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The Sopranos: Boca (1999)
Season 1, Episode 9
I Forgot How Annoying This Epi Is
25 May 2024
So many of the facets of this episode are more than mildly annoying- the nonsense is crazy. From the ridiculous 'sports' they constantly try to show (volleyball on an outdoor court/goalie with no goalie gear/parents storming the field and no ejection/etc) and the insanely forced story of attempted suicide/moral authority of handling a situation rather than turning the degenerate in and destroying him legally, and then finally doing right. The insanity over Junior/Bobbi and THAT being the impetus for Tony's destruction by his uncle? It's always been so annoying how mouthy and disrespectful Meadow is to her parents, and even AJ, like there's not even any remotely responsible parenting done.

This is probable of the weakest episodes of the series, and I had completely forgotten how poorly written it was.
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
Forgot So Much
25 May 2024
We found ourselves with not much to watch so decided to rewatch The Sopranos- I find myself having completely forgotten about so many things; most annoying is how big of a narcissistic, whining, infantile baby Christopher is. Knowing what I know now, I don't know how much of it I can take without feeling great nausea rising in the pit of my stomach. I realize so much of the continuing plot depends on his shallow and pedantic reasoning, but it's so painful to watch such a demonstrably flawed person who thinks of only himself with little regard for anyone else in his way.

The episode itself is much more detailed than I recall, and being reintroduced to Agent Harris was a breath of fresh air. The ridiculous behavior during the therapists 'huddle' with Sam and the 'tough Jews' is infuriating- Jens ex and his incredible bias is nothing more than a bullying to insinuate himself into her life is so typical and her defending him is sweet.

The duplicitous and disgusting behavior by Livia and Junior is so much more devious than I remember and I can't believe how much disgust I have for two fictional characters, and Nancy Marchand was a real gem.
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Behind the Music: Wolfgang Van Halen (2024)
Season 2, Episode 3
One Question-WHY?
5 May 2024
Because his dad was a phenomenal guitarist with a gigantic ego who, along with his brother, managed to run off so many solid musicians and carve out a niche so the nepotism could carry on? Wolfgang is an average AT BEST musician, but got constantly elevated because dad and uncle Alex and mom Valerie constantly screeching about 'her Wolfie!!' what they did to Michael Anthony alone is unmitigated evil, and all to give this kid his spot. And now we have things like this because his father died due to the heaps of abuse he inflicted upon himself. There's far more worthy musicians in the world that a lot of people would enjoy a thorough episode on- Jon Bonham, and his son who has talent that's evident would be a great episode. Neil Peart? The man who was largely hidden behind his kit but is arguably one of the best drummers in all of rock yet no one knew much about and his band mates are still around to fill in the blanks. Just two excellent people to highlight and shine a much needed spotlight on this level of incredible talent rather than someone insisting on riding other's coattails, despite his feigned indifference to the contrary. This show has sunken so far from where it once was- and the ridiculous levels of forced racism/bigotry/sexism/etc are just unbelievable.
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So He Is Dead....
18 April 2024
Now we'll be subjected to documentary and film dissecting this man all over for a while- I was alive and old enough to be aware of the facts and how it all transpired. There's so much this case doesn't discuss, and even more that's come to light after it was made. Whether he was guilty or not was not for me to say- and this nonsense of white vs black regarding the verdict is absolutely ridiculous- many of my white friends simply did not see enough evidence to support his guilt. Many of us watched the trial in its entirety, and the evidence just simply did not support the case put forth by the prosecution. Absolutely abhorrent prosecution, a very educated and effective defense team, an incompetent criminal investigation into the case left the door wide open for the defense to pilot directly through holes so large that you could fly a 747 through them.

Furman was and still is a complete monster, the handling of evidence was demonstrably wrong, the trial judge was completely incompetent and should have been removed from the case the moment his ineptitude was revealed, and Marcia Clark/Chris Darden were just outwitted and outmatched at every single turn.

Now we have the revelation by the jury forewoman that the verdict presented was due in its entirety to the racial divide and having almost an entirely black jury was not inconsequential to that supposition. She point blank said that there was discussion in the jury room regarding this, and much of the questionable evidence was outright ignored. The glove farce was what sealed the deal, and so close to the end of the trial, played a large part in the verdict. Love them or hate them, the defense team was incredibly effective and very good at what they did. They managed to make a fairly experienced prosecution look like amateur hour, and inevitably won over the jury. I've sat on 4 separate juries- 1 being a federal jury, 1 a grand jury and 2 county court juries; I've been the foreman for 3, and I can say with absolute certainty, whether you like it or not, likability plays a huge part in guilty vs not guilty. When prosecutors are arrogant, ignorant and conceited, even if the evidence completely supports the case, juries will go out of their way to find loopholes to punish people deemed deserving. Cases aren't necessarily won or lost based on this, but it can make all the difference when sentencing is made or different degrees of guilt are offered.
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Impact x Nightline: The Skinny Shot (2023)
Season 1, Episode 17
Absolute Garbage
18 April 2024
One would have to wonder, which drug manufacturers are paying for these free promos done by once legitimate news sources. These same sources will rant and rave regarding their fall from grace, and when they do, this is but one example of the many to show.

These drugs are questionable at best for anyone considered morbidly obese by a medical professional, and coupled with diabetes type II. Due to the lack of long term studies in human trials, many of these possible side effects are quite possibly going to be commonplace after a few years on the market.

Things like serious mental health issues that no one will acknowledge, the dependence upon your body and brain that could see you having to titrate down much the same as an opiate issue, yet absolutely no one will mention, other than a minuscule portion of physicians/practitioners.

Despite the glowing reviews by our media elites, tread very carefully when considering these medications.
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20/20: How'd You Rather Die? (2024)
Season 47, Episode 27
What's With Podcasters?
14 April 2024
It seems like a very lazy manner to tell a story- glom on to a random (poorly done) podcast, take their mediocrity and commingle it with factual information provided by law enforcement and prosecutors who can make a story interesting and compelling, and turn it into a rambling, high school angsty rumor mill that was already told in 2014! 20/20 ran a full story on this exact topic a decade ago, but felt they could just add some nugget of newness that that's all of five minutes, and dump it into the ether as a 'new' episode. I feel like all these true crime shows are operating with this same formula lately, and they're not only burning the podcast world to the ground, they're destroying their own shows in the process. I suppose if that's your goal, well done, but seems a rather odd way to try and make a decent living.
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Insanely Lighthearted Portrait of Evil
9 April 2024
It's stunning how much evil is wrapped up in this 'funny haha!' look behind Holmes and her cadre of felons and frauds- there's so much to dissect but I'll give a brief summary of what Alex portrays as somewhat cheeky, but is criminally negligent: 1) Tyler Schultz- this poor kid (not under 18, but his youthful exuberance for Elizabeth is reasonable given his age and life experience) was all but destroyed but the sheer audacity of Holmes and her gang, Boyes and his gang, along with financially crippling he and his parents. All in order to manipulate him from being honest.

2) Ian Gibbons story is all but ignored, despite myriad evidence to show how corrupt his woman and her legal team were. Its is beyond reprehensible that this man felt he had no other alternative, given the career trajectory he had been on.

3) is it 'cute' when men seduce women to assuage power? We've seen countless documentaries surrounding this very subject, with men held as reprehensible and arrested for such acts; but shift to Elizabeth who PURPOSEFULLY manipulated considerably older men- some who were well beyond being able to distinguish the sham perpetrated by her (Kissinger and Schultz are great examples) and she targeted them specifically because she knew their image and influence would benefit her greatly. I don't find this somehow charming as much as Gibbey does.

4) the people who were hoodwinked into blood testing that led them to believe they had a serious/deadly disease weren't even talked to, and we have a phlebotomy instructor casually laughing. Cmon now.

5) families were completely and utterly destroyed by this criminal and her cohorts. Yet we have Werner and many others waxing philosophical on her behalf. Wut?

6) Dan Ariely- he's since been proven empirically to be a categorical fraud; manipulating data sets, attempting to coerce others into supporting his fraud, and some of this data HE USES TO SUPPORT HIS POINTS!! Does no one research or even use critical thinking skills anymore?

There's so much that could have been done to make this the documentary behind the deceits and disgusting behavior, yet she's portrayed as some damsel in distress who just made an 'oopsie'.
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Literally WHAT?
22 March 2024
So once again, here's the self-declared hero swooping in to pump up another pharmaceutical company in Ozempic! Seriously, how much is. Novo Nordisk paying her for this cute little infomercial, anyway?

This shilling by legacy media and pseudocelebs in favor of these companies is absolutely corrupt. I'll say this louder for people in the back- OBESITY IS NOT A DISEASE. PERIOD. If this is some sort of plague on society, then WHY are there no morbidly obese people puttering around Africa, the Middle East, China, etc? Funny how it's only a disease because it's practically in epidemic proportions in places with glutinous appetites, a lethargic populace, and an infatuation with a sedentary lifestyle.

Oprah half crying because somehow she's been fighting her brain this whole time is nauseating- but what's NOT being discussed are the incredibly serious side effects these injections are bringing about- serious mental health issues to the point that stopping this is not as easy as putting the syringe down, or you can risk serious withdrawal symptoms. There's a high risk of suicidal ideation, and you will be taking these shots the rest of your life, even if you happen to invest in good therapy and completely change your dietary habits, stopping this medication will result in gaining the weight back. Then there's the risk of cancer, which rises exponentially.

Please, do not take injections in the hopes of a miracle- there are no such treatments. This has been foisted on to the public for black label use with NO RESEARCH done as to long term ramifications. We just went through this with another injectable medication that we later discovered had undergone almost no clinical trials on humans, and now we're seeing the damages. Pharmaceutical companies only have your wallet on their minds and couldn't care less about your overall health.
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Why Do They Allow It?
9 March 2024
Between the prosecutors, police, and the HOST HERSELF stating this absolute nonsense about 'oh he hired an attorney and that's when we knew he must have something to hide!!!' For sobbing out loud, if anyone at this point is ever in close proximity to an horrific crime, I would absolutely implore them to immediately consult an attorney and not answer a single question without them being present. If you feel like these morons that always say the same thing- 'well I had nothing to hide! I wanted to give them everything I knew!', prepare yourself to be a suspect until you can prove your innocence because law enforcement holds no qualms with having a presumption of guilt, and it's completely your responsibility to prove yourself innocent, all while the actual perpetrators walk free, and all resources are spent on trying to prove you are the person. All at the cost of your career, family, friendships, the looks and accusations from random people, and a cloud of suspicion that hangs over you no matter where you go, what you do, and even when it's proven that someone else is responsible (if they haven't charged YOU) it's still there. So by all means, go ahead and don't hire an attorney- because according to every law enforcement official, and some of these ridiculous hosts, you've got something to hide.
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Tinfoil Hat Fodder?
3 March 2024
It's truly mystifying that there's still people out there using this rudimentary phrasing to describe something that's in no way something even remotely related to legitimate conspiracies that have come to be known as very true. There's so many examples that it defies logic to entertain people who know better than to follow a narrative just because that's the party line espoused. From RussiaGate, to Hunters laptop, to Project Sunshine, to MK-Ultra; the list is endless. But that's sort of the point, right? Cloud the data of proven and/or probable conspiracies with literally insane theories like flat earthers and things that are probably and demonstrably false, so you can cast aspersions on an entire population of people to make yourself feel safer and saner.

This series immediately gives vibes of that related to a hostage situation- shaky video, shots of someone calling himself a journalist, shots of papers strewn about and endless conversations including vast amounts of speculation that do nothing but go round and round in haphazardly crafted circles. Just when you think points may be connected, another circle starts spinning its way around and suddenly you're surrounded by scribbles roughly resembling circular objects but nothing coherent to string together. Some of the information is definitely compelling but trying to make sense of any kind or even connect one thing to another is almost impossible to do.

There's potential within but this long-winded, maniacal fever dream is so disjointed and meaningless and you're left with nothing memorable to relate to. In short, there's so much more to our government and the deeply threaded fabric that lies deep beneath the surface, and I doubt we ever get any sort of coherent complexities explained. There's an incredibly brief mention of the S and L scandal, you get brief shots of Bush Sr who ran the CIA well before becoming VP, absolutely no mention of the corruption of Carter, no mention of Louis Freeh, nothing about Clinton and his malfeasance, That of his wife, Obama, nothing. It's a lot of talking out of one side of the mouth, completely silence from the other, and not a sensible thing added in the least. If you're silly enough to believe that conspiracies are for the tinfoil hats then you deserve every ounce of your freedoms surrendered with no one to blame but your own hubris.
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Needs More Word-Of-Mouth
28 February 2024
This was absolutely heartbreaking and horrific to watch- do NOT let anyone under the age of at least 16 watch this, it's truly nightmare fuel and they're not old enough to understand the complexity of the case(s).

I'm glad that justice finally arrived and he is sitting exactly where he belongs- my feelings on th death penalty are irrelevant, but Judy wanted him to suffer in prison for life so that's what happened. It's truly disgusting that he couldn't admit the truth of his actions and for once be a man.

All that being said, there are a few major issues needing more attention- domestic violence and drug addiction. Those who are victims are usually a product of raising that also involved the affliction(s) but not always. Learning the cues immediately is paramount to saving victims. Perps will prey upon those with low esteem and start by love-bombing- showering victims with more love and attention than they have ever known and spend a lot of time on what looks like support but is anything but. It takes almost no time to make victims reliant on them for support and what they think is love. The gaslighting is overwhelming and before anyone realizes it, the victim is buying into the lies and feels cared for and loved. They'll alienate them from loved ones and:or friends. Stay close to anyone you suspect is a victim and softly support, maintain contact and love them.

As far as addiction-how tragic is it that Judy became a victim due to cancer? We must do more for addicts; drug courts are working mostly, but we need better recovery services for those who struggle repeatedly. And not just for the addicts, but the families of addicts to give them support from something other than just AA/NA/etc., that is clearly not enough and legislation needs to change if we hope to make even a dent in the problem.

I'm so sorry to this wonderful family and I sincerely hope Judy's children and family have sought therapy to help them heal these deep wounds and find their hope again.
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I Can't Decide Who I Hate More...
20 February 2024
Between the mother who basically called her daughter a liar in the most passive aggressive manner, who ignore countless red flags, who couldn't see what was happening right in front of her, even though he threatened to kill her more times than could be counted, and pretends everything is just fine. You're at least 70, it's blatantly apparent you haven't a lick of sense in your head, despite your years of life.

The granddaughter (Sierra) who seemingly is too completely moronic, I half expected the person she went to with her discoveries to be a psychic. She keeps claiming to not want to bother people, but doesn't bother to do a single bit of research into families of murder victims with no answers, and how desperately they cling to the hope that some day they'll finally get the answer to all the questions. She's constantly putting HER BARE HANDS all over every piece of physical evidence with no thoughts as to evidentiary integrity. She spends far too much time talking about pointless drivel that has no bearing on what this absolute abomination did. WHY DID SHE NOT IMMEDIATELY GO TO LAW ENFORCEMENT? I swear to God all she ever says is 'I'm so freaked out right now!' It's like the worst Scooby-Doo episode ever. So this entire 4-episode snoozefest was an attempt to grift off of Zodiac? STOP. IT.

The daughter who's the mom of Sierra (Shannon)- they disposed of an entire box of possible trophies of victims of Jim, because they were just tired of it all? WHAT?! So there's all these CHILDREN who died and you could hold the key to it all and just 'screw it, I think I took it to a thrift store or something!', like it's totally normal and understandable.

This so-called Zodiac 'expert' by whose account exactly? Because he wrote a book? These people seek out their victims for specific reasons-murderers don't just turn their entire MO on a dime, going from couples to children.

This entire series is so much blather that it's stunning to think it was stretched into FOUR EPISODES. It's not shocking at all that this complete snore is from Ron Howard and Brian Grazer- (what ever happened to Grazer's #MeToo claims?) these two have taken what could have been good subjects to cover and turned them into something that came straight from TMZ or National Enquirer, and spat out over-produced, tacky nonsense that works better for falling asleep than anything remotely related to engrossing television.
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Argylle (2024)
Can They Just Stop Already?
8 February 2024
I don't know what BDH has on all these people or maybe it's her dad's doing, but she seriously CANNOT sustain an entire movie, especially the mess this 2.5 hour thing is. She's a decent enough supporting character but in no way is she capable of taking an entire film on her back and carrying it across the finish line.

The flick is convoluted with farcical puzzles that don't even begin to make sense on the surface, much less diving beneath to explore the subplot that's an even bigger mess. I feel like I was duped into seeing this by the mostly amazing cast, knowing full well anything released after January 1 through to late spring is generally a bit giant nothing, but chucking my knowledge aside because Sam Rockwell and Henry Cavill (of which I absolutely love everything they've done to date). Surely they both wouldn't sign on to a script that was this vapid, right? Catherine O'Hara? I don't think I've ever seen her in anything I wouldn't sit through just to watch her.

Hollywood continues to struggle under the delusion that we need them and surely we know how valuable name recognition is and will fork out hard earned cash to see a scant few of the super shiny people, I was falsely hooked by a solid trailer and forged ahead, against my better judgment, despite every bone in my body telling me to run the other way.

I and quite a few others left the theater before it even ended it was so horribly written; like this 'author' and her backstory that the powers-that-be inexplicably let languish over all her previous work, but now suddenly there's issues? That's only one example, but I assure you there's so many others.

I'm not about giving up the entire game, just trying to tell you that if you just can't help yourself, despite the numerous attempts to warn you, wait for the streaming release. At least then you can forgive yourself for indulging in the privacy of your own home, you didn't have to bundle yourself, traipse through snow, and spend $500 on soda and popcorn.
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Bit Hyperbolic But Not Bad
30 January 2024
Not horrible but listening to these people talk you'd think they saved the world-the song was average, I think it was more that all these 'shiny people' were all together at the same time. So many iconic artists that have withstood time but some of the people included had no business being included (Cyndi Lauper, Dan Akyroyd, to name a few) and the song was more a giant promo for Pepsi than it was anything remotely associated with Ethiopia. All these people could have kicked in enough money to really make a difference but they're asking people living paycheck to paycheck to throw money at them so they could take credit for the donation. 'We're saving our own lives'? Seriously? There's so many wonderful artists who weren't even considered for this (John Denver or Dolly Parton anyone?) but people like Dylan who absolutely talk-sings, and DOES NOT sing with a choir, they lost Waylon who was an actual legend, over being completely unorganized, but somehow they were able to pull it all together and make a song. They did raise incredible amounts of money and did so in a way that dispersed it in very intelligent and creative ways that utilized the funds in a wonderful way, all because Harry Belafonte had a vision and wanted to make a difference. And for that, it's pretty cool and I'll give it 6 of 10.
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Dateline NBC: The Room Downstairs (2024)
Season 32, Episode 21
Possibly Interesting However
6 January 2024
It feels like we're being constantly punished with Andrea Canning as the host of this and the last two episodes, and the next episode tomorrow- she's constantly asking the most ridiculously obvious questions that insult the intelligence of the viewer and the person being interviewed. Not even an attempt to be journalistic in her approach to a story and zero respect for those who've passed. Through multiple polls online she's always the least favorite host, and has absolutely nothing to do with her being female- she is always approaching a story like it's tabloid news rather than behaving and appearing like a journalist that's telling an intriguing story.

NBC needs to do better- surely there's Keith or Josh episodes in the can that could be played rather than subjecting viewers to this nonsensical punishment to ears and eyes. A single episode is far too much, especially four in a row. Either hire new (better) hosts if Keith, Josh and Dennis are unable to do their jobs, but stop giving this phony all the episodes.
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Can We Stop With This Woman?
2 January 2024
Paolo is bad enough but this complete moron who constantly tries to claim she's a journalist is just too much. She is absolutely NOT a victim and ignored constant red flags and giant neon warning signs that were flashing brightly. She chose to push all this aside in order to achieve a 'dream life' that was never within her grasp to begin with. What's worse is, she drug her child right into the muck of the mess. There's no discussion of the trauma her child suffered and I feel like it's due to being afraid how it would be interpreted, but even worse? Actual victims that were murdered by this fraud and Benita still manages to make this ALL ABOUT HER. STILL. Small children, men, women, people who'd never have died otherwise, people grasping at straws to try and get more time, and this monster saw nothing wrong with playing with their lives and that of their families, but this dingbat was jilted so we aren't supposed to pay attention to anyone but BENITA. How much of a narcissist this woman is plays on full display when you look back about five years and realize how much 'work' she's had done to her face. She's as disgusting as Paolo and they both deserve to rot. Stop talking about her.
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Caught in the Net: Out of Chaos (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
What Nonsense
14 December 2023
So a bunch of garbage punks are rioting continuously up and down the street, nobody possesses a lick of sense in their head enough to walk away, and we're supposed to suspend disbelief in these obvious witnesses that nobody saw a thing. Okydokey.

These idiots knew exactly what they were doing, people knew there was intent to murder, everyone slamming into cars parked along the road, people standing around with broom handles, because someone 'disrespected' a girl, someone else 'disrespected' a grandmother, and no one sees a problem here? New York and their cashless bail system only encourages these idiots to riot, behave like animals, outright brawl in the street, without a single sane adult in sight, and no parenting to be found. That these law enforcement officers actually have the nerve to say this was some sort of 'one off' would be hysterical if it wasn't completely grotesque. Or saying none of these witnesses saw a single thing because their focus was elsewhere? The victim came out of nowhere and straight coldcocked a guy in the head numerous times and was playing a dangerous game of FAFO- if you really want to save these kids, start charging parents with neglect, endangerment and abuse. Force these monstrous narcissists to parent their kids and a good chink of these issues vanish. I'm truly sorry this young man died but you cannot expect to live a long life when you're constantly trying to play stupid prizes.

Second degree murder is an insult- this murderous thug will be out on the street within 10-12 years and is is absolutely abhorrent and in no way any type of deterrent to others committing the same crimes.
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Far Too Salacious....
29 November 2023
There's a lot of information to process with this crime and so much unnecessary and ridiculously insidious information put into the fray- from George's gross attorney making numerous excuses, to people who have the audacity to claim that these hilljacks weren't capable of doing precisely what they did, to details of Angela's half-brother gossiping about things he really didn't need to say, there's so much information that didn't need to be here, and this could have been one episode of 1-2hours.

Devine has showcased his ineptitude numerous times from this murder case, all the way to the train derailment that poisoned people, and his statements regarding illegal drug use by the victims was completely and utterly absurd. When he was actually claiming that these murders could be connected to Mexican cartels we knew what an absolute moron he was. I'm glad these producers did put this in, so perhaps the voters in Ohio can be competent enough to remove him from office.

This defense attorney is beyond pathetic, and that he's allowed to ramble on and on with no pushback from anyone is beyond disgusting- the statements he makes and the accusations he hurls is incomprehensible, and George deserves exactly what he got. That the prosecution allowed Angela to walk away from this crime with only 30 years is beyond disgusting- she was absolutely the mastermind of this entire debacle and all should be in prison until they're vacated from this earth. How people can, in good conscience, do what these abominations did is beyond contempt and that Billy thinks he can withstand a trial is the most shameful and grotesque aspect remaining.

There's so much that didn't need to be shown here but yet, unless you can sift through the unnecessary drama with a quick fast forward, you're going to find yourself watching a lot of pointless nonsense.
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Speculatory Disguised As Documentary
12 November 2023
Where do I even begin to describe the absolute abomination calling himself some sort of Zodiac 'expert'? Tom Horan has a podcast and loves attention, and what better way to take in money over the brutal deaths of numerous people than to hurl ridiculous and insane theories with no proof whatsoever, with an unbelievably oblivious filmmaker? If this is what qualifies as a means to funding your picture, there's many of us who've lived long enough to go ahead and pull funds to do the same.

I'm not quite sure what qualifies him (Horan)- he proclaims that he's read all evidentiary information, every single news article, and since he's an English professor AND teaches journalism (this explains a lot in regards to our current state of what's now called journalism) he's now an expert. This somehow gives enough credentials to now make wild accusations and distortion of facts regarding the murders presumably perpetrated by 'Zodiac'.

What's worse is there's little to no resistance to the inflammatory and insidious attacks pushed into the ethos by this hacktivist. I would suppose that to present valid arguments against the insanity would completely negate making 2 episodes and the ultimate conclusion would be there's no 'there' there.

Even these other experts brought in to prop up this narrative are so unbelievably naive- as an example, the linguists. There's a rather bold proclamation that it's impossible to change handwriting and specific grammar in order to write many different letters and be seen as written by the same person, when there's supposedly so many inconsistencies that make it all but factual that more than one has written them. This, in and of itself, tells anyone with functioning brain cells that it is not only wrong but incredulous to assume.

I'm certain that journalists have completely lost their way (and minds) but it seems that filmmakers and financiers of said films have also sunken into a sort of delusional mindset, and one that suggests that you can say the most ridiculous things if you wait long enough so that almost everyone associated is either deceased, lost or no longer able to be interviewed for a multitude of reasons.

Make no mistake, I believe there exists evidence to suggest this may not have been the work of one person, but this simply doesn't put forth any verifiable evidence to support this cheap lawn chair of a production. If you're a student being instructed by Horan, I'd be demanding a full refund.
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Absolutely Dismal Display of Storytelling
11 November 2023
The more true crime I've watched, the more I'm absolutely convinced that capable, qualified and competent filmmaking is all but dead. This series is FAR TOO LONG, a single episode would have sufficed at a two-hour length and everything that still remains unknown would be unknown.

There's some interesting evidence that suggests Lewis is likely the perpetrator, but he was careful enough to keep from being linked to the case in any significant way. Sure, you could test capsules and whatnot for DNA, but my GOD, you have to remember this is cyanide- to handle this substance you absolutely have to wear strong gloves, and possibly a mask to avoid inhaling particulates. The state can present a whole lot of evidence to be tested, but the likelihood of even trace amounts of DNA being present is unlikely.

There's so much nonsensical information shoved in here, and a lot of people trying to put the cape on to portray themselves a hero, and we're even subjected to wild accusations, absolutely insane conspiracy theories, and a lot of blame for people who seem to have forgotten what life was actually like in the 80s. For sobbing out loud, NOTHING had safety caps, seals, etc., and far worse/more dangerous products than Tylenol. WE HAVE ICE CREAM THAT IS ABLE TO BE OPENED that became a ridiculous trend for a while.

The moronic 'journalists' (although I believe the female voice is a producer) who are gross in their approach and absolutely speaks to the quality of journalism as a whole in this current time. Brad is like fingernails on a blackboard type of bad at this in particular and I'm so grossed out by the 'meeting' with the nurse and fireman and the niece and great niece and talking about this like it's so unbelievable that no one has been arrested and this absolutely juvenile young girl is somehow an investigator and has the answers? Stop it and stop making yourself the story.

I sincerely hope someone else can pick this up as a story and put something coherent and compelling on the screen.
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Brad Is To Journalism
11 November 2023
What Meghan Markle is to the Royal family- why the producers felt this yutz was in any way necessary or even qualified to take this on and for an entire episode is mind-numbing.

His whole approach is this sensational type of journalism that bears no fruit, functions almost whole cloth on nothing but pure speculation- to the point that when talking with a former officer about the Ray West murder, he actually allows him to answer 'oh that's what I heard!', offers no follow up regarding this accusation, or for formal evidence from the investigation.

He spends a lot of the time sitting in his car or ordering someone on the other end of his phone, with absolutely no progress whatsoever being made, other than the insipid knock-and-confront tactic of shoving a camera and mic in the person's face, and then spend twenty minutes congratulating themselves on their bravery, despite no progress or evidence produced.
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Butchers of the Bayou: Episode 1 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Could Be Good But Timeline Is So Jumbled
3 November 2023
First- what kind of a narcissistic wannabe calls herself a 'serial killer EXPERT'? This woman with the hair of straw and enough eyeliner to supply every middle school girl in the state of Louisiana. She apparently graduated from LSU, but nothing remotely related to criminal sciences, legal areas, forensics, psychology, sociology, anything even remotely relevant to being an expert in the area of serial killers or their modus operendi, but she's apparently written a book so she feels that this determines her to be an expert? She makes the most obvious points that any normal person could deduce, without much effort. How she's featured so prominently suggests she's some sort of producer of the series.

They spend an awful lot of time trying to establish a ridiculous timeline that jumps back and forth needlessly, some woman who doesn't know this murderous moron who lets him just walk in her home, tell her he wants to move in and take care of her, and she's dismissive ONLY because she just got out of a divorce. No really.

The perpetrator is caught at one point, BUT THEY LET HIM TAKE A PLEA DEAL. So guess what happens next?

Just a poorly told story about an absolute monster with the most inept narrator in Ms. Mustafa. I just can't watch another episode due to all the aforementioned issues plus so much more to list.
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Rather Intriguing Fargo, Australia
24 October 2023
This was quite a surprise and I found myself intrigued from beginning to end- a very quirky, frustrating, enigmatic tale of the murder of someone who may or may not have been a great Irish immigrant, may or may not have been a great neighbor, may or may not have been a pot-stirrer, and his dog (NO NOT THE DOG!!) neither of which deserved to be killed in cold blood for nothing in particular.

The residents are a menagerie of characters- some of which feel quite slimy- amongst them Fran and Owen, of which seem to be painted in an unflattering light yet they do absolutely nothing to help themselves fight the portrayal. They're both quite vitriolic and full of blame for all their problems on anyone but themselves. Then there's Karen and.her husband, but she seems to like the camera more than her husband. The name definitely seems to fit, as she epitomizes it in virtually every way possible.

So many people are castigated by the others, including a lot of whining, miserable miscreants who can't seem to find a way to keep a business afloat yet keep plenty busy with keeping the rumor mill running full steam, having no problem with tossing ridiculous accusations and nonsensical claims with absolutely no regard for the man who has been missing and presumed dead or those they happen to share a community with.

All that being said, it's a seemingly lighthearted and somewhat cheeky true crime documentary but never loses sight of the fact that an innocent man lost his life and has never been heard from again. It's a rather interesting story told in a fascinating way that's a fresh new way, so be prepared for every budding artist to now put their spin on this and fill the void with some of the insipid work the genre has seen since Jimmy Hoffa went for a walk.
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What A Waste of Space
17 October 2023
Who in the world keeps funding these supposed 'creatives' passion projects that have absolutely no point to make yet the potential is astronomical? Maybe I need to start filming docuseries because I certainly couldn't do any worse and apparently there's vast sums of money to be made.

The marketing for JUUL initially was insipid- like they were marketing the new iPhone? Sorry but Gen Z has the attention span on a fruit fly- your marketing should have focused on Xers and millennials trying to quit smoking with money to spend. You have no control over what moronic teens do, maybe some parental supervision might be in order, and stop trying to be their friends?

I refused to use a JUUL- the marketing was ridiculous, the juices were horrendous, and I went to a local smoke shop, found a Novo Smok and never smoked a single cigarette again. I'm not naive enough to think that there's no risk inherent with vape use, but you'll never convince me that it's worse. The insane hearings of Congress were so obviously guided by big tobacco lobbying, knowing their time has finally come. Then you get these stupid teens making themselves such obvious targets for attention, (sorry but the MsWeenz? She's at least 25, how in the world is she being portrayed as a teen? Wut?) with the most obnoxiously stupid parents with zero clue and not even remotely curious to research WHAT THEIR CHILDREN ARE DOING?

I'm sorry but 45-year old Taylor Lorenz needs to stop being added to these shows- she's the antithesis of anything remotely cool and/or knowledgeable regarding the culture and youth. I've never cheered harder for a lawsuit to be successful regarding her case against her outright lying and defamation of people. Go away Taylor, nobody likes you.
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20/20: Snatched (2023)
Season 47, Episode 4
ABC and the FBI Apology Tour
15 October 2023
What a catastrophe of an investigation- tore up from the floor up- because no one bothered to do their jobs correctly or coherently. If the FBI was SO aware of the involvement of Heinrich early on, then WHY ON EARTH was no one watching this piece of excrement so when he was seemingly constantly preying on all these young boys, he could have been caught? Why was no one taking these kids coming forward and telling their stories seriously? A guy trying to do the right thing tries to help as much as he can suddenly becomes a legitimate suspect to the point that the inept female agent actually admits OUT LOUD that his reaction to their insanely grotesque questions wasn't what THEY felt they should be makes him the killer of Jacob? WHAT?! I'm sorry that the Wetterling family were forced to wait as long as they did for answers, and that so many people failed them at so many times. Had our corrupt FBI done their job correctly and with ethics and proper procedures, Heinrich would have been in prison FOR LIFE for his murder and likely prevented any more suffering. Maybe if corporate media weren't trying so desperately to rehab these corrupt and contemptible agencies, and instead did their job and held them accountable, our country wouldn't be the mess it is now.
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