The Guyver (1991) Poster


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Serious tonal problems
CC_The_Martian4 April 2016
I love tokusatsu, in any shape size or form. So I was excited about this film when I first heard of it, an American tokusatsu based on an anime I had never heard of with a really cool premise, a human discovers an alien device which turns into a suit of living armour (I love living suit superheroes). But there is one distinct problem with this concept, translation. This was during the 90s and people weren't sure how seriously to take anime yet, a problem which translates into this film which has no idea what kind of tone it's going for. Firstly the positives; the fight choreography in this movie is nothing short of fantastic combining martial arts and wirework with really cool powers, the look of the Guyver and the Zoanoids is really really well done, the music is intense and energetic and the acting ranges from over the top and goofy to good, Mark Hamill is in this film as a cop trying to solve the mystery and he is great as always. But the film is completely ruined by it's tone, there are two movies going on here, a goofy over the top fun film and a serious gritty film, the two mesh HORRIBLY and so the film ends up being no fun at all, Give it a miss.
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Enter the Zoanids...
paul_haakonsen28 April 2017
I first watched this in the early 1990's, and I wasn't familiar with the animation or Manga versions of the "Guyver". I merely found this movie because of Mark Hamill was in it. And I have watched it a couple of times since then, with years in between each viewing.

And I will say that "Guyver" actually still holds its ground today, as it is still watchable and enjoyable, just as it was back in the early 1990's.

The story is about a young man who discovers an alien device which fused his own body with that of a cyborg organism, effectively making him an ultimate fighting machine. But the secrets of the guyver is sought by others, and soon monstrous creatures start to show up to take back the guyver unit.

"Guyver" has adequate special effects, especially taking into consideration that the movie is from 1991. Sure, you can clearly see that the creatures are just suits worn by actors inside them. But the design of the creatures is still impressive and passable even by today's standards. And the conceptual ideas behind the guyver and the creature designs is unique and quite memorable.

As for the acting, well, people were doing good enough jobs with their roles and characters. Of course, this is not thespian acting in the making, so you know what you are in for.

It was nice to see Mark Hamill in this movie, despite not being the lead actor, although he was billed on the front of the movie cover. So people might actually be lured in on false pretenses, because he does not have the lead role. But it was also nice to see David Gale, Vivian Wu and Jeffrey Combs make small appearances in the movie. And if you are a fan of Jeffrey Combs, then you should get a kick out of the fact that his character in "Guyver" is named Dr. East.

As campy and cheesy as "Guyver" actually is, it is still a very enjoyable and entertaining movie.
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Thought it was great when I was a kid but it's pretty much a big 'ol corny pile of crap now! Fun, but not enough to make it a good movie.. Warning: Spoilers
Yep that is correct, I did love this flick when I was about eight or so, my favourite Zoanoid was the bad stereotype jive-talking one with the big lips and the bling, I thought he and his...rap was the absolute coolest ever!! Well time doth make fools of us all and some movies you just plain outgrow. I still love many pictures that I did when I was little, but this to me does not hold up at all. I'd love to enjoy it for what it is, but the thing is, what it is happens to completely suck! Who'd think a movie with nothing but an alien cyborg fighting monsters could be so boring? I mean it is a little fun and entertaining but only in stops and starts, I mostly find it to be a tedious watch. From the beginning there's a noticeable lack of momentum to it. And the tone is completely wrong, rather than being all sleek and dark and cool, it's all a bit go-go Guyver rangers! It feels like a kid-friendly movie but like it's seriously forcing itself to be that way? when the visual style and atmosphere of everything is clearly crying out for something decidedly more gritty and harder-edged and dark, with some well placed swears and maybe even a little light nudity, and it was begging for copious amounts of blood guts and severed limbs to be flying in all directions as a result of the Guyver's deadly arm blades and firepower. It would have been improved so much if they'd only done away with the painful attempts at slapstick, and also if they'd bothered to invest in some decent fight choreography, because most of the time the Guyver just picks enemies up and throws them around. And get used to those f***ing scene-to-scene transmissions! The way the film slices itself in half and blares out that annoying noise is so jarring and stupid. The cartoony comic book-esc elements and the tone are what really murders this film for me. The good guys don't exactly leap out and grab you, Vivian Wu as an actress was really terrible! And Jack Armstrong was fine enough but he was dull and didn't make the character of the Guyver compelling at all.. It does have some positive aspects, like what's definitely the best thing about the movie whether you love it or hate it are the practical creature suits and makeup effects. The Zoanoid suits look great, they all blink and have expressions and have a great scaly skin texture, and the Guyver suit is an excellently presented piece of work that's quite striking. A brilliant job was done of recreating the look of it from the manga, it's near-perfect, right down to the steam vents. It's also pretty spectacular and icky when Mark Hammel painful transforms into a giant cricket, and dies! I'm also still quite fond of the last battle where the Cronos president changes into a humongous demonic lizard beast that stomps after the Guyver in a sequence that I find oddly similar to when Howard the Duck takes on the Dark Overlord! The Zoalord is similar in design to another creature that Screaming Mad George designed for the Full Moon movie Arena. And that leads me to David Gale, who I thought was terrific as the tyrannical leader of the monster organisation bent on world domination, his was the only character that wasn't dull, dim-witted or ultra-thin. The movie didn't deserve him, he steals and just really livens up every scene that he's in. What a brilliant character actor, he could play a crazy villain like no one else I've ever seen, so sad that he passed away too soon.. I love when Jeffrey Combs pops up as Dr. East, an underling professor to the man who's head he once chopped off years earlier as Dr. West in the gory classic Re-Animator. Oh well in closing I don't think that this is something you can watch and then immediately love the thought of watching again any time soon, because to me its bad points far outweigh its good ones. Horribly mishandled, it's truly a bad adaptation of an awesome franchise and character.
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typical americanisation of an oriental creation!!!
chris_thespaceman25 September 2002
I have to admit, i had seen this film before i even knew that guyver was originally a japanese manga comic, which then became a highly popular anime series. so i was originally impressed with the film (except for the rappings scenes).the novelty of the film wore off when i saw the anime and i realised it had been americanised BUT.... fighting scenes were pretty good and the make up and costumes were brilliant, especially the Guyver bio-booster suit. (to find out what that means watch the anime series). if you like this film, then trust me you will like sequel, which gets pretty deep into the guyver units history!!!
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The Bad & The Good Of 'The Guyver'
ccthemovieman-128 September 2006
The "bad news" outweighs the "good news" for this movie.

BAD - The dialog in here is very stupid; the acting is poor (Jack Armstrong, Vivian Wu?); there is too much violence and simply a general Class B-type production feeling about this whole film, making it dumb overall.

GOOD - It was very light on the profanity and sometimes had some pretty good special-effects with the humans turning into monsters.

STRANGE - Added to the cast is television star Jimmie Walker, who played a goofy "Kid Dyn-O-Mite" character on TV, and Mark Hamill, from the hugely-successful Star Wars movie series. Wow, times must have gotten tough for those two actors to be in this movie!

OVERALL - After watching this for an hour, it was hard to get interested enough to finish the film.
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Do Not Watch this as your first step into the world of the Guyver!
riot4kimber5 May 2002
I picked up this movie, thinking that this would be a cool live action version of one of my favorite Anime shows 'Bio Booster Armor Guyver'. Boy this is the worst by far!

The bright points of the film are the Guyver unit, and Brian Yuzna regulars David Gale and Jeffery Combs.

The rest of the movie is horrible! Lisker *AKA Guyver 2 in the anime/manga series is reduced to a simpering idiot of a zoanoid. And Jimmy 'J.J.' Walker as a zoanoid? What are they thinking?

If you are a fan of the Guyver Anime and Manga, rent Dark Hero: Guyver 2. It's a much, much, better film, and is more truer to the original story. If they make a 3rd one, bring in Guyver 3, and Masaki Murakami! This would improve the series!!!
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stuman946 May 2003
A couple months ago, I decided to buy the guyver anime series on dvd. I watched them and I got hooked. I soon realized that they made The Guyver into a full length movie. I tell you this. Never and I mean Never rent this movie. This movie is crap. It's more than crap. It's terrible. It's bad. Avoid it at all costs. If you do like guyver tho. Rent Guyver: dark hero. That movie is wicked. But this one Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1/10
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Campy sci-fi
leathaface18 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Despite all the bad reviews I thought it was pretty good when you consider that it's an American comic book adaptation. The storyline was pretty straightforward, good guy accidentally finds some super weapon that the bad guy is trying to get his hands on. It turns out the villain has superhuman abilities and a small army of scientists with the same powers. There are tons of awesome transformation effects but the bad thing is we get to see a few frames of them briefly and many times none at all. In the last third of the movie a bunch of human villains transform in a laboratory, only it kind of shows them coming out of the dark in a deliberately fast pace. The creatures they turn into are really cool and complex looking, especially what Mark Hammill turns into. The main villain Balcus' true form is truly horrifying in the ending.
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Good as a 12 yr old, but...
May_lo21 September 2008
From childhood memory I recalled this movie being great fun and really cool.

So the lesson I learnt from rewatching this film recently is that some kid memories should stay as memories. this really isn't very good at all.

This is a shame as the cast features some genre greats such as Mark Hamill, Michale Berrman and Jeffrey Combs. The film doesn't seem to know if it wants to be a shlocky horror movie, comic book film or children's adventure. One minute it feels like Shaq's Steel film or Starkid the next it feels like Toxic Crusader. The tone is everywhere and for that reason left this old kid disappointed..
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Cheesy but still fun.
Rattrap00721 September 2001
Ok I'll admit it. These film wouldn't win any acting awards, but this film is still fun. The monster and Guyver suits are very impressive. If you like guys in rubber suits than this is the film for you. Not a lot to say about it other than the fact that it has lots of monsters fighting. Jimmy Walker is hilarious as Striker. He even delivers his famous catchphrase, "Dyno-mite!", at the very end. All in all good for just a fun little sci-fi party. I give it a 7/10 for fun times. a 3.5/10 for plot and acting.
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Possibly the film that ruined Mark Hamill's career...
Fixxxer11430 March 2003
I'm not saying that Mark Hamill had a career, but any chance of one was lost with this lousy attempt of a film.

Let me start off by saying that I saw this movie many years ago when I was about five years old and I didn't quite remember what it was about but I remember it was dumb. So, when my brother brought it over a few days ago I figured I'd watch it to refresh my memory. The whole movie seemed like I was watching a really long episode of Power Rangers or Ultra Man Tiga, which in my opinion is a very bad thing. All the scenes are too long and drawn out and make you loose interest in them very quickly. The acting was just plain awful and a good example is Vivian Wu as Mizky. Through the whole movie she is moaning and whining and it just comes off as annoying and eventually you wish those guys in the monster costumes would just kill her. The only person who's performance was half-way decent was Hamill's. Call me analytical, but I believe if you give movies like this the benifit of the doubt, then you yourself are helping to poison the world with cinematic filth of this such. As my final comments I will say that this film was just totally "unnecessary" and totally "Japanified"...* out of ****
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Twisted Mutant Insane Cyborgs
Sambo90002 September 2003
Despite what many reviews say, I really liked this. It may be dated in special effects, and be crawling in flaws, but it is a generally enjoyable movie. Sean Barker finds a strange alien mechanical looking device that merges with his own body, turning him into a cyborg-like superhero. When Zoanoids, Werewolf like people that can turn into mutants, appear and start chasing him down in order to obtain the device, Sean uncovers Khronos Corp.'s evil schemes.

Fans of the Guyver cartoon and comics may or may not like it. A lot of the "best bits" from the cartoon's storyline are involved in this movie but are done slightly differently. While the action and Zoanoids(monsters) seem like an adult version of the Power Rangers, and some of the tongue-in-cheek gags almost take over the Guyver's story, something about the movie is just irresistible. The problem is it's impossible to put your finger on what it is.

Reminiscent of a lot of the late 80s to early 90's action comic inspired movies, the movie never takes itself too seriously. Weather that's a good or bad thing is your decision. There are times where the comic relief, or purposely amusing action scenes can start to become annoying, as any fan of The Guyver is obviously looking for some serious action and gore. It does have it's moments in that department, however.

The movie covers most of the main Guyver story, apart from the actual origin of the Guyver. A sequel, "The Guyver: Dark Hero" spawned from this(although it can be watched on it's own and understood, especially if you have seen the cartoon or read the comics), which takes The Guyver much more seriously, and uncovers the origin of the Guyver, whilst at the same time throws constant violent action at you.

Casting is good in the means of appearance, Mark Hamill as a CIA agent must have boosted the sales of the film, and Michael Berryman makes the perfect mutant, with his bald head and evil stare, but the acting could use some work.

Hardcore fans of the cartoon or comics may be iffy about the tongue-in-cheek humor used in this movie, but as long as it's not taken too seriously it can be a great movie to watch. The important part is that it FEELS like The Guyver. If you don't want to put up with lots of flaws and comic relief gags, then go for "The Guyver: Dark Hero" which is much more similar to the cartoons and comics.
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What a bad movie.... I LOVE IT!!!!
quantumcat3 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Whether I am biased because of it's Japanese influences, whether I am biased because I like (bad) monster movies, or whether I like it because it to campy to put into words....I don't know, maybe all of the above.

I think last night was the first time I saw the guyver -live action movie. I did see the sequel (dark hero), but that was released on video here in Holland.

I don't know how to rate this movie. The bad: -the acting is poor -the dialogs are poor -the plot could have been better -the fights are not bad -eighties feel to it. The baddies are a eighties -punk-steetgang-esque group. AND THIS IS A 1991 MOVIE!!!!

The good: -The dialogues are hilariously bad -It has humor, almost self-relating humour -the acting almost seems bad on purpose, like it was meant to be cliché. It gives a kind of flair to the movie. -the fights are awsesomely choreographed, in a funny, power-ranger kind of way. -The monsters are awesome, great designs, great suits least we can tell where the budget went -The special effects aren't that bad, given it's time (early nineties, pre-Jurassic park) and it's budget -jeffrey combs & mark hamill I hate to say it. Against better judgment: I love it. Don't expect duel of the fates darth maul vs obiwan kenobi & Quigon Jin like fights, but the fights serve their purpose well and handsomely convey the campy feel to it. So does the bad acting ... in the end, it is still a bad movie, but I have seen worse, with bigger budgets...

I rate it a 6 out of 10. Somethings are well done, others unspeakably poor, but in the end, it has good entertaining value. If you like this kind of movies. If you're not into low(er) budget movies ...
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Well, I thought it was cooler 10 years ago...
dee.reid25 May 2007
...And that was because I was 12 and hadn't read the original Yoshiki Takaya Manga "Bio-booster Armor Guyver" back then. 1992's "The Guyver" was the first American adaptation of Takaya's original Japanese work, which had already been made into a 12-episode OVA on its native soil.

The original 12-episode OVA condensed much of Takaya's material, thus eliminating a lot of the deeper sci-fi themes and moments for the characters to develop beyond simple comic book caricatures. The 1992 "Guyver" film boasts some incredible creature effects, cool-looking monsters and a formidable cast of "B"-movie talent, but it didn't do much to really further Takaya's reputation in the United States, since like the first OVA, a lot of themes in the movie were shed and replaced by typical sci-fi monster movie elements and the camp humor present in most American "B"-pictures.

Perhaps the blame falls on the co-directing team of Screaming Mad George and Steve Wang and screenwriter Jon Purdy. They bring much of the camp of American "B"-movies to an amazing piece of Japanese art that was better known for its deep characters, chilling near-apocalyptic themes and brilliant sci-fi narrative, not for any stupid camp humor. Of course this undermines the seriousness of and shows an utter lack of respect for Takaya's original material, even though I'm not a stickler for accuracy when it comes to adaptations but these sorts of changes really bugged me.

The first live-action film features some of the same basic elements of the story, including characters and history, but that's about it. In Los Angeles, a lab scientist is tracked down and killed by the Chronos Corporation's legion of Zoanoids, human mutants that have the ability to transform into monster foot-soldiers at will. The scientist had stolen the "guyver" unit, an alien suit of armor, from Chronos's lab, and had planned on delivering it to CIA agent Max Reed (Mark Hamill).

Balcus (the late David Gale) is the head of Chronos, and has instructed his Zoanoid henchmen (including original "The Hills Have Eyes" Michael Berryman as Zoanoid chief henchman Lisker and Jimmy Walker as Zoanoid foot-soldier Striker, the latter of whom provides much of the comic relief) to go out and search for the missing Guyver unit by first starting with the scientist's daughter Mizki (Vivian Wu). But it has already fallen into the hands of college student Sean Barker (Jack Armstrong), who accidentally activates the unit after being attacked by gang members and is transformed into an exponentially enhanced mechanized warrior with an awesome array of powers and weapons. Now he must use the Guyver's abilities to fend off Chronos and its legion of evil Zoanoids.

While "The Guvyer" does boast some incredible special effects, you can also see some of the attempts at mimicking the mood of then-recent comic book adaptations like "Batman" (1989) or "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (1990), much rather than its own source material. But the camp humor destroys much of what could have been really good about the movie. The acting is pretty poor, the dialogue hokey and "B"-name heavyweights such as Mark Hamill and Jimmy Walker don't really seem to have a lot to do, although there is one oddly-placed comic scene where Striker crashes in on the set of a monster movie and is confronted by scream queen Linnea Quigley (they don't call her a scream queen for nothing, you know).

Better to save the best for this film's 1994 sequel "Guyver: Dark Hero" and the 2005 26-episode OVA series, both of which are not only better, but are more serious, more violent, and more faithful to the Manga.

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"I am the Guyver!"
Backlash00723 October 2001
The Guyver is not the best film, but it's certainly not the worst. Let's just say Brian Yuzna has been involved in better films. If you can survive the Jimmie Walker rap scenes, you'll be able to survive this movie. You know from seeing Jimmie Walker's name in the opening credits that there is going to be a Dyno-mite joke cracked somewhere. It is extremely corny (EXTREMELY), however the creature designs are actually original and cool and make the Guyver worth watching. The Guyver itself is awesome. The movie does have its moments ("I am the Guyver") though. The main reason I am commenting on this mediocre movie is the presence of Jeffrey Combs. He plays Dr. East, and all Re-animator fans will get the joke there. Also Dr. Hill from Re-animator plays the villain once again. If your in the mood for something that requires a short attention span or you enjoy corny movies (I belong to the latter), then watch the Guyver.
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Power Rangers becomes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
yjbrown14 September 2006
I'm sorry, but this movie is a really poor representation of the classic anime series.

It is mildly entertaining, but in that way that you don't want to look, but perverted fascination makes you watch anyway.

Acting is slapstick, and over done. Imagine a cross between power rangers teenage mutant ninja turtles.

Rubber costumes and overacting pull what could have been a decent movie into the "I don't want to see that again ever" pit.

I was expecting something a little more serious than this as the original animated series is pretty hardcore anime.

I'd say, watch it once though, just for a laugh, then go borrow the Anime Series and really get the Guyver experience.
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A waste of time
dominion762516 September 2006
I was very excited to find this movie at the video store, being a huge fan of anime. Unfortunately, this one let me down BIG TIME. The storyline was as gay as could be and the villainous creatures just looked stupid. They tried to make the film far too slapstick, or comedic in nature. It played out like some Saturday morning kid-safe garbage. I'm not sure WHAT the he** happened to Mark Hammil, but his acting was pathetic. And Jimmy Walker as a shape-changing villain?!? Don't waste your time. If you like anime, you would be far better off watching "Fist Of The North Star" for a live action adaptation of classic anime.
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Good-Intentioned Film With Too Much Cheese, And Too Many Costumes
gavin694228 August 2007
A race of aliens are trying to run the earth with an evil corporation. They have a reptile-like appearance, which I suppose pleases David Icke. Their next goal is to attain the guyver, a special device that turns the user into a living suit of armor. Unfortunately for them, a young martial arts student finds it first.

This film should have been awesome. The cast was amazing (more on this later) and the general idea was decent. Sure, it reeks of "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" and "Voltron" in some ways, but it's based on a Japanese comic, so you'll have that. Let's go over the negatives before I try to say something nice.

The fight scenes dragged on way too long. The Guyver has the power to use knives and cut his opponents to shreds, but he rarely does it and waits until the end of the fight to do so. So, we're left with a long fight scene followed by another long fight scene... less entertaining than the one from "They Live" and cheesier because they keep fighting the same guys and it's just rubber suit hitting rubber suit.

The acting was awful. It was cheeseball. Most noticeably from Mark Hamill, who plays a CIA agent. I didn't understand why a CIA agent was investigated domestic murder (isn't that what the FBI is for?), but even more confusing was Hamill's over-the-top approach and bad mustache. I really hope this was intention on the part of the creators, because Hamill can do so much better than this (see "Star Wars" and "Silver Bullet"). Even if intentional, it was still bad.

The scene cuts were annoying, with these diagonal slashes indicating a new scene. They were not necessary, done too often, and just made the film seem even more of a cartoon. Maybe the audience was supposed to be kids, who might like that. I don't know. I just thought it was excessive.

And yes, there were too many costumes. I don't know how to get around that since the film was about aliens. But the costumes were just so cheesy. Maybe it was better than some costumes. Actually, I know it is. But I can't watch all these rubber suits bounce around. I need some sort of human presence.

Now, I will say the cast was amazing, even if put in a really bad film. Horror fans will recognize a great many of these names: Michael Berryman ("The Hills Have Eyes"), Mark Hamill ("Silver Bullet"), David Gale ("Re-Animator"), Linnea Quigley ("Return of the Living Dead"), and Jeffrey Combs ("Re-Animator"). The film was even produced by Brian Yuzna, making this something of a "re-Animator" reunion. And the horror in-jokes were nice (casting Quigley as a scream queen, and Combs as "Doctor East").

If the fight scenes had been cut shorter, this would have been a smoother and more enjoyable film. As it is now, it's pretty bland and boring. Put it on for the kids, as I think they'll get a lot more out of it. Then some day they'll go back and watch it again, only to be traumatized that they used to like such rubbish. But looking back on what I used to like, I don't know how I tolerated such poor animation as a child.
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It just scrapes the surface of entertainment
When it comes to cartoon movie adaptations, it has yet to be seen where one comes out playing well. Speed Racer (2008) is a perfect example of this. Live-action tends to suck the life out of cartoons. So after watching the Japanese cartoon of The Guyver, I wasn't quite sure how this movie adaptation would play out. But surprisingly, to me, I was somewhat entertained by the creature effects and actors that appeared in the film. However, this still does not make it a great movie.

The film starts off with a scrolling of lines that explain that there is a group of people who can transform into creatures called Zoanoids. The Zoalord, the strongest Zoanoid who looks to control the world, leads these Zoanoids. But the only way he can do this is by obtaining the "guyver", a bio-armor that should make him invincible. That is, if not for an unwilling individual who runs into the bio-armor first, giving him power beyond his original abilities.

The unwilling individual is named Sean Barker played by the forgotten actor, Jack Armstrong. Armstrong gives a convincing performance as his character, even if the majority of his lines are "Are you OK? or Let her go!". Baker also has a girlfriend, Mizky Segawa (Vivian Wu), who gets caught by the Zoalord and is the damsel in distress. However, her character does show some courage, a trait that does not come up often, usually most damsels scream constantly. Tagging along with them is CIA agent, Max Reed, played by the famous Mark Hamill. Hamill gives Reed some good lines, this made me chuckle here and there.

Even more surprising is to find four other iconic actors in this film as well. Michael Berryman from Wes Craven's The Hills Have Eyes (1977) has a significant role as the Zoalord's henchman. Even more intriguing is that Jeffrey Combs and David Gale from Re-Animator (1985) both have roles in here too. Gale plays the Zoalord himself and Combs plays a lab rat named Dr. East. Jeez, how funny is that. Herbert WEST from Re- Animator (1985) is now Dr. EAST in The Guyver (1991), and, now Combs is working for Gale instead of fighting him, like in Re-Animator (1985). Also Willard E. Pugh, Mayor Kuzak from RoboCop 2 (1990), plays one of Reed's coworkers. Which also coincidental because when the "guyver" armor is first activated by Baker, someone says, "Alright you RoboCop thing!". Hahaha wow. Too many coincidences.

Now for the bad things. First, I enjoy martial arts fight sequences but for a lot of the time, I felt like they dragged on forever. This is mostly because the fight scenes contained the same techniques. Also, I understand that it is 1991 but it seemed like many of the creature costumes ran from either clunky to unrealistically goofy. One monster had googly eyes. Really? How does that look terrifying? I'd laugh. Actually, a lot of the costumes looked like they were ideas to be used for the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993) TV show. But I do give credit to Linda L. Meltzer, head of costume design for making the "guyver" armor looking so awesome. The special effects with the bio- armor were cool but it also made me wonder why the same couldn't be done for when the villains transformed.

Also, for the first half of the film, the transitioning between scenes was very obnoxious. But credit should be given to screenwriter Jon Purdy for at least making the story more creative. The story isn't the usual cliché hero movie. There are parts of the film where it'll have the audience guessing and I'll admit there were segments where I thought certain things wouldn't happen but they did. It keeps you on your toes so that's good. The musical score by Matthew Morse wasn't impressive though. I had a slight resemblance to the anime shows but it wasn't very prevalent in the film. Also the ending seemed quick which made me feel like it was done last minute just as a throw in. This movie had a lot of ups and downs but I support it because it did almost go somewhere.

For the most part, the actors and the "guyver" armor itself is the thing to see in this film. The action is good for a while but gets tiresome overtime as well as the creature costumes.
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Gremlins meets Predator meets TMNT meets Howard the Duck
tavives22 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Bad....really bad. Should be a great candidate the MST3K.

Mark Hamill gets beat up a lot and turns into a grasshopper at the end -- Hey! You can't do that to Luke Skywalker!!!

Two stars for real quality (because I don't think they intended it to be this bad) but why didn't someone somewhere along the way say...

"Wait a minute guys. Are you sure this is what you want? I mean we've spent several mil on this and...OMIGOD is it bad. We really should rethink this before releasing it. Yeah sure, we got Mark Hamill and JJ Walker for a song, but I don't think that even their "star power" can save this piece of crap. Oh sure, maybe we'll make our investment back on video sales, but DAMN guys, this is really an embarrassing piece of SH*T."

I guess no one had the guts to do so.

Four stars for sheer MST3K-type enjoyment for an average of 3

Enjoy it if you can.
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A Rubbery, Fantastical, Fun, B-movie Masterpiece from my Childhood that i grew up loving on video!!!
lukem-5276019 July 2020
I loved Guyver or The Mutronics as it was known here in England & it was one of my first movies on video, big Ex-rental video & i watched it tons of times growing & it became a childhood Classic to me.

A great rubber-suited fun late-night monster movie with a super cool alien armoured action hero, a perfect fantasy film growing up.

Still the best Guyver flick.

The practical special effects are truly amazing, even more so than todays over-the-top c.g.i crap. The Guyver suit looks Awesome & i love all the different creatures or Zoenoids, fantastic rubber-suited monsters & the cast is great too with Mark Hamill (Star Wars films,Sleepwalkers,Village of the Damned) as a Cop named Max Reed, investigating the shady Chronos Corporation & to be honest he steals the film (even though he has extremely cheesy lines though) & it's a good fun role as he looks abit "Blade Runner" with his big jacket & i like the veteran B-movie & Horror legend Michael Berryman (The Hills Have Eyes, Double Dragon) as a monster henchman who turns into one of the Coolest movie monsters ever!!! Amazing fx & i love the Guyver's main theme score & i love the gritty urban night time setting of Los Angeles complete with gang graffiti covered walls & punks in alleyways, a great place for our weedy Karate kid Sean Barker to transform into the Guyver & battle mutants.

I gotta admit that often the dialogue is extremely corny, cheesy & often ridiculous & i wish the Guyver would've been more brutal when fighting anyone (especially those silly punks in the alley) but we do get a better Guyver battling the Zoenoids in the excellent sequel that is less goofy but it's also alot longer with much more talking scenes, so although the first film is very silly & goofy in parts it's still very entertaining & fast paced in it's low-budget B-movie charm.

Some great fight sequences & a weird mixed tone of Horror monster action & fantasy comic-book thrills but all works pretty fine really even with it's often childish humour & silly badguys abit on the TMNT level but all in a goofy fun way & always enjoyable in a way but then can turn into dark violent horror territory, it's really got a unique tone but i do wish it dropped some of the stupid gags that are not funny but the comic humour actually comes from the parts that are supposed to be the serious moments, such as when Mark Hamill starts to mutate, his leg shakes crazily & he grabs it & says "My God" in a totally corny bad-acting way & it's hilarious!!!

I do have a nice Nostalgic attachment to this first Guyver as it's the one i grew up watching from little & it always had a big impact on me.

The monster suits & designs are truly a work of art & are still some of the greatest practical creature effects I've ever seen. The whole production looks great & with a real dark gritty urban feel that helps kind of ground all the fantasy stuff.

The Guyver definitely has a late-night B-movie vibe (as it all pretty much takes place at night) to it & that's one of the things i always loved about it & it's weird tone that skips from very silly power rangers episode style corniness to dark superhero territory, it's always entertaining though.

I still class this oddity from my childhood a Masterpiece though because it's such a bizarre mixture of genre's that never really finds it's true tone but is so fun crazy fun & a perfect late-night B-movie fantasy piece.

The Amazing low-budget & straight-to-video sequel "Guyver: Dark Hero" is great too (mainly for it's more violent fight sequences) but both great films in my opinion & this first film is a Nostalgic Childhood Classic for me & was my first ever introduction to the Guyver so it remains my favourite Guyver movie.

Both Guyver films are good for different reasons.
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One big joke
xamtaro15 August 2009
I will just jump straight in and say that this show IS NOT GUYVER. If this is meant to be a live action adaptation of the cult manga series, this show fails in so many aspects. Sure the manga did descend into shallow territory, with some one dimensional characters and an overall cheesy sci/fi story, but it took itself seriously. This movie seems more like a parody of Guyver and "tokusatsu" movies than an actual adaptation.

Now I would not have been so quick to criticize this show if it been given a different title like "BioMan" or "Robo-Mutant". It could have been one really entertaining flick spoofing the many campy and over-the-top Japanese superhero shows like Masked Rider and Power Rangers like how "Mystery Men" spoofed the costumed hero genre of American comic books. But since it has the name "guyver" tacked on (and maybe a couple of similar aspects like the premise of a powerful organization as a front for a powerful alien race, the look of the Guyver and a "typical guy" protagonist) I naturally expected it would be as serious as the manga or the anime series.

Looking at the film credits, I honestly cannot believe what possessed the producers to hire a director named "Screaming Mad George". If even his name is so weird, can we expect any less weirdness from his movie? From a mile away, you can smell the cheese that this show is so full of. From the rapping Zoanoid that looks like an overgrown Gremlin to the "slash/cut" scene transitions similar to those used in the Adam West Batman serials to even the horrible misplaced humor and "Wham! Pow! Zap!" style of campy action. All of it comes laced with that heavy cheesy flavor that would make even fans of the "Z"-est grade of B movies cringe in agony.

The acting is on very extreme ends of a spectrum. Mark Hamil seems to be the only competent actor here who plays his Detective role with as much professionalism and dignity as he can, considering what he had to work with. David Gale and Michael Berryman (you may recognize this guy from the original "The Hills Have Eyes") ham it up to the max, taking the definition of "eccentric and over-the-top" villains to a whole new level. On the other end of the spectrum, we have the main lead played by Jack Armstrong and his girlfriend played by Vivian Wu, who do their lines with all the gusto of a lettuce wilting in the heat.

The action scenes, which some people Laud as being the strong point of the film, are actually very mediocre. They come across as being only as good as the fights in low budgeted TV series with some lackluster fight choreography the likes of "Tattooed Teenage alien Fighters From Beverly Hills". The monsters look terribly goofy at best, hilariously silly at worst with cheap looking costumes. Furthermore, No attempt seemed to be made to disguise the fact that they are actors in suits bouncing about and doing their best to act scary. At least the guyver himself looks good for the most part, very true to the original comic.

"Guyver"(1991) would have made a fairly entertaining comedy spoof movie. But alas, it did not identify that target audience. Instead, this movie just ended up putting off many sci/fi action fans and alienating the fans of the original manga with its over-the-top humorous take on an otherwise serious story.

What a joke. A good joke, but still just a joke nonetheless.
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It may not be a thoughtful film, it may not be a good film, but that doesn't mean its not fun!
marc_wrz2 August 2002
When I was younger this was one of my favorite movies of all time. Well, needless to say I grew up. I watched it again and while the plot is weak, the acting isn't all that great, its still a fun movie to kick back and watch!

Boasting Mark Hamil as the star since he's the only recognizable actor, you'd think he's the hero, well he's not, he's just a government agent who allies with the the Guyver, a college student named Sean by day, super-power alien-warrior by night. The movie is in fact actually somewhat based off the anime pretty well. The movie is pretty much the first episode of the anime, just tweaked to America and aging the characters and well rushing the end of the anime to the live-action. Although the budget is under a million dollars the SFX are actually pretty good. Those rubber suits have never looked better! Plus there's a good Jaws parody that results in the death of J.J. Walker!

The movie makes me laugh sometimes intentionally and sometimes not, but I had fun the while way thru, so give a 10!
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The Guyver kinda based on or adapted from anime.
joshjeffords13 November 2023
Which may be from a manga, the anime is fantastic though.

Anime was ultraviolent with a dark horror scifi theme mildly antihero character.

This is both dumbed down for violence and oddity.

With strange campy humor and such added.

Also Americanized a little but not a lot.

The effect makeup and costumes are good.

Most of the fights are good martial arts style mostly.

Mark Hamill is a major character but not in the suit.

The Directors cut is for fans only juat adds dialogue expands few scenes.

The sequel is much better more like 80s anime.

You can watch this movie on family night or just for campy scifi fun.
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Disappointing FX vehicle
Leofwine_draca20 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
THE GUYVER is a little-remembered anime-influenced science fiction flick about an ordinary guy who becomes possessed with the power to transform into a crime-fighting mutant cyborg hero. He soon finds himself assailed by a gang of bizarre lizard men and discovers that a sinister engineering organisation is set to bring chaos to the world; it's his job to stop those involved. This film is a classic example of what a movie with great effects and no script looks like. Screaming Mad George, who co-directs, contributes all manner of amazing prosthetics and weird-looking creations, even a little stop motion at times. The imagination is all up on the screen in a physical format. The rest is a mish mash of nonsense and tired genre tropes, with mad scientist running amok and street gangs trying to act tough. It's a bit like the SUPER MARIO BROS. movie. The humour is very poor and the pacing seems off, inducing boredom at times. One good aspect - aside from the effects - is the presence of familiar actors in supporting roles, including tough guy Mark Hamill and mad scientist Jeffrey Combs.
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