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9 Bullets (2022)
An average but watchable action film.
28 March 2024
I just recently got this on order from my library, I must say I enjoyed this film.

The story follows a stripper named Gypsy with a murky dark criminal past, who wants a life of her own and becomes an author. She befriends a young boy who lives next door, and his parents are killed for stealing money. So she must get the boy to safety but by doing so she is relentlessly pursued by Jack, her criminal ex.

I know a lot of people on her seem to hate this film, but speaking personally I honestly enjoyed this. I mean shore, it's not great but it's not horrible either.

Let me get into the positives first here, Lena Headey is a very good actress; I haven't seen her in every thing but I do really like her, besides she's a sexy lady. I believe I first seen her in Wesley Snipes' film The Contractor, and instantly gained a crush on her.

I will say this, the movie I seen her previous to this, was a terrible "woke" adaptation of Oliver Twist. So this film compared to that is a huge improvement.

Sam Worthington was also pretty good as well, he plays Gypsy's ex Jack. Like Lena, I feel he's not in many great films either, I seen him in a terrible film called Transfusion, talk about crap. But I liked him much better here.

The story is fair at best, I mean It could have been better if more time was put into it. But remember this was made when the pandemic was happening, so it is what it is. I liked that it was fast paced, you know it's a road movie. Everyone else was decent the kid playing the boy was good, he might be a little annoying at first but he grows on you.

I'll say this, if it's not "woke" but an average film I'll take it.

I give it a 5/10. An enjoyable hour and a half.

Give it a look.
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The Punisher (1989)
This was a great action film.
14 March 2024
I had recently got this on order from the library, I remember seeing this when I was a kid and really enjoyed it. I think the last time I had gotten to see this was when I was 11 and I still enjoyed it.

And now seeing it again I still really enjoyed it, Dolph is great as this character.

Dolph Lundgren is awesome as The Punisher, five years after his wife and two daughters are brutally murdered in a car bombing, top cop Frank Castle believed to be dead, vows vengeance and becomes the unstopped vigilante known as The Punisher.

To be fair, Dolph Lundgren may not be the best actor, but he always gives a decent performance.

The action scenes are quite good and very well choreographed. This movie has a decent story and the film moves along at a very brisk pace. Louis Gossett Jr. Plays Frank Castle's former partner he was very good as well. Personally I'm very happy with everyone in this movie, I really don't have anything negative to say.

Maybe some have issue with this film, but in my opinion movie-wise, this has to be the best adaptation of The Punisher ever. It doesn't feel compromised like other versions.

Now I have seen 2004's The Punisher with Thomas Jane, even though I like him and that movie it feels a little flat structurally. The same for 2008's Punisher: War Zone, but I do feel that version was a little better than the 2004 version, you know, it had more action.

I still like like both films though as well as the short film, Punisher: Dirty Laundry with Thomas Jane.

I have not seen the Netflix version of The Punisher as of yet, but I was told by a buddy it was pretty good.

Over all I give it a 6/10. This film was awesome.

Dolph Lundgren was awesome and the cast was awesome. By the way the actresses that plays Lady Tanaka and her daughter are very sexy ladies.

Especially the daughter. I highly recommend it.
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Alligator 2 is weak but still fun.
26 February 2024
This is one of those, I guess, love it or hate type of sequels. I had seen this last summer.

The action in this film was fair but you can definitely tell the story for this was weak, Robert Forester was offered the sequel, but I remember him saying, the studio gave him the script to read but wanted him to decide within two hours, he wanted the original director to return and writer John Sayles. Long story short he did admit the script wasn't very good and turned it down.

I remember I had a buddy of mine see this downloaded and he and I enjoyed it, I felt the first was better but still liked it. I think my buddy liked it a bit more then the first, mainly because of the humor.

Like the first film, another mutant alligator runs amok and a detective and the coast guard have to team up to kill it before it destroys and eats the entire city.

I give it a 4/10. Not quite as good as the first I still feel it's watchable.
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Alligator (1980)
Alligator was a fun b-movie.
26 February 2024
Last summer I had gotten this from the library through inter-loan and I really enjoyed it.

Robert Forester plays a detective that teams up with a herpetologist to stop a 36 foot unstoppable mutant man-eating alligator.

My mom had been a fan of this movie for a long time because I remember my mom telling me about it before, I believe I have seen it when I was little but had forgotten. Anyhow this movie was a lot of fun both my mom and I like b-movies, I did get a buddy of mine to see it, but I had to have him download it and the sequel because the library could not get the sequel.

Either they could get it on Blu-ray which we do not have, Blu-ray players are too damn expensive, or they got me a DVD double feature version but it was region locked.

My buddy really liked the film as well and he and I really thought the lady that plays the herpetologist was a sexy beautiful red head, I love red heads.

Overall I give it a 6/10.
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Gary Unmarried (2008–2010)
Fun TV show.
26 February 2024
This tv series was really quite good, tv lately isn't good but I really don't watch tv anymore because I don't have cable.

Jay Mohr is a pretty funny guy, I believe he use to be on Saturday Night Live, but speaking personally I haven't really followed his career. The only movie I believe I own with him in it is Small Soldiers. For a while I had seen this tv series advertised on my DVD copy of Surrogates starring Bruce Willis, at the time I didn't really pay much attention to it but recently I got it from my library and I very much enjoy it.

Basically it is a comedy of divorce life and how miserable it can be but played for laughs and is lighthearted about it.

The cast was great, I really don't know them all that well to name drop so I will just name a small few.

Jaime King was good in this, she beautiful, funny and great to look at. She should try to do more comedy.

Ed Begley Jr. I know I've seen him before but can't remember what he was in, probably because I may have seen him in things when I was little but have forgotten. He was funny as well, he plays Gary's (Mohr) marriage consoler that dates his ex-wife.

Paula Marshall plays his ex-wife and she was very good with saucy snappy come backs and held her own with Jay Mohr with ease. She is so hot.

I'm not familiar with her but I will keep an eye out for her in the future.

Overall I give this show a 6/10.

Sadly my library was only able to get me the first season, because I know this show was cancelled after season two. I still would like to see that season, but at least I'm glade the show is good.
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Grizzly 2 is twice the action. Twice the cheesy fun.
13 January 2023
I had recently got this on order from the library, along with the Grizzly and I really enjoyed both.

On to the film, the story is about female grizzly bear that goes on a murderous rampage after her young cub is killed by a poacher at Yellowstone National Park. Hot on the trail are a park ranger, a bear management consultant and a mountain hunter who must team up to stop the bear, but you can't stop a bear who will stop at nothing.

Like the first, I really enjoyed it, mind you it is kinda cheesy but fun. My mom saw it a liked it but felt the first was better, I had a buddy see it and he really enjoyed it along with the first one. He did feel the the first was a bit better but enjoyed it just the same. I do agree that the first is a bit better but I still love it.

I did hear that the film was shelved for a good 37 years or so, and that the producer of the film took over as director to compete the film. And I say thank god for it because now Grizzly's sequel is officially released.

I give it a 5/10. It's cheesy fun. Give it a look.
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Grizzly (1976)
Grizzly is a fun B-movie ride.
13 January 2023
I had recently got this film on order from the library, because I had seen a review of it on the internet and thought "hey this looks kinda cool" I'll check this out. To be honest I did here about it watching a review on "Into the Grizzly Maze" also another good one.

On to the film, this was a lot of fun to watch now mind you this film is kinda cheesy but still good.

The film's about park ranger who must stop a man-eating grizzly bear that is on a murderous rampage, but how do you stop a bear who will stop at nothing?

I really enjoyed this film, my mom also enjoyed it too, we both like b-movies. I had a buddy watch it, he liked it as well, he felt the death scenes are cheesy as hell but loved it just the same.

I give it a 5/10. The cast was good, the story was also good. Like I said the movie is kinda corny but it was a lot of fun.
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A decent action-thriller. Weak but watchable.
21 December 2022
Jaime King is back...back in action that is as Banshee.

A government assassin who must protect her mentor from a group of ruthless assassins.

Where do I begin, well let me start by saying I like the cast. I think they did an acceptable job to the film, but I must say that the movie it's self is kinda weak as a whole.

Let me start with the positives first, Jaime King is good as Banshee, she brought a real scents of cold and calculated yet sincerity to the role that otherwise would have been a stark and generic. Plus she looked great in a pantsuit with her hair sleeked back, she's a sexy lady.

Antonio Bandaris was also good as Banshee's mentor, I'm assuming they only had a limited time with him so his part is small but he's in the film enough to be satisfying.

Tommy Flanigan was good too but he was playing a simple main bad guy, I felt he could have been given more to do.

This is where I get into the negatives here, not much was put into the story. The film suffers from too much simplicity and not enough story. I mean I understand making a simple movie, but more could have been done with this story. Especially with back story but having said, that I think this was made with a kick your feet back and enjoy the ride mentality.

So with that I really enjoyed it. It's one of those, you can watch on a rainy day type of movies.

I give it a 4/10. Jaime King is fun as Banshee, as well with Antonio Bandaris and the actress that plays his daughter is fun too. Give it a watch.
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Only watch if your bored.
1 October 2021
Wesley Snipes and a team of marines or swat I forget which, are assigned to go to a prison controlled by an A. I. where a secret government hi-tech interrogation tool is being held.

And find out why they lost contact with the first half of the team.

I'll start with this, this is a weird movie, it's kind of a mild sci-fi movie, it only appears to be an action movie, but mostly commits to being a horror movie.

For what I can remember, Wesley's team are killed off one by one, but first they see hallucinations before that happens.

I know it sounds confusing but that's how bad it's written, It feels almost possibly like the writer's second draft of the script or something. But the writer couldn't commit to what he wanted it to be. And the filmmakers searched and found it and said "good enough" and just made the movie.

My first thought was they should of just made it a sci-fi action movie were they fought against robots in the prison, that took on the holographic outward appearances of Wesley and his team, and the remaining survivors of the team, kill the machines off one by one and then destroy the A. I. computer at the end. That already sounds like a much better movie than this.

Overall I give it a 1/10. Poor script writing and the actors bring there C game, you can tell they all were doing it for the paycheck.

On a good note though, Anne Hache did an okay job she at least seem to be the most committed, Wesley was great to see even though he look kind of bored throughout.

And Gene Simmons makes a cameo appearance as a bad headed prisoner.
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It's so-so but don't expect too much.
1 October 2021
Living Among Us is one of those films, with an interesting concept but a somewhat poor to execution.

John Heard, William Sadler and the other cast members did a good job playing vampires but the script itself, I don't know, it felt like something else was missing, but I guess you can't expect much with found footage films.

I've seen a few of these found footage films, personally I'm not a huge fan of them but I can watch them.

I think a the tone, atmosphere, lighting, style were all fine, and again the cast did a good job but still something was missing. Anyway the ending I felt was okay, but that may rub some people the wrong way but I still felt it was satisfying.

Overall I give it a 3/10. It's not the best film I've seen, and depending on your mood, it's one of those films you can see every now and then. If you're curious give it a look, but don't expect too much.
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Bad sequel. Wesley keeps it watchable.
17 March 2021
Boy, oh boy this was a bad sequel, I mean it's not entirely a complete was of time but it's close. But at least Wesley returned to do the sequel and made it somewhat enjoyable.

Wesley Snipes is back as now retired CIA/UN agent Neil Shaw. Now 8 years later, Neil attends the funeral of his dojo master and is pulled into a political conspiracy when a friend of his who is an actor is going into politics. From what I remember the main baddie is planning to assassinate a senator so his arms deal can go ahead. There are some pretty good action scenes in this because let's face it in a movie like this with an incoherent plot, you at least hope the action scenes are good, and they are, but the movie as a whole feels rushed.

Overall, Wesley made it watchable for me, but more passion should have went into this. There is also a third Art of War but sadly Wesley didn't return for it because of his tax evasion troubles, he's instead replaced by another actor who isn't really that good hell the not even that good. But it's a little hard to determine which sequel is better, but since I had recently seen both this second part is slightly better than the third. But the first Art of War will always be the best.

I give it a 1/10. Poor in quality and somewhat in acting because everyone sort of brings their C game. But at least I'm glade Wesley came back and made it somewhat watchable.
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Doom: Annihilation is a fun popcorn flick.
2 March 2020
This was a fun little action-horror movie, now I'm fully aware that the lead actress my have said some hurtful things about the doom guy, I now that pissed the fan base off. She's probably an SJW supporter and wanted to stir up controversy since the movie trailer debuted, and was met with mostly negative reviews, but we can't just base this movie on one person mistake, no matter how stupid it was or is. We have to judge a movie on it's own merits; Luckily the director made sure to do reshoots to improve quality issues, like acting and tweaking scenes to make them more suspenseful or to add more character moments or more backstory to characters, and it pays off. So with that out of the way I'm going to get on with the review.

It starts out with the space marines or spacial operatives of some kind, getting a distress call from one of planet Mars moons so they go to investigate and are fooled into a trap as they must battle for their lives because this enemy is one they have never faced...evil hellish demons! As their taken out one by one Sgt. Joan Dark and her team discover that these monsters are planing to unleash hell on earth!

I first seen this a my library, so I was curious but cautious and pleasantly surprised, this movie was fun from start to finish, I think the reshoots helped because the action/melee and character scenes were pretty good, no by no means is this a prefect movie, it has it's flaws but it was enjoyable. The actress that plays Joan Dark gets to use a chainsaw on a couple of the re-animated scientists, this scene was really bloody, blood even spatters all over her sexy face, so i loved it. She also gets to use the BFG which was cool even though the gun looks like a prop/toy but not in a bad way. This movie has a nice tasteful blood level that I really liked,and lots and lots of heavy shootouts, the demons looked good too, I'm glad the used costumes and did the "man in a suit" approach, very old school which was good.

Overall I give it a 5/10. It's just popcorn fun and lots of action and mayhem, if your curious about this definitely see it,and please don't listen to the negativity, see it for yourself, I hope you have a good time because I had a blast!
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Wonder Woman (2009 Video)
Wonder Woman is a lot of fun. A good time.
26 February 2020
I recently got this through order through the, library and I loved it. Now I was never a big fan of the character but I always liked her, I first seen the character in old re-runs of Super Friends on cartoon Network as well as, the animated series of the Justice League.

I have always found this character sexy even at a young age but even more so now. The animation for this movie is beautiful I don't know what it is, but they made Diana Prince even more sexy, I mean Jesus I have a huge crush on her!!! As well as the other Amazons!

In the story she has to stop Ares after he escapes form his prison on Themyscira and wreaks destruction and chaos on the world. As well as help from Air Force pilot Steve Trevor who crash lands on the island and has to get back to the world. I mean you get get it? The story pretty straight forward and simple. The action scenes are awesome to the highest order for a direct to video movie, I mean it's non-stop action and fun. There's one stand out scene that I really loved, where she fights a Greek monster in her Wonder Woman costume bare foot and it's kinda hot. I love it! I love it! I love it! LOL.

Over all I give it a 7/10. It's fun and action packed from start to finish. And I have to say Diana is oh so sexy and one hell of a bad ass! Wonder Woman really gets me hot.
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A.I. Rising (2018)
it's meh but it's visually stunning and erotic.
18 February 2020
Boy, ho boy. This movie has a lot of problems, if others on here have complained they have the right to.

Where do I begin? Well, let me start with the positives first. From what I can tell the actors were pretty good they gave very committed performances. The visual effects are top notch which says a lot for a b-movie.

As for everything else, well, this will sort of segways into the negatives. I will say this, the sex and nudity was honestly good but there was little to no character development. The script was bad too,way too little happens, Stoya that plays the female android is beautiful and sexy as hell. when I watched the behind the scene interview with Stoya, she mentions she is a porn actress,i was kinda surprised because she was honestly pretty good. the male actor who plays the pilot was good as well but i wish both there characters were written better as well as the film it's self. Most of the movie is on a spaceship and the pilot and the android are the only ones on board, he's basically just being used by the corporation i guess to study his behavior,he's able to do anything he wants with the android, he uses her to full-fill his sexual needs but when he gets bored he switches her programming to "free will" sort of speak.

Overall I give it a 1/10. It's not a really good movie but Stoya was worth watching. I can't highly recommend it but if you curios give it a look.
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'Dark Fate' is a return to form.
18 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First off I'm happy to say that James Cameron, is back as co-writer and producer to the franchise! You know, a lot of people thought he'd never do anything with 'terminator' once he reacquired the rights, but I did, and I told my mom that there is no way Jim would ever! It's his baby you know?

Now before I go into the film i'd like to mention that, this franchise is (DAMAGED) from the other filmmakers over the years; For toughs that don't know, Jim had to sell the rights way back when he did T1 in 1984, in order to get a possible sequel made, now this franchise went through many studio hands over the years, then around when he did T2 in 1991, he sold the the rights again. I believe at that time he was either done with the series or he really didn't know where to go next, but Arnold was enthusiastic about making another, Jim felt 'terminator' is very much Arnold's as well, Jim just offered ask for as much money as possible. And the rest is history for the downfall of the franchise.

(Onto the film). Mild spoilers ahead.

In 1998 three years after judgement day which was set in 1995, John Connor and his mother Sarah Connor are relaxing in mexico at a local bar, John goes to the counter to get his mother some drinks when suddenly John is gunned down by a T-800! Sarah cradles John's lifeless corpse and thus starts a new chain of events! 22 years later in mexico a time sphere appears marking the arrival of Grace a resistance fighter from the year 2042! who is human but with cybernetic enhancements. Her mission is to protect a young woman named Dani Ramos. Also a new terminator menace from the future arrives called Rev-9 who is a new form of dark liquid metal and a solid but hollow endoskeleton, both forms can split in two full autonomous units! he is here to kill Dani Ramos. Later Grace and Dani meet up with Sarah Connor and the Terminator who is more human socially that lives in a cabin with a "wife and child" (used as cover). Together the awesome action foursome do battle with the Rev-9!!!

This movie was pretty good i really liked it, now it's never going to be better than the first two films which are classics.This movie did something different and it feels fresh like the the first two, which is good and this film feels like a true sequel, you know, a true T3. Don't listen to all the negativity out there, keep your mind off all that rubbish and see it for yourself.

I give it a 7/10. This one feels like a blood relative to T1 and T2, and this film is directed by Tim Miller, also Jim has said this is very much Tim's movie. But don't let that get you down it's fast, fun and action packed!!! I hope you have a good time because I know I did!!!
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Gemini Man (2019)
Very good movie. Hugely underrated.
17 October 2019
The following is a positive review.

Will Smith is back as a government assassin, he plays Henry Brogan an aging contract killer who seeks to exit his career after his last hit, which goes well enough. But Henry feels it's time to give it up and to live a quiet life. On the day of his retirement he is tracked down by assassins, and goes on the run, he is relentlessly pursued by one assassin which he makes a shocking discovery that it's a younger clone of himself; who can predict his every move!

This movie was fantastic, Will Smith is great in a dual roll playing both Henry and his clone counterpart Junior. The visual effects are the selling point and they work incredibly well.

Now I know this film is getting a lot of flak but most people are over looking the whole point, it's an emotional journey for both characters Henry and his clone Junior. For his clone, he's learning how to cope with being a 23 year old child soldier, and an emotional struggle learning he's a copy of the man he's trying to kill. For Henry who's 51 years old, is trying to cope with middle age, retirement, and battling the copy of his younger self, that's heavy stuff to think about. Now everybody has the right to their own opinion, but what most do, is just want to complain about it, and not give it a fair chance, which is so aggravating. Pius the ones that do review it just seem to want to compare it to Looper, which is completely stupid! This film has absolutely has nothing to do with time travel, like at all! Plus Looper was a mediocre mass and it sucked! I hate that movie! (Moving on). The supporting cast was good as well, Clive Owen was good as the main villain, even though he doesn't get to do much but he leaves an impression. Mary Elizabeth Windsted is good as a rookie assassin partner to Henry, her part small but she get to kick ass here and there which is fun.

Overall I give it a 8/10. Don't listen to the haters this movie is an underrated gem.

Plus this movie was in development hell for 20 years! with many actors and directors attached at one point, director Tony Scott as for as i remember and for actors Mel Gibson, Clint Eastwood, Sean Connery and Arnold Schwarzenegger just to name a few.The movie was mostly halted because the technology wasn't quiet right. Anyway I hope you enjoy it, it's fun!
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The Net 2.0 (2006 Video)
Better than expected. A good sequel.
1 October 2019
I quite enjoyed the first staring Sandra Bullock so when i heard, about this one I was a little skeptical because,you know, direct to video sequels usually suck. But luckily this was pretty good.

I'm not familiar with the main actress even though i find her strangely familiar and kinda cute, i have not seen her in anything before. But she does a good job, she plays Hope Cassidy who is a computer programmer of sorts (I'm a little fuzzy on the details). I just watched it last night but forgot the story, all i can remember is she gets framed for murder, her identity is stolen and she has to go on the run (in similar fashion as the first). I mean, you get it? the story's a little bit generic but still done well.

I had a lot of fun with it, it's fast paced and decently written by Rob Cowen (director of The Hurricane Heist). My mom fond it at the library, they were giving it away along with other DVDs in their book sale, my mom liked it as well.

I give it a 4/10. A decent little sequel, and a welcome addition to the first, that was very respectful, that was made with care and not a cash grab. Give it a look.
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Batman vs. Two-Face (2017 Video)
Adam West's final film role as Batman is great.
18 January 2019
Holy sequel! Adam West and Burt Ward return for Batam vs Two-face.

This film is as good as the first be maybe a bit better, Batman and Robin face there latest foe Two-face from releasing a gas that will turn everyone in Gotham City into two-faces.

Like the first this film shares it's campy tone and like the first it has some mildly dark elements but this maybe more mildly darker since deals with Two-face.

On the film, Dr. Hugo Strange is demonstrating his evil extractor on the supervillains of Gotham extracting there evil ( I can't remember exactly why) and suddenly things go wrong. Batman and Robin are there with District attorney Harvey Dent and Harvey is violently hit by gas and debris although Batman tried to save him Harvey becomes Two-face and vows to destroy The dark knight and the boy wonder.

This movie was a lot of fun to watch William Shatner of a people plays Two-face and his was awesome especially when he does his bad guy voice, he played him very seriously. I give it a 7/10, this film is the best of the two films and I'm especially glad that Adam West did these animated movies before his passing. If you like Adam West's Batman or if like campy humor give it a look.
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Adam West returns as Batman.
18 January 2019
I recently got this movie on order from my library in December last year, as part of a double feature with Batman vs Two-face and I liked both.

I remember I use to watch re-runs of Adam west's show as a little kid back in the late 90's on channel FX and I liked it's silly nature, even his TV movie "Batman";I remember back in the 90's a buddy of mine, that went into the Marines, use to have a copy on VHS and I watched it a couple of times when I came over his house.

On to the film, the story for this is about Batman and Robin having to stop Catwoman, The Joker, Riddler and Pangain from taking over the city. However Catwoman wants Batman to be as bad as her(since she has a crush on him) gives him a formula much to his dismay and turns him "evil", soon enough Batman goes "mad" and takes over the city but in a silly way. Realizing it was a stupid idea LOL, Catwoman and Robin team up to stop Batman's silly chaos.

This was a lot of fun to watch, the cool thing is, the key cast sound the same after 50 years which is amazing. I give it a 6/10, if you like Batman and don't mind some silly camp humor or if you like Adam West's Batman give it a look.
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A fun action movie.
17 October 2018
Dolph Lundgren and Brandon Lee are a crime fighting duo!

I have recently seen this a couple of weeks ago, when I ordered it from my library and I loved it. I recently watched it with a buddy, I told him that It my be a bit corny but I really liked it he liked it as well.

The story to this is very simple, two cops team up to stop a Yukza syndicate from shipping crystal meth into Los Angeles. Also Dolph's character seeks revenge against the Yukza boss(Cary Tagowa) because he killed his parents when he was a kid.

This movie was a lot of fun to watch the action scenes are pretty standard at best but still fun to watch. And how cold I forget, this film is funny as hell, the one liners are priceless. Tea Carare is sexy as ever oh my god! Beautiful as hell!

Overall, if your an action fan,I think your going to love this movie, especially if you don't mind a little corny humor because there is plenty, and of course it's loaded with nonstop action! I give it a 7/10. This was a real good time. I recommend it.
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Venom (2018)
Venom is a fun-filled thrill ride. Really not that bad at all.
17 October 2018
Listen, critics are over paid morons most of the time, don't listen to them. This movie was pretty damn good.

Tom Hardy was great and the smartest choice to play Eddie Brock/Venom, now back in 2007 when I first heard about a Venom spin-off I felt very unsure about that, but fast forward to 2018 with Tom Hardy in the lead role I was on board with it.

This was a pretty standard adventure film at best but it was still good, I would say the script was a little weak in places and the film as whole was a little rough around the edges but I still liked it very much.

The build up- is pretty standard stuff we've seen before but it's fine.

The plot- is not the most original but still good.

The CGI- was really good in my opinion, Venom looked fairly real and he was interesting to look at too. besides don't listen to those who say the CGI was bad what do they know.

Overall, a popcorn fun action-adventure with anti-hero Venom, Tom Hardy really caries this film well without him I think it would have failed. Plus this leave you wanting more! which is always good in my book. I recently seen this in theaters and i loved it. I give it a 7/10. I full-heartedly recommend it.
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The Predator (2018)
Finally a fresh direction this series needed.
4 October 2018
First off I love this film, it took real risks with the story and takes the Predator mythology on it's ear which I love.

The story starts off with Quinn McKenna (Hal Halbrook) a mercenary that finds some misplaced Predator tech which he steals in the woods. Soon enough he meets a band of mercenaries code-named "the loonies" (which are funny by the way) and a scientist (Olivia Munn) as they are hunted by the Predator and a giant Predator let's call him "Upgrade", because of this Upgrade Predator has spliced his DNA with the deadliest creatures in the universe including human DNA! he's really cool too, it has armor plated skin, bionic eye enhancement, superior strength even to average Predators and Predator dogs! Now I know some people have taken issue with this but i don't care, i personally liked that this took some risks unlike 2010's Predators, this franchise needed it, and it's not like this came out of thin air, Shane Black and Fred Dekker who wrote this got the Upgraded Predator from the Predator comics books. There is a similar story with and Upgraded Predator that takes DNA from other creatures and injects it's self making it stronger.

Overall, I had a damn good time with this, and I can't wait to get this on DVD. I give this a 7/10. I do know the story isn't the strongest are the best but i liked it way better then Predators, also this had a lot of re-shoots done to it, so that is why there are plot holes. But this is so face paced most won't notice, also don't take this one too seriously because it's suppose to be funnier than the previous installments. Highly recommended.
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Predators (2010)
Weakest in the series. Not as good as the first two but great in concept.
4 October 2018
This film has a nice concept for a third go around in the series. Now in my opinion this is the weakest in the series, for two reasons; first, this is just a repeat of the first film, just on another planet and second; it doesn't add much character development or really expand any futher on the universe or takes any risks of any kind.

The story starts off in free fall, we meet Royce (Adrian Brody) a mercenary falling unconscious but suddenly wakes up and actives a button on his harness to release his parachute he lands roughly but safely as he falls through the tress and hits the ground. We meet other characters who are military or ruthless killers from different parts of the world. It doesn't take long for them to realize that they are not on earth and that they are the prey! They go up against three highly aggressive Predators that have on code of honor and do not kill for sport, they kill for pure fun!

To be honest this could have been better and I wanted more from the characters and story, but it's just a meat and potatoes type of story. I felt the characters were very shallow which made me not care for them as much, even though the actors are good their characters are shallow. Laurence Fishburne is probably the stand out, he plays Nolan a scavenger who sort of "helps" the band of killers to shelter and tells them who and what their up against. Although his part is sort of wasted his not in the film for very long, he's in and out, their lots of missed opportunities in this, which is sad.

Overall, I still liked it, and i think it's still a decent edition to the series. I give it a 5/10. Not as good as the fist two but still watchable.
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Predator 2 (1990)
Predator 2 is a damn good time. Very Underrated sequel.
4 October 2018
This film has a weird history: some love it, some hated it but in all seriousness this IS a good sequel, especially with expanding the Predator universe (AVP and AVP-R) and the various video games/comics.

The sequel is set around ten years after the first film (I'm assuming it's set sometime in the near future because theirs futuristic highlights throughout the city. I'm including the original Predator as well). Set in Los Angeles during a summer heat wave we meet Det. Harrigan (Danny Glover from Lethal Weapon) in the heat of a shoot out and his team are battling a gang war against Colombians and the Jamaicans. And in similar fashion Harrigan's team mates are killed off one by one including gang members by another Predator, however Harrigan has an edge, he knows what he's up against because finds clues that the Predator leaves behind, leading him to learn the skinned bodies and odd tech is from a creature not of this earth. With the not so help from a government group led by Agent Keys(Gary Busey) Harrigan has the added advantage of battling the Predator, disrupting it's invisibility tech and finally avenging the deaths of his team!

I love Predator 2 very underrated, it's as good as the first. Now most people will argue that Arnold was not in it but Danny Glover is another icon of the 80's and he carries the film with ease. The real reason Arnold was not in this is because he committed to do (Total Recall and Terminator 2: Judgement Day) so there you go.

Overall, a fun and enjoyable sequel to the first. I give it an 8/10. Please if you want to see this definitely see it, it's as good as the first, i mean it's different but that is exactly why I like it. Highly recommend.
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Predator (1987)
Predator is a damn good movie.
4 October 2018
This film is a lot of fun to watch, Arnold is at his best. The story is very simple, a group of commandos, lead by Dutch (Arnold),must extract some hostages from hostel guerrilla forces in some Amazon jungle (can't remember the exact location).

The mission was going quiet well...until they run into the extremely dangerous, extraterrestrial aka the Predator! Soon the Predator kills off Dutch's team one by one until only he and the Predator remain, and face off against each other... that only one can survive!

The youngest I can remember seeing this was age 4 I think on HBO, I loved it then and now. Back in 2009 my mom found it at a goodwill along with it's sequel Predator 2 both on VHS, then in 2012 I got Predator 2 on DVD, and the original Predator I recently got on DVD in 2018.

The supporting cast is great as well, Jesse Ventura, Bill Duke and Carl Weathers I don't remember the other two Latino actors but the were good as well.

Overall, an awesome film with an original story and concept. I give it an 8/10. Highly recommended.
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