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Behemoth (2011 TV Movie)
Not Bad, With Some Popcorn
6 June 2024
I'm not someone who puts on a movie, leans back, crosses my arms, and says, "ok, now I dare you to entertain me...but I warn you in advance, it'd better be good!" I go in *wanting* to be entertained. Entering this one with that mindset, I was able to overlook a few things and just have fun with it. I found plenty of things to enjoy and be diverted by, and found it to be pretty exciting in parts. The scenery was majestic, There was suspense, action, and enough stuff going on to hold my interest. If you go into it armed with popcorn and a good attitude, Behemoth is diverting enough to be worthwhile, in my opinion.
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10.5 (2004)
Cinema Verite Made it Hard to Watch
3 June 2024
I remember when the hot new trend in movie making was the use of cinema verite techniques that were supposed to make things feel more realistic through the use of shaky camera handling, and frequent focus and zoom adjustments. In action sequences, the technique works reasonably well, because it's plausible that the camera could be getting jostled. But this mini-series uses the technique in every single scene, even where it makes zero sense. For example, in a meeting among a group of people in an office, discussing a problem, the camera swings wildly around, and zooms in and out and in and out until the viewer longs for an airline sickness bag. I was so relieved when this filmmaking trend, which was used by so many (and imitated in a monkey-see, monkey-do fashion) throughout much of the 2000s and well into the 2010s, eventually fell out of favor. There are elements of the series I did like, including some pretty awesome special effects, and several characters that really helped the storytelling to "gel." I felt it was an exciting series and enjoyable with the notable exception of the cinema verite. So I'm giving it a 7.0.
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Cosmos (I) (2019)
Three Men in a Car (and a synth player)
17 April 2024
I agree with what everybody has said about the remarkable feat this movie is, considering it was accomplished on a $7000 budget. It's dramatic, has human interest, and takes its own unique approach to the subject of extraterrestrial visitors.

The movie is an object lesson in what can be done with the most modest of means. It was filmed using a single "Blackmagic Pocket Cinema" digital camera, but it was so skillfully shot, well lit, beautifully lighted, and tastefully treated in post-production that every scene is beautifully cinematic.

The "set" is just the interior of a car and some nearby woods. The three occupants are skilled and convincing actors do a convincing job with their roles, despite very claustrophobic surroundings.

It was brave (if somewhat unwise) of its producer, considering the lack of budget, sets, etc., to try and "Kubrik" this film, stretching it to over two hours in length. Without 2001's visual effects to fall back on, many of the scenes feel as though they've been milked absolutely dry. I agree with other reviewers who say it would have benefitted from some serious "editing back."

My only own other niggle (though their budget would have allowed nothing more) is the one-man film score. It's a guy on a synthesizer, playing variations on a four-chord theme over and over for 129 minutes. The public is accustomed to synthetic movie scores nowadays, but for me, the lack of real orchestration and more varied arrangements became tiresome after the first 15 minutes.

For die-hard sci-fi fans who don't mind its "slow-boil-bordering-on-mild-simmer" pacing, I do think this movie is worthwhile watching. I'm glad I saw it, and congratulate the people who put it together for accomplishing the near-impossible.
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Escape Earth (2021)
Learning to Watch a Movie for What it is
11 September 2023
I'm constantly disappointed by people who watch a movie like this one and try to hold it up to standards it was never intended to meet, then leaving scathing reviews. This is a simple story told in an interesting, quiet way, about a man struggling through hardship to try and reunite with his family. It's not an action film or a gee-whiz sci-fi loaded down with CGI and made ridiculous with inane, cutesy dialogue. In fact, it accomplishes its purpose with almost no dialogue at all. Call it an art film, an indy film, call it what you will. I just decided when I sat down to watch it that I was going to allow myself to take this movie in without becoming all "Mr. Film Critic." I came to the conclusion it does a good job of being what it is, and I'm rating it on that basis...not by comparing it against billion dollar blockbusters.
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The Pretender (1996–2000)
Great show, but "Miss Parker" has to be the most unlikable TV character of all time.
31 August 2023
Lots of people have already done good summaries of this show, which I think has a lot going for it. I'm on S1 E20, and am pretty much hooked. Yes, it's formulaic, but there's enough new stuff happening to keep things moving and add new dynamics all the time. Gotta say, of all the TV I've ever watched though, I've never seen a character who is easier to absolutely despise than "Miss Parker," the adult version of the child Jarod grew up with inside "The Center." She's like the "Anti-Jarod." Both of them went through awful childhoods, but he came out of it determined to try to make life better for suffering people, and she came out of it wanting to make life miserable for everyone around her. Every time I try to feel some compassion for her when she shows a little vulnerability, she goes back into her tigress mode and lashes out, abusing her equals and especially her inferiors while shrinking humbly before her higher-ups and supervisors. That makes her an A-1 coward and a bully.
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Just relax and enjoy it
27 August 2023
This isn't hard sci-fi, and doesn't even pretend to be particularly plausible in either its science or its storyline. But you know what? I don't care. I watch movies to be entertained, and I found this movie very entertaining. Alright, I'll admit I fast-forwarded through some of the more juvenile parts, especially the oh oh oh la la " tribal pop music with whiny, autotune singing. I just can't... Putting that aside, I loved the story, the acting, and heart-warming relationships, the surprising turns of events, and Asa's beautiful innocence as the Martian boy discovering life on Earth, and love, for the first time. There are fun moments, exciting moments, awesome rocket scene special effects, beautiful sets and colors, and gorgeous scenes as our planet stretches out before Asa for the very first time. If you like sci-fi, appreciate a big budget effort, and are more interested in being entertained than nitpicking, I think you'll like "The Space Between Us."
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Magellan (2017)
Smart, Minimalist Sci-Fi - OK For All Ages
25 August 2023
Before I talk about the story, let me address an issue that doesn't come up very often in reviews. Sometimes, it's tough for people of faith to find movies they can comfortably watch these days. I really enjoy the sci-fi genre, but it seems like the majority of movies are land mined with f-bombs and other vulgarity, and sexy scenes. It seems so unnecessary to the plot, and to have been thrown in gratuitously. I was really happy to see that this movie was completely clean. I mean G-rated clean. It didn't take anything away from the story to not have swearing and sex in it. As for my review of the movie itself, I felt the premise was interesting, there was good drama, and much of the acting was good...with the notable exception of the advocate guy back on Earth...who could have toned his performance down a bit. I won't give away any of the plot. Suffice it to say that if you don't need a ton of special effects to be entertained, and like to use your brain, this noble low-budget film may be enjoyable to you. It was for me. Minor spoiler: The ending doesn't tidily stitch everything together. It allows you to use your imagination about how things turn out.
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Anna's Storm (2007 TV Movie)
Works for me
20 August 2023
Having come from a small town, and grown up with the "small town values" others here seem to want to denigrate, this movie struck a.positive chord with me. Whether or not the plot was completely unique or completely unpredictable (it wasn't), I felt it was a compelling story about people, not meteors, as viewers might easily comprehend from the title. The acting was very good, and I felt like the characters were three dimensional and believable. It's easy to look at every movie with a jaded eye, but I prefer in this case to look for the good in the story. "Anna's Storm" reinforces values lots of kind-hearted people still embrace. No, it's not a big budget blockbuster, there are some continuity (and other) problems, and the music soundtrack is just a guy playing three-note-chords on a synthesizer, but the overall effect of the movie struck a positive chord for me.
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White Sky (2021)
Only a zombie would find this interesting
19 August 2023
...and even most of them probably wouldn't. Like others, I thought the premise sounded potentially entertaining, but the movie contained nothing, nothing, nothing. Aliens overhead, some shooting from an obscured looking ship, then the focus turns to a group of frightened campers who wander aimlessly around in the woods with no clear objective other than to evade some humans who have been changed into zombies. White Sky seems to be one of a new generation of shoestring budget movies that count on an exciting poster and a misleading trailer to sell enough tickets to cover expenses and make a profit. All the sales must come in the first week, because once word gets around, they're sure to languish and become one more freebee on Amazon Prime.
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Alpha Code (2020)
I Just Couldn't Connect.
9 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I felt the acting was very non-believable and stylized, and the characters emoted primarily through gaspy breathing through the whole movie. I couldn't relate to or find much real humanity in any of the characters other than the daughter, and her role is regrettably brief. The story itself was vaporous and hard to follow, but what is worst, I came not to care what even developed anymore, which is rare for me. I want to enjoy every movie I watch, but this one...couldn't. The whole thing was kind of a nothing burger; uninteresting, artificial, even annoying. And that crying baby. How much of that is enough?!
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Advantageous (2015)
On Further Reflection...
25 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The main character, Gwen, is a sweet, lovable smart lady, and I felt for her throughout the movie, but after reflecting a little afterwards, I have mixed feelings about her. She is so dead set on sending her bright daughter to an expensive, exclusive school that she sacrifices everything, including her integrity; perpetuating a monstrous lie about a "virtually painless" youth restoration treatment that is tantamount to selling one's soul in exchange for physical beauty. And ultimately, she carries it even further, surrendering her very essence for the cash needed for her child's fancy schooling. Yes, she loved her daughter, but how messed up is that? Wouldn't her daughter have preferred her mother, whole and honorable, even if they were poor and she didn't get to go to that the movie's equivalent of Juliard?
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Minari (2020)
I felt for the dad
13 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I guess because I'm the earner in my family, I really felt for the dad, who I felt poured his heart and soul into trying to make a better life for his family despite never-ending discouragement from his skeptical wife. He opened his home to his wife's mom too, despite their poverty, while he continued to work himself half to death to make his little vegetable farm pay off. His reward? When things finally turned aroun, his son's health was improving, and he had found a market for his produce, his wife declared she had lost faith in him and wanted to leave him...and his mother in law (accidentally) burned up all his produce. One other thought on this: the movie wasn't about chasing the "American Dream," in my opinion. It was about the universal desire to improve one's lot in life, which is no more exclusively American than it is Korean or African or anything else.
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The Village (2004)
This movie is a work of art.
11 November 2022
When I first saw this movie, I had never seen any of the director's previous works, nor seen the trailer. I had no expectations or preconceived notions. I just took everything as it came.

I was floored by the movie's drama and suspense, the meticulous staging of every scene, the outstanding performances of a top-flight group of award-winning actors, the unusual plot and twists, and maybe more than anything else, by the overwhelmingly beautiful, poignant soundtrack, with solo violin by Hilary Hahn (who has been called one of the ten best violinists of all time).

I understand why people who were misled by the trailer and were hoping for gore and the supernatural probably felt let down, but as someone who doesn't care to see things like that anyway, that didn't enter into the equation at all for me. What I felt, and still feel, is that this is one of the most artistic and emotionally powerful movies I've ever experienced. I also came to love and admire the story's characters for their nobility. Their earnestness in trying to live a decent and harmonious life together, and to nurture and truly care for one-another, is something I still think is inspiring.
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The Day the Earth Moved (1974 TV Movie)
Not great but...
21 March 2021
I can't tell exactly why but I kinda liked it. I half wonder if the movie Cars might have gotten a little inspiration from the storyline. Without giving anything away, I think those who who have seen both will know what I mean.
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