plot is fine, and the pacing is solid. I also like the action scenes, even though they aren't as good as the first. The villain is solid, with understandable and relatable motivations, and the side characters are mostly memorable as well. The movie doesn't really have anything more to offer though, and despite all the things it does right, nothing really impressed me. This might be because I watched it right after Infinity War, one of the best MCU movies, and thus the drop in quality felt even bigger than it could've otherwise. Overall, it's a simple, entertaining movie with high production value and a fun atmosphere, and not much depth.
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Quite unorthodox, and amazing because of that
26 December 2020
When I went into this movie I had already heard the praise, so naturally I had high expectations. With that in mind, it's even more impressive how much I ended up liking this movie. Marvel really suprised me with the direction they went with this story. I expected a boring villain, a few cool CGI-infested fightscenes and an epic final showdown where all the heroes gather, but this movie went in a completely different direction with almost every aspect. The visuals and score are obviously good, but nothing groundbreaking, as per usual, and the plot is really simple: A bunch of people try to stop an overpowered alien from obtaining the ultimate power, nothing special there. The pacing is solid though, and even though the plot isn't super interesting, it's still passable, and is made even better by this movie's greatest strength; the characters. This movie incorporates almost every single character previously seen into the movie, and makes it work by not really having any filler. The conversations are simple yet engaging, the characters are, as always, well-defined and entertaining. The movie juggles its different tones very effectively, it has both great comedy and some of the strongest emotional moments in the entire franchise. The biggest suprise of this movie however, is its villain. MCU villains has been bad more often than not, so it was incredibly satisfying to finally get a villain that is truly fenomenal. Thanos is by far the best villain Marvel has ever created, and a lot of that is thanks to the human attributes he has. Despite being a giant space-monster, he doesn't feel comical at all. He feels threatening, and while his goal is simple, his motivation makes sense, and it's fascinating to watch him talk about how he is right in doing all these evil things. He also has a strong emotional core, which is showcased the clearest in his conversations with Gamora. The movie also has a very unexpected ending, which caught me completely off-guard, and frustrated me a lot, but in a good way. All this, combined with the usual great performances and comedy we've gotten used to seeing from Marvel, makes for one of the best superhero movies released this decade.
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Not much to say, it's just adorable
26 December 2020
Kiki's Delivery Service doesn't have the same sense of depth and symbolic meaning that other movies from Studio Ghibli has. It doesn't have the richest characters, the best worldbuilding, nor the most epic story. So, with that being said: I absolutely love this movie. Who cares if the story isn't grand when the story we do get is so heartwarming and enjoyable to watch. I love seeing Kiki find her place in the big city, I love seeing her relationsships with other people bloom, I love that almost every character in the movie is nice, kind and full of life. It creates such a nice atmosphere, and while a serious tone is necessary for some films, I'm glad this movie focuses more on the small things. There are no big monsters or deadly event that Kiki has to overcome, there is just a big city with all types of inhabitants, and almost everyone contributes to what might just be the cutest and most heartwarming animated movie of all time. The animation is gorgeous as usual, and the score is simple yet nice to listen to. The movie is well paced, well written and well animated, it's just the complete package. I don't consider it a true cinematic masterpiece on the same level as Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away, but it's almost just as enjoyable in its own right. It's a wonderful distraction from life's inequity and hardships, and I will cherish it for a long, long time.
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The peak of animation
26 December 2020
Before DreamWorks became the commercialized company it is today, they tried making some 2D animated movies, as a "take that" to Disney and an attempt to build a studio capable of rivaling said Disney. Today, DreamWorks admittedly doesn't have nearly the same respect that Disney or Pixar does, but when they try their hardest, when they put all their effort into creating a movie which will stand the test of time no matter how changed the industry becomes, there is not a single other studio capable of rivaling their brilliance. And nowhere has this ever been showcased more clearly, than in The Prince of Egypt. This is probably the only animated movie I've ever seen, where I genuinly cannot find anything I don't like. This is a retelling of the biblical story of Moses, yet it works for anyone, even a natural sceptical person like me. DreamWorks managed to make a movie that can appeal to everyone, from deeply religious people to atheists. There's not a single line of dialogue in this movie that doesn't work, not a single shot that doesn't look good. The animation is so expressive and gorgeous, and the mix of borderline revolutionary 3D effects and 2D character models makes for some of the most breathtaking sequences I've ever seen. The incredible score and fenomenal songs make all that even better as well.

The characters in this movie are some of the best written in animation history. Moses is such a great main character. He's sympathetic, well-defined and carries some very intersting burdens. I love seeing him change into a better person over the course of the movie. Rameses is equally fantastic a character, to the point where he might actually be the most well developed and compelling villain in any animated movie, yes even better than the best Disney villains. His struggles with being told he's not good enough by his father makes him very relatable, and even though he becomes a ruthless leader, one can't help but feel sorry for him. He didn't choose to be a farao, it was the burdens placed upon his shoulders from he was a boy that ended up defining him. The relationsship between Moses and Rameses is portrayed so realistically and feels so genuine. Their brotherly love is so engaging, and the growing rift between them is heartbreaking and compelling. The voice actor's performances are virtually flawless, especially Ralph Fiennes and Val Kilmer. The side characters are great as well, and the supporting cast does everything in their power to make each exchange of dialogue memorable and immersive. The pacing is perfect, the movie always manages to walk the fine line between fast and slow perfectly, and every new scene builds upon the existing story and advances the plot while being entertaining in their own right. And even though this movie has a much more serious subject matter than other animated movies, the comic relief feels natural and isn't shoved in your face like in other movies.

I could go on and on about this movie, but I think I've made my point pretty clear. There has never been a movie quite like this, especially not an animated one. It's one of those movies that just gets better and better everytime I watch it. It's practially a perfect movie, one of the very few I would give that title. Everything works to an amazing degree, and I have no doubt that it belongs in my top 5 movies of all time. It's just remarkable.
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Mulan (2020)
My god I hate this
18 December 2020
To remake a beloved movie is not simple task. To use another artform could prove to be even harder. Disney during the 2010's have been notorious in this practice, and the new live-action remakes are almost always weaker than their animated counter-parts. I therefore went into this movie with low expectations, yet that didn't help the movie in the slightest. It's almost astounding how much this movie tries and fails. The main story remains unchanged, but the sense of urgency and suspense is non-existent. The movie clearly tries to be a mix of 'Crouching Tiger: Hidden Dragon' and the original Mulan from 1998, yet it manages to fail at doing any of those styles right. Mulan is reduced from a brave, reckless and somewhat quirky girl who transforms into a great warrior from a normal, to a supernatural robot. She doesn't have a personality at all, and in this movie she is suddenly great at channeling her 'Chi'. This makes her triumphs feel meaningless, because we no longer get a sense that she has to work for anything. It also creates this weird scenario where the live-action remake, despite being marketed as more realistic than the original, loses all sense of grittiness and danger the animated version presented so expertly. Mulan is also damaged by a genuinly awful performance. She shows no emotion or engagement at all, and I tried to picture her current mindset several times, to no avail. The movie also tried to add some emotional depth with some new characters, but every single one of them felt uninspired and bland. Most of the characters from the original have been scrapped, and the ones we do get are forgettable and boring. The movie also suffers from trying to convey the same emotion the songs in the original did, despite not having any songs. This leads to some very awkward scenes where the characters just flail about, and suddenly they are masters at being soldiers. The cinematography is nothing special, and the landscapes doesn't feel immersive at all, which I feel like is the main reason for having them in the first place. The fight scenes are really poorly edited, and the large battle sequences doesn't have any sense of scale or importance like in the original. The movie also has severe pacing issues, which harms it even more. Usually I would end a review with a summary of the good parts of the movie, but honestly? I'm not even sure there are any here. The movie is a remake that takes everything good about the original out, reduces every existing character to boring cardboard figures, adds new and pointless characters and plotpoints that either doesn't add anything, or actively harms the movie. I genuinly cannot believe how much I hated this movie. If this is how remakes are meant to be, I wish that they be purged from this world immediately, and this movie in particular.
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Black Panther (2018)
A nice addition to the MCU canon
16 December 2020
Black Panther is a solid, good movie. Nothing less, nothing more. I wasn't as impressed by it as with some other MCU movies, and there were definietly a few flaws, mainly in the action and CGI department. That being said, the positives in this movie most definietly outweigh the negatives. The plot is engaging and showcases the fictional culture of Wakanda nicely. I liked how different it felt than other movies in the MCU, and how it was more about internal political struggles rather than The End of the Entire World as we Know it. The characters are great as well, T'Challa and Erik were both nicely fleshed out, and the side characters were mostly good as well. The chemistry between them all is very delightful. The pacing is solid as well, and so are the emotional moments. I have a few problems with the movie though. The cgi is way too overused at some points, especially the final fight scene. The action itself also feels a bit stiff, the fighting feels a little too slow and unimpactful. The movie also tries to be funny at some points, which more often than not feels extremely tedious. Still though, those flaws aren't enough to make the movie bad, not in the slightest. It's a well told, well written, pretty powerful story that ties nicely into the MCU storyline, and I have no regrets about watching it.
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Parasite (2019)
I can see why it won Best Picture
10 December 2020
The Academy is generally hestitant to give the Award for Best Picture to a foreign film, and this movie was in fact the first movie with foreign language to win Best Picture. Did Parasite deserve it? Yes, yes it most definietly did. The direction is amazing, there is so much meaning and symbolism conveyed through simple imagery. This of course ties nicely into the script, which I think is exceptionally well written. The characters are wonderfully three-dimentional, and the contrasts between the rich family and the poor family are pretty interesting to observe and think about. This movie's greatest strength however, is the way it portrayes the differences in the lifestyle of the two families, and how the moral boundries differ from person to person. Watching the plot unfold is endlessly entertaining and engaging. The movie also manages to juggle all the symbolism with a pretty straight-forward story line, and how it manages to be powerful and funny at the same time is beyong my comprehension. The one thing I didn't completely like about this movie was the ending. Not that it was bad in itself, but the way many character arcs were scrapped annoyed me a little. I know that that was the purpose, to showcase how plans fail and all that, but I still wanted a few characters to get better conclusions to their arcs. That is practially my only real complaint though, and it's not nearly enough to ruin this fenomenal film. It is almost the complete package, it's a wonderful mix of comedy, drama and thriller, and I highly recommend it to anyone that likes movies.
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Nothing but jokes and one-liners, and I love it
10 December 2020
I must admit, the first two Thor movies are some of my least favorite movies in the entire MCU. They both feel very silly and not very competent at all to me, and I was pretty worried that this was going to be similar in quality. That fear did not come true in the slightest though, as this movie is a gem that I liked way more than I should. On paper, this doesn't seem like anything special. The plot is really basic at first, the characters are just passable and so is the acting. The villain is pretty boring, and her plan felt very reharshed from previous Marvel movies. I will say though, the climax subverts your expectations really nicely, and I liked that they went in a new direction with the old "End of the world"-trope. Still, this movie seems really basic on paper, and it probably would be in practice as well, had it not been for one crucial thing: The COMEDY. This is without a doubt the funniest movie in the entire MCU. Every scene has funny moments, every character spits out jokes and one-liners left and right. Some characters feel like they were only created to be comic relief, yet I am not even mad, as they're all comedy geniuses. My personal favorite side-character was Korg, every single word that came out of his mouth was pure gold, and the same can be said for several other characters as well. Loki worked way better as a side-kick than the antagonist, which was something I pointed out about Thor: The Dark World (In practice the only thing that movie got right). And the fact that Jane and Erik wasn't in the movie, yet I didn't miss them for a second, unfortunatly speaks to their worth as characters. This entire movie is comedy gold, there is no other way to describe it. Every scene is great, every joke lands, this is such a delightful movie. It doesn't really have much to offer in terms of multi-layered themes like some other MCU movies, and is therefore not as good, but it's still a awesome movie that greatly exceeded my expectations with how much fun I had watching it. I highly recommend this to anyone that enjoys dumb, hilarious jokes and slap-stick (Which, for the record, I'm not usually a fan of), and to anyone that likes Marvel movies in general. This is by far the best Thor movie and probably one of the funniest movies I've seen in years. It's just that hilarious.
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It's fine, it's alright, it's whatever
10 December 2020
Spiderman: Homecoming is the first Spiderman movie in the MCU, and to be honest, I don't really have any strong opinions of what-so-ever. It's most certainly not an incompetent film, as there are plenty to like about it. I really enjoy Tom Holland as Peter Parker, and Peter himself was pretty well written, with a nice character arc. I will say that even though we already got Spiderman's introduction in Civil War, the movie felt a little empty without a proper origin story. We never saw Peter struggle with his powers, nor did we get a lot of character establishment to make him more relatable. This could be said for a lot of characters in the movie, none of them felt like they had a lot to do, apart from his best friend, the villain, and Tony Stark. Michael Keaton did a pretty good job as the villain, and while his character at least had understandable motivations, I'm still not sure how wanting to protect your family leads to becoming a thief and a murderer. The movie is fairly well directed, even though there was nothing particularly outstanding about it. I also think that the movie isn't paced very well, it was a bit too slow particularly in the first half. That being said, the second half was really enjoyable and I was very entertained. The action was good, the characters were fine, and the plot itself is nice and simple. Overall, this is just a very average, decent film, that's not special in any way. Still, I mostly enjoyed my time, and while it's not among the best movies in the MCU, it's still a good time that I don't regret subjugating myself to.
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Die Hard 2 (1990)
Really enjoyable, if not as fenomenal as the first
30 November 2020
The original Die Hard is one of my all-time favorite movies. It's well-paced, acted and directed, it's the complete package. For Die Hard 2, they brought in a new director, and Renny Harlin did an excellent job with this movie. It's very well directed, the action scenes and dialogue scenes are all great. The movie also follows up on what made John McClane such a great hero in the first movie, which was his vulnerability and his wit. Those things are heavily focused on here, making for a great hero. Bruce Willis obviously does a great job. The movie is also pretty well plotted and paced, and the twist makes sense and creates a very dark tone for the final part of the movie. Where the movie do suffer however, is the side characters. Lorenzo and Thornberg are both extremely annoying and doesn't add anything to the movie, and I got more and more angry everytime they appeared. Stuart is also not nearly as good a villain as Hans Gruber, and William Sadler isn't as charismatic as Alan Rickman. The movie also has a few structure problems, as there are way too many filler scenes that doesn't add anything. Those are pretty big flaws in my opinion, although the movie is still very good. It's a good sequel that unfortunately doesn't live up to the standard set by the first. Still, it's not a movie I regret watching at all, and I definietly consider it a valid follow-up to the original.
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Yes. Just yes
30 November 2020
My god, I did not expect this movie to be this good. I am a big fan of the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and while I do think it is one of the better MCU movies, this one is just better in practically every way. The plot is well structured, and the pacing is great. The movie also explores its characters way more thoroughly than the previous one. The struggle of finding a place where you belong is a central theme, and every important character has their own struggles related to this. The performances are great as usual, every actor really brings their own flavor to their character. The movie also has great visuals, with all the wacky and fun ideas you might expect from a space movie. The action scenes are great, and the cgi is pretty flawless. The movie is also way funnier than any other MCU movie, with every character being a great source of humor. It's so much comedy being presented it's actually a little too much for me sometimes. Some of the characters feel like they exist only to be comic relief, even though they also have serious struggles that deserve a more serious treatment than they get. That is my only complaint though, as this is a movie with great plot, characters and visuals, as well as a fantastic climax, even though they pulled the whole "saving the world"-plot point again. This is one of my favorite MCU movies and space movies in general, it's a great time and I highly recommend it.
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