
53 Reviews
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Fallout (2024– )
Pleasantly surprised
18 April 2024
As a veteran of Fallout 1 and 2, I was very pleasantly surprised by this adaptation. Upon first viewing, my initial impression was "a very solid six", but, at the time of writing this review, that has grown to an eight. An intelligently set and presented main story, which is also elegantly and wittily served sharp criticism of run amok capitalism and profit-motivated existence. Typical Fallout toilet humor, perfect background music, striking post-apocalyptic locations, great cast ... although not completely without flaws (occasional banality and cheapness), this is certainly one of the best screen adaptations of a video game.
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Let's hope this is the last nail in the coffin of something that should have been buried a long time ago
18 March 2024
Of the three recent spinoffs, this one got the least love. Almost like an afterthought. Most likely just some contractual obligation that had to be fulfilled. Acting, characterization, decision-making, dialogues, exposition, dramatization ... all at the level of a mediocre Turkish soap opera. They don't even bother to mask how little interest the team has in making anything solid out of this neverending eye-rolling fest. Lame, lame, lame ...

A solid example of how a typical corporate executive imagines the average viewer and his/her intellectual capacity and needs.

Let's hope this is the last nail in the coffin of something that should have been buried a long time ago.
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Song of the Bandits (2023– )
29 September 2023
The first few episodes look really good. Stylized, atmospheric, poetic even ... packed with Wicked (pun intended) action scenes. Unfortunately, all that is gradually replaced by stale and pathetic melodrama and romance that redefines terms like corny and cheesy.

Basically, from Wow to yawn to wtf and finally to "Oh god, please, just don't" ...

There is also the completely unnecessary subplot of the rivalry between the main hero and the main heroine, extremely poorly presented, even worse maintained and resolved in a totally anti-cathartic manner.

On top of that, in typical Korean style, the dialogues are not realy dialogues, but extended spoken description of the scene. Do they really believe that the average viewer is a total idiot who needs everything drawn?

It's not all black, of course. Even in the later episodes there are flashes of inspiration here and there, especially the ninth episode and its atypical humor (the scene where the fat Japanese squeezes the wounded hand of the main villain out of gratitude is a real gem, I'm still laughing) But all in all, lukewarm, bland and mostly boring. A missed opportunity.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Bottom of the barrel slot filler without any redeeming qualities
8 September 2023
I remember watching the first episode of the first season and thinking, finally, no nonsense serious SF ... well, no ... it's anything but.

Basically, it's a bunch of walking clichés dealing with the cheapest possible instant drama randomly crammed into this flop every so often. To make matters worse, that pile of random instant obstacles and resolutions moves at a snail's pace. On top of all that lies a thick layer of pure idiocy. Or complete disregard for coherence, continuity or sanity.

One does not know what would be worse.

Throughout the first season we have been repeatedly told that those "alien balls" are completely resistant to physical damage. Only to realize later that they are easily destroyed with ordinary home-made Molotov cocktails. In some parts of the world, these same extraterrestrials are savagely hunting and killing members of the human race. En masse. In other parts, casual parties are held in the immediate vicinity of the alien spaceships. Which are invisible everywhere else (an entire episode spent figuring out how to detect them, by the way). A mother in her "unwavering zeal" to protect her children constantly forces them into robbery and other life-threatening situations, the President of the "world coalition" (whatever that is) is appalled at the suggestion that "her nuclear weapon operators" look to the sky for certain period of time ... kids casually lamenting the meaning of their actions and lives in the midst of an all-out alien invasion ... and so on and so forth ...

Bottom of the barrel slot filler without any redeeming qualities.
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The Clearing (2023)
A month old fish stinks less than this ... whatever this is
8 September 2023
It started well, but the first episode seems to be the only episode where even minimal effort was put into it. After that, a group of idiots do the most stupid things for the most imbecile reasons all the while trying to keep serious faces. No one is capable of understanding even the simplest things, like, this is bad, this is good, this is allowed, this is not ....Being so painful to watch, one can only imagine what it was like for the poor actors.

And sure enough, all that nonsense is wrapped and rooted in the latest reaches of bro psychology. Cutting edge bro psychology one might say.

I mean, really? A month old fish stinks less than this ... whatever this is.
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
Go back to your daily jobs and leave the TV to grownups
20 June 2023
Well, if you haven't, be sure to watch at least two or three whole episodes to fathom the amount of amateurism, incompetence and lack of talent embedded in this dreck. Try as I might, I can't recall a dumber series. If you don't believe me, just wait for one of the endless close-ups of the main protagonist staring off into the distance. It is as if the head is deprived of any thinking process. Or ability to form one. Priceless :)

In fact, I strongly doubt that a professional team is behind this idiocy.

Let's imagine a local film club about to shoot its first "masterpiece". The president of the club assigned himself the role of director. His best friend, the dude who published a short story in the school newspaper, will write the script. Local electrician will do the light. Then the character with the largest collection of ready-made film music samples will be in charge of ... music. TV forecast editor with unfulfilled desire for a film career will be an editor. The production, of course, goes to a small dealer who invests some small money to impress his girlfriend. Which, obviously, gets the female lead. And finally, the star, Magne himself. I'm not entirely sure, but in all likelihood, the idiot son of the local mayor ... so that the "crew" gets access to town locations and facilities for free.

At one point in the pre-production meeting, everyone puts their hands together and enthusiastically shouts "We can do it, we can do it"

Well, you can't.

Go back to your daily jobs and leave the TV to grownups.

Oh, and an "love you dad" message sent to the character who left you twenty years ago right after your first hour spent together is timelessly hilarious. I'm still giggling.
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It can only get worse
16 June 2023
I really don't know if it's the ubiquitous stench of the last few seasons of TWD which imposes itself and takes the main floor, or the derivativeness and predictability of this "new material", but this simply doesn't work.

There is a lot of clumsy and unnecessary exposition, "tough heroine" cliche overdone to death, tiresome exploitation of the long-worn animosity between the two main protagonists, stereotypical main villain, all too familiar and ridiculous zombie tropes ... truly nothing new or exciting.

Kind of like expecting a juicy medium rare rib eye steak and getting a lukewarm McDonalds burger instead.

Unfortunately, if the opening episode is this unimpressive and bland, the rest can only be worse.

Six stars and more than certain further decline.
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Rabbit Hole: The Person in Your Ear (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
Tupperware has just become chrome
13 April 2023
Best episode so far. Intelligently constructed, witty, lucid, unpredictable, unapologetic, tense, emotional, it took an otherwise solid show to at least one class higher. The initial fear that this will turn into just another stupid confection for the masses goes up in smoke after this episode. Bravo. The stakes have obviously been raised, the director (now Jon Cassar instead of Glenn Ficarra and John Requa) and the main writer (now Hunt Baldwin in addition to Glenn Ficarra and John Requa) have been changed, and you can really see and feel that in tone, style, dynamics and humor.

One can say tupperware has just become chrome.
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Warm and lighthearted entertainment
26 March 2023
Family films are usually nothing but ordinary confection. Knowing that, I haven't seen such a well-made confection in a long, long time. It is neither preachy nor condescending. Nor is it ridiculous or banal. The cast consists of many well-known actors (Arsen Lupen,Expanse, Downtown Abbey, Handmaid's Tale) and of course, Harrison Ford. They all did a great job. The humor is refined and unobtrusive and perfectly complements the story and emotions. The only disappointment (if we can call it that at all) is the fact that Buck is not a real dog but a CGI one. There is also another minor problem. Due to the fear of children's reaction, the producers removed the already filmed scene where Hal confirms the death of his sister and the Buck's pack. Confusing and, ultimately, cowardly, but ... this is a movie for the whole family, that's to be expected.

As a dog person, I give this sweet and lovable movie a straight nine. If you're not a dog person though, deduct three points. But even then you are left with warm and lighthearted entertainment perfect for a Sunday afternoon and the whole family.
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The Swarm (2023)
Quite a satisfying series
14 March 2023
A bit derivative and formulaic, it doesn't really scream top of the line. But, at the same time, there is no nonsense. And viewers are not treated like idiots, as is the case in most productions of this level. Big thanks to the producers for that. Of course, here and there the screenwriting "heavy handedness" forces a naive or illogical "drama", but, for the most part, 90% of what is shown makes sense.

A refreshingly thoughtful and consistent TV product whose current IMDB rating doesn't reflect its true value and one were "why on earth is this character doing what he's doing" hallmark of bad and cheap TV will not pop up every now and than and spoil the overall experience.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
A miraculous comeback
24 February 2023
The first season was OK-ish, some Romulans, some Borg ... watchable 6.

The second season was just painfully bad. A reminder that there are still executives who firmly believe that viewers are total idiots to whom they can sell absolutely anything.

The story, characterization, motivation, exposition, instant moralization ... on the level of a Turkish soap operas, only worse. And decorated with idiocies like "We've regained 26% of navigational capabilities" What on earth does that even mean?

A hard earned 0.

And finally, season 3.

After the first two episodes all I can say is ... WOW.

A miraculous comeback. Sure, there's some less than ideal drama scaffolding, some scripting heavy handedness here and there, but overall... more than solid TV entertainment, even if viewed entirely outside the scope of the Star Trek universe.

It's too early to give a final rating after just two episodes, but for now 8.

Shaky, but 8 never the less.
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Star Wars: Rebels (2014–2018)
Bumpy ride
31 January 2023
I was pushed towards this series by watching Bad Batch, which blew me away. The first disappointment comes right at the very beginning. Rebels is intended for a younger audience and the beginning of the series is particularly obvious in this regard. Childish, superficial, silly, instant problems and solutions ... But. During the first season, the authors raised the bar and the series becomes enjoyable to watch. Unfortunately, not for long, because halfway through the second season, childish, superficial and silly becomes the norm again. Annoying characters, vain moralizing, ridiculous naivety, derivative, shallow ... I could hardly force myself to start a new episode.

Fortunately, throughout the third season, the authors pick up the pace again, the series comes back from a deep knockdown and starts to entertain again. I'm currently on the fourth season, and it is almost an 8 rating for me.

All in all, a bumpy ride.

If you have the nerve to overcome the bad periods, the good ones will be a solid reward for the effort invested.
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One never-ending, grossly over-stretched and forgettably bland ski resort chase scene
25 January 2023
Just consider one of the cheesiest scenes in the history of the Bond franchise: Through the lifting window of the car following Bond we see a thin old lady lifting a heavy machine gun ... And after that we're supposed to get emotionally attached to the death of Bond's wife?

Yeah ... no. It's more of an eye rolling moment. Or giggling moment, if you're in that mood.

Then think about what you just watched for over two hours and try to describe it coherently.

Would "One never-ending, grossly over-stretched and forgettably bland ski resort chase scene" sound just about right?

It's not the worst Bond film, there are worse. This is just one of the least interesting and memorable ones.

But come to think of it, it's also the Bond with the best opening theme.

For that reason, and that reason alone, 5 stars.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021–2024)
Star Wars at its best, far ahead of the live action sequels and prequels
24 January 2023
Of all the animated Star Wars series, Bad Batch is certainly the most mature work. The characters are perfectly constructed and presented, the stories and plots do not suffer from the childishness and superficiality present in Rebels and everything has a certain ominous undertone to it. Plenty of functional humor too. The animation, although not at the level of Arcane (what is?), is still beautiful.

And yes, Omega is really cute, even though she seems to be the one to blame for this ridiculous tantrum rampant in recent reviews.

Star Wars at its best, far ahead of the live action sequels and prequels.
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Mouse (2021)
Tiresome soap opera with some killings
9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An old lady, motivated by her daughter's problems at school, goes to look for a part-time job at an intermediary agency. The agency employee rudely rejects her and, for some completely incomprehensible reason, leaves the office, leaving the grandmother alone. Left alone, grandma promptly empties the fridge full of juices and stuffs them into a bag (for no particular reason other than so that Detective Ko can later connect the clerk's bag full of those juices with the grandmother's disappearance). During that time, the phone in the office rings and grandma answers it, because ... well, that's the most normal thing to do, obviously. What a coincidence, a cleaning lady is wanted in, wait for this ........... the house of main suspect. Grandma takes the opportunity and sends herself there. Finally at her destination, she relentlessly sets about cleaning, and in her almost insane enthusiasm and desire to clean every inch of the house, she stumbles upon a locked remote room. In the basement. Locked up. Unlit. In such a situation, who wouldn't unlock it and enter, I ask you?

The grandmother discovers what she shouldn't and runs away. But not to the police, oh no, that would mean she couldn't be followed and killed and the scenario couldn't continue. She runs away to her house, located in the middle of dark and deserted alleys, because, well ... she's afraid. And we know that terrified old people always prefer to choose dark and deserted spaces :)

And then she meets her sad fate, which sets a new "plot" line in motion.

Come to think of it, the whole school bullying/settlement scene was crammed in there just so Grandma would have a motive to look for a part-time job. No school bullying was mentioned either before or after. Ever.

Finally, not that any of that really matters though. It's just a smoke screen to deceive the viewer, since it will be shown later that this is not this and that is not that, explained by an equally ridiculous sequence of instant obstacles and resolutions.

I kid you not.

That's the level of writing in this tiresome soap opera. Do yourself a huge favor and skip it.
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The Rig (2023– )
My head hurts
9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of unimportant and unlikeable characters run around pretending to be doing something extremely important. All the while they exchange the most idiotic and nonsensical sentences while trying to keep serious faces.

That would be it in a nutshell.

The rig chief security officer asks the conspirator, "Do you think we can trust this guy?" for the extremely shady guy they met that very day and who tries to win them over to his unmistakably shady, illegal and immoral plans. "Yes," replies the conspirator. And then they commit a rebellion. Against their colleagues and co-workers. People with whom they share decades of cooperation, acquaintance and friendship.

Believe it or not, that's the level of idiocy here.

Unusable even for putting to sleep.
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Pennyworth (2019–2022)
That was unexpected
17 October 2022
Totally beyond any expectation. What started as a somewhat desperate search for something watchable on a Friday night ended up being a three-day binge. Lucid, intelligent, goofy, enlightened, tense, unpredictable, relaxed, touching, brave, unapologetic... And then there's the cast, which is just incredible. Jack Bannon is brilliant as the main character, but Ben Aldridge, Ema Paetz or, in fact, anyone from the cast, are not far away either.

Music, from the opening theme to the choice of background tracks ... pure delight

A completely unexpected treat that will hopefully last at least another 3-4 seasons.
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Elvis (2022)
So so ... or worse
5 October 2022
Too much style, too little substance. Rarely are these two values so far apart. In addition to completely unnecessary and extremely clumsy, almost amateurish playing with narration and presentation, the film is full of historical inaccuracies and mistakes, almost as if Mr. Baz decided "screw the facts, it's important that it looks crazy and wacky".

A short walk through YouTube's selection of Elvis' material will give a much more accurate picture of the king's life being less strenuous at the same time.

Although he plays a rather untrue version of Elvis, Austin Butler is not that bad, hence 4 stars.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
19 September 2022
As an important message in the age of ISIS, MAGA and similar human deviations, this show is exactly what it needs to be, relevant, brave and important ... Pure 10.

As a dramatic structure, this show is thin, superficial and pretentious. Woven from characters who aren't really characters but one-dimensional vehicles whose sole reason for existence is to convey the intended message. Total predictability factored in ... barely a 5.

As entertainment, this show is a complete failure. Endless close-ups of faces, the rhythm and speed of a crippled snail, irrelevant scenes that go nowhere ... generous 3.

In total, it would be 6, but the last two seasons have plunged even lower, so the objective rating should be somewhere around 5.
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Evil (2019–2024)
27 July 2022
This is a really weird mix. Parts of it look like they belong to something much more refined and well crafted, while parts of it look like a cheap stall intended for a syndication rerun. Some strange moral choices, constant and annoying repetition of the same motifs and gimmicks, solid acting ... I don't know, really hard to rate.

Basically, watchable, but nothing much else.
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Reacher (2022– )
27 July 2022
This one was totally beyond any expectations. Witty, cynical, brutal, fun, charming ... much better than the Cruise movies.

Alan Ritchson was spectacular.
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See (2019–2022)
not much to see
1 July 2022
In the typical manner of almost all Apple TV series, the first few episodes are fantastic. Obviously, 80% of the projected budget goes to building the first impression. The rest is patched up with whatever is left. And that, unfortunately, really shows. A cheap soap opera against the backdrop of a quasi-sf futuristic society made up of blind people who act like regular people.

Completely forgettable.
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Idiotic. Offensive. Cheap. Anoying
8 June 2022
Somewhere up to the 4th episode The Midwich Cuckoos is a typical example of a bland slot filler, i.e., watchable if you have absolutely nothing else to watch. But from there on, it is nothing but a salad of irrational, illogical and completely meaningless decisions, reactions and twists in a vain attempt to patch up all the holes of an already stupid enough scenario and bring it to an end.
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Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005)
Easy recommendation
5 April 2022
Easily, best Trek of them all. The most likeable crew and the least amount of idiotic techno babble. That alone is enough to overshadow the rest of the franchise. But equally important, the typical kumbaya goody goody patronization and moralization of predecessors has been reduced to digestible levels. Brave but, in the world of "rabid hard-boiled fans", also suicidal. Hence only 4 seasons. Season 3, gritty and furious is the highlight of the series. Trek was never that tense.

An easy recommendation.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
25 March 2022
Ok, we're not that stupid, we fully understand that this film is just a metaphor for human society, its social order and the dynamics of that unjust and immoral arrangement. But, dear director, your metaphor is so blatant and overconstructed that it loses all relevance and meaning.

Couldn't you convey the same message by filming the daily life of any group of people in this world? Without trains, global cooling, children as spare parts and what not.

******* Edit ****************

Well, apparently there is a somewhat cult comic on which this film is based, and I didn't know about it until now. However, after reading the comic, everything I wrote above still stands.
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