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There is no such thing as bad movie with Charles Heston in it.
10 June 2024
If I list all my favorite movies Charleston Heston is in most. I've never seen a bad movie with Heston in it. I love actors like John wayne, but Heston is a much better actor. Charleston is extremely underated by critics,but not his peers. A list of Hollywoods best movie if all is a list of Heston movies with actors added on. Yeah, sounds exaggerated, but it's true. Look his list of movies up. The only way you don't recognize them is because you haven't watch them. Like young folks. My generation knows them all. By heart. The Mountain Men, which I've just seen again after long losing count decades ago, is a splendid movie, not even his best, but much better than hollywoid movie in decades. His best ones include The Ten Commandments, Ben Hur, the original Planet of the Apes, which Hollywood has recently added two more at theaters now. Hollywood cannot write or find actors capable of topping the original and Heston. Add more like Soylent Green, Major Dundee and you begin to see a pattern. I admire Charleston Heston, his work ethic, life and principles. He'll only fade because of forgetful ignorance, not how great he really was. Forgetting Heston would be like forgetting Shakespeare.
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Some Stories Are Worth Listening Too
21 April 2024
Hollywood is mostly BS and so are most of the people who profit there. An old principle is that you can tell a skunk from it's stripes, a liar cause it's lips move, and a wiseman by plain speaking and clothes.

In this Second Hand Lions movie there are two things to know. Maybe three. First, two of the finest movie actors ever are Robert Duvall and Michael Cain. They are both in this movie. Secondly, a movie or any literature is only as good as the writing or story. Even great actors can't make a great movie if the story is not great. Thirdly, it takes no whizbang stuff or CGI to make a great story. Shakespeare had none and his stories are still being used, filmed in variations. That applies to all great authors.

If one doesn't understand then one is illiterate. Facts never really change.
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Decoration Day (1990 TV Movie)
Hello Old Friend
22 March 2024
I was surprised that I'd never heard of this movie of yours before. While this movie appealed to me more and more as I watched it was a bit slow by conventional Hollywood standards. But that's fine with me. I'm older now and Hollywood is not what it used to be. All that green screen and whiz bang don't make up the lack of writing and acting abilities. Shakespeare didn't rush good plots and Mark Twain let a Tom Sawyer drift down the Mississippi on a raft.

I could talk about how many long lost pals have been consumed by age and death. I'm still working on living to be three hundred years old. When I get there I'll celebrate and toast to many turned dust. I will start with you, Mr. James Garner. Good bye friend.
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Texas (1941)
Celebrating Westerns and Texas..
21 March 2024
In this very fine movie I say Texas is as nearly good a western movie as any ever made. I can think of only a few better, but they are newer and in color and with more advanced techniques. You can't realistically expect movies decades later to have invented elements.

William Holden, Glen Ford, Clair Trevor and Edgar. Buchannon are as good as Hollywood ever had. Though in black and white the photography is amazing. The plot is extremely tight and well written. The director's ability is well known, famous and on target

We have the feel of the west, very good comedy all along and perfectly interwoven with drama. It's rare to have both at one time, much less this much talent and skills in one movie. Vive watched a thousand westerns and objectively know there are very few movies that combine it all very well. I've never forgotten Texas and never skip admiring it again. Theater students should study this movie.
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Dominion (2015)
Godzilla fighting a Pizza Monster would be better
4 October 2023
Have you ever found yourself talking to someone who believes Earth is flat, only Rednecks are kidnapped by aliens, women are from Venus or Biden writes his own speeches? None are true and thinking Dominion: The Last Star Warrior, as it's also called, is worth watching is also untrue. Let me describe this two star movie for folks who have a high tolerance for self aggravation.

The acting is worse than a first grade school play. At least children can be funny or accidentally inventive and unpredictable. The adults in this video are terribly bad with no excuse. To pretend otherwise is like saying The Kardashians are normal people. As for the plot there isn't any. It's more like shifting sand being a nuisance as it gets inside your melting sneaker in the Sahara. The writing or script is beyond bad. I think the whole movie script was a mere brief discussion that started at a bar then was postpone for serious drinking, to be continued on the fly during the first day of filming on location. Sets and props, none. Cinematography: Taken randomly from online copy of whatever could vaguely fit together with no logical possibility of science or common sense.

In short this is not a real movie but is a waste of time. I stopped watching this after fifty minutes. That was enough punishment for a few weeks. Go watch Rambo shoot exploding arrows who is more deadly and believable than not ever being hit by endless men firing automatic weapons at him.
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Sayen (2023)
Sayen is Good
7 March 2023
Sayen is a movie about a Chilean native tribe called the Mapuche living in balance with their world of mountains and forest. It's full of lovely scences but the native lands sit atop a large deposit of cobalt. If you've paid enough attention to modern events and are in the habit of self education then you might know that cobalt is a relatively rare mineral that is much in demand. It's a key material for electrni devices like computers, smart phones, etc. It's mainly used for manufacturing the batteries that our world's small devices run on.

As such mega corporations are willing to do about any corrupt thing to gain possession of cobalt lands. Sayen is about this kind of corruption. The movie is well acted and direct, no wasted effort, some basic dramatic action and violence. But mining cobalt has itself involved violence and death in real life. Most decent companies are moving away from cobalt and researching the more efficient use of lithium for batteries these days. It's a good direction since lithium is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and obtainable in many places and relatively cheaper than cobalt.

I recommend watching Sayen if you like good movies, like a quick example of the cobalt situation or like learning to open your mind. It's a better movie than most of the trash Hollywood creates.
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Hello Oppy
20 December 2022
What a tremendous documentary. How does it get better? You're seeing Mars point blank, learning history, engineering, how JPL works, what makes a successful team. If you're like me you fell in love with twin robots that over achieved like you're own children.

Now there could be something wrong with me. Seems I have lost emotional control on so many levels at this point in my life. I cried at many points in the story of Opportunity and Spirit. But at exact places on Mars there sits right now the dusty autonomous kin of humanity. Like sentinels or monuments these two amazing robots have closed their eyes, bowed their heads, and like sphinx await us to come to Mars, guarding the way there for their creators.

One day some new visitors will come to Opportunity and Spirit. They will carefully retrieve them and transport them to a Martian lab where they will be inspected, cleaned, refurbished and brought back to life. Then like the Phoenixes they will arise and receive humanities love and respect for the years of toil they performed on our behalf. I'd love to be one of those astronauts and by deligent care help them arise from the dust to once again be renewed.
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A Realistic Movie About War.
26 November 2022
When it comes to war Hollywood very rarely gets in telescope sight of reality, but not in The Bridges of Toko-Ri. Here the actors and Director and screen writers hit a home run. I first saw this movie the year it came out. I've seen it about ten times by now. It's a great movie and probably in my top ten war movies of all time.

Let's start with the lead actor as the reason it's that good, William Holden. I admit to being a fan of his since I first saw him in a movie. He does everything great in a movie, always has. He's been in every type of movie or genre. He's the main guy in one of my top five westerns called The Wild Bunch with other greats. If you think you're a Western movie fan and you haven't seen The Wild Bunch you're a pretender western lover. It's thoroughly, consistently paced with a great plot.

At the end it concludes with the best western gun fight scenes ever filmed. In the Toko-Ri movie the ending doesn't let you down either, it holds the line.

Next is the leading lady, maybe the most beautiful actress ever though Audrey Hepburn is gorgeous to a legendary status. Both are superb actresses. In Bridges of Toko-Ri Grace Kelly is her typical amazing self to the extent that in her acting career a real Prince, of Monaco, falls in love with her in real life, they end up marrying, making Grace the Princess of Monaco, one of the richest most valuable places on Earth. Her wedding was on par with Princess Diane or any royal ruler ever. It was a world event. Her acting is also spot on though in truth the character she plays isn't the best showcase of her real skills.

Next is Mickey Rooney. Mickey is in nothing but great movies his whole acting career and that's not by luck.. It's because he makes movies more successful and fun. His acting career and films are a list of Hollywood's greatest movies. Mickey is fantastic and worked with all the greatest actors and actresses Hollywood has had.

Next is Earl Holloman who in the course of time was in more movies, more TV show than even most movie experts could remember half of. He supported Angie Dickinson in Police Woman. He started his career in my second favorite scifi movie of all time, Forgotten Planet. He was the guy who played around with the greatest space robot of all time. The incredible Walter Pigeon was star in that movie and it was basically the same movie that made Leslie Nelson famous in a serious role outside the remainder of his career in comedy movies like Naked Gun. You'd probably recognize another half dozen well known actors in Forbidden Planet. In Bridges of Toko-Ri Earl plays Nestir, the side kick to Mickey Rooney in flying a rescue Helicopter. Earl does this support role perfectly.

I'll stop there with actors and actresses because to review the other well known actors would take many paragraphs. Let's move to the Toko-Ri director. Frankly outside this movie I don't know him. But that's fine because in this movie he scores a full ten stars. It's very solid thanks to his guidance and sticking to this real life story for a plot.

I'm an amateur writer, priding myself on above average writing unless I don't see an error whereby autocorrect has messed things up. Auto correct started with typewriters and word processors decades ago and has never gotten better. It still sucks. However, the writing in this movie is expertly done. There are no wasted words and no extra words. It's precise, concise and no cliches. Very unlike most of Hollywood's history and especially modern Hollywood trash. My old English teachers would agree.

The props are the real thing. They do not depend on a prop department for their authentic nature because they are literally the real items including scenes on an aircraft carrier and scenes in a real Japanese hotel. Only the scenery planes fly over somewhere in California and the anti aircraft fire are not real and in Korea. Speaking of planes I have always loved the F9F fighters, the Panthers. This movie is a treasure trove of real info on military history and tactics.

So, should a person see this movie? Only if you love war movies and are trying to learn what makes for the best sort of movies AND respect history accurately. If so watch it. If not then go elsewhere for the overdone big bang fireworks that enthall most movie watchers with objects exploding that never would like empty tin shelters and empty dirt foxholes.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
Bruce Willis Is Old
15 November 2022
Bruce Willis is Old. Bruce should retire. Bruce should quit trying to relive his one great glory day on his only great movie Blade Runner. Bruce hasn't been good for thirty going on forty years or whatever year Blade Runner was made. He wasn't even the lead actor in his own sequel. Did I mention Bruce Willis is Old?

How old is Bruce Willis?

1. Bruce is older grew up on black and white movies with no sound.

2. Bruce once met Jesus seating olives in a carpentry seminar.

3. Bruce planted the first vineyard in Eden.

4. When Bruce writes it can be in Summerian.

5. Bruce booed Copernicus at a Catholic hearing as a flat Earther.

Bruce is too old for making movies that are multiple decade old imitations of Aliens with much better actors like Seguorney Williams. And much uglier than her. I could barely watch the trailer of Breach. Apparently Bruce can't let his ego retire him to the local country club of ancient has been, washed up, actors on his millions he's worth. Unless he's broke thsnks to his former cheating wife Dimmy More who seduces very young men in the up and coming actor world.

Breach is a sad tale of talentless writers, poor directors and trashy imitations and bad actors which Hollywood is always doing to satisfy the low morals and desires of movie going peons and Hollywood greed (Rings if Power for example).

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Mr. Nobody (2009)
How to Rewrite a Previous Plot.
14 November 2022
Mr. Nobody is nothing special though Jared Keto does an excellent imitation of acting. Moreso the director, name also unimportant, does an excellent job of pretending to be a Director. Why?

First off this movie immediately reminded me of one of the best movies ever and on my top list for Western fiction based on real history. That is Little Big Man starring Dustin Hoffman. Looking at Jared's old man is exactly the same as looking at Dustin's old man. All the liver spots, wrinkles, etc are the same. I'm pretty sure Mr. Nobody's director said, Make Jared look like Dustin. So no real imagination or work done there.

More importantly while I like some of the concepts of dimensions and personally have espoused them for forty years now, I'm beginning to see them emerge into the debates and Ted Talk forums as interesting talking points. Unfortunately they are presented in this movie with all the elegance of a dancing pig. They are unconvincing ideas in Mr. Nobody because as a Hollywood movie they are mixed with all the entertainment trends that sell silly movies to the peons and uneducated masses. It's like throwing mud into a fine Swiss watch as Churchill said once. A real blended mess of confusion and ruining what could have been a more engrossing film built on these ideas from a more original and logical story line. From Forgotten Planet to Star trek to 2001: A Space Odyssey no stone was left unabused in this mess.

If you wonder why I gave it six stars unlike the average reviews it's because if you're young and really don't know science fiction then you think this is good stuff. That is ignorance. If your up on scifi history, physics, philosophy and cultures of the past then you know I'm being overly generous with my rating of six.
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Viewing Purposes Only.
4 September 2022
The is seriously flawed. The plot is ridiculous. The direction/Director is very poor. The acting varies in quality from below average to above average.

The history is basically fictional and never happened.

1. There were no Apaches north of New Mexico Territory or east of it. That's totally screwed up and by doing that an insult to the Apache tribe and those living in the actual geographical area where the fiction is placed. That area of Montana belonged to multiple tribes like Souix, Shoshone, Crow, Blackfoot and Comanche. These tribes more often and in habit didn't murder children but adopted them into their tribes.

2. As far as I'm aware no such orphanage ever existed in Montana at this time immediately after the Civil War. Consider that at the film's fictious time line Gen. Custer was still alive and the area very dangerous as history easily tells.

3. Why do Directors and writers hate real history? Was it so boring and bland and lacking good and great deeds that you cannot tell a real story that's true, exciting and worth watching or listening using real people and events? If I was a movie maker I could think of a thousand movie plots based on real events worth telling. Hollywood and their low ilk seem helpless and pathetic, including this movie's director.

4. There are thousands of authentic guns available for any movie for any time era, or can be accurately and authentically faked. This Director has screwed up props, places, clothing, language, transportation, cultures and more so badly that it lowers the value of watching this movie acutely. The movie is basically an all encompassing lie containing many small multiple lies.

It could easily and cheaply been much better with a very little effort, research and better ethics.
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Give Me A Break
31 August 2022
Give Me A Break from Hollywood Bozos remaking good content with inferior attempts. Don't dishonor Van Williams the original Green Hornet or Bruce Lee as Kato. Don't make dramatic quality into a poor comedy. Don't use third class actors.

This TV trash meant solely to suck in gullible viewers to enrich Hollywood liberals not only makes me nauseous, but is ethically disturbing. Skip this regurgitated trash and movie to a long living classic. Challenge your viewing habits of green screen action to discovery quality like The Ten Commandy.

Do it regardless of religios orientation but in support of great cinematography. Watch The Sundance Kin original or A Clockwork Orange. Don't support Hollywood's standard schlock with you money or measured viewing habits.
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Colin Mochrie?
28 August 2022
I should of known there was a reason to watch this show. The funniest man of Whose Line Is It is in the cast. I didn't even realize that till the movie was over. All guards wear masks. I'm not sure he even had a dialogue line. But Colin is used to wearing masks with hosts like Drew Carey.

Besides that you have the cutest red headed sprite of a girl ever in this show, Molly Ringwald. Then Peter Strauss whom I've always liked. Then the superb Ghostbusters, Ernie Hudson. There are other known actors too. Here's the real question. Ho were these dang good actors talked into making this fairly good schlock of a movie? Their not even Jewish. And that's where real schlock comes from. Now, don't get me wrong. 'Let's talk' as famed comedienne said.

This isn't the best sci-fi movie ever. Not close. 2001: A Space Odyssey is on one side of the planet and this movie Space Hunters: The Forbidden Zone is on the other side metaphorically speaking. Fortunately they are both American made movies. If they were from Asia they would have anti gravity ninjas or Russian tanks with a 'Z' on them which stands for Zeroes. That said, this is actually a pretty fun movie.

It's got the campy factor, the humor, satire, sexy space women, Mad Max crummy vehicles and encampments, junky spare parts spaceships, monsters, energy weapons, morons, mechanical bad guy, typical plot, lack of guessing, etc. On the other side it's well conceived, well written , excellently directed, very well acted and the schlock is all around first grade stuff.

So, my recommendation is to sit back, try not to take it seriously and enjoy some really good, non Jewish schlock. It's not usually this well disposed of.
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A Feral World (2020)
Nanos or Bust
27 August 2022
It's not a bad movie but certainly not a good movie. I gave it a kindly four stars because three was accurate, but since I like the subject of nanotechnology it was more interesting to me. It was a boring, predictable movie. You'd think as an Indie movie the writer/director would be more imaginative and take some chances. You know, show Hollywood his best. However, Hollywood doesn't believe in being original or taking chances, so the guy pretending to be the writer/director isn't risking his. Wannabe future either.

The acting is flat, the plot is slow and typical. The best actor is a dog. The nonabots are interesting, but typical. Definitely not on a Michael Crichton level. The scenery is mostly free and cheap old buildings. No cgi except a few short nano scenes that a laptop and simple program can do using the background and repeating about two loops over and over.

If your not into bad movies or nano bugs chewing people skip this movie. Go watch Logan's Run online or rent it.
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Pray for Rain (2017)
Perfect Example
25 August 2022
This is a perfect example of how low the standard of movie making have become and how high the insults to movie viewers have risen. This is not only a boring and predictable plot, but the acting is too. Then there's the writing skill or lack of it. No need for cgi or green screens. All you need to see are empty brown fields that show the bias present in this OC movie.

Skip this one star waste using a past has-been actress or future wannabees. Go watch a real movie even if you have to rent it. I suggest it be the opposite and be rich in content and quality. A good example would be Ben Hur with Charleston Heston, Logan's Run, or In Harm's Way with John Wayne.
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17 August 2022
This is an boring plot using bad writing and not even Cage can kept it afloat. Nothing worth watching. The only thing okay in this movie is Anton in the supporting role and he's already dead in real life and famous for his role in Star Treks dark movies with Chris Pine.
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The Outlaws (2021– )
Feels Special
9 August 2022
First off, I have barely started watching S1, E1. The characters have introduced themselves to each other. But here's my take so far and after watching the trailer. Unlike Hollywood which couldn't think of an original plot if you slapped them with it, The Outlaws seems it might be some fresh air. It's not without precedent of course as other oddball grouos have been assembled even in British TV, like Faulty Towers.

Second, there's almost no chance you'll ever be disappointed in anything Christopher Walken is in, which is why he's in this show. Yet a marvelous actor. I can't wait till he inevitably mocks himself with a cowbell reference. One of the few great stars I'd ever want to meet if I was trying to actually meet great actors.

Second. No third. As soon as Writer/Director/Actor/Caterer and like part time camera man Merchant said his first line as a tall super nerd in the group meeting I laughed. A bit of brilliant writing for himself. I have always said the quality of any movie or presentation depends mainly on writing skill and imagination. That was a great initial character forming scene for Merchant's character.

I'm thinking this might be an excellent TV show and the other reviews seem to think so. But of course, it's all dependent on my review despite my having just discovered this show and it being in it's second season already. I might edit my worthy opinion or not. Time will tell. 👍👀
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El Cid (2020–2021)
Eighty Percent Hollywood
3 August 2022
I would estimate about 20 percent of this movie is accurate. That would be the main characters' names, the castles' locations and names and a few verifiable battles. Everything else would be Hollywood fiction. There are very few records of El Cid himself, what he actually thought, his ambitions and character. It's not documented well. To my knowledge he wasn't educated, didn't read or write. King's champions throughout history are not important usually. Their lives are short for obvious reasons, they are merely extensions of a ruler.

There are no paintings or sculptures of Rodrigo, no DNA to prove his ancestors or subsequent relations if they exist. He is the Spanish equal of Robinhood, and supposed knights of the Holy Grail or of Charlemagne.

Enjoy the movie, but don't be gullible and believe more than a few names and old castles locations.
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Killer Puffs.
21 July 2022
That is, a movie that reminds me of killer Tomatoes, a very successful and famous failure that became a cult movie. Or perhaps a bit like Kentucky Fried Chicken, the movie. Of course those were scifi/comedy/horror/alien movies. Save Yourselves is a blend of stuff, interesting to me. Blending is always a risk as opposed to the typical Hollywood trash of, you killed my wife/family/dog and now I'm going to kill you back.

I got quit a grin from the first half of this movie. The helpless hipster/yuppie pair which symbolizes the Me generation of youthful, phone droids youth is quite accurate. I really don't like the present generation and last two generations. Spoiled, entitled, thinking that lack of experience and ignorance of history equates into reality and makes for good voters. Yuck! They turn me off and piss me off.

So, the only two serious actors in this movie did a really good job bringing that naievity to life and showing their weaknesses. Now, some reviewers are at odds with the ending because as part of the last two generations they have issues with no typical endings, that is, closed minds, thanks to Hollywood tropes and brainwashing. I don't have that problem.

It indicates in that a sequel is coming, which pretty well explains why the movie choose this point to end. I'm looking forward to the next, hoping it really happens. I like this twosome of actors and want to see where the sequel takes my predictive imagination and those of the twin directors.

I think many should watch this movie. Unlike Hollywood it's original, if you don't overly count Tribbles. Hollywood doesn't have the nerve for this kind of risk so they keep regurgitating the same stupid trash endlessly. Indie makers for me have become the only part of film making worth watching. Some win, some lose, but all are attempts to learn the skills of filming and trying your your best with little. In time zhollywood is going to perish from its own inept burdens. I hope that day arrives as soon as the demise of Ford, GM and government funded space does. Earlier the better. Theaters also.
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Tulsa (2020)
Becoming A Scott Pryor Fan
30 June 2022
I've watched a couple other Pryor movies. No, not the comedian Richard Pryor, the funniest man ever. That legend is gone and busy in Heaven telling Jewish jokes to God. I'm talking Scott Pryor the director, writer, story teller.

Scott doesn't make your typical Hollywood movies or write the typical stereotype plots or even use lame CGI to fake people into thinking 'great' movies can't be made without such film devices. That's the land of brain washing where typical movie watchers live. That land of little imagination and skill is not anywhere near the history of great stories and millennium lasting tales. Scott's work and mind live in the precious reality of truth, not exaggeration and fiery explosions, violence, sex, nudity and predictable imitations.

That's why I find myself drawn to his work now. Though at times the quality of acting may waver or his budget to low to afford superstars, he uses believable actors with believable flaws. For me it draws me into the story, instead of thinking, " What is this famous actor doing in an independent leaning film like this."

Scott's attitude, so refreshing compared to almost all Hollywood work, is relaxed and let's one concentrate on the characters, the points subtlely being used in dialog and the pace of the movie. Speaking of movie pace it takes getting used to. It's never fast, it's slower than normal, but not to slow. Now that I've gotten used to it I expect it in his work. It's thoughtful which it's intended to be. You can't appreciate a thoughtful plot if it's rushing past you like a plane about to explode or an incoming chaotic alien invasion can you?

If you watch a Scott Pryor movie know that it's not meant to 'wow' you in the typical action movie sequence, but entertain you by tickling the deeper recesses of your mind. Those are the ones that Hollywood is busy killing with hundreds of millions of dollars in green screen backgrounds with rich celebrities. Scott wants to give viewers a grounded script about real life, the kind of story that makes you think, "I've been there too."
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Ragnarok (2013)
Cross between Legend and Hollywood Fantasy.
18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Mostly a monster movie like Loch Ness Monster and Godzilla on Skull Island while pretending to be a bad documentary about Norse legends. Plus some mediocre acting, worse writing and no fun.
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
16 June 2022
Bruce Willis versus zombies from space? I guess Bruce's health is continuing to seriously deteriorated, because he's making some extremely poor decisions. Gilbert Godfrey would make a better star in this movie. Bruce Die Hard was a good movie, but not a life mission.
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War Flowers (2012)
Boring, Slow and plotless
10 June 2022
The only reason to watch this movie was Tom Beringer, but his minor role wasn't important, just lame. One should skip this movie as everything about it is poorly done. Bad directing, silly plot, bad acting, poor photography, reenactment vololunteers doing fake fighting and cannon shooting with no element of war emotions, just going through the weekend motions.

Below low budget quality movie. Worse than a student film.
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Stagecoach (1986 TV Movie)
Willy for Dentist
9 June 2022
The acting is fine. The scenery is great. The plot is famous. The directing is good. The country music is fantastic. And if you can't watch Willy, Waylon, Kris, Johnny, and a great cast you should stick with the Hollywood crowd cause you don't understand fine movies by legendary entertainers of several skills. Personally, I love all these guys and they made a thousand movies I'd watch them all.
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Slower is often better.
9 June 2022
In a world of action movies, scifi, zombies and romance from Hollywood, we've been brainwashed into thinking furious action is the best kind of movie. It's not. Gone with the Wind, Ben Hur, 2001: A Space Odyssey, South Pacific, etc. Are great movies with slower plots. Great movies don't rush, they tell well written stories.

That's the kind of movie My Name Is Thomas is. It's slow paced except one Terrence Hill style Italian fight scene. It's a good story. There is thoughtfulness and developed characters. I liked this movie and recommend it for thoughtful movie watchers. If you think fast paced, crazy stuff makes the only good movies watch something else.
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