Trigun Stampede (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(2023– )

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A Visual Feast with a Hollow Core
Jaybcd6 May 2023
As a devoted fan of the original Trigun anime since 2001, I have eagerly awaited the arrival of the remake. I've watched the original series three times in full, completely enamored by its story and character development. The new version of Trigun, however, left me with a sense of disappointment, despite its stunning visuals and artistic excellence. The changes made to the original story and the characters' development failed to captivate me as the first series did, leaving a hollow feeling behind its beautiful facade.

Visually, the Trigun remake is nothing short of fantastic. The art style is both faithful to the original and enhanced with modern animation techniques. The color palette is vibrant, the character designs are detailed, and the action sequences are fluid and dynamic. This aspect of the remake truly deserves praise and recognition.

However, the beauty of the Trigun remake lies only skin deep. The most significant issue with the new series is the script and the changes made to the original story. The pacing in this version is remarkably different from the first series. In the original, the gradual discovery and growth arc for each character was a significant part of the show's allure. The pacing allowed the audience to become invested in the characters' stories and to develop genuine connections with them. This slow burn of character growth and story progression was replaced by a rushed narrative that reveals everything at once in the remake.

The original series had the characters gradually form bonds with each other, eventually becoming loyal companions. In contrast, the remake forces these connections from the outset, stripping away the authentic and organic development of relationships that the original series portrayed so well. The coincidences that happen to advance the story in the new version are also highly implausible, which detracts from the overall viewing experience.

I didn't expect or want the Trigun remake to be a carbon copy of the original. In fact, I would have been thrilled with a fresh take on the story and characters. However, it's disheartening to see that the writers of this new version were unable to weave a compelling narrative that would justify the remake. It feels like a missed opportunity to create a new and engaging Trigun experience for both old and new fans alike.

One of the most frustrating aspects of the Trigun remake is the fact that the characters have become more forgettable than in the original. With the rushed storytelling and lack of proper character development, the emotional investment in the characters is severely diminished. The original series was so successful because it made viewers care deeply about the characters and their journeys. The remake, unfortunately, fails to evoke the same emotional response.

In conclusion, the Trigun remake is a visually stunning piece of animation with a disappointing core. It suffers from a poorly executed script, rushed pacing, and underdeveloped characters that fail to capture the essence of the original series. I truly wanted to love this remake, but I cannot help but feel let down by the lack of substance and emotional depth. As a fan of the original Trigun, it's disheartening to see such a beloved story fall short of its potential. While I commend the artists for their exceptional work, I wish the same level of care and attention had been given to the story and characters.
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Not the Trigun we watched and loved
vanstyler_zero2 February 2024
I'll start by saying that this Trigun is simply a feast for the eyes, the animation and the effects of modern cinema really give a unique atmosphere to each episode, although I can end here with the positive section of the series.

Now, an incredible animation is not the same as a work full of life, in this case it is a product lacking soul if we compare it with the classic series.

All the goofy expressions of our friendly protagonist have been eliminated and everything that made each character stand out too, instead they feel like Mad Max survivors who simply come together thanks to the magic of the script.

The music is something redeemable, it is quite good.
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I'm pleasantly surprised
viisiajej19 April 2023
To everyone who is discouraged by the bad reviews - don't let them drive you away of this show. I love the original Trigun and I love the Trigun story. This show is obviously a kind of prequel. The character of Milly isn't replaced and all the characters are a bit different because we see them in different time then it was in the 98 series.

I really kept my expectations low, because I was afraid of the CGI and new art style, but the show didn't disappoint me. On the contrary I am eager to see another season and I very much hope that there will be more than one. Trigun as a story masterpiece deserves this new look and its story told in more depth.

Also regarding the manga, there is so much more to cover than the original series could do. I can only be exited for more seasons! (I had to submit my first review for this :D )
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My first impression
ubilstein22 February 2023
First of: The obvious review bombing for the show is insane! Im 100% sure some people dont even give this a single(!) fair chance and go "3D bad!!"+"The OG Trigun rules" and give it an unreasonable low score. My first impression on the other hand is actually very positive! I have rarely seen an anime with such an kinetic style. The action is plenty, the camera goes wild, great sound design and the characters show so much emotion in their expressions and movements. This show is directed skillfully, just like Studio Orange's Land of the Lusterous. The criticism I have is that it basically tells you a lot of stuff in the beginning that could have made for good reveals. You should give at least the first episode a fair chance. Just dont expect the old Trigun. The first episode alone is such a blast!
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Just seems....a little off
barberp-135237 March 2023
The original Trigun is one of my favorite anime, so these crafty businessmen have figured out I'll watch anything new with the word Trigun in it, to see if it captures the same magic.

As is usually the case with reboots, this reboot rarely succeeds in recapturing that magic. Sometimes there are moments where it does, but for the most part, it's not nearly as well done as the original, in my opinion.

It has everything you'd expect in a reboot and takes no chances. The CGI isn't great compared to the premium animation of the original. The characters are kind of annoying. Moreso than in the original (Vash the Stampede was always a bit annoying). The dialogue seems stilted at times.

It's not all bad, though. There are a few bright moments. They did a good job on making the villains menacing. The story could use some clarity on the objectives and stakes, but the action elements are good.

This reboot just seems a little bit off on everything even though it did some things right. I still enjoy it enough to watch, though, so I give it a 6.
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This is NOT a remake of the '98 trigun
lolstalkercat14 February 2023
It isn't, it's an adaptation of the manga that wasn't even finished being released at the time of its creation. All these bad reviews comparing two completely different source materials is crazy. The '98 anime was awesome but was not at all true to the story of trigun was mostly filler and only adapted maybe 20 or so of the original 117 or so chapters eliminating major characters and entire plot points . Please keep that in mind when you review trigun stampede.

I'm rating this show 10/10 because the animation is epic, the characters and storyline resemble the maximum manga timeline in all it's dark glory.

I was skeptical about a cgi trigun, never really been a fan but it's honestly great. It really smooth, the characters are super expressive. It's so good.

It's following (so far) the maximum manga, which it's absolutely amazing because there was so so much left out of the original adaptation. It's at a prequel point right now but is clearly headed to the main timeline. I'm very refreshed by the change of pace; adding major characters like knives and livio early on is a great way to build them up , there are some great complex characters.

No Vash isn't supposed to be an entirely goofy donut muncher. I'm sure we will see that side of him after a certain * event *point in time has passed, but overall this anime is a very good adaptation of its source. Let's not keep comparing it to the '98 show. They are entirely different entities.
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All that for sex
H0kv523 April 2023
Reboot is great and all but when it comes down to it we the audience want something mind blowing when it hits but now am not even sure how to react and then the question comes to mind is it or was it worth it i could say don't get me wrong but seriously this is it, this was the long awaited reboot i waited for only to see this play off as being ridiculous it's a pain that the theme song was fire but the series itself was aburrido, my hopes went down of seeing it again at the last episode. Reboot is great and all but when it comes down to it we the audience want something mind blowing when it hits but now am not even sure how to react and then the question comes to mind is it or was it worth it i could say don't get me wrong but seriously this is it, this was the long awaited reboot i waited for only to see this play off as being ridiculous it's a pain that the theme song was fire but the series itself was aburrido, my hopes went down of seeing it again at the last episode.
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The Review Bombs are Absolutely Insane
tnick-0850725 January 2023
I created an IMDb account just to post this review. For reference, I've read the entire original manga (including Maximum) and seen all of the original anime.

This adaptation is beautiful. The characters are spot on. The world is vibrant. The action is kinetic and intense. It has exceeded my expectations (and I originally hoped this would be a close adaptation of the manga.) It's a stellar reinterpretation of the source material, with the original creator deeply involved in the creation.

Watch it and form your own opinion of course. But wow. If you're a true fan, you'll love Trigun Stampede.
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coles_notes3 April 2023
The 25th anniversary of the beloved original just passed as did the finale of this new prequel / remake (pre-make?), taking its spin on the old established universe of the 1998 original series with the facelift of modern 3D animation technology. We follow the early days of Vash the Stampede, a wanted outlaw known for roaming town to town in a futuristic western wasteland, complete with apocalyptic vehicles, robo-cyber tech, and large guns. I personally don't love the newer 3D CG animation style the series uses, but I must say this series used it well enough. I didn't love the character redesigns (or replacements), however the original was definitely extreme and cheesy in its 1990s way and this new one has all the cheesy tropes and lean towards ridiculousness I commonly see in these modern anime. They do cut one of my favourite characters from this season, which hurt me deeply, but the voice acting is generally fine and the character dynamics are believable enough. Unfortunately the lore and world building is where we get to the unbelievability, the series makes a much larger emphasis on Vash, the world, and their intertwining backstories than does the original series. I quite liked the slower paced, subdued beginning of the original, with the world lore being a backdrop through most of its run, however this new series dives right into it, revealing much of what took the original 20+ episodes is divulged by episode 2. They certainly do a better job at this story telling than did the original, given the original got very silly very quickly, but at only 12 episodes much is left unanswered and even more teased for a new season 2 to come. I'm unsure if I'd give it a go when it comes around, but I can see why others liked it. I'd still recommend the original over this remake, and warn that this new series will spoil many parts of the original, but its not bad, just a little too all over the place for me.
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I came for a Copper but found a Gold Mine
johnsenarathna19 March 2023
When I picked this show for the winter season. I didn't expect it to be this good. I thought it to be some action comedy anime, well it is an action comedy anime but it has much darker aspects to it. The story goes about Vash the stampede, an ace gunman who despises violence but has immense bounty in his head thus making it hard to maintain his pacifist ways and there are Meryl and Roberto De Niro who are reporters that follows him around to catch good story and prehaps if they could clear his name as the crimes his accused of doing aren't his but his brother.

First two episodes are just silly and action packed as Vash defeats bonty hunters and defense a helpless town but this silly tone of the serios take 180 degree turn in episode when Vash's brother shows up. Who is a legimately terrorfying villian. This seris explores themes such as friendship, betrayl,murder, brainwashing and consequnces of pacifism.

Trigun Stampede has some flamboyent and unique cast of characters. I really don't want to spoil their introduction so I won't talk about them. Vash himself is a unique protaganist, at first I saw him as a bland action anime hero but then we get pieces of his past revealed thus making one of the best protaginst in anime I seen so far. Despite being pacifist Vash lives in a brutal world so many times his pacifism is tested to the limit gving tension and drama.

This anime is fully CGI but unlike many other shows this anime is gorgeous and it is better than some 2D. CGI is very fuild and action scenes are top notch. Highly recommend giving this show a chance you would be surprised.
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Just watch the original
blmulholland-1426112 September 2023
I really wanted to watch the whole thing. I couldn't do it. I made it to episode 7, but this was so bad and the original Trigun was one of my favorite anime growing up. The original had great comedy, great action, great music, great voice acting, great script...about my only complaint was that the pacing was off.

But then there's this thing. A remake that is worse in every way. Now, I know what you're thinking "But surely after all these years, the animation must at least be better". You would be wrong.

As static images, the shading and animation does have some prettyness. And of course the mix-ins of CG look out of place like they always do, but allow for quick, cheap rendering of detailed elements in some places. The problem is the motion. The motion of this series' animation looks extremely 'off'. Now, sure, it's anime, there's always some over the top motion and action. But that's not what I'm talking about. Just the regular motion just looks surreal. The original did better both in comedic moments and action ones.

The voice acting sounds like they're trying to imitate the original and failing pretty badly in some cases. There's little to no energy or emotion. Vash should be a more manic character. Wolfwood and Meryl are off too.

Let's talk characters. The replacement of Millie with this Roberto character is an absolute travesty. One of the things that kept me going is that I was hoping at some point Roberto would get killed off and replace by Millie or something, but it seems unlikely. Meryl's recasting as the junior partner really ruins her. Roberto adds nothing. Wolfwood is a weaker presence.

But Vash himself is the biggest problem. The OG Vash was hypercompetent but hid that competence in an effort to blend in and not seem threatening. This one lacks that. This one seems to lack the heart of the original. Don't get me wrong, they kind of TRY to touch those bases...but it doesn't resonate the way it did with the original. But OG Vash was also provokable. When sufficiently motivated he could be a monster in his own right. This one seems to lack that.

All the mystery is missing as almost everything is revealed right up front, leaving no surprises for the audience. The 'demons' employed by knives aren't as dedicated to what the OG Knives wanted - to force Vash to compromise his morals. The demons of the originals clearly knew and understood their mission from day 1. These...don't seem to. At least not yet.

Even the OG Trigun's one major flaw - pacing, this doesn't do any better. Just go watch the original. I think I'm going to go rewatch it.
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Underrated!! Original show fans can zip it for good.
jolandrg23 January 2023
10/10 for animation I'm not only going to compare it to CG shows; it's also better than a lot of 2D animes out there; it's so amazing that it seems more like a movie than a weekly series.

The music is 10/10, the animation looks very smooth for a CG anime, and the production quality is great. They nailed every aspect of this show, and I really hope they continue on this level.

And for the fans of the original show, it's okay to love a remake that's genuinely good. It's not a competition; enjoy it while it lasts, and don't be ignorant.

I hope we get more of this series in the future, and I hope the studio picks more action-based series like Trigun. Black Cat will be a perfect candidate.
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My first rating on this site. And yes, this reboot so far is amazing!
sashakwon11 February 2023
I'm not sure why the OG stans are so angry about it. I've watched 3 episodes of Stampede, then watched the old 98 version and read Trimax manga and I love everything. This reboot is also charming! I love how they decided to concentrate on the twins' dynamic from the beginning. I love the redesign. I love the new opening, it's very heartbreaking, and the song really captures the character of Vash. I LOVE the animation! It's a chef's kiss. I rewinded and reviewed a lot of parts for a few times. Small movements of Vash growing off the sand from his hair, or just minor finger movements of Nic when using Punisher... just so good for a 3D animation. One thing that I miss so far from the reboot is Mille. I just loved her character very much and she was an amazing foil character to Meryl. So far I haven't warmed up to Roberto yet, he could be as well as absent so far. But yeah, I would advise all the new watchers not to be discouraged by overly critical reviews.
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jackwardraft1 February 2023
I never watched the original but this anime is straight up 🔥 . I mean it has MC with a unique personality and likeable characters. While it is CGI the animation is so fluid, the character's facial expressions and movements seem natural hell!!! It might be the best 3D anime out there.

I also love the setting, it is Space Western with some cyberpunk aesthetics. It also gave me some "Dune" vibes. The plot is very compelling.

This anime is underrated it deserves 8+ ratings or at least 7. I mean this has everything an action anime fan wants it has tons of action, goofy humour, an intriguing plot and music that is 10/10.
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This isn't Vash
millerblake-2484517 February 2023
This interpretation of Trigun fails immediately. Meryl has been relegated to a complete buffoon and Vash is completely unprepared for any interaction. This goes immediately against the original plot. Meryl was a confident insurance agent who eventually learned to look past her prejudice and see Vash for who he is. In this series, she is a naive newbie who doesn't understand how the world that she lives in works and has to have things explained to her. Vash is immediately praised by the first villagers the trio runs into setting the standard that Vash is a hero, when the original series was great because Vash was rarely seen as a hero. Vash in the is seen as a hero by the audience, but his unintentional actions cause his infamous bounty and the reason why every village is afraid of him, after all he can blow a city off the face of the map. That's the draw of the original series, you as a viewer see a different side to a man responsible for horrendous crimes, but him spending his unnaturally long life to become more human and connect to the people he cares for while dwelling and his inhuman acts is exactly what makes his quest to become human interesting.
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A Work of Art
naomiardina11 March 2023
From the spotless animation to the magnificent soundtrack, Trigun Stampede truly sets a new bar for future animated works. The years of planning into making this series certainly pays off.

My initial thought upon hearing that they were remaking Trigun was that I knew where it would go; boy was I wrong. This series reconstructs the entire Trigun story into a deeper, more intricate tone that focuses on the inequalities posed upon both humans and plants. Vash, the pacifistic protagonist, devotes his life into creating an egalitarian society within the broken and unsustainable planet. This show truly took my breath.
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All Flash, No Substance
keikoyoshikawa15 July 2023
"Trigun Stampede" is very stylish - crisp animation, good character design, nice sound design, etc. It is beautiful to look at, no doubt. Sadly, that's about the only good things it has going for it.

Story-wise and plot-wise, it is lacking. I never read the original manga or watched the anime, so I can't make any comparisons. But as a stand-alone anime, this version suffers from mediocrity.

The biggest of which is the lack of skilled story-telling. Instead, we get typical over-expositions, unexplained plot-holes, over-complicated plot lines, etc. All of which makes for an unsatisfying watch.

"Trigun Stampede" is interesting for a first watch-through, but that's all. There's nothing imaginative or thought-provoking that would warrant a repeat watching. Mostly because its premise is too bland.

If you're an anime lover like me, yes, you should give this anime series a try. Just don't expect much.
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Really good
dolsoe5 February 2023
Really like the animation, contrary to some other reviews. The dynamics between the characters and the different unexpected twists are incredibly intriguing. I never watched the first make of the show and I think that allows me to be more open to the current storyline. If you haven't watched the original then I doubt you would have a problem with the remake either. Not to mention, we are only a handful of episodes through the first season. From what I've been told, it gets exponentially better.

Action: 9/10 Adventure: 9/10 Storyline: 10/10

Every week I look forward to the next mini-adventure. Major Cowboy Bebop vibes.
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New Trigun Stampede
farhanjesun11 March 2023
If you watch the old season you may be little disappointed but if you are a new audience then you will difinitely like the show. The opening song is on top level. The story will hook you up through the show. I have started the show with low hope and it didn't disappoint me. Its a action packed show but the main character vash is peace lover guy who uses his weapon for others well-being.

When I watch the trailer I didn't like the CGI but trust me CGI blew my mind .Studio Orange really did great job. I think it will be the most under rated show of this year. If you are a anime lover or not give a try with this show I am sure you will love it.
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An absolute treat for the senses with a very impactful story
moonfeathers16 April 2023
I had never heard of Trigun before and started Stampede with the intention of simply knocking it off the watch list, but man was I immediately ENTHRALLED. I ended up rewatching the whole thing twice and watching the '98 anime, followed by the manga. The creators are very daring with the story's themes and their presentation; the characters and their ideals are fascinating and realistic. They've truly gotten me to take the time to reflect. The amount of care put into this show is insane. The sound design is incredible, and the soundtrack blows me away. The animation is GORGEOUS, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I've been reading interviews with the creators they've gone through hell to make this show! Please give it a chance, you don't want to miss out on this!
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Fails to hold a candle to the original
thebandmike30 March 2023
So don't get me wrong here. Im not a hater off the bat, I don't mind the new art style much, the animation is smooth....but even in the character re-design my main critique of the whole reboot comes in. . . This series in it's attempts to tell the story in a new light fails to realize what made the original so good; firstly the key plot points are slowly revealed over the course of many interactions between characters in the original. For example: In the or first we do not find out Vash has a bionic arm and get the first clue that Vash is more than an oddball pretending to not be a skilled gunman until quite a few episodes this they took out the whole air of intrigue and mystery and imply all of the intriguing developmental plot points right in the beginning of the show. His Bionic arm in plain sight, no attempt to hide his mysterious odd connections really. It's just weak storytelling. The animation is sadly pretty impressive but the pacing and progression that it is all tied to in my opinion just feels underwhelming, half baked, and overall a much less impressive compositional mix than first. Would have been better off as a stand alone cyber punk style story and not tying Trigun to it imo. All of the characters just feel like shallower versions of their original concepts. It was nice to see a little more about Knives and Vash's mom but the incredibly direct way it is all spoon fed to you just never felt super surprising or exciting. I guess it might be pretty decent if you never watched the original and were forced to compare them though.
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LOVE this show!
cucublueberry28 February 2023
It's sad that fans of the 98 series bomb this show, because it's great. The opening is a killer song (it plays nonstop in my car now), the characters are complex, full of expression and lovable. Since I never watched the original Anime I don't care that they changed some of the characters. The story has me completely hooked. I also adore that - sure, they dialed up the action - Vash still remains a pacifist and uses his weapon mostly for defense.

The CGI... I must admit, I HATE CGI with a passion. But this looks really good. Amazing even. Studio orange clearly did a good job here. Would recommend that show to all my friends!
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A few good choices, muddied by the plethora of poor choices.
laynepeck23 January 2023
Where to begin, Trigun is a timeless classic, both the original Anime and Manga, so I was ecstatic to see a reboot, the choice however of this CGI style was a truly poor one, while it has its moments that allow bright flashy colors to shine, much of it is just unbearable to look at, I gave up even attempting to finish the first episode not a minute in on two occasions due to it being a cheap half measure several studios have attempted to use in recent years to save time and money over traditional and modern adaptations of traditional styles, but it had its moments.

I'll give an extra star due to getting the original voice actor from the classic English dub for the reboot's dub, it's honestly the only thing that seems to tie it to the original in any redeeming way, Trigun was set in a wasteland, the dismal almost faded styling used in both the manga and anime of old gave it character, Vash's shiny old world tech is a stark contrast which ruins the ambiance, while doing little else to make up for it.

If I'm being entirely honest, if you've never seen the original, and are a fan of CGI anime, this will probably be something you'll enjoy watching in a night, only to forget after. But it feels like a pale imitation and heartless money grab compared to the soul the original had, just a lifeless husk of what could have been.
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Undeniable artistic masterpiece
fake-1355927 March 2023
The show is slow at times in the beginning but it has a nice sense of unpredictability and wonder. The soundtrack is moving and the 3D CGI might be the best in an anime to date. One of the most satisfying last episodes as well (couldn't help but shed a tear).

I went into it blind without having watched the original series at all. I believe this is the main reason for the mediocre ratings its getting online. I understand the frustration of seeing a shows successor not wholly carrying the originals spirit, but you cannot deny that this show more than holds its own when viewed as a standalone entity.

Overall, if you like space,mystery, desert/apocalyptical setting and breath taking action, give this one a chance till the end. You wont be disappointed.
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"Vash The Stampede is coming."
valeriemarielugo19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Vash The Stampede is coming." That's how 'Trigun Stampede' was introduced back in July of 2022 when the first trailer was revealed in Anime Expo and it couldn't be more true and fitting.

Note: Review is from the standpoint of a 98! Trigun and Trigun Maximum (manga) fan so will contain LIGHT SPOILERS, but spoilers nonetheless. Beware.

Trigun Stampede is a retelling of Trigun's manga. It sees Vash The Stampede before the most impactful moment in his life happened... Before the destruction of the city of July. It features our beloved characters before they are "fully cooked" and in turn allows the viewer to experience the development of these characters before they turn into the characters we knew. Episode 12 is called "Episode 0 High Noon at July" just like the very first chapter of the manga turning Trigun Stampede into a sort of prequel to its own thing (No, it's not an actual prequel to 98! Trigun or Trigun Maximum and please stop saying that).

What stands out the most in this adaptation is the stellar direction, character acting, and animation.

This show was meant to be binge-watched. All 12 episodes are connected and not a shot is missed to tell its story. Everything we are shown on screen, everything that is emphasized, every little expression that the characters make, everything that is said and not said serves to tell its story. The story-telling is amazing.

Studio Orange spent many years just on the expression mechanics of the characters alone and you can TELL. The character acting is fantastic!

"3D has no place in anime." Boy, are they WRONG! The animation in Trigun Stampede is beautiful and outstanding. You have NEVER seen a 3D anime this smooth, pretty and cool.

Please, if you haven't given Trigun Stampede a chance yet. Please do so. Watch it on Crunchyroll or Hulu so that the views count and we can have many seasons of the show.
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