
131 Reviews
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Yeah it's pretty average
24 December 2023
Amongst the fall of superhero movies, Aquaman 2 stands out as a completely average movie that actually doesn't stand out at all. The genre is really on its last legs at this point. Drained completely dry. It is a shame as the movie does have its qualities. The action and vfx are pretty on point, while very jarring, I think it fits the already ridiculous setting and plot.

Aquaman 2 knows exactly what it is, but it doesn't try to do anything to improve upon the first film. The writers especially didn't improve anything. Multiple times I was scratching my head at stupid inconsistencies within the script. In summary, the film has its ups and downs, there is fun too be had somewhere...5/10.
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8 January 2023
A movie such as this is hard to hate, it's hard not to sympathise with the characters even though they have such little development. Humans have a genetic reaction towards other humans in despair to want them to succeed, and when a war film is presented in such a realistic way it's not to feel part of the movie. The goreand the distressing images all ground the movie into its realistic state while allowing for some great choreographed action scenes. My only one complaint with the movie is that the first act perhaps drags on longer than it should with some of the long fights becoming repetitive, this could also be argued against saying it's more realistic and such, but film wise I saw this as slowing down the plot which also has a few bumps. There isn't much in terms of plot, again they can't change events that actually happened so it would be unfair of me to criticise. But the film does fall into the common mistake of not showing but instead telling at the start, I understand that the beginning descriptions display weeks of story which would otherwise take multiple films to cover but majority of plot development is on screen text. Overall a really great movie which pulls on the heart strings towards the end, I would recommend checking it out. 8/10.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
What have they done to my boy :(
21 March 2022
Boba Fett more like Boba show sucks. Got eem. This show lacks everything the mandalorian excels at (besides episodes 5 and 6 which are literally the mandalorian and the only good episodes) My biggest complaints are Boba Fetts character, they absolutely ignored everything that makes him a bounty Hunter and tried to turn him into a hero and man does it not work. The new Boba Fett is incredibly boring, stupid and has no fighting capabilities. The second complaint is the action which for an action show is absolutely terrible, what really had me laughing at how bad it was, was the bike/car chase seen which was so incredibly slow and poorly choreographed. Honestly, just watch episode 5 and 6, you don't even need context, the mandalorian is better written into the story and the chemistry between Baby Yoda and him is still amazing.
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The Batman (2022)
Endless possibilities
5 March 2022
The Batman character never runs out of stories. And this one is one of the best, if not the best one yet. I think all the actors do a great job, the movie is visually beautiful and the score is incredible. What gets me the most though, is the pacing. It's a bit slow but it's very consistent and well done, the movie never fully stopped and lost my attention. It constantly through new ideas and new plot points even in the most quiet and what should be uninteresting moments. Because of this the movie is incredibly tense, there's a constant aura that is so chilling which amplifies the impact of fight scenes drastically. Im really glad this even darker take on Batman worked and I'm curious as to how they can continue the revived franchise.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Fun Follow Up
27 February 2022
Peacemaker is about as James Gunn as James Gunn can get. Which means it's just really fun over the top guns and gore. So far this formula has not failed to impress me though, not only this but the humour actually works in this show. It's well timed, quick and smart comebacks that push the dialogue even when it has nothing to do with the plot. The plot wasn't the strongest part of the show but still nothing to scoff at, it was pretty consistently fast which keeps the audience constantly excited. The real strong point of the show is the chemistry between characters which becomes even more impressive as the characters don't even have that much development other than Peacemaker himself. Overall I could recommend this show to just about anyone and I think they would enjoy it. 8/10 yee.
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Naruto (2002–2007)
:/ I'm bout to be real harsh
21 September 2021
Roight. Naruto has its ups and downs. The main downsides are probably things you've already heard but they are huge problems...filler episodes! Damn there are a lot of filler episodes, not only this but the filler episodes are just bad. Flashbacks! What feels like 80% of the show is flashbacks, which are uninteresting and give no real meaning to be in the plot. Also they are placed in at the worst moments...a character will be in the middle of a fight and a flashback will play. Now the show is also extremely slow and extremely limited by how old it is because the fight scenes are extremely stale. In one single episode a character will use 2 maybe 3 moves, they just talk a lot to drag out the episode. Now there are some positives, mainly the characters, the characters are fun and are pretty well written although annoying at times, a lot of the time. But the whole show is really about everyone's relationship with one another which is quite enjoyable to watch. The plot is a bit meh, it's just way too slow and again the filler episodes completely demolish the flow of everything. The music is also meh, especially the intro themes which all are terrible. Wow this has been a very critical review but despite it I did enjoy it...some of it.
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Oh yeah yeah title
11 September 2021
Yeah this is a really enjoyable film. Is it anything that unique or incredible...kind of. The action definitely is. The action is by far the greatest part of the movie, damn does it look sick. The choreography is excellent, the fighting is so fluid, it's so fast paced and carries momentum throughout. All that is due to the vfx which are ofc good for such a high budget film. Now where I think the movie messed up a bit was the villain. The villain isn't bad per say but is just really bland and unoriginal, it actually gets really predictable towards the end. Also the ending is just absolutely crazy. Now don't get me wrong crazy is absolutely great for an over the top movie like this but it did take me out of the movie. The first section of the movie tho! AMAZING! The middle chunk...meh and the final mehWOWmeh. The soundtrack is good. The side characters are stale. And the comedy is actually surprisingly good, but sometimes misplaced into serious scenes. That's about''s good!
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Nowhere Boy (2009)
11 September 2021
Actually really good and what's better is it's apparently quite accurate. Obviously the timeline had to be shifted to make the movie more like a movie and more enjoyable and I feel the movie does that quite well. The pacing is a bit off but the film makes up with a lot of other things. The story is really well done, I think all the characters are portrayed well and it makes lots of heart wrenching moments. The soundtrack is of course good for a movie about music. I really don't have much else to say, it's just nice to have some back story to the tragic life of one of the greatest artists to ever live. If you like the Beatles I don't see why you wouldn't watch this movie :)
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James Gunns consistency
3 September 2021
Ridiculous, colourful and stupidly's just great! First off the movie is very funny, the humour is quite particular so if you don't like one joke you probably won't like the rest, but if you do it's hilarious! The comedy is actually well timed as well, it isn't thrown in at random points that disrupt the flow of the movie. The plot is also decent, it's not the best part of the film but definitely respectable. The section with the golden people(can't remember their names), while being a big part of the plot that is quite necessary, gets a bit repetitive with them constantly chasing the guardians. Much like the first movie I think the best part of this movie is the character. Undoubtedly what makes these movies so good is how well each character interacts with one another. Not only that but most of them have genuine development that has meaning that leaves the ending to be quite impactful. The movie excellently balances every character while leaving more room for them to grow and plenty of directions for future films. The villain is a bit mediocre, still works well and the acting by Kurt Russell really makes you hat the character...which is perfect. Oh and this movie looks absolutely beautiful, I never really noticed before but this movie was way ahead of its time...the camera work, the colours...everything is just amazing! Andddd the action :0 fabulousss.
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Silent voice :D
21 August 2021
I don't even know what to say. The movie is very very well executed. From the beginning straight through to the end. The movie tackles many life problems and shows characters creating solutions that unfold in many different ways. Not only this but the movie looks incredible! All the small details work extremely nicely to build the world. The characters are of course the centre point of the film, and they are amazing, they are written extremely well and the development of these characters is well paced and just terrific to watch. Now I don't really have many negatives, maybe that the timing was off and about half way through the plot seemed to lack a sense of direction...but in the end it all works out brilliantly and becomes incredibly emotional. I do think that the ending wasn't quite as emotional as something that takes place earlier in the film. Which isn't necessarily bad but I do enjoy when the final climax of the movie is the most jaw dropping part. I would really recommend this movie to anyone, there is a lot to learn from this!
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The Pianist (2002)
Horrifically Real
20 August 2021
First off...what an amazing start this movie has. The beginning is so absolutely terrifying and saddening to watch. It is incredibly tense with an awful atmosphere perfectly built for this kind of movie. It also doesn't refrain from showing violence which makes you want to look away from how brutal it is. All this, with the amazing acting and amazing soundtrack, create for a very depressing film. Also the cinematography is excellent. I do find that the middle Chunk of the movie, wasn't all that great...and I find it really hard to say anything negative on a movie about such a touching subject, but as solely a film stand point. The middle section is extremely repetitive and slow which ends up making it quite boring. The climax does turn it around but only very last minute, still a great ending though. I do think movies like this are extremely important, especially for the younger generations (including myself). There is a lot in this movie that can teach people which is brilliant.
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Far better than I ever remembered!
14 August 2021
To be fair, I don't remember much but still. Now, comparing this to the newer movies there is a clear difference. I don't hate the new movies, I think they are mediocre but what sets them apart from the prequels is that the prequels actually care about the Jedi. The sheer scale of the action is far greater and the lightsaber fights are genuinely amazing to watch...Disney simply don't have the same understanding of how to create a Star Wars movie properly. I also don't believe that episodes 1 and 2 are anything incredible but I can at least respect them. Now onto the actual movie, which is very very good! I'm happy to say that the acting actually improved for this film and man does it pay of...the final scenes, Oof that are terrific! The action is also very good, maybe not quite as good due to how dated the movie is but definitely still watchable. The cgi does have a few stumbles here and there but nothing that draws you out of the movie. The plot, I'm actually surprised to say was amazing, it works so well at piecing everything together that was built from the past two movies. While doing that it also links straight with episode 4. The characters are also far better in this movie, they have real development and good chemistry that really gives their relationships meaning. Really my only main problem is the pacing, it goes from being really fast to incredibly slow but even then if you just forget about it, it goes away. Trés gud.
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Yeah yeah
13 August 2021
Well, following up after the phantom menace and I can say that the movie is consistently as good. But whats not consistent is the dated cgi and effects, I understand that its older, but the movie ranges from looking incredible to be absolutely horrid to look at. The plot is actually quite good, I like how it flows and pieces together to form one huge scale battle at the end which is the real highlight of the movie. The only part of the plot I didn't enjoy was Anakins and Padmes romance, its just downright bad. Shockingly dreadful dialogue and some mediocre acting don't do the film Well. The characters also aren't developed too much, only Anakin really is, which is alright. But again the movie all comes down to the ending which is spectacular to watch. Unlike the new star wars movies this one gets how to do action and especially lights aber fights...literally the most important part of star wars. Which is why I give 7/10 the film knows what it should be and it executes it pretty well.
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My dad enjoyed it :/
12 August 2021
Sadly I only kind of did. I do think it is a really sad movie, but that is the only thing it truly achieves. To be fair that is in my opinion what the movie is going for, but it isn't original enough to be good. Alot of the dialogue and plot devices are cliched and just boring. The actual plot itself has a lack of direction that lead to me being pretty board for the first half of the movie. The second half is definitely the strongest part. Alot of the emotion is deliberately placed towards the end and it does work, and some of the key points begin to align. The movie is just a bit slow for me and is just missing something. My dad as I've already said cries at just about anything and ofc found it amazing. Although this review is extremely critical it is a beautiful movie and I understand peoples love for it.
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Castlevania (2017–2021)
11 August 2021
I knew nothing about castlevania before this but damn was this show amazing. Firstly the animation is extremely consistent, and consistently amazing. The flow of the fights is incredible and every character had original crazy moves they perform. The voice acting is amazing and paired with the dialogue really gets the emotions running. The characters are also unparalleled, their chemistry is glorious to watch and the comedy is subtle but perfectly timed. My only problem with the show is how slow it is, this is really only a minor flaw because the show is probably good because of how it takes its time to develop the plot and introduce new ideas. But sometimes the episodes do drag on and slot of each episode is filled with dialogue, great dialogue but still dialogue. And the story is excellent aswell it all fits in perfectly even when you think it trails of route it pulls itself back in. Pffff and the ending OMG perfect! Just be patient with the show, as the ending of each series is where it is best, and you are sure to enjoy it!
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Well done
9 August 2021
Originally I had a whole massive review written for this but then I accidentally deleted here's the short version. The plot is pretty good yet predictable. The acting kinda sucks. The villain is good. The effects are a bit silly. But in the end it doesn't matter because throughout the film it is continually tense and has a decent ending to satisfy the viewer.
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Jar Jar Binks sucks :)
7 August 2021
I don't think this movie is at all near perfect, in fact its far from it but it also has so many qualities that I can't ignore. There also might be some nostalgia which increases how good it is. The characters are alright, there nothing to be excited about the dialogue is quite poor and even the acting is band. But the music...10/10, the jedi fight scenes 10/10 and the speeder scene almost 10/10. The fight scenes are incomparable to the new sequel trilogy which lacks everything that makes a star wars movie a star wars movie. And you can't lie, darth maul is one of if not the coolest characters ever...its just a shame he isn't seen more.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the Cgi and effects really don't hold up today and is a massive disconnect when watching the movie. The plot is also a bit messy and the politics bore the movie down alot :0.
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One Punch Man (2015– )
Season 1
5 August 2021
I've probably seen season 1 over 5 times now and it never gets old ( it is probably the most rewatch able show ever because of the short length and crazy stupid action ). It's simply incredible. The sheer amount of crazy characters is amazing. The action is absolutely mind blowing and is just so exciting! I really love the main idea behind the show, of how a hero is too strong...this is something that hasn't ever been seen(as far as I know) and it really helps to create a hilarious and fun new take on superheroes. I just had to give season one a 10/10, there isn't a single episode that I would rate below 8/10 which is baffling. I love how fast paced the episodes are, they don't waste any time throwing you knee deal into the new original plot of the each episode. It just saddens me that season 2 doesn't quite live up to the high expectations it had, but still amazing first season!
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Project Power (2020)
Project bland
2 August 2021
There is only one enjoyable thing about this movie...seeing all the odd random powers besides that the movie is cliched with an awful plot, dreadful dialogue and acting. The worst part is that it has potential. The idea of the movie as actually really good but the execution just isn't there.
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31 July 2021
The sheer amount of stupid characters in this is incredible. What's also incredible is how many of them die, it doesn't even hold back on highly famous actors. The plot, is pretty standard...nothing new but certainly not bad in any way. I think the movie could have done better with comedy, it had its moments but many one liners were poorly timed which left the brutal gore to be the funny parts. Now, the gore is very fun to watch...disgusting but absolutely brilliantly done. The characters also have development unlike the last suicide squad, this means the audience has a connection with the characters and feel emotion when something bad happens. I think the beginning of the movie is the highest point of the movie, it sets the tone of the movie so expertly well and is simply amazing, from the pacing to the over the top action. The ending, while still good, was actually too light hearted for a movie about death. The soundtrack was also decent...I was expecting more music from the director of Guardians, but he held back a bit. Anyway DC heading in the right direction by hiring a marvel director :)
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Into the Wild (2007)
A movie about sharing happiness...and also a guy who doesn't want to be with people :/
29 July 2021
I only really have one main problem with this movie, and that's how repetitive it gets. The main character goes here makes friends and then repeats himself over and over but very slowly. To be fair each place he goes and each person he meets are very different and gives some huge insight into the worlds wisdom..and this movie is full of that, so many incredible life quotes that have so much meaning. The characters are were the movie shines and Alex's realisation that being alone is a lot worse than being able to share moments with other people. This makes the ending that much more saddening. I don't have much else to say, I don't think I will ever watch this movie again but it is definitely worth at least one watch, to inspire yourself.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Season 2
28 July 2021
I think I enjoyed this season more than the first, more was developed plot wise and it was just easier to follow. I do still find it confusing at points as the show follows far too many characters when it should be focusing on one person and their own journey (I think). But the show is still amazingly written with everything linking together at some point. Nothing goes in this show for no reason, everything has a purpose. The acting is still great. The visuals remain consistent. Besides that the second season is pretty similar, I did however prefer the ending of season 2 to the ending of season 1 which just felt incomplete.
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Rush (I) (2013)
27 July 2021
I mean it's really good! First off, visually the movie looks great, not once did I think it was fake and the gore side of the movie is so horrifying and terrible real that when an accident happens you really feel the emotional impact of it. The whole story is very excellent, I don't know how close it is to the real life story but the it is put together and progressed forward is very well done. I didn't like how the story skipped over a lot of the races, I understand that they can't show all of them and I'm not saying they should have, they just shouldn't have just said "Hunt wins this race" written on the screen. The acting is really good, although some of the accents felt off to me. The characters are really were the film gets good, there is always a tension between characters that continues to grow as the characters develop further. The characters petty feud is amazing to watch, and made me feel like I wanted to pick a side but in the end couldn't decide...maybe both characters were equally as good or bad. The ending is also very satisfying, I liked how the film handled dad thought it was rather sad :'(
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Cast Away (2000)
It takes its time but it's worth the wait!
25 July 2021
The start is probably the slowest part of the movie but is also the part with the most character development. Obviously the movie had to start slow to build up tension for the inevitable disaster that takes place. It does this really well but could probably have been a bit faster. The moment of the plane crash is absolutely horrifying, it's done so extremely well. Once he is stranded on the island, the music cuts off and really emphasises his loneliness. The acting is spectacular but after the huge skip in time the movie becomes extremely predictable. This predictability makes the movie rather dull but it still manages to create an atmospheric and sad ending really well. The whole romantic side is a bit overplayed and annoying but it all works out well in the end :)
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Parasyte: The Maxim (2014–2015)
19 July 2021
Oh ma gawd! So much knowledge and wisdom in one show is overwhelmingly saddening and beautiful. This show is simply great. Great plot, great characters and even great action. It starts really strong and introduces everything really fast and then it takes its time to build and develop the plot and the characters before unleashing all its potential for a knock out ending. The ending was so sad but then twisted my expectations so much. I also love how the show takes risks and continuously does unpredictable things even towards the start of the show, which is quite unusual. I don't even have much else to's really good!
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