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I could single handedly take over Padre island
29 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
These people who somehow have survived far into the the apocalypse are some of the dumbest, least prepared people I have ever seen. Thousands of walkers stuck behind a chain link fence that apparently is the only fence that can't be knocked over by walkers is the only thing that has kept thousands of container ships full of supplies from being attained. I dunno, call me crazy, but maybe walk up to the fence and start stabbing walkers through the head until they're all dead?

Grace, oh where to start? First she gets bit in the most ridiculous way. Again, you've made it this far into the apocalypse but you still don't know how to safely engage and avoid bites, let alone dress in clothing that is difficult or impossible to bite through. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and say that just wasn't possible, ok, then maybe avoid wreckage on the ground that might have walkers under it. Just so tiresome how careless these people are in a world where one simple mistake could cost you your life. Again, these are not the type of people that would still be kicking.

Now, let's talk about the armed guards and the ease and quickness with which they are disarmed and/or knocked out (even by children). I am no genius, but if I am armed with a gun in the apocalypse and holding someone against their will firstly, they aren't holding anything that can be used as a weapon, secondly, I'm at a distance where they can't sweep kick me and I keep them all in line of sight and not surrounding me. This is not genius level stuff.

What else? Ship is following the boat Dwight is driving and shooting at them. Never mind that they seem to have no concern for conserving bullets, apparently hitting a target 20 yards or so moving straight in front of them seems to be an impossible target. Never mind a small child could pull it off with no target training ever. Follow that with Shrike getting on the com and telling them she's not going to kill them (after they've been shooting at them the whole time) but can and will save Grace. Oh my gosh, I'm getting mad just writing this as a reminder how stupid this show is!

Kids who have grown up with each other constantly threaten to kill each other than change their mind within seconds. Padre is not a person, it's an idea, but what exactly that idea is, nobody really knows. Keeping kids from the pain of losing a parent? Is that the reason? Who knows, but the people running Padre would be killed in about 15 seconds in the real world. One thing they do get right is the only children would be stupid enough to believe and follow these dotards running Padre. Two young adults who are the biggest morons we've met to date but somehow, without explanation are able to feed and support all these people while giving commands and orders to carry out their will, which to date still makes no logical sense and has no logical purpose.

I could go on forever, but I'll just finish by saying this show is a microcosm as to what has happened in Hollywood. Talent has dissipated and we are left with what are no doubt diversity hires that are not fit for the job they're doing.
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Fear the Walking Dead: King County (2023)
Season 8, Episode 4
Terrible terrible terrible writing
29 July 2023
I can't believe how ridiculous and bad the writing has gotten for this show. Everyone loves Lenny James, but even he can't help this dumpster fire. After what must be more than a decade in show time, Morgan is still full of angst over losing his son and can't seem to focus on the living around him. The dead, though incredibly slow and weak after years of being dead I assume, are still massing in hordes everywhere the crew shows up, no matter how remote. Bullets that used to be at a premium seem to be in great plenty now. A rifle from Morgan's home from the pilot season still ha so many bullets that he shoot's walkers with abandon, even when it seems unneeded and unnecessary.

Characters who were friends threaten to kill each other and then, seconds later offer to help them escape. Characters who have made it this far into the zombie apocalypse are still grossly unprepared in every situation, leaving captives untied, often with items that can and are capable of being used as weapons nearby.

I just could rant without stopping forever about this terrible writing. Where is the character development like we had with Rick Grimes? Where are the story arcs/redemption stories? Seriously, who is writing this and how are they getting paid? I typically go all in with shows I start, but it's getting so bad that I may have to bow out of the Walking Dead franchise as this is almost unwatchable. If you are enjoying this, I would question your sanity.
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28 July 2023
Quite possibly the worst script ever written. I'm not sure where The Walking Dead writers lost their way, but they have seemingly hit rock bottom with this episode. So many holes and ridiculous situations that make zero sense, and forget about caring about the characters. They could all die in this episode and it would illicit no emotion.

Beyond the bad writing, the delivery by the actors is no better. I have a bad habit of finishing what I start, and that goes for TV series, as well. I started Walking Dead when it first came out and have stuck with it, but this nonsense is getting almost impossible to keep going.

I am not looking forward to the rest of this series and long for the day that it's finished. The overall rating is surely going to drop precipitously from here on out.
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Mrs Dalloway (1997)
As Bad As the Book
19 December 2021
Modernist writers and stream of consciousness stylistic writing is garbage. Read this book and thought I'd try to watch the movie to better understand it, but it's mostly just a jumbled grouping of thoughts out into book form. Pure garbage.

Virginia Woolf was a feminist and lesbian, which probably had more to do with her books becoming classics than her stories. Sorry, but Virginia Woolf was not a good author and this movie that mirrors the book extremely well is the proof.

I can only imagine that pretentious people who insist on liking anything considered a classic are the ones giving this higher ratings. Absolute waste of time.
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Terrible writing, just terrible
1 April 2021
Worst Marvel release ever and that's saying something since I've seen the entirety of The Inhumans, Runaways, and Cloak & Dagger.

I don't know who wrote this garbage, but they should be locked up for domestic terrorists for the psychological damage this movie has no doubt done.

Boring, terrible dialogue, terrible acting, special effects were even laughable. The only good thing I can say is this is in my past, though the memory will haunt me forever. God help us all!
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Time to close out the franchise
24 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Last episode is mildly interesting, but the full season lacks substance. The kids are so annoying, you just root for them to be eaten, but no such satisfaction is provided. To top off the bad writing and acting, in the last episode, I had to sit through a hand to hand combat fight between a 110 lb woman and a 180 lb man and you'll never guess who won, or maybe you will. Plot holes and just enormous, believability is non-existent, and characters are unlikeable with one, maybe two exceptions. If nothing else, the show proves once and for all that it's time for TWD franchise to wrap things up. We could have gotten better writing from a 13,year old. Just really bad.
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Vice (I) (2018)
Liberal propaganda garbage
19 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a waste of 2+ hours and what a waste of a great cast. Pure fiction making up dialogue for what they 'think' the conversations may have been like. For instance, implying Republicans changed the term global warning to climate change because it sounds less scary. In truth, Democrats changed it because we had some bad winters and you can blame everything on 'climate change'. It's hot, climate change, it's cold, climate change! Rains a lot, climate change, doesn't rain enough, climate change! Another thing brought up is the estate tax being called death tax. Only gets used on people who have over $2 million. Guess what, it is still a death tax and taxing someone AFTER THEY DIE is wrong regardless of their net worth. They have already paid taxes on what they have and the government takes more than enough the first time around to need to double dip! I am not a fan of either George W. Bush or Dick Cheney, but this is just a story told from an incredibly biased leftist point of view where they try to show the conspiracy behind every ideal that they disagree with. Just a bad movie with ridiculous dialogue that should be ashamed of itself for claiming any semblance of 'truth'. Garbage.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Enough Already
11 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Update as of season 10: This show has progressively gotten more ridiculous and boring since Rick left the show, and I wish AMC would realize that many fans are just sticking around to find out what happened to him. Not a fan of the whisperers and in my opinion this is the weakest season to date. About the only thing going for this show at this time is Darrell, and I have to give the producers some props on their casting of Judith. Other than that, it's really gotten to be a chore to watch this show. I think besides just terrible writing, the main issue is they have far too many characters they try to make you feel for and in doing so, they end up just providing a bunch of watered down characters that you don't care about at all. On a side note, the constant flashbacks and dream states of Saddiq is just obnoxious (not artistic). Time to close this series out for all of us. I usually finish anything I start, but they are making it difficult here.
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10 January 2020
Like all JRR Tolkien movies Peter Jackson did, this one is a masterpiece. From the music to the casting to the action scenes, just brilliant. The Hobbit was one of, possibly the first real novel I ever read as a kid, so needless to say, high expectations. Was this movie 100% true to the book? No. But I do believe it captured the essence of what Tolkien was trying to get across - that sometimes the seemingly ordinary and unimpressive is exactly the opposite of what you think. Could the casting have been any better for this movie? Ian McKellan perfectly played Gandalf and Martin Freeman was equally perfect as Bilbo, while the dwarves were much harder to materialize in your imagination reading the books were brilliantly brought to life in the movie. I just can't say enough good about this and all the Peter Jackson movies. So often when they make a movie out of a book I love, they completely ruin it. How wonderful to have a movie meet the expectations.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Progressively improving
6 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show was DOA and had it not been for the name of the show it would have been canceled after season 1. As it was, because of the name, it continued, but on the bright side the show has progressively improved every year and in my opinion is now better than the show it was spun from. The best decision this show made was killing off most of the main cast who were annoying and unlikable and replacing them with more interesting characters who were much easier to care about. Alicia and Victor are still around from the original cast, but Victor was probably the most interesting one of the bunch, and aside from Alicia stomping around acting all bad ass and looking ridiculous she, for the most part is not too much to stomach, though she is by far my least favorite character currently on the show. Also, Al the journalist is a bit much, and as much as they try to give her real meaning behind why her video journaling and 'chasing the story' are important to her, they just seem dumb and juvenile considering it's a zombie apocalypse. In fairness, this is sci-fi so you have to suspend reality somewhat, but there is a limit. The best thing the show did was adding Garret Dillahunt to the cast. What a great actor and someone who you can really emote with. He, along with his love interest played by Jenna Elfman are just great. Other than that, bringing in Morgan and Dwight from TWD was a good move, and both actors are very likable and tremendous emotional actors who can really draw you into their story. Haven't finished season 5 yet, but as I mentioned the show continues to improve over time, so I have high hopes and imagine my rating for the show will improve. I am hoping they bring Rick in soon. His leaving of TWD has really caused a decline in the quality of that show imo. Update following season 6: Was not very good and did not improve other than adding Dwight. The antagonist is weak and the stories are bland. Lastly, Al gotta go. CAN NOT stand her character, and the love story with her and whatever the other girls name from one episode is was ridiculous. Like, where in that episode did anything happen that would indicate falling in love? Just terrible writing. Honestly, other than John and June, all the relationships seem contrived and trivial (including Morgan's) Season 6 not great and getting more difficult to keep watching TWD and its spinoff. I think the writers have run out of imagination.
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Groundbreaking does not equal entertaining
4 January 2020
Let me start by saying that I love old films (Including silent films) and watch them often, so when I dislike an old 'classic', I do have something to compare it against. I always rate a movie based on it's entertainment value or at least how it rouses emotion in me. That being said, here is what I feel about The Jazz Singer:

The movie is not very entertaining. Cultural relevance doesn't seem to be on the high end, but even if it were for the day, the story is uninspired. Acting is so-so. Singing is ok. I found myself checking the time left frequently and it felt like more of a chore to watch this than anything.

I know this was the first 'talkie' film, so that's groundbreaking, but like I said, I rate movies based on entertainment and emotional value, and this had very little to none for me. Against old silent films like Wings or anything with Charlie Chaplin, for example, this old movie is just rather uninspired.

On a positive note, I did enjoy Al Jolson and see the charisma that made him popular. And on a side note, the famous line 'You ain't heard nothin' yet' has new meaning now that I realize it came from the first 'talkie'. Quite ironic!

Sadly, this movie was most likely a hit because it was the first to have sound and not for any other reason.
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Runaways (2017–2019)
Like the adults, hate the kids
30 December 2019
Worst Marvel show to date and it's not even close. Ok, in defense of the show, it was released on Hulu and was aimed at young teens, but come on, there still should be some standards!

Even for young teens, the writing and dialogue are remedial and the drama is over the top. Most of the characters are fairly unlikable, and in the end, it's difficult to give two craps about any of them, and on a more specific note, Molly may be the most annoying character ever depicted on television. I mean seriously, who writes this dialogue?

I think Marvel made a good decision canceling all their shows as they really seem to be providing watered down content lately. Between this garbage, Cloak & Dagger, Inhumans, and The Gifted, things were really going downhill fast.

If you want good Marvel content, try Agents of Shield or Legion and pass on this one. This show is only for those of us who insist on watching any Marvel offering regardless of how awful the writing.
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Butchering of a classic novel
30 December 2019
I don't know why Hollywood feels like it has to change classics when they take it from book form to the big screen. The Black Cauldron is a classic, and is plenty short enough and able to be read as a stand-alone novel without having to completely change the story. Instead, they end up taking a wonderfully interesting and exciting book and making it into a bland mishmash of the Prydain Chronicle series and ends up giving us a weak story with little character development. And yes, they could have done this by staying true to the novel with a movie of this length in my opinion. I won't even go on to point out all the glaring differences between the characters in the book as compared to the movie, though I have to say that Dori was a dwarf and NOT a faerie! So annoying! I guess to sum it up I'd just say if you're a fan of the book you'll be sorely disappointed in this movie. If you've never read the book, the. I imagine this is a fine enough story for younger audiences.
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Fine cartoon, poor adaptation
2 November 2019
If you rented this expecting a good adaptation of the classic novel, you will be sorely disappointed. It took a solid 40 minutes for Gulliver to even wake up and even then, this movie was all about cute songs and animation and nothing to do with the actual story of Gulliver's Travels. Rent it if you're into classic cartoons, but if looking for the novel on-screen, take a hard pass.
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Why all the high reviews
27 October 2019
If you haven't read the book, this movie will leave you completely baffled. Nothing is explained and their is zero character development. Fully half the book was left out, so I would and could never recommend this to anyone. Good luck to those of you that try.
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The Conners (2018–2025)
Terrible writing with no humor
3 August 2019
I thought Goodman could still carry this show without Roseanne. I was wrong. I guess this is what you get when you show zero loyalty to the woman who built your careers. Pretty disappointing ending to a really funny show.
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Not what I expected or hoped for
26 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Amended after re-watching: First the good: 1. Big fight scene was epic and was great to see everyone on screen at the same time . Amazing stuff. 2. Favorite part - Cap handles Thor's hammer. Just outstanding and emotional. Ok, now the not so good: 1. Captain Marvel. Why they make the biggest and baddest superhero someone we haven't grown to love over the previous decade is baffling. And beyond that, Brie Larson is just unlikeable. But seriously, if she could take Thanos on head to head by herself and blow up his ship in seconds, why not let her wear the gauntlet? Lastly, going out of their way to let you know she's a lesbian was a bit much. You don't need a short haircut and ugly clothes just because you're gay. Plenty of attractive lesbians out there, but whatever. Brie butchers the role regardless. 2. Professor Hulk - did anyone like this adaptation? We've grown to love seeing Hulk smash and in both this and Infinity Wars, not one single fight scene with him smashing. Just sad. 3. Fat Thor - ok, fine, Chris Hemsworth can pull off the comedy really well, and I enjoy it when he does, but the whole movie we get the Big Lebowski? I would have much rather seen him back in shape magically from reconnecting with Mjolnir. In the end, he was still extremely awesome, so that was fine, but I just don't see the point of making him fat for the whole movie. 4. Time travel - is anyone besides me sick of every Sci-fi show using time travel to fix everything? If you're going to do it, at least take full advantage. We had the opportunity to see one on one fights with Thanos' Black Squad. How about Hulk going primal against the big guy (and even hurting Thanos some). Dr, Strange rematch with Ebony Maw, etc., etc. on the end, I think they could have cut some of the boring first hour and given us more action fight scenes that we've come to know Marvel for.

In closing, the movie was still really good. I guess my expectations were just so high as they were closing out the phase that the changes with Hulk, Thor, and introduction of Captain Marvel just seemed misplaced and took away a lot of what I had come to love about the franchise. Still better than anything DC has managed to throw together.
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Blockers (2018)
All the wrong messages
14 April 2019
Teen sex, drinking, and drug use are all made light of, if not encouraged. Homosexuality is normalized and glorified, while traditional values are MIA. Look, show had some funny moments, but all in all this show was completely lacking.
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Unplanned (I) (2019)
A Real Eye Opener
13 April 2019
If you're pro- choice, this is a must see. The lies of Planned Parenthood are laid out pretty openly in this film. Women's health and well- being are what they propose, but it is a far cry from what they offer, and some of the conversations are real eye opening. It's possible that the film isn't accurate with the facts, but Abby Johnson coming out of the industry makes me tend to believe the story told us the truth. Watch the film and make up your mind for yourself.
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Empire (2015–2020)
Stereotyping at its finest
6 April 2019
Pure garbage with terrible acting and writing. The absolute stereotyping is appalling and if that's not enough to turn you off, I've got one name for you - Jussie Smollett
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Samson (2018)
Too much liberty taken with the Bible
23 December 2018
Call me a zealot, but when it comes to The Bible, I prefer accuracy over entertainment. There is zero evidence that Delilah had any love for Samson or any remorse for her actions, and to display it so much is just not true to the text.

Beyond adding far too much to the actual story, it's watchable, but nothing that will arouse emotion on you. Could have been so much more, but falls short.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Good show, not great
9 December 2018
Is there any scene with Karen where she isn't crying? Just one? Please!
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The Killing (1956)
Give me a break with the high reviews
2 September 2018
Take Stanley Kubrick's name off this film and there's no way it cracks an overall rating of 5. Story, not that interesting, acting is subpar, and action scenes are just poorly done.

And before anyone makes the excuse that this was an older film, I am a Black and white film fan! So many great old movies when a good story was required because you couldn't drown out a bad one with special effects. This is not that. Honestly, just not a very good movie, and it's disappointing to see how many people obviously rate it high because of Kubrick's name being attached to it. Very pretentious.
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Cloak & Dagger (2018–2019)
Attack of the SJW
1 July 2018
Looks like Marvel has finally caved. I wasn't overly impressed with the first 3 episodes, but when white privilege was tossed out in episode 4, I decided I'd heard enough.

That being said, even aside from the SJW crap, you'll still get sick of the teen angst and constant over-dramatization. Just too much.
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Jeruzalem (2015)
Just Horrible
1 May 2018
Hated the filming, hated the acting, hated the dialogue. At least there were some cool shots of Jerusalem. Avoid this movie at all costs. You will be absolutely annoyed with the last 30 minutes, and that's not to say the rest of it was any good. It wasn't.
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