Set It Off (1996) Poster


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A Well Done Sleeper
Lexuses7130 April 2003
"Set it Off" is another brilliant little B sleeper by the talented F. Gary Gray. What sets this film apart from your routine crime caper/heist flick is that it features some very impressive and strong performances by Jada Pinkett-Smith (one of her very best roles) and Quen Latifah. Vivica Fox, Kimberly Elise and the underrated John C. McGinty were also quite effective in supporting roles. Blair Underwood, who I lilke, was sort of wasted as reverse eye candy. The love story sub plot was a bit if a distraction, only in a minor way. But at the core of this film was the bond between these ladies, all driven to rob banks for various reasons. What they all shared was their desperation. Instead of cliched cardboard characters, we are served pretty well fleshed out characters with as much depth as time allows. Some have mentioned they didn't like the ending, but I rather did. Queen Latifah was outstanding as a hardened career criminal. There is one scene where Jada's character stands up to her and it's tasty.

All in all, a pretty dang good thriller film that should be seen. The performances are what elevates it above the norm for this genre.
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When you've lost everything, you have nothing left to lose
lastliberal23 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Set it Off, with Jada Pinkett Smith, Queen Latifah, Vivica A. Fox, and Kimberly Elise. The story of four Black women, all of whom needed money, but, more importantly, all of whom suffered at the hands of the majority causing a change in the direction of their lives. Whether it was being fired so a bank manager can save face, or having your brother shot due to trigger-happy cops, or having you child removed by an unfeeling and uncaring child welfare worker, prejudice worked to change the lives of the women involved and, ultimately, lead to their deaths. A powerful film with a powerful message. This was one of the most enjoyable films I have seen lately.
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Surprisingly good
Sandro-LN19 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
My first impression was "Gangsta flick with chicks." And, to some extent, that's what I got. But there was a lot more, and I was deeply impressed with the realism, with one exception. The exception comes near the end and I won't give it away, but it involves police officers taking shots at a suspect with a bus full of people in the background.

One of the recurring themes of this film is how innocence and good intentions can turn into a nightmarish reality.

A bank teller is confronted by a robber that she knows from childhood. She can hardly believe what is happening, and she doesn't react in the manner in which all bank tellers are trained. A hostage dies, and she loses her job. A slow reaction leads to a death, accusations, and the loss employment.

A bright young man gets a haircut that is identical to a robbery suspect's. The police surround him. He has a champagne bottle in his coat that he doesn't want to break and tries to pull it out. They think it is a gun. An innocent mistake leads to a death.

A loving mother can no longer afford a babysitter. She has to bring her child to work, and he gets into some cleaning supplies. A mother's good intention turns into a hospital trip and a custody battle.

There were other instances where one mistake led to dire consequences, but I found them all believable, and none of them gave me the impression of being mere vehicles to advance the plot.

I enjoyed some of the other representations of Life as it is. One being the inclusion of a lesbian (Latifa) in the cast without making a big deal out of it. Although exhibiting some stereotypical lesbian traits (denim overalls for example,) she wasn't overly "butch." And homosexuality wasn't used as a plot device to include nudity either. Speaking of which, the sex in the movie was pretty well done. When there was love, the sex was passionate. When Stony was doing it for money, she looked ready to burst into tears. For the most part, the sex came without nudity: disappointing in some ways, but adding credibility to the movie in others.

I did have a few problems with this movie. One is a failing that I see in many movies. When a character's friend or family member is killed, he or she expresses initial shock and pain, but later on exhibits no outward mental stress. There is also the "I would have done it differently" factor. I felt this a few times, the first being the opening scene where Frankie (Fox) is being held up. Or when Cleo (Latifa) is stealing get away cars and tossing the previous owner's CDs out the window. Both of these are cases in which one needs to move fast and do what is needed to move on. You don't have time to stare blankly at your old friend. You don't have time to select the proper driving ambience. But these flaws didn't take too much from the general feeling.

I rated it 8 of 10.
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this movie shows us the possibility of what we might do
will-1082 July 1999
This movie gives us a graphic insight into the possibility of what people might do under certain circumstances and situations. These young ladies' misfortunes in life have driven them to do something that otherwise would not have entered their minds: robbing a bank. Their participation in this criminal activity is a crying-out against the evils of their society and environment. In other words, they are saying "because of what you did to me...this is how I will respond". Anyone who has seen this film honestly knows that what they're doing is just as morally wrong as what has happened to each of them, but, for some deep-seated reason, we find ourselves rooting for them - even hoping that they get away with it. Each character reveals a problematic area in our working society: unfair employment and termination practices, inadequate childcare options, hindrances and distractions of the ghetto and other social plights and dilemmas.

We may not agree with what these young ladies are doing but somehow we understand. (please see this movie...)
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female empowerment bank robbers
SnoopyStyle24 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Bank teller Frankie Sutton (Vivica A. Fox) gets fired after the bank gets robbed by somebody she knows. Police detective Strode (John C. McGinley) suspects her involvement. She is forced to join her friends Stony Newsom (Jada Pinkett Smith), Cleo Sims (Queen Latifah), and TT Williams (Kimberly Elise) doing janitorial work. Stony's unarmed beloved brother Stevie gets killed by the cops. TT's boy has an accident and Child Services takes him away. Casual musings about robbing banks turn into reality. As they get more successful, the best friends start to clash.

This is more than a crime drama and it's the more part that I'm uncertain of. It's painfully direct that three of the four girls are given reasons to do the robberies. They are victims first before they decide to do the crimes. It's a form of female empowerment movie. I don't really buy Stony's path. She should have sued the city and the police. It's too convenient to have so many problems. There is a similarity to 'Thelma & Louise' but it doesn't have quite the same equivalence. On the other hand, I like the attempt to change up the traditional bank heist movie.
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Slang is a big 'thang'...
Howlin Wolf9 August 2009
All of the women were "hoodrats", (term borrowed from an IMDb boards user; it isn't my own... ) which was a shame, because they didn't need to be. Why does the only black main character who has any kind of class or sophistication have to be a GUY?! (In a film that's primarily about four women, no less!) I'm pretty sure it does a great disservice to the many black women out there who do manage to be articulate whatever their circumstances happen to be.

... and don't tell me that if they weren't hoodrats then they wouldn't be robbing banks. People at the end of their tether do desperate things. (John Q. for example; again a guy.)

The film was good and enjoyable, but they had a big chance to give us some intelligent female characterisations for a change; only with the dialogue they gave them to speak, they blew it.
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The S.W.A. (Sistaz With Attitude)
dee.reid18 December 2001
"Set It Off" is about four African-American women(Jada Pinkett Smith, Queen Latifah, Vivica A. Fox, and Kimberly Elise) who decide to go out and rob a few banks. They don't rob banks for sheer enjoyment or because they have nothing better to do. No, they rob them because they are getting back at "the system" that they feel has screwed them over in their lives. Here are the reasons: in the opening bank robbery sequence, Frankie(Fox), who was at the time a teller, was fired simply because she knew the suspect who robbed it; Stony's(Smith) younger brother, Stevie was killed by police after being mistaken for the robbery suspect; Cleo(Latifah) joins them simply because she is p***ed off at society; Tisean(Elise) is a single mother who is barely able to support her son and when he is accidently poisoned and taken away by child services, decides she has no other choice. I feel I must point out that up until that point, she is reluctant to join the other three women.

This is a really good movie that is definitely Oscar-worthy material. Maybe not for the Best Picture category, but definitely Oscar-worthy. The performances are excellent especially from all four of our young stars. Queen Latifah should definitely should have gotten an Oscar or Golden Globe nomination for Best Supporting Actress. Her portrayal of a fiery lesbian is right on key. F. Gary Gray, who also directed Ice Cube and Chris Tucker in "Friday", is quickly becoming one of my favorite directors. I don't think you should really call "Set It Off" an action movie since there isn't really action until the ending.

A line from the movie, "if that crackhead Darnell can rob a bank, then so can we." This quote outlines the main message that the movie is trying to tell: the social standing of women in our society, saying that they have rights too. The movie says that women can basically do anything men can do (and probably better) and they must be applauded for their efforts. Now I'm not saying that women should all go out and round up their friends and start robbing banks. Director F. Gary Gray definitely should be praised for his smart casting choices.


P.S.: Now from the sound of this review, I've probably got you thinking I'm a woman. Wrong! I'm just a 16 year-old boy from Virginia.
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Amateurish but entertaining
mattymatt4ever20 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
"Set it Off" is far from remarkable, but it's amiable and entertaining. The screenplay was definitely written by amateurs, packing as much melodrama into the storyline as possible. First we introduce the character of Jada Pinkett's brother. She's like a mother figure to him, since their parents are dead. He's a nice guy, gets into a fight with his sister and flees the house. It's no surprise when he turns out dead two scenes later. Then Kimberly Elise's child accidentally swallows some household substances and the custody of the kid is handed over to child services. We have Vivica A. Fox who got fired from her job at the bank and Queen Latifah who's just plain crazy. Basically, the character motivations seem ripped from a soap opera.

The film is predictable from the get-go, so just strap in for the ride. Don't expect high-class writing and high-class direction, especially from the guy who made "Friday." Don't get me wrong, that was a good movie, but like "Set it Off" it's only valuable as lightweight entertainment.

One thing I have to say is this is one black movie that didn't go for the humdrum "white people bad, black people good" premise. I assumed that was the direction the film was going after watching the first scene in which the white bank manager fires Vivica for not following procedure, totally ignoring the fact that she was at gunpoint, along with everyone else in the bank. But then we get introduced to the other two managers, who are both black and both sleazy. Not to say that black people are sleazy; it's just good knowing that the writers weren't associating the term "white" with "sleazy" and didn't see the characters in terms of color. Even the John C. McGinley character, the detective who is out to get the four women, isn't entirely sadistic.

**************SPOILERS AHEAD************

There are a few moments that are just too silly for their own good. Are you telling me two cops are gonna be so distracted by an obnoxious vagrant that they'll totally disregard a bank robbery (literally) taking place right behind them? As I said, you can tell this was written by amateurs. And then we have Queen Latifah driving through the bank in a minivan, which is stupid in the first place and shown simply for cinematic pretentiousness, and the four women drive out, still not being actively pursued by the cops. Latifah makes one turn and suddenly she loses the cops altogether? That's too much disbelief to suspend. And of course, in the usual cinematic tradition, the minor characters have to die first. Kimberly Elise dies in standard operatic fashion--in someone's arms, saying her last words. Only in the movies can someone die like that 90 % of the time.

The acting is pretty good, though sometimes hammy. When Jada sees her brother dead on the street, screaming and crying out, "Whyyyyy!!!!" (I could be paraphrasing), that was too much. Latifah's role as a crazy thug wasn't much of a stretch, especially since this film was made back in her hip-hop days. She is a fine actress, though, and I prefer her more mature roles in films like "Living Out Loud." John C. McGinley and Blair Underwood add a touch of class.

If F. Gary Gray weren't so dependent on melodrama and big action spectacles to create tension, this wouldn't been a much more compelling film. Maybe someone like John Singleton or the Hughes Brothers could've made this a more powerful film. Just don't set your expectations too high and you should have a good time.

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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By Any Means Necessary!!
davesmooth22 January 2004
Great Movie. Gripping tale of 4 women who turn to robbing banks to make it out of ghetto life. The 4, played by Jada Pinkett, (Not married to Will Smith at time of filming) Vivica A. Fox, Dana Owens (Better know as Queen Latifa) and newcomer at the time, Kimberly Elise all work legally until they figure that crime will pay them more than honest work. Blair Underwood is excellent as the love interest for Stoney (Pinkett) with his Harvard education mixed with a street knowledge. Pace of the movie is good, and it all flows very well. Excellent movie. Worth renting from Blockbuster.
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The Vidiot Reviews....
capone66612 September 2018
Set it Off

The reason female thieves are not successful is because they only steal from shoe stores.

Smartly, the lady robbers in this action movie have branched out to robbing banks.

After losing her job, Frankie (Vivica A. Fox) joins a janitorial company where she works alongside her best friends, Stony (Jada Pinkett Smith), Cleo (Queen Latifah) and T.T. (Kimberly Elise), cleaning houses. With each woman facing their own personal tribulations, Cleo suggest that they rob banks. Successful at first, the ladies soon attract the attention of a detective and their dishonest employer who wants a cut of the profits.

A cinematic achievement for African American women, this lost gem from 1996 remains a groundbreaking caper to this day thanks to its gay-positive subtext. Social issues aside, director F. Gary Gray makes sure the action is as explosive as the message.

Incidentally, to avoid getting caught female thieves really need to wear hairnets. Yellow Light
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The Four Stooges Rob a Bank
kvatter13 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A coincidental but unlikely stream of bad luck among four women leads them all to the only solution to their problems--rob a bank. And so begins a tale of silliness. Things happen in this film that just can't be believed no matter how much one tries to check the brain at the door. Four women are doing janitorial work. One brings her kid to the job. All four turn their backs together and as quick as you can say, "contrived", the kid is under a sink drinking ammonia. The main detective character knows exactly who is behind it and wants permission to follow up on the suspects but the boss says no because the police have accidentally killed the one suspect's brother. We wouldn't want to upset them despite the overwhelming evidence against them. And then they are never watched as they enter bank after bank to rob them. In one ridiculous scene, they stand in the hallway adjusting their wigs and dark glasses disguises arguing whether or not to rob the place. No one is suspicious of these characters outside the bank entrance?? And one very glaring goof-up is when they have breakfast and then head right off to the robbery(Vivica Fox is sporting a designer baseball cap turned backwards so you know she means business) . As soon as they finish the robbery,it's suddenly night time. The flick is chock full of cliché lines and actions. The tough Queen Latifah has just driven through a line of heavily armed police who open fire on her car, turning it into swiss cheese, yet she manages to take a very long pause and then emerge with a machine gun blazing. You'll slap a knee at that scene. EVERYONE in this movie is trigger happy. All the cops and security guards shoot to kill at the blink of an eye. The main detective spends several scenes just trying to get people to hold their fire. I gave it three stars because it's so darned goofy that you will probably be entertained at the implausibility of it all.
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This Movie Will Blow You Away
Critic-1217 October 1998
I rented this movie expecting to see just another average gang related film about the Ghetto, but I was proved wrong. It ended with my eyes wide opened and my mouth to the floor. Set It Off is a very Dramatic film and the performances by the four women were done perfectly. Set It Off reached my heart and all my emotions. It starts off light, but ends deep and touching. There is no possible way you could leave from watching this movie without your eyes being flooded. -A heart-filled film that deserved more publicity than it received.
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When Babes Rob Banks . . .
zardoz-136 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Director F. Gary Gary treats the the plight of a quartet of blue-collar African-American women with great sympathy in "Set It Off." Each of these women have experienced adversity first hand and the idea is that they have been dealt a bad hand by destiny. One woman prostitutes herself to ensure that her brother gets to go to college, but she finds out later that her efforts were for naught. Another woman is implicated in a bank robbery simply because she knew the man who robbed her bank and didn't follow the procedures that she had been drilled in. Another woman is a single parent who has to work one job to pay the babysitter. Finally, the fourth member who is the least sympathetic is a lesbian who has been restoring her car since the seventh grade. These closely-knit friends take their lumps but decide that whatever a man can do, they can do better. Consequently, they embark on a life of crime in this predictable, often contrived, but nevertheless entertaining crime thriller. Clearly, the moral of the story is don't rob banks. If you know somebody robbing a bank, you must behave as if you don't know them. Never, never, never--if you are a single-parent--ever bring your unattended infant to the workplace. Crime doesn't pay and "Set It Off" makes it abundantly clearly as three out of the four survive. The fourth escapes because somebody on the other side allows them to getaway. The performances are sometimes a little too over the top, especially Jada Pinkett and Vivica A. Fox. If you abhor profanity, prepare yourself for an onslaught of the F-bomb.
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It has its flaws, but when it works, wow.
La Gremlin30 March 2003
Here's a movie that bombed because nobody had any idea how to advertise it. It turns out that "Set it Off" is the devastatingly sad story behind a string of unusual bank robberies. I highly recommend it as you really grow to care about the characters, which makes the final act all the more harrowing. My only problem is that the romantic subplot seems out of place. Other then that, make sure you have a box of tissues ready.
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very good but very sad too...
whoTheFuqRyou24 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was great. I am not being biased because of the fact that F. Gary Gray directed this but this was actually a very good movie. There is so much in this movie that really made me feel bad for the female quartet of bank robbers: (1. Stony degrades herself in order to put her brother through college only to find out he didn't get in and to see him shot dead minutes later (2. T. T., a single mom gets her pay docked, and is forced to bring her son to work who is hospitalized there as well (3. Frankie is robbed at gunpoint by some rockheads from her hood and loses her job because she didn't follow the procedure, and knowin' the game you're not supposed to snitch on someone from your own block 'cause that puts you at risk and (4. Cleo, the trigger happy, dyked out robber of the bunch has led a life of crime and has no one to turn to but her girlfriend and best friends.

This was such a wonderful movie because the action was definitely present here and the acting(especially Jada Pinkett and Queen Latifah) was great! Not only was the action there but the sentiment of the girls and what they've been through and what they go through shows how unfortunate they were and even worse, I damn near almost started crying at the ending 'cause it made me feel so bad. Christopher Young score well with the BGM of this flick to put the cherry on top.

Very wonderful movie with a conscience 10/10.
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Not En Vogue anymore
kosmasp31 March 2023
No pun intended and me saying that I don't think this aged too well. But that said, if you like similar movies with male leads ... well you shouldn't mind having some mindless movie with female leads. So in a way it may have been ahead of its time - well in some aspects. Again, the very predictable and not very logical story does not hold up.

But the sisterhood and the friendship of the women (with their ups and downs of course) is really the strong and selling point of the movie. And a very solid soundtrack too of course. Having a good director at the helm also helps (especially when it comes to the action and stunt scenes).

Depending on how you feel about the actresses involved in this ... you may like this more or less. Some are still going strong in a sense (Queen Latifah), others have left the public eye, even though they were hot back then (no pun intended), Vivica A. Fox would be the first name to come to mind. And others are just controversial for many reasons - yes looking at you Jada Pinkett ... also Smith. Kimberly Elise is the odd one out - not sure what she is up to these days.

The ending is a bit over the top ... well a lot actually. Redeeming characters - while leaving others out in the cold ... also trying to tie up loose ends ... not sure if it does so succesfully. F Gary Gray is a good director and he has a keen and good eye for action ... I think this is overall decent ... but is it enough for you?
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This movie is HILARIOUS!
peteloaf-5563118 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My second favorite entry in the GCU* (right behind "Boyz in Da Hood" or whatever). A wonderful unintentional comedy that had it all: Murder, betrayal, ridiculous action sequences, a girls-learning-to-shoot montage, a steamy love scene, the dead kid brother (who was an honor student, of course), the "grieving" older sister who's pretty much over it in 3 minutes. AND an extremely cringe-worthy "Godfather" reference!

The performances are actually pretty solid, especially John C McGinley, who is chewing a toothpick in literally every single scene he's in. I assume one is supposed to feel sorry for the main protagonists and their sad circumstances but it's kind of hard, as they are complete idiots.

Anyway, if you want a genuinely entertaining movie you don't have to think too much (or at all, really) about, I recommend Set It Off

*Ghetto Cinematic Universe.
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Meet some of your less positive feelings
ThereAreManyZathras19 June 2004
A great movie for those peoples that like to empathize with a movie.

If you let yourself have the same feelings as the characters in the

movie have you might have strong emotions like: despair, feeling

trapped and injustice.

You might even find, that choices you can't comprehend are suddenly

very logical.

For peoples that don't let their feelings participate in watching the

movie. I imagine this movie is less appealing.
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No real surprises here, but still a fun watch...
imseeg11 May 2021
The good: serious and decent acting by great female actresses. This movie takes it's time to get to know the 4 female bankrobbers, which is a good thing. This movie is firstmost about the CHARACTERS and not about shooutouts or macho behaviour. Quite refreshing to see.

But it is not a girly picture, no way, some of the action is pretty funny and wild, but the action is only a minor part of this movie.

The bad: this movie walks the same path as ALL the other HEIST movies, so dont expect any surprises here. The only new thing is that motherhood and some lovey dovey romance and lesbians are mixed into this female bankrobbers story. And that is a mix we dont get to see much...
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cjgreb21 April 2002
It is not often that a movie takes on race and gender issues with such bravery and force. They do it here and they succeed in a way that not many will ever be able to match. And by the way, it was a DISGRACE that the academy ever overlooked Kimberly Elise's AMAZING performance in this film.
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Better yet...turn it off!
Squonk14 December 1998
Without a doubt one of the worst movies I've seen in recent years. The story focuses on four women driven to robbing banks who we are somehow supposed to sympathize with. It's tough to sympathize with characters who keep making such stupid decisions. Oh no, the cops are on to us, they know who we are, what do we do?...Let's rob one more bank then we're outta here! What!?! Every character is a stereotype and it's easy to tell who's gonna end up dead.
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Get thee to a store and rent or BUY it!!!!
peacepit20 December 2002
This is one of those see it to believe it movies. Anyone who can sit down and harp on about acting, script blah blah blah really needs to GET A LIFE!!!

Get this movie out, grab some popcorn and just WATCH IT.

If you believe any of the negative reviews about this film and decide not to view it, it is YOUR LOSS!

The music is great the actresses are beautiful and awesome and it is refreshing to see four african american women hold their own in what turns out to be a tragic but inevitable ending for the foursome.

Don't let others turn you off a movie that is well worth watching for the pure adrenalin rush it gives you when the girls decide to take their destiny into their own hands and GO FOR IT, whatever the consequences and believe me their ARE consequences.

10/10 rating from me just for the pure rocking enjoyment of see chicks with attitude.
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Terrible, don't even bother
jlaser1215 June 2008
This movie was not worth watching, and I saw it for free.

Yes, these women are in an unfortunate situation, but the whole movie was just stupid. Queen Latifah is not a good actor, whether she's some crazy taxi driver with a tricked out cab, or a lesbian gangster-type, she's unconvincing and at times, the overacting is almost humorous.

There were so many errors and just purely unbelievable aspects to this film, particularly the criminal aspects. The reckless, stupid fashion in which they commit their crimes should have gotten them arrested after the first, maybe second robbery, yet somehow they managed to keep going and going

How this movie managed over five stars, or how it made people cry about the characters (according to a forum topic) is beyond me. Save yourself the trouble of the bloody tears that will inevitably follow this cinematic abortion.
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makes you think, you know?
lefteyez5414 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
i saw set it off the first time about the beginning of 2004 and again recently. i figured it would be just like EVERY OTHER action movie (or every other movie for that matter) and have a happy ending. SPOILERS***

i never expected 3 of the 4 characters to die so violently, i mean i felt like my best friend died THREE TIMES!!! i think the best performance was from Queen Latifah just because i really didnt expect her to do such a hard role like cleo. especially since she has such femme roles like chicago and beauty shop lately. all in all this film was really awesome and has some twists that no viewer could expect.
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Comment about 'set it off'
dream0bsessi0n7 August 2004
I absolutely LOVE this movie! I can't stress enough about Queen Latifah's performance (though she's one of my favorite actresses anyhow) and about her being gay and kissing that woman....people, please have some sense. Its just a movie, her character was gay, what'd you expect she'd do? The kiss didn't bother me at all. Vivica's character was cool too. She was tough and I liked that. Jada's character was like others said, more based on reality than the other ones and she did really well. Kimberly, though her role wasn't as big as the other ones, she did really well on her character. You could see the emotion of love that she had for that child and how a young mother reacts to having someone take them away. Overall, I give this movie a straight up 10!
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