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Really disappoint wt witting, acting, diection
11 March 2024
What to say, episode 2 is a great example of poor direction, actor choices, story development. It feel like direction of actors, or actors themselves, are very sub par to what it can and should be. With such a franchise as TWD , coming with many fans, a low turn aroud still of series after the writer strike, it would have try harder to make a better produced, and, entertaining story wt better emotional moments , excitement, philosophical and moral dilemmas . Maybe the 2 main actors take a huge part of the budget and the writers can come with decent développement . I give it a 4 but really, its a 3 . Did they stretch a movie into 6 hours , even then , it would be like a 5 or 6 wt this POOR level of execution . A movie, with better direction, sense of adventure , would have been a better resolution to the Rick and Michonne 6 years after reunion, should have been an epic love story....
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Argylle (2024)
Disappointing direction,camera,dialogues, everything.
6 March 2024
It really grate me off how such a super expensive produce movies lack in good script , sub part camera angles and cinematography, witty comedy , and direction. The director producer that once give us Kick Ass is been mass producing many disappointing action comedy, and more coming soon too. The poor musical score, that are now commun even in series, and computer effects , overdone and still in 2024, not that great, make you wonder, why having all those so call expensive actors for such poor performance, if not because they have expensive mansion in Hollywood and connection wt Big streamers or studios. Use less over effects unreal fights, choose cheaper actors wt skills, write a better overall story wt better witty dialogues and ,cancel the upcoming projects from that director, they lack integrity of execution and vision.

Not recommended, you will Fast Forward in frustration. The disco sound track and others so cheap and annoying. A 5 for a so call grade A movie.
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House of Ninjas (2024– )
Disappointing writing , martial art choreography and comedic balance
1 March 2024
Not all the time, the sound track with English songs choice and style can be very , verrrrry the worst choice , no matter if your a geek or not. Best example of this is beginning of the first episode, it like Netflix did this on purpose to be talk about in reviews.

The overall show made the mistake wt the type of comedy and its often lack of intelligent silliness , or pushing it too far stupid.

The story and plot elements were not well developed, by episode 4 im only watching because i like kungfu movies as a kid, even bloody action , and im not a discerning viewer of quality programming.

Im episode 4,The Choreography is too 20 against one swordsman that barely move fast in positions to fight against one or 2 opponents. Im not asking to be realistic, but it should feel and view better then that. I seen 60 n 70s movies that nail the idea of an economically moving fast swordsman that position himself better in an outnumbered fight. The daughter is probably the worst in moves skills.

Not recommended unless you are bored or watch too many series and are stuck.

Ooooo, if you never saw the 2004 movie Kung fu Hustle , see this incredible comedy action movie asap, fantastic comedy, choreography , story , sound track.
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The Woman in the Wall (2023–2024)
A good, strange mystery Irish drama that dosent require subtitles!
29 February 2024
This is a well written mini series, don't let the strange flashback deter you to follow this above average uk series. Also, do not read too many reviews as it is a mystery . Good leads actors , especially the female one, she really was well cast and directed, The story flows well, wt a proper conclusion. Maybe the direction for the overall cast can have been a bit more emotionally focus wt some bits of rewrite and camera work, but its very acceptable .

A 7.5 to 8.5 , this is a very welcome addition to a low 2023 output with the writer strike in North America. Its nice the English is not hard to decipher for an Irish series!
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As i barely remember the anime, this felt very similar
24 February 2024
Well, after the 2023 writer strike, this series felt like a very welcome viewing.

Its got pacing issues , like sometime from one episode to the next , i was wondering about the transition. Some reviewer said its like 20 episode condensed in 8, wt critiqued alterations to characters and events. The original writers had a fight wt netflix about not following their stories.

Still, it was definitely above average in everything. Sure i wish they would have followed the original anime , but that would be so many episodes,wt effects and crew, hard to make it profitable.

I think they will make more seasons to complete the story but the kids and teenage actors will grow n change a lot, not sure how that will effect like a season 3, maybe the avatar will have facial hair ha ha.

Seriously, for all the complains it get on imdb, and short 8 episodes(they should have go for 13), i would recommend this series to all lovers of fantasy and magic. Effects are good, acting is fine, it really feel like The last air bender world buil. Can have beed lots worse. Would hgave been great if original writers and netflix had agree together but that would have required big money investors or money launderers to injects lotssss of money.
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Copenhagen Cowboy (2022–2023)
UNIQUE,atmospheric , need a season 2. no wokeness here
8 February 2024
I liked this series much more then the director previous one , very stylish, gruesome at times, lots of characters wt exaggerate actions.

I can explain the plot but i recommend it to be watch without previous knowledge. A well done art house for the general public, some episodes have great sound track. When it came up , i watched it a couple of times in 2 weeks!

The main protagonist was well cast in her role, the nasty story well developed. The final episode S1 felt slightly cheap, still good, but would have benefited from a bigger budget FX . People who dont like this series dont appreciate very stylish visual . Some say to many 360 slow panning scenes, i would object wt normal series have too many head shot dialogues photography.

Very recommended, a great weird politically incorrect series.

I suspect season 2 was canceled because Wokeness , the director would probably refuse executives heavy hands on his wotk, and low viewing. WOW.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
Lame writing, too slow, bad everything.
7 February 2024
And the ending is also bad. The idea may have work if it was better written as a story and dialogues. Direction overall of actors and scenes is wtf. I watched all 8 episodes to arrive at a frustrating conclusion, The major issues was badly orchestrate fights , lame dialogues, main actors that dont feel charismatic , a plot that dosent work.

Another female lead that is totally miscast and not nice. Even compressing the 8 episodes to a single movie wouldnt really help.

The overall editing is not flowing well, many scenes are not well executed. Some scenes wt texting where unreadable when they can had made it easy. The Writers and producers totally should be ashamed of this misfire, Not recommended unless like me you will FFW a lot and still feel at the end this was one of the worst first season series in a long time.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
A NEW Stratham franchise for sure
1 February 2024
Wow, Jason still kick ass in is mid 50s .

The movie had me laughing out load on absurd violent moment a couple of times, i wisk they were more of those.

The overall direction was so so , wt the main actress not charismatic and unappealing , like many actress recently cast in tuf roles. Her and her college are the worst 2 fbi agents cast ever.

The script and dialogues where at times repetitive and uninspired. The editing also was not flowing well .

The action was over the top, i liked some of it but i wish that when jason fighted large groups of people would have been tone down. Still , i loved some absurd ways some died.

The Overall revange story was original, but i wish it would have been more critical of the world of USA politics and a better scripted ending.

I guaranty a 99 % follow up to the Beekeeper as a cash action movie serial. Hopefully the writing and direction will be better.

Another Wick style movie it is. Unrealistic one man agaist too many adversaries in scenes.
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Hypnotic (2023)
6 certainly, under rated decent sci fy
24 December 2023
I recommend for a sure 1 time good story, but the post production that include Sound and photography Edit lacked creativity and vitality, same wt. Acting, but also Woody wt emotions. But the story is good, thanks for a good resolution at the end, there's an extra scene during the credit , dont miss it.

Feel like and extra hand in the sound mixing and even the score, that orchestral annoyance, could be improved. Maybe also the edit, the shots ,the acting, the sound mix.... After Effects where probably not even really applied i suspect for lack of productions studios availabilities or Money .

Very decent watch on streaming! Sci fy are rare.
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The Curse (2023– )
Maybe, if each episodes were half the runtime?
16 December 2023
Update: added 1 star as i now find the main cast characters unlikeable, and its make for hard viewing , but can be fascinating ,maybe refreshing in some aspect of Hollywood productions in general.

----------------------------------------------- Maybe its true that Emma Stone is the one that made the series watchable... The series episodes feel slow, and the type of humor is not funny ha ha, or there really. Feel like the script lack dialogues that generate emotions to the viewers or draw you in with intelligent retorts . Still, I'm at episode 4 and intent to watch it all, wondering if im witnessing a train wreck in the making with it overlong episodes that beg from moving faster and contain more witty dialogues and scenes.

The series type of humor and commentaries will definitely have some audience liking this, but i feel the writing and directing prevent it to become a must see or cult and taste like it needed more cooking.
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gore festival, very gruesome to watch all, ultra violent.
14 December 2023
Well, the visual effect crew had a lots of fun working on this insane all over the places with all sorts of humain body carnage, blood, gore , lots of it.

I wasn't able to watch all in one shot, it really as a simple but effective story wt a decent touch editing . Sound ambiance work well to make this short film entertaining . Effects are old school well made and must have been a big part of the expanses in this dark horrific scenes, old school 70s n 80s. Sadistic is a word that come to mind and i wonder how much merit is watching such a movie, its difficult watching mutilation after mutilation.

A strong 8 because it got me scared and found the final production and edits well rounded.
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Hellraiser (2022)
7,5, some awesome scenes , good story, okish acting
13 December 2023
I really love the last third , the puzzle box lore, the story is well written, the Xenos are good, a bit plastic tough . Movie may fare better wt an edit that would shorten some scenes.

Surprise that many fan of the 1st didnt think this one is also good wt the story and its execution, look at this as it would be a B+ movie .

I like how this movie finalize and i would rewatch wt a fastforward on some scenes and enjoy the ones that make for a great Clive Barker graphic novel style of horrors based on a crazy lore that is not at all like the lorfd of the rings or conan, but about alternate dimensions and gruesome alien beiengs or demons.
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Star Trek Continues (2013–2017)
Incredible remake of the 1960s show, give it 3 episodes...
4 December 2023
Its the best copy of the original in spirit , style, morals, dilemmas, and sets. The sound track is 1960 fantastic, i think its what make the old shows like batman so good, and james bound, the ambience tracks.

The actors did a decent jobs, kudo to kirk.

I personally not into watching the star trek shows anymore but, i have to say they did an incredible job on this , so good i would say it must be watch by 60s lovers and the TV station should by that series so it can be watch on same channel.

The guy who play Kirk did an amazing job, he got the tone and body looks of the original. A great fan series and even good for commercial TV.
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Travelers (2016–2018)
season 1 better then season 2 better then season 3.
4 December 2023
Well, its have a great ending , i dont think it should be renew for a 4th season, as it would just end up been an underwhelming cash grab i believe.

Like some said, its getting to much kitchen drama( well known as low cost scenes to shoot and write) by mid season 2. I used lots of fast forward in season 3. Not sure if netflix was involved in season 1 and 2 , but they where in 3 and the show i think suffered about it . Still, a good cast, good science fiction apocalyptic story with a great conclusion, less good then the excellent Fringe( watch Fringe again wt the recommended episodes for the main plot, there is list on the internet ....) and 12 monkeys the series, it is still very recommended watch.
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Not enough monsters, too many annoying dialogues, all over editing
1 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Update: episode 8. Where is the thrill, the action, the monster fights.... overstretching 4 episodes to 8 , the writing and execution is simply uninspired and need a vitamin boost and testosterones therapy.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Truly excited as i was raise on the original Godzilla movies, This series is all over the place editing multiple timelines jumps from 50s to now. I find since a couple of years that to be used too often, leading to over complicate the story in a bad way and removing a linear sense of exposition to a story. It can be ok if use efficiently, here it isnt.

The cast in modern time is annoying, poor script.

The biggest problem is the lack of monsters scenes . I feel it was because of budget restrains as it would require more wider scenes with many effects and consequence in the world , as with sets and number of actors.

The overall idea seems good but the execution is not. Very disappointing.

Just finished episode 4 and will update when series is done.
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Beforeigners (2019– )
interesting series, 7+
10 November 2023
Well, im wondering if it was cancelled , and it seem so. Its too bad, with a format of 6 episodes a season, and only 2 seasons in 4 years, it sure didn't have time to overstay its presence.

Can it have been better, sure . But i enjoyed it as many others, and at 6 episodes a season, its hard to comprehend why a budget was not allocated for a 3rd season of 6 to 8 episodes.

Ok, watch in original language wt subtitles, that is the way i did and enjoy it. Hopefully hbo will produce another season , and not abandon the series or sell it to amazon or netflix, where it would probably lead to a bad season......
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Underrated gem in the religious horror, 7+
3 November 2023
Definitely a 7+ , its still watchable now. With a good casting, ok script, this film didnt fare well wt mr. Twotumbdown...... If you are into supernatural movies , some melodrama, this film stand solid and is original. The direction is good, the atmosphere work, the ending is appropriate. Demi sure as a great presence on screen and it was like her first lead role in a movie, and im glad it is this one.

Effects are ok, i think for a 1988 movies its still hold well, and even for an apocalyptic movie, the horror is tone down and the gore barely, its got a well establish Start that want us to follow till the end.

I wonder if there is a director cut, but i dont think so.

From same director, watch 1985 series Das Boot,in germain wt subtitles, for a second world war submarine epic.
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Vendetta Road (2023)
dont believe the high review, this is student movie material.
1 November 2023
Even the front cover of the film try to mislead to the vendetta anarchist mask wt the semblance of mustache , No connection at all, just a huge mislead.

The movie is not well directed and acted , feel to me like a film school project without much of a script, The film rely on the main actress shoulder, but without much to go with, uninspired cinematography, no charismatic actors , a story not well developed and under produced, i dont know who will like this one . If you are interested in student film acting and underwhelming everything, this is ok i guess, but because of the front cover trying to cash on vendetta, i would recommend a pass on this one .
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a strong 6 but 8 for an enthusiastic of the genre ,about a group wt some very chaos members!
1 November 2023
Wow no expectations, i was charm by the 80s 90s feel ,but also for the very decent performances by the leads, a good script,and very dark side of the adventure group, yes!

Well, some cheesy acting parts of fights, but still, let your 5 year old come up in your Adult brain, its got a great battle scene wt a dragon, some nudity, totally waranted ha ha, and again, a good script, some very enjoyable spread of Characters , a for sure a re-watch, the script is wayyyyyyyyy better then the recent dungeon dragon in my book, have a sip or something before , then enjoy what i consider a must wt 80s Dragonlance.

People who gave it low rating to 4 on imdb didnt enjoy it as a fan of fantasy genre, well directed , except the fight choregraphy speed but accept this and enjoy this mid budget with an hart for the genre!!!!
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a good long episode of 80s Tales of the crypt kind off. some camp...
31 October 2023
I went into this expecting ,and wanting, a serious horror base on Lovecraft stories of sort, so i was disappointed at first with some of the camp acting at times. But i really liked the story, except a major plot hole at the end.

With what seem a lower budget, it worked well wt camera effect and some gore. Sexy scenes where exceptionnaly well done too.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still , im waiting for a well directed and produced serious horrors based or adapted work of Lovecraft, it sure not humorous horror literature.

------------------------------------------------------------ so ,its a watchable film, just do not expect more then tale of the crypt 80s n 90s, or a moody like 70s invasion of the body snatchers.
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started raunchy funny but lost the magic by second half
10 August 2023
Started like a Farina bros comedy and was gladly surprise.

The idea of the main actress been much older and mouthy vs her younger counter part can have been better exploited through absurd n raunchy comedy.

The movie lacked consistency in the comedic department and veered too much into romantic drama . I felt the movie had potential first to be more in the vein of Dumb and dumber, with some obnoxious and vulgar humor, some gooffy, some romance going nowhere. It didnt really, and by the last third i was thinking the movie was not funny anymore and turned into a boring direction .

In retrospect, its like the movie was originally going to be unrated and irreverent throughout but chicken ou t and. Producers imposed restraints and changes in direction.

Watchable but missed the mark .
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2 episodes in, mediocre.. Gave up at 6th.
20 July 2023
Update: it is now unwatchable , the story is uninteresting from all perspectives, too bad that this Justified is leaving such a bad impression .minus another star.

-------------------------------------------------------------------- Whatever book its base on, i doubt the script and cast is similar.

Raylan is Raylan, thats great. But the Vilain, and the daughter are badly expose, annoying writing.

Justified was exaggerated and not always the best but the stories and editing and cast was much better.

Now we see Raylan attracted to a rather annoying overwait black african lawyer, his boss is black, his partner is black, the dead judge is black, the bar owner too. It does fee; like a black life matter, not justified.

It is too bad after 2 episodes out of 8, its a far cry from Justified wt Boyd Crowder as archenemy and ex best friends.

I will keep watching .

Its too bad they didnt wrote a better script , and produce something as interesting and memorable as the original. Timothy looks good for a couple season more, they should have made a better series.casting, and overall feel with him onboard.

And Why would he be attracted to the lawyer, she is not is type of gf as seen before

And why wrote his daughter so annoying, i dont blame the acteress , but direction and writing

maybe i will read the book and see where this series got it wrong. Is it the Woke effect wt bad Writers and heavy handed producers......
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Dragonslayer (1981)
.underrated great medieval Fantasy
22 June 2023
Truly still the GReat dragon movie/ weird its under 7 .

Balanced tones wt low humors, great direction and cast, decemt sets, good panoramic shots.

The dragon may have aged a bit but i discard the props slowness ,and enjoy a truly great script. Im glad that director did a great job.

Watch the first Conan the Barbarian after .

Truly still the GReat dragon movie/ weird its under 7 .

Balanced tones wt low humors, great direction and cast, decemt sets, good panoramic shots.

The dragon may have aged a bit but i discard the props slowness ,and enjoy a truly great script. Im glad that director did a great job.

Watch the first Conan the Barbarian after .
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This is a very well plan and executed.
4 March 2022
I agree that the presenter is absolutly amazing and charming at 95, well articulate for listening , probably the best ever.

The shots are fantastic and real. Watch in the best video quality.

It is really a must see for anyone of any types from anywhere and of any age!
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getting tired of cgi overload situations
3 March 2022
Maybe if i seen it in imax theater i been more appreciative.

I thought it was infantile in its dialogues and ways DR Strange deal with all this until it get so the end.

Its a blockbuster . Big budget.

Kids and young teens will probably adore.
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