
14 Reviews
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The Rookie: Real Crime (2022)
Season 4, Episode 16
Worst episode of this series!
14 March 2022
This episode was the worst ever----and this is normally one of my favorite shows. Confusing, befuddling, senseless, meaningless, frustrating,and incomprehensible----just to name a few!

It was really, really bad!
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The Rookie: True Crime (2021)
Season 3, Episode 7
What happenned to the show?
1 March 2021
I have really liked this show from the start---and I never miss an episode----BUT----I wish I had missed this one!
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Press Your Luck (2019– )
Worst game show I've ever seen!
25 May 2020
Horrible in every possible way----the show actually makes no sense what so ever. It appears that someone backstage is pre-selecting the outcomes----how stupid do they think the audience is? Host ain't great---but a meaningless "chance" gameshow that is "outcome manipulated" by the producers has far more problems than a mediocre hostess! It just all seemed very highly "rigged". I will never watch it again.
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Emergence (2019–2020)
I really liked Ep. 1
25 September 2019
Compelling and mysterious----can't wait for Episode 2 !
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The Orville: A Happy Refrain (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Please stop letting people working for Seth write reviewsI
1 February 2019
I want to like this show but this episode might be the worst episode of any TV show I have ever seen--- simply awful. Excruciatingly boring. Never accomplished any reasonable plot line. I thought the episode about Bortus taking a leak was the worst I had ever seen----but this one now holds that title. You need to get some writing help fast or this show cannot survive.

And by "writing help" I don't mean getting your buddies to write positive reviews----anyone who wrote anything positive about this episode didn't see it. Or works on the writing staff.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
I watched the first 5 episodes-----
27 July 2018
This show sucks!! The script is horrendous, it is nearly impossible to figure out what is going on, and in the end you don't care because none of the characters are well developed.

There is a strong "atmosphere" but nothing to support it. It really is like they started filming it and introducing characters with practically no explanation or direction. There appear to be several "storylines" but nothing is connected or explained.

My guess is that the "good reviews" are "plants" and that is seeming to happen more and more on IMDB.

Like I said, I watched the first 5 episodes, and it just isn't going anywhere discernable. It just makes NO sense!
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A Great Show Full of Talent
17 April 2017
Excellent song selections & singers, fast paced, and lots of emotion too. Many stars paying homage to one of the greatest bands of all time.

Nice of John Travolta to host this great show----but then, without the Bee Gees---who knows---his career might have turned out different!

I will watch it 5 or 10 times!
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Frequency (2016–2017)
Excellent So Far !
11 October 2016
The original movie is one of my all time favorites---so my bar for this particular remake was set pretty high. I was NOT disappointed--- Episode One was excellent!

Good acting, well developed characters, and a story pretty true to the original----but with its own character and flavor. I really liked it a lot.

I hope the rest of the series is as good as Episode 1. You might want to be sure to watch it first if you missed the Pilot.

Again----excellent in all regards and highly recommended! It does a pretty good job of setting up the story, grabbing your attention from the start---and putting a pretty good twist or two in the mix a well. I really liked the characters too---and that was what I was afraid of most since the original movie was so great a personal favorite!
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Getting worse and worse!
27 July 2016
I'm writing this in late July, 2016. Judges are horrible (possible exception---Howie). Simon is awful--the girls add nothing to the show. The level of talent is exceedingly low this season----and I'm pretty sure the show's producers have done something unbelievable to try to fix it.

They apparently went to some Eastern European country---and HIRED A CIRCUS.

Not kidding. Half the contestants can't speak English, and appear to be from some broken down Eastern European circus---they are appearing as individual acts or couples---but I am pretty sure they were in some broken down, has-been circus---probably available pretty cheap (tough economy over there). Unfreakingbelievable! And they are BAD!

Knife throwers, contortionists, high wire types---all pretty bad, probably not making much money in Moldavia or Romania.

Apparently "America" doesn't have much talent. My only hope is that when they finish up and head back to Eastern Europe, they take Nick Cannon with them. He is the worst "MC" in the history of American TV---but maybe that broken down circus will have a spot for him over there!
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Greatest Hits (2016– )
Pretty good show---But for one thing----
9 July 2016
I have really enjoyed the first two episodes of this "concert show". They are picking the right songs and the groups/artists are all "pop" so far---

The singing seems to be "live" (some are singing to tracks it appears) but the show is well paced and moves along with a little bit of "back-story" but not too much!

The one weird thing is that the live audience would seem to consist solely of 17-22 year old females----all quite attractive and on- camera quite a bit---and all apparently know the words to all of the songs being performed. Which is a little funny since many of them were not born when these songs were on the charts!

Reality TV strikes again! But it is quite entertaining and the production values are good!
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Fargo: Palindrome (2015)
Season 2, Episode 10
The worst Season Wrap I have ever seen
17 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely the worst season-ender in TV history.

I loved The original movie and the first season of the TV series--- BUT---

This season 2 was absolutely awful. Was there even a script written? Did everyone involved in the story take some mind-altering drug?

To clarify----the first several episodes were good and quickly drew you in to the story----but the last two episodes----where "loose ends" are typically "tied up" were ridiculous at best! It was as if the writers spun the story line so far out there they were unable to pull it all back to some sensible resolution!

And the flying saucer? Really? Did someone lose a bet? Simply horrible.
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Sharknado (2013 TV Movie)
Absolutely The Worst Movie Ever Made. Period.
18 July 2013
Actually, giving this one a 1 is a gift. On a scale of 1 to 10, this is actually a "negative infinity".

Absolutely everything about this is horrible---the premise, the acting, the direction, the script, the special effects, etc. Just the most terrible film you could possibly imagine. After watching it for a few minutes, you only keep watching in amazement at how horrifically bad it is---in every imaginable aspect. Every----imaginable----aspect.

Even the actors aren't buying into it. There ought to be a law preventing this kind of a movie being made as an affront to humanity---- like, as a species we should be ashamed that any example of our common DNA could possibly produce such a product. I usually am opposed to capitol punishment, but I would make an exception for everyone involved in this project, except that most states that have the death penalty usually try to make it either quick or painless, and in the case of this movie----it should be painful and slow.

Perhaps shoving everyone involved into a swimming pool, and releasing some REAL sharks. But file down their teeth a little first, so there are no quick deaths. They need to gnaw on them for a few days. Something like that----oh, and film it. It would be better than this movie!
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Awake (2012)
This is the BEST show EVER ON TV !
13 June 2013
Honestly----do the TV execs even watch the shows they renew or cancel? Here is a show which had it all---suspense, a Stephen King quality story line, (and for those who don't know----that's good), great acting, excellent casting, engaging plot----you name it----it was ALL great.

So----of course it got canceled. Not enough 12 year-olds----or people with IQ's less than 40 were watching apparently.

We need to face it----the people in charge of the network decisions just aren't too bright----and that may be giving them WAY, WAY, WAY too much credit.

So again----did they even WATCH an episode? My guess is NO.
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NYPD Blue (1993–2005)
Where Are the DVDs?
16 October 2011
Great acting, excellent character development, etc. I particularly liked the Jimmy Smits years, but all of them were great.

One of the bet shows ever on TV---lasted 12 seasons---but only the first 5 are available on DVD.

Does anyone know why? Is there some sort of contract problem or lawsuit? Are they scheduled to be released at some time in the future? I would like to know----the first 5 seasons came out quite some time ago (8 years?) and then nothing! You would think that a show with the kind of legs this one had and the audience to keep it on the air for 12 seasons would represent excellent potential for the DVD sales. SO---what's up with that? Anybody know?
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