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Dark Shadows (2005 TV Movie)
Very promising and perfect for the 2000s TV landscape.
12 May 2024
Studios were clearly too lazy and disinterested to perfect this rough editing. I don't know which network was interested in the project, but I could see it airing on Fox or NBC even. Changes needed to be made, but not a lot either. They mostly needed to drop the cop/medical drama thing (and not use too recognizable settings), change some of the cast members like Jessica Chastain, Kelly Hu, Jenna Dewan and the guy who played the cop too. Alec Newman's look was all wrong, so he as well needed an extreme makeover. I also thought the tone was confusing and unsure of what atmosphere the show was trying to convey. And that the music needed some adjustments (the Coldplay song didn't fit the scenery)... I've seen lots of unaired pilot episodes (even from long lasting shows) and they all had the same issues this one had, only it was clear nobody had the time, money and energy to make it presentable for TV format, and give this first episode a real chance to be picked up. A shame so much has happened since, that we can no longer get it right, or have it be completely different from how it was intended to be, to fit the « new » standards. Because I would've loved to see Marley Shelton be the lead in a fantasy series like this one...
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
The dumbing down of horror continues...
12 May 2024
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If you hated « It Follows » you will probably hate this. From the trailer, I knew I wouldn't like this movie. But I've decided to watch it anyway, because I love horror movies, and am the kind who wants to see things for myself. And, well this isn't horror. Maybe if you're twelve, and I'm being generous. I saw the ending coming a mile away, the part where the little bother was trying to gouge his own eye out, was so over the top and unnecessary, I bursted out laughing. Seriously, why? They actually never explained why that old lady wanted to harm « herself ». And the presence of a dying kangaroo in the story is just... And in a time where every horror movies and TV shows warned us about the dangers of being possessed, you wonder if all these kids been living under a rock. I'm also sick of all the stupid characters (they just kept making everything you shouldn't do in a horror movie) played by plain looking actors (does everything has to be so damn banal all the time?). To think they green lit a sequel out of this run of the mill concept, keep showing how low audiences expectations are today. At least some of these actors can cry on command, which secures them a spot at the next popular soap's cast list. But was the movie worth my time and changed the bad opinion I have of « elevated horror »? Absolutely not.
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American Horror Story: The Auteur (2024)
Season 12, Episode 9
I really liked that Kris Jenner cameo near the end...
10 May 2024
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No really, this is obviously the worst AHS season, worse than double feature or Apocalypse even. What is there to say? It's just dull, and very unoriginal. Positive discrimination destroys the entertainment business lately, with all these talentless people given tasks that are way far off their reach. I was desperately hoping for a nice happy ending, where the heroine conjures the spell, and goes back to a more « normal » life, and choose a better path for herself. But this? Did she die at birth, and the rest is just her own purgatory, before proving her worth to go to heaven? Either way, it was lame. I really hope next season will be the last, and give this whole bundle of disjointed stories, that common thread creators teased since season one. Only time will tell.
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Kalifornia (1993)
Another 90s movie that completely flew under the radar...
29 April 2024
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I've discovered Kalifornia through the soundtrack. Never heard of it beforehand, so I don't know if it's popular or a classic even. Maybe in the US, but not overseas. And it's a shame, because it's a really good thriller, it is more than thirty years old, but it didn't age at all. The premise, characters, music even, nothing in the movie feels old or outdated. I've discovered Michelle Forbes only recently as well (True Blood), and been a fan ever since. In this movie, she gave her character more depth than the regular big city girl she is on paper. Duchovny was clearly my favorite, because I'm a big fan of his and The X-Files and was thrilled to see the movie was released around the same time the show was beginning to gain popularity. But I didn't like his character at first. It's a pity, but Pitt and Lewis were just passable there too. I don't know what it is about Brad Pitt, but I always feel like something is missing in his a way of portraying rough and rugged men. He ends up looking more goofy than menacing every time, and well, chosen solely for his looks and appeal to the female demographics... Juliette Lewis is just good at playing stupid I guess. I wish I could feel more sympathy for her Adele, but even her recounting of a traumatic experience felt like a requirement to HER character's backstory, and not something that would catch viewers off guard. The yuppie couple ended up being my favorite leads obviously, and those I was rooting for all movie long. Thanks to Forbes and Duchovny's nuanced portrayal of each, they became believable heroes of the story. The violence was nothing too graphic or shocking, it had just the right amount of blood, and shot in a way that could escape censorship. The last battle between Brian and Early was suspenseful, and the makeup effects looked believable (of course anybody who got a shovel to the face, would have his/her nose crooked). That being said, I was never completely convinced by Early being a serial killer. He was violent and had a bad temper (and mother issues), but even his way of picking « father » figures as his victims, didn't help make his profiling more believable. As I was saying earlier, the soundtrack has great songs, and what made most movies of that time feel more wholesome and cinematic. Speaking of which, it has a beautiful cinematography, and I loved « Carrie's » portfolio and style. And haircut too. It's a good movie, more dramatic than you would expect, but one you could imagine yourself seeing in the theater. Which is something that is solely missing these days.
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Gotham (2014–2019)
Good concept, wrong approach...
26 April 2024
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My interest was peaked, because I like the Batman stories, and was curious to see if the series finale would redeem the bad impression I had of the show since its pilot episode. Unfortunately, because of the weird procedural format and set of « antiheroes » and to put it mildly, it never did. I was mostly bored and rarely entertained throughout. To be fair, the only thing I liked about season one, were guests by known actors, and the introduction of the most iconic villains of the Batman franchise. I hated the plots revolving around the mobsters background and, this isn't specific to season one, the Oswald Cobblepot character. I thought writers obsession with him became too obvious and dragged down most of the series run. The way the Bruce Wayne character was handled, was bothersome as well. He became second fiddle to his own show, and that « Nolan » movies approach wasn't of my liking. In general, I thought the show's weakest point was that relentless focus on unnecessary characters, and almost disinterest towards others and how they should be handled in the future. Or written out even. I somewhat enjoyed the middle run though, mostly Arkham's arc in season 2, some of season 3 episodes and the first half of season 4, thanks to the Sofia Falcone character's schemes. But this was also « disposed of » during the second half, in favor of more of that insipid Lee Thompkins character, who single-handily put an end to the Falcone's reign of terror, after episodes of captain Jim Gordon being unable to accomplish that task... To say this series was badly written, is an understatement. And the acting was just as cringey as it was in the Schumacher « masterpieces ». Maybe they should've taken more inspiration from Burton's movies... I don't know if fans of the franchise liked that as well, but the way they recycled all those old Batman movies scenes, made the hero's teenage years look like a rehearsal of his adulthood adventures. As anticipated, the series finale offered far more enticing perspectives than anything we saw so far (season 5 up to that point, was utterly pointless). So is the Gotham series an entire miss? I'm conflicted. All I know is that it sure is filled with missed opportunities (maybe they should've made the jump sooner and get Barbara Kean pregnant in season 4) and unnecessary bits and introductions (what's the point in Bane and Raj's daughter exactly?), following pathetic villains and a hero that wasn't up his game yet.
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Medium (2005–2011)
To me, one of the worst procedural series ever made...
19 April 2024
Something always rubbed me the wrong way about this show, but I couldn't put my finger on it. So after rewatching a couple of season 2 episodes, now I know what it was. It pales in comparison to other procedurals. The writing is awful and they always seemed to go for these big last minute revelations, that made the whole episode plot and overall thread of the investigation fall apart. The rest of the scenes were so by the book, following boring characters with boring lives, that it mostly killed the suspense and made the episodes tedious and hard to follow. One thing it reminded me also, was how whiny and overbearing the heroine's husband was, and how annoying her daughters, especially the oldest, got at one point. And I really have an issue with Arquette overacting the dramatic scenes. I remember loving those season 3 episodes with Jason Priestley and Neve Campbell, but that's about the only good thing I can recall of Medium honestly... At least now I know it just wasn't for me.
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Gotham: The Blind Fortune Teller (2015)
Season 1, Episode 16
Is this show getting any better?
6 April 2024
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I'm curious to know how all these iconic villains and heroes will be handled in future seasons. But let's just say that I'm not impressed at all so far. The acting is atrocious, and the writing is just as equally bad (for example, too many backstories are rewritten in order to further whatever agendas). And the show seem to be taking itself so seriously, without having anything to back it up, that it simply annoys me most of the time. Personally, I'm sick of all these 2010s shows, using the procedural format excuse to not get the story moving forward faster. In Gotham's case, it's something we could've done without. And, I know it's a show centered around a corrupt city, but exactly how am I supposed to care about any of the lead characters? « The blind fortune teller », was the first season of Gotham mastering its flawed writing, with a murder mystery so pointless it made the Joker's reveal look even more ridiculous. And a bunch of dialogues that are so laughable, you wonder if you're not watching a parody. Aside from that, Fish and Penguin overcome new obstacles (like we would expect otherwise...), while Selina, Ivy and Barbara are squatting Jim's house for no apparent reasons but to amuse fans... To think everything Batman will fight against, is practically his fault, makes this even more pathetic. On a different note, I also hope Bruce Wayne will improve as well, because I don't want another « Dark Knight ». But maybe I'm just bound to hate everything about this series.
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Nikita (2010–2013)
Best « teen » series remake ever.
5 April 2024
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I'm far from being easy to please, but coming from a network like this, this reimagining of an old classic, is a nice surprise. It still feels a little weird to see this Asian girl named « Nikita », but Maggie Q sells it perfectly. It's such a rare thing for a CW show to be this good all the way through. I think the creators perfected what the 90s series produced. Modern day « Anastasia » aside, the characters are portrayed and written in a far more compelling way, the love stories are believable and never feel forced. The intrigues are just edge of your seat good, once the main arc starts blossoming. And that's maybe my only disappointment with the show, the fillers are mostly useless and don't give justice to the thrilling main plot. Even the far fetched « group » thing found a believable send off on the beautiful series finale. Granted it sometimes had « woke » undertones, but never in that mind-numbing way networks did afterwards. You also had that weird « superhero » show feel sometimes... Thankfully for me, the show went back to its original format instantly. And the music used in some of the episodes, are showcased in a great and original way. Without spoiling too much of it, I can only suggest you to watch it. And if you love the genre, check out the OG series, Alias and Covert Affairs, in that order. Series ranking: season 4, 2, 3 and 1.
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Fire Country (2022– )
I really thought it was a CW show...
1 April 2024
Or some lost project from mid-2000s studios decided to revive. The lack of originality in this, is outstanding. From the pilot episode, the O. C. meets Grey's Anatomy vibe was impossible to ignore, and prevented me from enjoying this « new » series. The part where the hero meets his love interest, reminded me of the scene where Ryan met Marissa in the O. C. pilot episode, even. But hey, we have « all inclusive » leads, so it must be super « current », right? Wrong, like I said, the tone and pacing felt like something written twenty years ago. I don't mind it, but at the same time, what's the point in all these current shows that are nothing but « modernized » (like it's a good thing...) remakes of ones that already existed and sometimes never made it past their pilot episodes, because they brought absolutely nothing new to the table? I won't talk about the cast either, because they are also recycled actors from older popular series. Not sure why Bruckeimer's name is attached to this, but if you loved his previous work and hate nighttime soaps, you'll be very disappointed.
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
I was not even able to enjoy rewatching season one.
31 March 2024
All style no substance. I remember thinking it was a decent show back in 2017, and was looking forward to more episodes in the future. Rewatching season one though, made me realize how « Riverdale » simply could've been a miniseries and leave things after Jason's killer's motive was revealed. And they clearly should have. I think it's the worst written series ever made, it felt as if creators/writers grew up watching late 90s/2000s movies and TV shows, and decided to make their own with elements of each, regardless of logic and storytelling value. And using it as a cathartic way to share the hate they feel for authority figures, in the process. I'm not even sure they realize how unlikable ALL the characters can be... The actors are probably the only thing I genuinely liked about this series. The young cast was good, but it's the « older » ones that caught my attention the most, as they were mostly those of things I grew up watching myself. And the soundtrack used to have a good selection of pop music, until the episodes included too many « Glee » moments. I don't know if this show will pass the test of time, but it sure isn't becoming a cult classic like everything it took its « inspiration » from. But if you really have to, check out the spinoffs as well, they are shorter and better to some extent.
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Rescue Me (2004–2011)
The premise someone posted on IMDB says it all...
23 March 2024
The story revolves around a loser firefighter and his crazy ex wife (and two daughters), who « bip » and moan all the time, and his group of whiny colleagues and one nigh stands. 2000s cynicism at its worst. Post 9/11 were disenchanted times for the US, and this translated in most of their TV shows and movies, because it was the trendiest and most « original » thing to do then. Rescue Me is the tackiest product of its time. It simply assumed it was cool to be an awful human being, because your country suffered a great loss (and in the antihero's case, owning it through the words of wisdom of a ghost), and I simply don't see the point in showing everyday (in this show's case, once in a blue moon) heroes in such an unflattering light. It makes the show obnoxious, and its characters impossible for viewers to relate to and sympathize with their existential problems. And personally, with the exception of a couple, it made me want to end their pathetic lives with a crowbar. Clearly not something to watch, when you want to take your mind off things.... Not that it's so real it unsettles you, but because the sarcastic tone it took feels dishonest and unnecessary. And the melodrama makes it soapy. Nip/Tuck and other « men » shows did it a lot better I thought. The soundtrack is good though, but if you love firefighters stories, watch Third Watch instead.
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Awkward. (2011–2016)
My rating dropped to five, because of the censorship.
17 March 2024
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Why did MTV green-lit this show, if it meant butchering the episodes on reruns and streaming? The thing I loved the most about Awkward, was how bold the humor got sometimes. Unfortunately, it is now ancient history thanks to all the cuts and changes the network made, after the first airing. Several times I got a feeling of bad editing and important details of certain scenes being left out. Be that as it may, it's a solid « sitcom », but this, the way I couldn't stand the Sadie character most of the time, and how Jenna (and the writers obviously) kept making things unnecessarily complicated between her and Matty, and Ling's abrupt erasing from the show, were noticeable downsides of it for me. It's no secret the story got more and more inspired by the Sex and The City series overtime, and I wonder if they picked Beau Mirchoff because of his resemblance with a young Chris Noth, but in spite of all of that, the series didn't feel too much like a fan made ripoff and had its own problematics to sort through. I think the quality decreased as seasons went as well, and that the theme of the show fitted the high school setting more, only the second half of season 5 isn't as bad as some may think. The way it poke fun at Jenna's new environment, made her Summer internship and new fling with Luke more tolerable and more in line with how the series was all these years. And the open ending during the last minute series finale, was satisfying and hinted at more fulfilling lives for the leads. The whole group gathering around a campfire at the resort where the whole adventure began, was a nice way to get the story full circle as well. So it could've been much worse, like say... Teen Wolf? Speaking of which, the soundtrack on « Awkward » was also changed on the first two seasons episodes, I guess 2010´s songs are more expensive than 2012´s?...
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God help me...
6 March 2024
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That dance sequence made my skin crawl and my blood boil. Remember when I said season 6 was more focused? Well that was before Plec and Dries wrote this dud of a season finale. I don't know what annoyed me the most. The fact that Elena wasn't simply killed off, because let's be honest, she'd just overstayed her welcome in the show. Or even Stefan making everything about Damon, to the point where he becomes a secondary character in his own show (not, it's not Damon's. Fangirls wanted it that way, but the more writers abounded with that idea, the less believable it got) and a matchmaker to his brother and the girl he was madly in love with, a year ago... And can we just talk about the elephant in the room, please? Elena was sired to Damon (which is impossible to break, because it was done by blood), so she should've remembered everything about her relationship with Stefan, not him, after she took the vampire cure (?? Another stupid storyline) and became human again. This is why I hate shows with female show runners, they always come off as very immature and twisting facts to fit their own agenda. And in the show's case, the way characters already established by the previous team of writers, acted. I honestly don't mind about Stefan falling for Caroline, because the actors sold it perfectly. However, Damon and Elena's looked awkward onscreen and their intimate moments felt like ploys trying to outweighed the disingenuousness you felt. Killing off Jo was written in stone I guess, because it led to everything we would see on The Legacies series, but still, why just her and the rest of her coven? Were they so desperately eager to get to the heretics storyline? Tyler becoming a werewolf again, was for nothing, because Kai could cipher the venom's magic (? Ok...) and what's with the cheap production lately? You can see everything is shot in studios now. I'm expecting to get to season 7 soon, but knowing Elena isn't there anymore already makes me want to revisit it even more. Damon still pining over her throughout though, not so much... I'm not going to show leniency on the soundtrack either, because the best song was used in such an atrocious scene, it completely ruined its appeal for me.
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The Vampire Diaries: Yellow Ledbetter (2014)
Season 6, Episode 2
Damon WAS a monster.
1 March 2024
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The way he handled rejection and manipulated people to have his way... He was a psychopath, and no amount of corny scenes under mellow ballads, will ever change that fact. Stefan had his faults, but he never went after Elena's family members. Which is why I will never understand how writers thought it was a good idea to have her pick him. Through the sire bond, I get it. She had a lot of affection for him, and her heightened emotions towards him, translated into love, when she was resuscitated with his blood. But the way they went, was clearly fan service, and insulting to some viewers intelligence. Season 6 is more focused than the last couple of seasons, but the fans pandering remained, and the spark was simply gone, which was what ruined most of it. And in « Yellow Ledbetter », the way Caroline and Enzo bullied Stefan into doing something he didn't want to do, was the beginning of both characters assassination for me. Also, couldn't the show runners be more obvious, picking a girl that was Dobrev's spitting image from a different ethnicity, to play Stefan's new girlfriend? Even the songs got on my nerves in this episode, but everything not regarding Elena was good overall. Like most of the show since her character was turned, anyway...
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The Vampire Diaries: Man on Fire (2014)
Season 5, Episode 19
More reasons for writers to victimize the Damon character.
28 February 2024
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Are we to overlook that Enzo went after Stefan, because he wanted to hurt Damon the way he hurt him, murdering his girlfriend? And what's with the double standards? So Stefan doing unspeakable things is unforgivable, until he repent for it? But Damon doing the same, gets a free pass, because he was just feeling sad and lonely? Give me a break! This travelers/doppelgänger thing is so convoluted and idiotic. They simply came to the same conclusion, they would've episodes ago. And knowing how the rest of the series unfolds, what was the point in Enzo dying and seeking revenge on the brothers? Even « Resident Evil » which I used to like, feels unnecessary and a way to push the false narrative even further. And honestly, who writes a scene where someone is decapitated in the town's meeting spot, without anyone noticing?...
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The Vampire Diaries: Gone Girl (2014)
Season 5, Episode 15
The best the season had to offer.
26 February 2024
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Let's just get this out of the way, shall we? The show became trash since Kevin Williamson stopped supervising the writing. Wether it was good or bad trash, it was still trash anyway. As much as I hate season 4, for its lack of rigor, season 5 is a close second, because I just can't stand Elena with Damon. On the other hand, the show got so bad, it isn't good enough to have Elena with Stefan in it anymore. So whichever way you put it, viewers like me will be let down and feel cheated by the « social medias talk » dialogues, messy mythology and disrespect to rules established since the beginning of the series. « Gone Girl » is obviously of the exception. It is a well-crafted episode, that gave the Katherine character her memorable exit. I'm not talking about other things, like Damon whining and Caroline not seeing the wrong in sleeping with the man who murdered her ex boyfriend's mother, because it would ruin the fun. But this last minute twist, was a very crafty way to both give Katherine one last chance at torturing Elena, and viewers a reason to tune in next week. And the song they picked during her farewells to the band, was very fitting to the situation... So even though I still give it the average rating, because it's nevertheless part of one of the worst seasons of TVD, you know the thought was there.
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One Tree Hill: One Tree Hill (2012)
Season 9, Episode 13
I could've done without some of the corny moments...
22 February 2024
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But it's still a very good and rewarding series finale. This rewatch was very important, it made me realize seasons I used to love (3 through 5) weren't so great, but it also comforted me in some of my first impressions. Season 9 is great (best returning cast, drama, and less music. Which made the musical moments stand out more), but is also so late in the game, I can't rate it higher than number 5 or 6 on my seasons ranking. It got too soapy with the whole Julian/Brooke drama (I just can't stand them) but the rest was there to keep your hooked. And even though the stalker storyline became something we would laugh at, because every seasons since season four had one. It was nice to see Quentin's murderer being dealt with once and for all. It'll probably bring controversy saying that, but I didn't like the way the « Danny Boy » episode was handled. Turning Dan into a tragic figure was too on the nose, and how writers explained why he killed Keith, was like grasping at straws. I mean, he looked like the kind of guy whose motto was « kill or be killed », so it's perfectly understandable that blinded by vengeance, he murdered his own brother, thinking he was the one who tried to murder him first. They just overdid it. As far as « One Tree Hill » is concerned, they just wrapped everything up so well, you wished Lucas and Peyton would be here. Not that they were my favorite characters either, after all they were broody in the angsty and annoying way Clay and Quinn (favorite couple) never were. But their absence still feels unnatural. Another thing I regret, is how creators passed on the opportunity to edit a « house of Trick » CD, with songs from the episode's « concert » and some of the iconic scenes of the OTH series. Though I can appreciate the nods at all of US throughout the finale, for a show that relied so much on its soundtrack, it is unbelievable they never gave their fans a farewell mixtape. I know a reunion is probably out of the question, but I'm still curious to know how it all turned out for these characters, now that they are pushing forty.

Season ranking:

Season one: best episodes, they just flow naturally and the drama was more realistic.

Season two: great sequel. Ana and Felix still feel too at odds with the rest of the series. But it's the most iconic year in my opinion.

Season 7: the show rose from its ashes. The new cast was great (Alex was still tolerable) and the season finale was fun and chilling.

Season 3: it got a little too over the top and melodramatic. But it has some of the best episodes.

Season 9: one crazy ride. It's the true guilty pleasure season of One Tree Hill.

Season 6: It has a good mix of drama and comedy, and it was back when the show felt like comfort food.

Season 5: too short, but good. Only the way it focuses on the Peyton/Lucas/Lindsey love triangle. Makes it skip-able, when you know how it ends.

Season 4: the drama became ridiculous and barely any episodes stood out.

Season 8: it has some nice episodes, like the premiere, the thanksgiving , « Hangovers », « Kick-ass » and stuff specials. But it is also kind of dull and some characters come off as unlikable.
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Big yawn... Too chatty and emotionally empty.
19 February 2024
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The show fell into a catatonic state during the last portion of season 8. The episodes are tedious to watch, the songs are making up for the lack of interesting dialogues. And it's the preachiest the series has ever got. I think it reached its all time low, when Julian, Clay and Nathan started beating up the professor's son, because he was in fact, the one responsible for the accident (and that writers actually believed it was a good twist). Three against one, exactly what Nathan did at the start of the show, to deal with competition... And we're supposed to think these characters changed? They got older, but for all that none the wiser. And now, knowing what will happen to them next, I'm even more eager to rewatch season nine. Season I still find completely excessive, because of the perfect way this 8th season finale ended, with Jamie mimicking his uncle Lucas's « bridge walk ». But it's the most exciting the show has been since its beginnings.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Blandest movie ever made.
17 February 2024
I've never been this disinterested in a movie before. It's the first time I fell asleep watching one even. I thought Barbie land and the « real world » were exactly the same, they were both filled with obnoxiously stupid people who think they have something special to offer. How depressing... Is this the same movie that created a worldwide event? It felt like a Barbie doll package, without the doll and accessories inside. Just a big fat ugly, dated and tacky cardboard box with pretty colors, that don't even stick on paper. It was not funny, let alone thought provoking, or entertaining even. Just plain mind numbing and unnecessary. Never again!
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One Tree Hill: Holding Out for a Hero (2011)
Season 8, Episode 14
For the good laughs it gives me every time.
17 February 2024
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And VanSanten's killer bod... Season 8 is my least favorite. It's so unoriginal and stupid, you can see writers were at the end of their rope, and just came up with the most ridiculous ideas and ripped off movies plots, to last as long as the network would allow it. The only thing it did right, was not killing off Clay and Quinn, who are my favorite new characters/couple since last season, which is my third favorite. Great episodes, drama, characters, music and season finale. The Julian/Brooke wedding adventures, were worth the time, for bringing Sharon Lawrence into the fold. And giving us the crazy « hangovers » episode. Other than that, it was just the most annoying OTH couple, fighting, whining and making up. Rinse and repeat. In « Holding out for a Hero », the girls clearly found a new stash of pot brownies, and decided to roam the woods of Tree Hill, playing dress up. And it was funny as heck. The moment they came to the rescue of the bullied kid, was comedy gold, and a little awkward too. But it wasn't as cringeworthy as hearing Janalex auto tuning her weak voice, and Chase and Chuck bonding. The episode closes with another beautiful ballad, which is getting very redundant lately (one mellow track after another, each single scene, is just too much) but I liked the little nod at Smallville, which was about to air its series finale soon after. And how in the season in general, the theme song was covered by a different artist/band each week.
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Chick flick movie.
16 February 2024
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It is a good watch, but it's also very corny and over the top. And Houston's acting is horrendous. I always expect these « one time actors » singers to burst into song, because the way they act onscreen, is exactly how they do in the intro of their video clips. And in « Waiting to Exhale », Whitney Houston just over acts and overdoes the sassy act, to the point where we wonder if all the theatrics fit the Savannah character. To me it was a given barely all the male characters would come off as antagonistic, and I thought it was a lot more fun to see them play the « bad guys », than making these never ending cheesy love declarations. I always forget Wesley Snipes cameo, but it is by far my favorite guest appearance of the movie. The whole cast in general did a great job portraying each of their characters. I'm not very found of Bernardine, but Angela Basset shines in that role. Loretta Devine and Lela Rochon are a good match to their co-stars and bring something special to the friends dynamic, each time they share a scene together. Nothing bad to say about the actors either. Unfortunately, like I said earlier, it is way too girly, with some very cringeworthy dialogues. So it is not a movie everyone might appreciate, and has an above average runtime for a romantic comedy. The soundtrack is good too, 90s R&B was the best.
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Roswell: Graduation (2002)
Season 3, Episode 18
The series finale that redeemed all the bad.
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Roswell may pale in comparison to other series, but this episode reminds me why I love this show, and why I used to be obsessed with it. Season 3 is the shortest and the last one of the series, but that doesn't mean it's the worst either. It's the most entertaining of them all, and « Graduation » brought it perfect closure. It is full of twists and turns and at the end of it, you see the group leave Roswell (in a mini van...) and heading for new adventures, fans can easily write or imagine themselves. After risking their lives in a final battle with the FBI (the show's « big bad »). This season, the tension was high between characters, but not in a way that made you hate any of them. I think it even helped them grow and appear more sympathetic and relatable to the audience, which made their almost happy ending all the more satisfying. In spite of how underwhelming it feels every time I revisit it, I always put season one on a pedestal for its « gravitas », and get sucked into season 2 insane stories. But season 3 has the merit of not having one episode I don't like (even the weird « I married an Alien » has its upside), and the last one is my favorite of the whole series, with the pilot episode. I love how simple and effective they can be, and how each scenes matter. So, for all that, Roswell still has a special place in my heart. It wasn't the most popular show, but to me it was, I love the whole cast and I'm always surprised with how good and appropriate this finale can be. It even mentioned Maria's mother, whose presence was missing all season long. And the closing song remains the same on both the TV and DVD version.
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Twelve (2010)
The ending barely saved it.
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing I can say is, stick to the TV series. It's clear Twelve got its movie adaptation from the Gossip Girl series success. And it showed in all aspects of the movie. They even picked one of the actors as the lead, and let me say this, he is exactly like his character in the show. Only with a little more conflicted background. It's a darker version of the show, with heavy drugs and gunshots, and I'm sure everyone cheered when 50 Cents and Claude got shot. And laughed at the irony of the birthday girl being one of the casualties of this ridiculous shoutout. I'm always confused with the point of movies where no character is worth caring for, but Molly was the salvageable one. It's a shame Roberts acting was this abysmal though. It's clear the backlash the movie got is understandable, but if you get to the end like did, you'll find a little comfort in the semi-happy ending it got.
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One Tree Hill: Screenwriter's Blues (2009)
Season 6, Episode 16
His Leading Lady 2.0.
5 February 2024
This is the kind of episode that reminds me how One Tree Hill was a soapier Dawson's Creek. The similarities are so striking there, they even hired James Van Der Beek in a playing against type role. Which made him look even more desperate, to break his nice boy image... Since season 4 finale, the show had a hard time finding its footing, and season 5 was a transition time, where the Lucas/Lindsey/Peyton love triangle lost its spark the second time around. Season 6 on the other hand, had things on the right track. Nothing groundbreaking happened (and when it did, it was ridiculous), but it was just a nice way to catch up on the heroes lives, and listen to good tunes throughout. « Screenwriter's Blues » is the peak point of the season. The episode where the show stops being too crazy for its own good, and have the story back to last season's arc, with Lucas's first book getting its own movie adaptation. I'm always on board with self awareness, and they've done it nicely this time. The only thing I dislike about it though, is this silly Brooke obsession, and how changed writers (and Julian...) want us to see her. I'm sorry, but in what way? She's still the same ninny she was in high school, only now she « owns » her own clothing store, and harbors an even more annoying and whinier « rebel » mini-her. And is about to date, then marry one as well. I guess that's how much fuller circle her character could get... However the actress they picked to play her role (in Lucas's movie), was a good choice. Much can't be said about Peyton, whose storylines aren't what I prefer, this season. How more tragic can this character get? The scenes between Dan and Jamie are always my personal highlights, and how they « bickered » for the teacher's attention was cute. The opening scene with Nathan and Haley was funny as well. It's a decent season overall, better than I remembered.
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Law & Order: Blood Money (1999)
Season 10, Episode 8
I am getting sick of McCoy's temper tantrums.
23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
His selective outrage is beyond tolerable now. He who a couple of seasons ago was accused of serious charges, is playing judge, jury and executioner during each of his cases. A lawyer like him would be disbarred in real life. The way he badgers defendants based on his own « sensitivity » is making him the worst character of the show. And what was the point of all the unnecessary theatrics and red herrings? We know it's always the greedy white peoples who are guilty each time, so spare us the false element of surprise. This is the worst Law and Order season for me, it has the most simplistic and cookie cutter writing I've seen. And the newest seasons are worse apparently... In this episode for example, how old was Peter Grimaldi, when he worked for the life assurance company during the Holocaust? Fifteen? His client's son looked eighty. Ridiculous.
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