IMDb Polls

Poll: Favorite Subgenre Sci-Fi

The sci-fi genre, short for science fiction, features imaginative and futuristic concepts that are often rooted in scientific principles, technology, and possibilities. These stories delve into "what if" questions and can serve as a platform to address contemporary social, political, and ethical issues by projecting them onto future or alternate settings.

Here is a list of subgenres of sci-fi films, which sci-fi subgenre is the most astonishing for you to watch?

Please discuss here.

Results of 243 votes:

  1. 1.

    Interstellar (2014)

    Space Sci-Fi The space sci-fi subgenre features stories set primarily in outer space or involving space travel, exploration, and interstellar adventures. Space sci-fi often emphasizes the wonders and …
  2. 2.

    Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future (1985)

    Time Travel The time travel subgenre features traveling backward or forward in time, often resulting in characters encountering alternate timelines, paradoxes, and the potential to alter history. Thes…
  3. 3.

    Timothée Chalamet in Dune (2021)

    Sci-Fi Epic The sci-fi epic subgenre features grand narratives set in expansive and imaginative worlds. Sci-fi epics often span vast time periods, multiple locations, and involve intricate plots that …

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