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Armstrong (2019)
Great Documentary
31 May 2022
I remember the entire American space program well. I was getting ready to start my senior year in high school when Armstrong led the Apollo moon landing. I'd been following the space program since the early days of Mercury, through Gemini and on. This is a fantastic look into one of the key members and probably the single most important moments in the American space program, and it shows the human side to these men. You have got to see this documentary. It's truly great.
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Endeavour: Degüello (2019)
Season 6, Episode 4
Great episode
26 May 2022
This season was, in my opinion, the weakest so far. This last episode however made up for the previous episodes. It was a great show. One bit of trivia, in the last scene Morse is shown with a suitcase. I happen to know it's a Samsonite. I know this because I inherited a complete set of the exact same luggage from my parents which I still use.
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Complete mess
8 May 2022
I never read the book the movies are based on so the only opinion I have to offer is based on the movies alone. That said, this is a movie that never should have been made. It's a complete mess. Some of the actors just seem to be walking through their roles. I loved the first movie and I had hopes for this one but it just tanked. It might be ok if you're under ten years old but as someone older and a fantasy nut this was a complete disappointment.
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Soar (2014)
I love it
14 April 2022
I honestly don't understand the low ratings on this film. In only six minutes it goes from frustration to heartbreak to ultimate triumph. The animation is beautiful, the story is sweet, I loved it. Beautiful little film.
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Great documentary of an important band
14 April 2022
I started guitar in 1961 when I was nine years old. After a couple years I started to learn Ventures songs. Wipe Out, Walk Don't Run and other songs were some of the first real songs I learned that weren't in the Mel Bay books. I also taught guitar over twenty seven years and I taught my students those songs. This show has a tremendous meaning for me. What a great documentary. Thank you. Ps. I'm seventy years now now and I still play. I even remember how to play those songs.
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unexpected fun flick
22 March 2022
When I first saw this film years ago I didn't expect much, just a light bit of fluff to kill a couple hours. What surprised me was I really liked it. Reese Witherspoon is perfect as a girl who seems, at first, to be a total airhead but, as the story progresses finds depths even she didn't know. The rest of the cast is also great. Granted there are some weaker moments but they can be easily ignored because of the way the rest comes together. Don't just pass this off as a simple chick flick, it really is a fun movie.
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Foyle's War: A Lesson in Murder (2002)
Season 1, Episode 3
Great episode
15 January 2022
I'm a self avowed history nut and I also love great story telling. This series hits on all levels. You really get al feel of how it was for the English during that time. The German airforce conducting air raids, the British army seemingly alone against the German juggernaut and the Americans staying away. There's so much more. I love this series. I've watched every episode over and over and it never gets old.
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not bad
28 December 2021
This show tries to point out to business owners how easy it is too shoplift in their stores. What really gets me is how stupid these business owners are and how resistant they are to suggestions to making their businesses more secure. It's both frustrating and funny. Some of these people deserve to be out of business, that's how clueless they are.
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RWBY: Volume 8 (2021 Video)
18 December 2021
I love it! This show has had its critics but I think Monty would be pleased at the direction it's taking. This series leaves so many unanswered questions I can't wait for the next series. I'm not going to give anything away, you'll have to watch it yourself and draw your own conclusions. Keep up the good work.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Darmok (1991)
Season 5, Episode 2
TNG at it's best
5 December 2021
When there's a show that runs as long and has as many episodes as this series there's bound to be some weak shows. This is not one of them. This episode totally blew me away he first time I saw it and remains one of my top five episodes. This is what happens when you have two truly great talents and a story that allows them to fully use that talent. This isn't a fast bang bang shoot 'em up episode, rather it explores how different people can find common ground if both are committed to it. It's a lesson we all can learn if we're willing to try.
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Just ok
17 November 2021
This is a great example of how you take a really good book and turn it into a mediocre movie. The books were great but this just doesn't live up to the promise. Movies seldom do, but this could have been much better.
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25 October 2021
I grew up in Saginaw MI. I went to Douglas Mac Arthur High School at the same time that Terry would have so I would at least have heard of him. I never did, not even his name. At the time there was only one high school he could have gone to. There are at dozens of places around the area that date back well over two hundred years that could be haunted but this isn't one of them.
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Whip It (2009)
Totally unexpected great flick
5 October 2021
I'd never heard of this movie. I came across it by accident and I loved it. I've been a fan of Drew Barrimore for years and seeing this was the first movie she directed I was interested. After seeing the cast I knew I had to watch it and I was not disappointed. One big thing that impressed me was (for the most part) I didn't feel like I was watching a bunch of people acting, I really believed in the characters. They felt like real people. To me that's the mark of a good flick.
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Alienated (II) (2021)
Totally unexpected joy
30 September 2021
I didn't have any idea what to expect from this movie, but I loved it. It's not your typical flashy, frenetic, slam bang science fiction movie. There's not much flash but there's a lot of great story. The actors never seem like they're acting, they feel like real people. If you want loud fast moving commercial sci fi you'll be disappointed, but if you appreciate a good story with a variety of characters check this one out. I'm a sucker for good story telling and this is one great example. I want this in my collection.
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Cop and a Half: New Recruit (2017 TV Movie)
Fun little flick
28 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There's not much I can say that hasn't already been said. This is a fun film with likable characters. Lulu Wilson is as cute as can be and it's nice to see Lou Diamond Phillips play a lighter role than his usual more intense parts. Granted this hits all the typical buttons you'd expect but for kids it's just right. All in all I like it and I think it's better than the original.
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fun show
26 September 2021
I came across this purely by accident and I love it. At first I wasn't sure about it. My first reaction was what the heck is this!? I'm an animation fanatic so I decided to give it a shot. The look and style of animation is totally different than anything else and I like that. Different can be a very good thing. At first I thought it was just a kids show but I quickly changed my mind. All in all a great show. I want to see more.
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Star Trek: Enterprise: Acquisition (2002)
Season 1, Episode 19
Ferengi are so stupid
10 September 2021
When I see a race this dumb on Star Trek I have to wonder how a species this moronic could have developed any machine beyond the simple wheel let alone space travel. I think the only ones dumber have to be the Paklids. All in all a pretty bad episode.
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Simply awful
9 September 2021
Tesla was a fascinating man and a true genius. This documentary, however is the worst. There are scenes that are total nonsense like a scene early where the narrator is talking about Tesla's card gambling and the scene shown is a roulette wheel. That's just one of many. The narration has got to be the worst voiceover ever. I'd really like to see a documentary of Tesla that truly respects his genius. Don't wast your time with this turkey.
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Women's Murder Club (2007–2008)
worthwhile but not great
2 September 2021
First off there's a lot to like about this show. Good cast, decent acting, enough action but not over the top. When it comes to the stories though, it's just the same old thing. No surprises. I liked it because I could just turn off my brain and just go with the flow, but that's also where the problem comes from. When I want something that's going to challenge me this isn't where I'd go. That's why I gave it a 7. It could've been more.
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0 stars
1 September 2021
Throw a bunch of chimps in an editing room with a bunch of film footage and this is what you get.
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Appleseed (1988 Video)
Old but still good
19 August 2021
I gave this an 8 for the original Japanese subtitled version. The dubbed version is only a 4 because of bad voice acting. 90% of the time I'll pick the subtitled versions because I want to hear the original actors and I'm also an extremely fast reader so subtitles don't bother me. Overall this is a really good story for an older anime.
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I loved it.
2 August 2021
It would be so easy to pass this off as just another sports movie but it's much more. It's a movie about love, loss, tragedy and ultimately triumph. You need to understand these girls were children, high school students, teenagers. They had to deal with great loss and the pressure of winning a state championship. They are all hero's and should be an inspiration. I love this movie.
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exactly what I expected
27 July 2021
Renewed shows seldom work and this is no exception. In today's world every show must fit a certain social/political viewpoint or it won't be allowed to exist. Gone are the days when shows were allowed to push limits. Now it's all about "feelings." The original show was aimed at a more adult audience than this. The writing is about as simplistic as it gets, the acting has fallen way off. The entire cast seems to be walking through their parts with no attempt to be convincing. Noah Wyle is a favorite of mine and his talent is wasted here. It's sad, I really wanted to like this show but I just can't.
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Dubbed, badly
26 July 2021
This might be a fine film but I can't stand dubbed movies. I want to hear the original language with subtitles. I don't care if I need to read because I'm a very good reader. The original language gives the movie the feel the film makers wanted when they made the movie in the first place. For those who aren't good readers, learn to read. For those who are too lazy to learn to read I don't have any sympathy. I know my review might anger some people but too bad.
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Leverage: The Blue Line Job (2012)
Season 5, Episode 2
Pretty good episode
23 July 2021
This is a decent episode. One thing that did get me, (as a tortoise lover) at about 22:40 Nate refers to the turtle as a "sucato." There is no such thing. There is a sulcata tortoise, an African tortoise that doesn't look anything like the turtle shown. Sulcatas can grow up to 150 pounds and are considered to be one of the larger tortoise breeds in the world. Some people do keep them as pets but they require a lot of room.
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